(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Phy/DQ- I oso have nothing in mind to shop at the fair. Just go and look see look see lo.. if nothing to see, we just settle at one of the eatery and chit chat? I'm bringing K along in ergo carrier...

I'm ok to meet after 3pm - so tentative shall we fix at 3.30pm, we shall meet at the fair's entrance?

Phy - I have not try going to loo with K in ergo carrier too! In fact, I got problem sitting with her in carrier liao...think my body to short...kekeke

Breast lumps/block ducts - over the weekend, had lumps again on the left breast. it just keeps coming back! Yesterday night I took half hour to press/compress the lumps.... wah, pain was indescribable lor... now clear liao, dun know when will it back again! It seems to haunt me every month..argh!!!

LT - we will usually soak with detergen tovernight K's clothes when they are stained with milk before washing... but if they are home clothes, I dun bother lah...

Morning mummies,

I'm desperate for advice : I woke up at 430 am with an extremely sore right breast , first time, very painful. Even after expressing twice, still the same. Where do I go for treatment? Normal gp, women's clinic, breast specialist or back to Kk?

fazzy - have you tried express with hands... more effective than pump... is it hard? if it is tried to clear the hardness with hand express...

else you can contact mdm ida first... if you develop fever, then please go and lactation consultant...

LT : its just scalding hot water with detergent, will get off those stubborn milk stains [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milk is oily, so boiling hot water will rid the oil thats stickg to the clothes . hope it helps

Hi Sito,

my bb also has slight cough recently... i am not sure whether it is cough or due to he is too thirsty. He does not want to drink milk when he is awake.

My hb said he has slight cough because he too thirsty. Heard from old folks we need to let baby to drink bit of plain water.

It is like the flu & cough season! A couple of my colleagues are down with cough & flu & not sure if I got my cough from them… =X

Mu hub and I are having those itchy throat kinda cough & my baby too!

I think I spread it to them… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby carrier - on friday, bought K with ergo carrier to expo for a sports fair with hubby. then that night, MIL asked me to teach her how to use the ergo carrier... have any of you let your child caregiver to use the carrier on your baby? Somehow dun really like the idea of mu MIL using the carrier...very scare she tripped with my baby how? or worst she cant buckle the strap well and K drop how? maybe i think too much....

Eliss, I showed my mum how to use the carrier and she immediately got turned off cos it looks complicated to her, haha!

maybe u show ur MIL a few times and ask her to do it for u to see..

By the way can the ergo carrier carry baby facing outwards?


you think too much liao. hehehe. my mom was the 1st person in my family to use the carrier - she uses bjorn carrier and sometimes the sarong sling. but need to remind them to be careful lor. my mom is more pro in using them than I. the 1st time i used the carrier, i was soo afraid the carrier wd give way and baby wd slip out

OK - i will show her how to do it then and see if she can grasp it...

SK - nope ergo carrier cant let baby face outwards because the mechanism of ergo is to let them sit deep into the carrier...

eliss: im ok to meet on fri @ 330pm! cya there!! gonna brg H there to meet u & K! =)

my mum uses the sarong sling on H. she damn pro lah.. used the sling on my nephew & niece. she even used the kampong style carrier (those 4 strings tie in front kind) on both H & nephew.

ive no issues w tat cuz i trust my mum. if my mil wanna use i'll... errm.. make noise also. hahaha.. i super double std one! lol!!

mum also used ergo on H & niece b4. but she nva tried to buckle up on her own. was done by sis & myself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dq you're so funny. But I think it's normal to have double standard with mil, haha.

Rice cereal - took my bb for her 2nd round of vaccines last week. Pd said I can start bb on rice cereal already. So early? Thought it's better to wait till 6mths? Anybody feeding their bb rice cereal already?

ica -

Guesss what... I bot Inglesina initially but realised that when the harness (cushion part) is too high for my boy. My hub went to speak to the sales person and they decided it was a design flaw. So in the end, returned it and bot a Britax instead. Altho (accord to hub) Inglesina seems like a safer seat.

