(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


My bb also drink little about 100-125ml per feed, my Pd said my bb is with shallow stomach, cannot force feed.but have to feed my bb more frequent /more times with smaller feeds.

I notice if my bb drink 125ml, after a while she will vomit maybe like 20-25ml of milk out..think her small tummy only can digest 100ml every feed.

Pd said if I'm very concern about my bb weight gain,I can start her on rice cereal faster as solid will helps in gaining weight faster, that's what my Pd told me.

I have started my bb on rice cereal 2days ago, and she like spoon feeding more than drinking milk,hope she will gain weight faster, kiasu mummy!


Irene>> NUK wide teats can be used on avent bottles? I tried but doesn't seem to be able to fit perfectly.

My NUK teats are from the NUK Premium Choice BPA free milk bottles...are they the same wide neck teats as yours?

mrslong, seems like i'm not the only one having problems using NUK wide teats on avent bottles. keeps leaking, i stopped using it.

Junie: Mine fit perfectly! I use NUK premium choice teats #1 for 0-6 months with Avent bottle (both 125ml and 260ml). Refer to pictures below.



Hi mommies,

I just got a 2nd hand jumperoo but my little boy is a bit too short for it so intending to rent it out for 1 month first. Collection at my house in Jurong West. Renting at $30 (toy rental website renting at $40). If interested, please PM me.

Today I happen to see 2 white dots on my boy's lower gum when the 2 lower front teeth are supposed to be. But when I ask daddy to take a closer look, Kayden dun let anyone see le.. he keep sticking out his tongue. Hopefully it's not ulcer or something bad.


Kindly ignore the above post on the renting of jumperoo. After discussion with hubby, we decided not to rent it out. Tried to delete the post but unable to do so.

Ann tink ur Kayden might be teething don worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i went for jab on mon and doc says bb teething soon.

jaclyn: my girl also has clammy feet. hands too.. but other than that she seems ok so i dun bother much. i think if bb growing well should be ok. i rem i read that a bb who has enough milk will have 6-8 wet diapers a day right? if ur bb has, then he should be well.

my bb used to drink every 3 hrs. but recently she will also refuse milk and now it has stretched to 4 hrs interval. but the qty she is drinking is still the same. perhaps it is a sign they are gg to start solids cos they are less interested in milk?

i am expressing about 150-200ml each session. on good days i can get 300ml each time. but i only pump 3 times a day. my bb still needs at least 1 time of FM a day. when we go out, i give her FM cos i think very troublesome to warm up BM on the go.

for BM, can stay at room temp for 4 hrs rite? if my bb cant finish, i will put back in the warmer then try again 1 hr later. if not then discard..

any mummies interested in buying Mamypoko diapers, size S? My gal has outgrown it. Both are opened (cos 1 pkt left at mum's place). 1st pack, left the last layer and 2nd pack, only a few pcs used. Both add together should be more than or at least equal to the original qty of 72 pcs. I am selling at $15, self collection preferably at Jurong. Interested pls PM me.. Thanks!

1st pack: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/fruitypeach/DSC02994.jpg

2nd pack:



Haiz, been a tough 2 weeks. bb started to wake up at night and cry to be pat bk to sleep. One night can be 2 to 5 times. Really don't know what's wrong. Swaddle him he still gets up to cry. Don't swaddle also same. The minute he change zzz position,I.e. Side to facing up, he will get woken up n start crying.

Just now at 6am managed to pat him back to zzz, then he just shifted n started the same thing. Couldn't take it liao so I left him to cry it out for 40mins. In the end just latch him on.

Good thing is that #1 could still zz with didi wailing away.


Mummies with flipping babies, what happen when ur baby flip in his / her sleep? Does he/she continue to zzz or woke up n start crying?

sillyhp,mine flip when he zz n cry so loud! I juz turn him sideway n let him continue sleep.tis take me a while cos i c him crying bt with eye close,so i assume he is doing tat unintentionally.

bb not interested in drinking

same phase as a lot of mummies described. my baby fight the bottle, distracted , etc. she's behaving exactly the same as my #1 . so i had to DREAMFEED almost every feed. but thankgoodness, they both zzzz a lot . so whenever zzz time, its MILK time.

ya I also dream feed my baby when she sleeps these days. That's when she can finish the entire bottle otherwise she doesnt want to drink also.

Gotta get my mum to help me do that now. Think there will be some resistance.

Valerie, I understand what you mean. When my dad sees me doing this for #1, he keep questioning me whether will they choke to death?!! And he keep nagging and nagging.

But it's not as if we are feeding them lying flat down. I cradle hold them and and feed like normal. Now, #2 also same pattern.

