(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

allie: the hwaxia swimming ah:-

small pool - $30 + $2 = $32(can use ur own diapers then no need pay $2)

big pool - $33 + $2 = $35 (must use their GOON Swimming Diapers)


me ? i am using tollyjoy and kodomo detergent ~~ both smells so nice that I use it to wash my 1 top or 1 bottom that needed handwash ... hahaha !!!

i actually enjoy bringing my girl to the hwaxia sessions as she seems to be enjoying herself but my husband will be getting one of the inflatable tub+ neck float sets since we're left with one last session from the package.

i find it so amusing that she is able to move on her own. have uploaded a video of her swimming on my fb hehe

cherry: my HB thought of getting the tub n float too but we realise that we rather save the hassle of preparing the water in the tub then put bb in etc. as bb oso swim in the tub for less then 30min each time and best part is new stuff are always fun, after 1-2 weeks become boring then the tub n float becomes resales items... do go to the selling section or ebay google, got ppl selling ard $60 for the tub n float.

ica -

thanks for the car seat review! hehe..

I saw the mothercare sale... okies maybe i go check out both @ kaki bukit first.

Ur baby swim for 30mins? I find that by the time i feed bb, change him prepare stuff, drive to ps. It is close to 1.5-2hr from time he wake up and he is tired liao! haha...

BB scratchin... Yeah... me bb always scratch himself... have many battle scars on face, head and sometimes ears. See PD, PD always ask to wear mittens. But he so used to not wearing and I want to let him expore around himself so never heed PD advice! I think mine is a frustrated baby so always wanna scratch and rub!

baby socks -

I also wear for baby cuz his feet always cold.

Sweetkiss -

Where do you get your booties from? I can't find big booties for him... mostly infants and his feet and ankles too big! I also prefer to let him wear booties...

claudia: trimming nails doesnt helps ?

I got to trim my bb's nails weekly .. else I get a bb that seems to just had a play date with some tiger cubs or lion cubs... hahaha


My back aching also but think more from carrying baby then anything else.

Actually, my wrist is painful from all the carrying too. Sometimes too rapid movement / try to support myself with my hand and there will be sharp pain.

Sweetkiss - But better go check early.. don't wait. (touch wood) If anything, curing it earlier would also be easier.

Thanks Claudia, I’ll monitor my condition…

I got her booties from Kiddy Palace. I think the brand is Tollyjoy, those lots of holes one so more airy for bb’s feet.

claudia : oh ya hor ! kekeke... forget about that. i usually cut my bb nails when she slping then they got this tiny filer to file nails which i use to file abit ... but i didnt see any use after filing as bb's nails are so soft...

claudia: I didnt even dare to cut too short...

everytime cut nails for bb, my hands shake till fingers also turn cold... -.-lll sometimes really hate cutting nails for bb but dont cut nails, bb end up looking like just had a fight

hi mummies! not sure if any of you might be keen in infant massage but i'm just sharing in case any of you are! i've already called to sign up.

details of workshop are as follows:

Venue: Learning Vision@Alpha,10 Science Park Road,Singapore Science Park 2

Date: 20 November 2010 (Saturday)

Fees: $15 per parent-infant pair

Time: 9.30 am – 11.30 am

For more details, visit www.learningvision.com or Call 6501 7557 to register

Socks: I usually let my bb wear socks when we are out and sometimes at night when he sleeps in the aircon room. But if I feel that his feet are quite warm, then I would usually remove the socks so that he’ll feel more comfortable. My bb is quite afraid of heat, so at night even if sleeping in aircon room, we only let him wear short-sleeve bodysuit.

Backache/Changing Table: I took epidural but I don’t experience any backache so far. I have friends who didn’t take epidural but still experience backache. I think if your bb is heavy and you carry ur bb often, then would be quite prone to getting backache. If you need to bend when bathing or changing diaper, then even more likely to get backache. I use a changing table for bathing and changing diaper so I don’t usually have to bend. Personally I find the changing table very useful. Even my mom & MIL also find it very good.

SK: My bb had drinking problem too. We changed to NUK M size teats and it seems to be better. Still got problem sometimes but it’s better.

Cheese: Congrats!!!

Just want to complain again today..

2 Fridays ago, my MIL kept insisting to come to my house to bring soup to me and hb. My hb was quite annoyed cos we were going out and MIL kept insisting to come up.

So hubby told her not to come and next time not to bring us soup cos we cant promise we will be at home. My MIL seemed angry after that cos when hb called her at nite, she simply said soup spoil liao. For the next 2 weeks, she didn’t call hb nor come my house.

Yest my hb decided to call and asked his mum if she was angry, but u noe what she said?

She said that I gave her a black face during one of her visits on a Sunday (that was b4 the soup incident) which I really didn’t. then she dun dare to come cos scared I unhappy.

Despite the fact that I really dislike her, I always talk to her politely and nicely. If she say she dun dare to come, why she still wanted to come that day to pass us soup?

Fact is she is angry with hb but put the fault on me wad. When I told hb my logic, he said I am trying to sow discord btw him & his mum.

SOOOO angry! And she is coming my house TMR. @!#$# tmr is a HOLIDAY, cant she let us have a day to ourselves? Weekend come not enough meh?

Thanks Irene.. but my gal using Avent if change to NUK must change bottles wor. Though I think NUK teats look better to suck. haha

Hi mummies!

Yesterday brought bb to see pd for 2nd 5 in 1 jab. Also asked her about bb's rash on neck, she said is just heat rash and prescribed Mustela cream. She wanted to prescribe a steriod type of cream instead but I said don't want. She said will take one week to heal if use Mustela instead of the steriod cream which is faster.