Eliss/Phy/DQ -

would you gals mind if I gatecrash ur gathering? Its fine if its not convenient since I haven't met any of u! Altho my showing will have to depend on baby's nap time.

claudia - welcome welcome... shall we make it 4pm instead cuz just remembered i usually pump around 3+...


my baby was 8kg at 4mth weigh in. doc said usu baby will be intro to cereal if weight is v much lower than ideal so if yr baby has healthy wt then its ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Singtel has some sort of package thing I think .. I considered doing stg liek that sometime ago but in e end did not .. so vaguely recall stg like that

Hi mummies,

Could you share ur baby's weight and height please?

Worried if my bb is under weight and height..

sigh.. he seems to be rejecting his milk these days.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eliss: 4pm is good.

tinkerbell: my boy is 7.1kg @ 4mths old. not sure abt the ht... cuz i took the wt @ home on my on weighing scale.

oh ya... he's rejecting milk these days too...


my boy is 7.35kg at 4mths. height is 66cm

PD said over weight. He said normal weight for 4 mths should be around 6 - 6.5kg..

My bb has been rejecting milk for the past 2 weeks. We only can dream feed him. He wont drink any single drop if he is awake.

Maybe u can try to dream feed him since he always reject milk


my girl is the same size as your boy! oh my! at 4 months, 10 days, she was 7.33kg, 66.5cm but PD didn't say anything woh. and i also didn't ask. heee...what was your boy's weight at birth? mine was 3.7kg. but if i calculate her BMI, she's ok woh...

my girl is also not liking her milk much these days.

Rejecting milk cos bb more responsive to the surroundings? Did u all try feeding bb in the room without any other distractions? If i feed mine in the living room with people walking ard, she will kpo kpo don't drink too but if i feed her in the room then she will mostly finish her 130ml feed.


26th Nov - Friday - Singapore Expo Hall 4A - 1600 hrs meet at event entrance...

Look look see see, after that, chit chat session one of these venues

1) Coffee Bean, foyer, 2nd floor

2) Macau Express, outside hall 4

3) Texas fried chix, outside hall 4

so far, we have

1) Eliss

2) Marie (DQ)

3) Bindi (Noknok)

4) Claudia (maybe)

by the way - its sitex weekend at expo too... so be prepared to see lots of ppl...And there's a

The Mega Flea Market 3

26 November 2010 - 28 November 2010

Event type : Retailer & Sales

Venue : Hall 3B

Admission : Public - Free Admission

Event Schedules :

26th Nov: 12pm to 10pm

27th & 28th Nov: 10am to 10pm

Show Profile :

The Mega Flea Market 3 is definitely the must-go event of this November! Indulge yourself in the vibes of the biggest indoor and air-conditioned flea market in Singapore!

Be truly spoiled by the variety of items put up for sales by over 200 and more stalls hosted by public vendors. There will be novelty toys, fashion items, accessories, home-decorations and more surprises up for grabs at affordable prices. This is the place to be for everyone to do shopping and dining as well.

Guests will be given a surprise gift if they bring along a copy of the flyer/newspaper advertisement of The Mega Flea Market 3 to the redemption counter. Be there to be thrilled by the fiesta mood and pick up a piece or two of the featured items for yourself and your loved ones.

We promise that nobody will go home empty-handed this November!

Bright Star Kids:

Anyone order labels from bright star kids before? How long does it take for it to reach ur home? I ordered on 10 Nov and it's already shipped! Until now still haven't receive the labels! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My girl went infant care liao :p

Infant care:

Today is the first day for my 17 weeks Megan at infant care. In the morning she cry and cry. Lucky I took leave today, then feed her 1 bottle of milk, play with her at a exersacuer before secretly leave. :p Hide in 1 corner to observe her... once she look up from the exersacuer, she turn her head frantically to look for me, then she burst out crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then a teacher went to attend to her, then I left. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Food: Shall we fix on potluck?

Gift Exchange - shall we spice things up a little on the gathering and have a mini gift exchange. Each family will bring a gift (with a cost of $15)???

Date: 12th Dec (Confirmed)

Location : Aloha Changi Halton Terraces, 565 Halton Rd, Unit D

- Sandy will absorb the cost cause her family will be staying

Now... we jus need the names - please copy the entire post with ur name below. thanks

1. Serene & Hubby

2. Jaclyn

3. Irene & Hubby

4. Jasline & Hubby

5. Annie & Hubby

6. Lynn

7. Nicole

8. DQ

9. keropi

10. quartzie

11. Eliss & hubby

12. Sandy & Hubby

13. Noknok & Hubby

14. jellypurin - no food for us. will drop by to say hi :)

15. Pris


so true! if i dun talk with my girl while feeding, just focus at her, she'll finish her milk. if there's ppl walking about, she'll stop drinking

quartzie, ica,

same here...whenever i feed my boy in the public (baby room, restaurant, etc), he will be very KPO...head turn here and there...he will still drink but after he is done KPO-ing but will not finish the entire bottle...