For #1, I dreamfeed till 2yrs of age then he started to ask for milk before he zzzz.

morning mummies!!

phy: same here! H has been 'kicking' his legs & waking himself up these nites!

he's v punctual in his timing... usually 2am, 4am.

now back @ wk... cant afford to haf him waking up often.

any mummies can advise wat to do?

i swaddle him, unswaddle him also like tat...

isit cuz of 'wind' in his tummy?


pillow: my bb also refusing milk these days!

keep pushing the bottle away w his hands, make gagging face, push teat outta mouth... if not, he'll b a great pretender... by 'sucking'... but actual fact only take in 10-20ml!

1 feed can take a long time!! i still feed him 3hrly... dun tell me he's not hungry? he nva take his usual full feeds... juz 70-100ml outta his 120ml feed.

not losing wt, but not gaining either...

how can we make them drink their milk?

v discouraging to me when i feed.. cuz he's on ebm.

rejecting the milk makes me feel lousy... cuz i cant help but wonder if my milk really taste tat bad?!

DQ, same same. try dreamfeed then ?

feed whenever they feel zzz or already zzzz. most of the babies have natural sucking reflex, so even when they close eyes, they will suck the milk.

mine also drinking like 70-100 every 3 hr and still fight the bottle. wah piang! but she has been gaining weight although not heavy weight type. she is now 6.5kg , just turned 4 mths. since milk is the only source of nutrition of them, i dun care , by hook or by crook.

Quartzie: I hope so.. today I try to check again but then hoh.. he refuse to show me.. keep giving me his tongue. Hai..

Milk: My boy now drink milk also the same.. sometime drink finish.. sometime only 100ml (normal is 200ml). But now hoh.. he will keep moving his mouth when I am eating and then will keep focusing on our food. I think soon he will be ready for semi solid food le. Maybe time to get him a high chair to sit for eating.

High Chair: Anyone has any recommendation?

DQ: Same leh! Gareth also like don wan to drink his milk and yesterday I was asking myself... omg plz dont let it be my milk thats the problem.

Just received this advertisement.

Enjoy 15% savings on new Pampers Active Baby diapers M-XL sizes from 15 Nov to 10 Dec 2010. Available in FairPrice, Cold Storage, Market Place, Giant, Shop N Save, Guardian, Carrefour and Sheng Siong.

Ooh Ann! I shall go see... wonder 15% savings is how much? That time on promo I bought 2 boxes of pampers active for $49 (1 box have 2 packets).

If 15% is as good, will stock up!!

jac: ya lor... i become so paranoid lor...

i'll taste my milk if he rejects.

but now i dun serve 'fresh' cuz i started wk.. he's drinking 1day old produce fr the fridge.

me wondering if he's not used to it?

Jaclyn: Ya.. 15% should be good discount ba but I don't use Pampers.

Oh.. I am going to JB this Sunday to stock up on Goon diapers. Haha!!

Jonas: Will help you buy one pack of Goon XL size pants if still on sale.

Dont worry, i think this is a passing phase.. i believe quite a few babies at 4mths are rejecting milk. Howie should b ok soon!

Btw I hardly serve Gareth fresh milk too. Only when we go out. OTherwise he drinks from the fridge (warmed up @ 40degrees, 17mins). Hes been drinking like that for quite long already and the teat/bottle all the same as his newborn times... so I dont think its anything wrong.. probably just him being fussy now.


Ur boy sleeps on your bed har? For me, he sleeps in his cot and when he kicks and bangs the bed, it is so noisy that I will wake up. Then I gotta place him on his side and pat him back to zzz. His crying is the worst, machiam like got bitten by mosquitoes.. high and shrill!


Howie same har? Mine is 1-2am, 4-5am... Wah piang.. I'm going back to work next week.. siao liao.. already see two big black patch where my eyes should be.. next week probably can't see my whole face! hahha

ann,no nid le.i bot dryper pull up n try.thks!btw,my frend mum told me stock up m or l wil do. E boy she took care nw 3yr old stil wearing l size..btw,every1.hw fast ur bb drink?i saw sum bb drink up 2 30min stil drinkin bt stil can finish.


My boy also.. started to reject nuk rubber teat during df few days back. He would stiffen his whole body and kick real hard. I almost dropped him a few times! Last night I changed his bottle and teat to pigeon wide neck.. seems ok. Keeping fingers crossed that he will drink his milk from the bottle.

quartzie: From Nicole's photos, I saw the Goon at Jusco is selling at RM$29.99 (abt S$12.60) per pack for L size Goon Supreme pants (28pcs). Not bad pricing.

Jonas: Ok... noted on the diapers. My boy drink milk at most 10mins ba. Never 30mins so long.

babies wearing leg warmers

ladies - when your babies wear the leg warmers, will it "cut" into baby's thighs?

Hi mummies!

Anyone going to the Motherhood fair next weekend? Wonder if there are any good bargains for bb carrier like Ergo or Manduca?

Did not go to the previous one cos many said was small scale. This time round should be better?

Ann, where did you go in Malaysia to get Goon? City Square?

I am also using Goon. There was quite a good deal at the recent Baby Fair. Supreme M Size selling at S$18 (S$3 dollars savings). If can get cheaper in Msia then I would wanna go get too.

Valerie: I will be going this Sunday. Maybe to Jusco Tebrau City. Heard it is big. The Goon pricing I saw is at Jusco.. not City Square.

I also not sure whether Goon pull up pants are good to use or not. But only know Goon brand is good. Maybe when they start to crawl and will run away. Haha!!

But quite ex lo.. that's why i am still using Mamy Poko.. But for Mamy Poko, sometime my boy use at night for sleeping will leak lei.. got one time, morning i feed my boy milk and suddenly I have water triggering down my leg, it's my boy's pee leaking. Thus I am thinking maybe I should just change to Goon at night. So wanna try.

eliss, i like bb leg warmers. i usually have a pair in my diaper bag when i go out. so in aircon plcs, i just put them on. so my kids don't need to be wearing long pants which can be quite hot in sg weather.

but i find those with brand ones are better than those china ones . the china ones i do find "cut" (or maybe it's my imagination). i like the brands Babylegs and Leghuggers.

Morning mommies = )

Phy...hope R gets back to his routine soon. B is still been waking up for night feeds..will wake up once or twice but timing can be at 2am, 3am, 4am or 5am...me very tired. Last night baby monitor battery went flat and I zzz thru to 7am this morning, my dog knocked on my door to wake me coz baby was crying. My cute little rescue dog..lol..

Re-read Gina Ford's TLC last nite to refresh my memory. Feeding intervals are stretched for longer periods. Her routine goes like this.

Feed Times :






Nap Times between 7am to 7pm:



Maximum daily nap = 3 hrs

Am trying to get back to the routine, my timing pretty much goes haywire in the afternoon cause I'd go out for lunch and shop a bit before heading home.

B also very funny, will let Daddy bottle feed him in the day but not at night. Will clamp his mouth shut or keep pushing teat out and start fussing. Just wants daddy to carry but not to feed.

Maybe daddy = playmaster, mommy = neh neh? ...hahaha

pillow - i bought for my BB legwarmers from spree... let her try on them and I find her excess flesh/fats over the legwarmers, not sure if they will hindle the blood flow cuz I am thinking of letting her wear and sleep at night... as she always kicks away her blanket...

phy: how's R last nite?

H KOed totally aft gaigai w daddy last evening.. as usual, refused milk when he's out cuz he's a major KPO... so i tot i sure die lah... he's gonna b up few times for sure... but he didnt! he slpt thru aft last feed @ 1115pm. he didnt even kickkick.

i tink cuz he fell aslp abt 10pm yesterday instead of his usual 8pm.. tat's y he didnt kickkick in his slp @ 2 & 4am.

everynite muz pray n hope he doesnt disturb my slp to recharge for the next day. sigh..

pris: how's B? dunno y H can finish his milk when my mum feeds... but can only finish abt 80% of the content when i feed. but when daddy feeds... he dun even wanna drink. juz smile n wanna play...

mayb they really can relate diff ppl w diff 'functions'. hahah...

Hi Pris, my bb also have been waking up for night feed since last week. Before that she will sleep through the night but nowadays will wake up in the night to drink once, I dunno y too.

happybee>> maybe growth spurt?

DQ >> Haven't seen you both for such a long time! Are u planning to go to the bb fair next weekend? Maybe can organize a mommy gathering and we all meet there = )

pris: ya.. now back @ wk.. haf lesser time to go out~ sigh...

next wk bb fair? which day u all gg?

but ive plans on sat... needa discuss gatecrashing games w my frens for her wedding.

Hey Pris and DQ, yeah long time no see you gals. Miss you all plus B and H !!

G woke up last night at 3am+.. drank 140ml of milk (but not at one shot.. in intervals). Made a big poopoo and then refuse to sleep until almost 5. I panda eye already!! Having to slot in pump time inbetween somemore means I really get no sleep.

DQ >> hmm..I think most likely sat leh, will check with the rest and get back to you k. Give little Howie a tickle on his toes for me =)


Eliss, oh you mean let bb wear at nite then I wldn't recommend that. That will be too "constricting" on the thighs and moreover for zzz, its many hours…...