Today is the first day I return to work... Getting used to rushing to pump n store at work.. Quite happy I have abreak fr the kids. Don't even seem to miss them haha.. I remember during #1"s time, I cried buckets and was so guilt stricken to leave bb behind at home.


H still wakes at night? R still does. I gotta help me lie on his side n fall bk to zzzland every night. If not he will end up playing in the dark... But at least it has been reduced to once a night now... Keeping fingers crossed

Hi Ica,

wow yr girl weight at birth was 3.7kg... very big size.

Did u deliver at Gleneagles? i remember saw 1 baby girl pushed by the nurse to the nursery room on either 10/11 july her birth weight was 3.7kg...

Mummies, I will be going to the baby fair this fri.

I am going to buy a cot… my hubby might accompany me if he can leave work.

Otherwise, I’ll be alone. Can I join u guys then?

I just realize it’s gonna be v troublesome to bring my pump and etc while I shop!

Cos my bag not big enuff & I carry 2 bags to work daily!

Hi Chelz

My boy is 7.3Kg, 66cm at 4months. Pd said he is over average but not overweight. around 75 pecentile. How come diff Pds say diff things..? :S

Pneumococcal vaccine

Can I check with mummies whose babies have pneumococcal jab already. this jab is to be given at 3rd, 4th, 5months and then 1 year? This is what my Pd said, to follow what GSK has advised for the vaccine. But the Health Promotion Board said is 3rd, 5th month and 1 year. I find it confusing leh..

Baby fair

I will be going on Sat only..around 1pm...any mummies going @ that time? Think got a few items to buy: bb carrier (haven't bought!!), educational dvds, toys.


26th Nov - Friday - Singapore Expo Hall 4A - 1600 hrs meet at event entrance...

Look look see see, after that, chit chat session one of these venues

1) Coffee Bean, foyer, 2nd floor

2) Macau Express, outside hall 4

3) Texas fried chix, outside hall 4

so far, we have

1) Eliss

2) Marie (DQ)

3) Bindi (Noknok)

4) Claudia (maybe)

5) Phy

6) SK

There's a baby care partition near subway, in there there three BF partition...you can pump/BF there. there's even hot water access. but it can be noisy wor...

SK - try to time such that you dun have to bring your pump out? that's what I going to do lor... bring my dotter's barang barang will do...

SK - I oso bring two bags to work everday - sigh.... sometimes too lazy, will squeeze everything into the medela bag...

Anyone using KS Classic Noel Baby Bag and managed to put freestyle pump/ice pack/baby items into it?


no, i delivered at Mt E, on 9 July. in the nursery, my baby looked like a giant compared to the rest of the babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when out shopping, sometimes my mom will compare my baby's size with the rest of the babies - she's about the size of a 7-8 mth baby...like her father lor

Hee Ica/Vernie, ya lor they easily distracted, once i feeding halfway then admiring her eyes, nose, lips then i smile hahaha she smiled back then don't want drink liao. So now i know cannot even smile to her while feeding

Me too want go the fair take a look. If my boss approve my leave on friday then i can join the mummies on fri hee can I? Otherwise i'll have to go on Sat which is confirmed going to be super crowded...

eliss: mine is PIS backpack.. if bring it to work really dun suit me.. hahaha! so no choice put separately.. i am looking for a nice handcarry tote to put cos i am using a free ENFAMAMA bag haha.. maybe fri i bring a bigger bag to throw everything in.

Mummies, does your babies play with their feet? Mine just discovered his feet recently, kept touching them. He even held on to his feet while in the car seat and dozed off holding them. So funny! Wondering if he will suck his toes one day?


hi mommies. how is everyone doing?

talking about bb's weight and height, mine had his taken 2 weeks back and he is 7.445kg and 68cm tall. 75th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. PD says normal.

pneumo jabs

my package includes a booster taken at 1yo. the rest is take at 2mth, 5mth and 9mth