Sweetkiss: I always empathise with you when it comes to your MIL! Cos my Mil also turned up on Sunday as well as yesterday. Yesterday my bb was cranky cos he had his jab, so I had to carry him. The MIL chiong into the room whenever my bb whined and made stupid noise at my bb. She also touched bb's head la, legs la, hands la. MIL insisted to carry him which I said no. Cos my bb was cranky cos not well and my mother instinct was v strong, so I wanted to protect and carry my bb. Why must she come and kaypoh?

You want to plan to go out tmr with your hubby and bb? maybe just go somewhere to chill..can't stay at home cos I can imagine you cannot rest when your MIL comes. super sian right!

Charliebrown: I think ur MIL pattern same as mine. Maybe they are friends!

Currently I have no plans to go out yet. But we have a family dinner in the evening so I do hope to utilize my time in the day.

Actually I am on leave on Thurs & Fri too. Dunno is it my hb told her that’s why she thinks it is ok to come my house tmr.

I cant just say I want to go out the moment I know MIL is coming… she 2 weeks nv come liao sure itching to touch my baby.

I complain to my mum all the time and she said I cant do anything cos she is my MIL afterall. But she did ask me to put baby in my room and sleep together if bb is sleeping.


Sian ar!


Anyone know where to get gas stove knob (used to turn on/off)?

Brand: Tecnogas (T22TG)

Got broken [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and tomorrow EID how to manage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


im vvv disappointed! Hb already booked the flights for me and my boys to meet him in us next week. BUT fil called him up and scold him upside dwn. so we hv to cancel the flight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sweetkiss: Yeah! They are friends or maybe Fiends! :X If you put your bb in your room, your MIL will also chiong in lo, unless you lock the door?

Sometimes I try to tell myself that the MIL is my bb's nai nai and bear with her. but hard sia!

Yest she saw me kept carrying bb and she cannot carry, she like jealous and asked me want to buy yao lan for bb or not, whole day carry not tired meh? Bb already 4 mths then intro yao lan, is she sot sot or what? my mum also said she 38.

Vivi: why your FIL scold him? He scared your boys too young to take flight?


cos he say that he shouldn have ask me to bring the boys there myself. anyway im the 1 who gave the green light for him to book

Hello mummies.

Very busy weekend for me so hardly come in.. now getting busier and busier with work.. trying to cough out some spare time to spend with my bb.

My bb quite weird lei.. sometime ok with strangers.. sometime not ok.. example, when my PT cleaner come to clean the house on sunday, he didn't cry but just stare at the auntie.. when he wake up from sleep and the auntie try to pat him back to sleep, he never cry.. just stare and then smile at that auntie... but when we go Ikea, a couple try to play with him, he stare at them and then wanna start crying liao. So sometime i don't know he recognise pple or not.

But I definitely know he recognise the person putting him to sleep. On Sunday night, we went my mum's place, my mum carried him while we are having dinner and then suddenly he cry very loudly (wanna sleep liao).. then no matter what my mum did, he just cry and cry loudly.. I ask my mum to give me the bb, but then my mum ask me go eat dinner and she can handle.. after 1min, she give up, hand the bb to me and immediately he stop crying and sleep. But sniffing away in his sleep. In the end, I have to bring dinner home to makan. At 8pm, he woke up for milk.. I hand over to daddy and I make milk.. the moment daddy carry him, he started crying and crying non stop untill i finish making milk and then took him over. He stop and i feed him. Then he look stone and I put him back to sleep again. This time round,he hold on to the collar of my tee shirt.. I tried to take his hand away but he cling on tightly even though he is falling asleep. So no choice.. got to carry him till he super deep sleep le then I take away his hand and put him down.

Last night my bb stay over at in law house as usual.. my MIL put him to sleep at night.. i heard from my FIL that he cried for very long time.. my MIL carry also cannot, put down on bed also cannot... so in the end he cry himself to koon lo. The thing I am happy with is MIL didn't ask the maid to put him to sleep or else the maid will think she is indispensible again but poor thing is bb have to cry so long.

Jasline: I let my bb wear socks when he is going out or when weather is super cold then got wear socks at home.

Backache: For me, mine is most likely could be due to epidural. I also have them once in a while at the area where epidural is administered.

Allie: I bring my baby to Hwa Xia to swim too. You can purchase Huggies disposable swimming diapers at Cold Storage. NTUC hardly have these. Same as Ica, only intend to let bb use the swimming pool after 6mths.

Jacuzzi: Oh.. the tubs at Hwa Xia in Marine Parade got Jacuzzi function one lei. Let Kayden tried it last Sun but then dun think he like it too much cos I think maybe sleepy liao. Haha!!

Sweetkiss: Maybe just tell hubby that in law can come once a week lo.. maybe be on a specific day and only for half a day.. don’t always come and use up pple’s whole day la. She have to “zi dong” right?

Vivi: Understand how you feel.. Longing to have the family complete again and just to have that dream dashed.. hai.. sometime pple dun understand that no matter how hard it is to make the family completed again, we as women of the family will still do it lo. I think having complete family to us is very impt.

Charliebrown: Definitely! The purpose of her coming is to see baby, not me mah.

Last time I was in hospital, the first thing she did when she visited me is not to see me hor, is go to the nursery and wheel my baby out then come my ward.

So u imagine how pek cek I was..

Ann: my bb also same like yours. But she only want mummy when she wants to sleep. Other people she dun want, even my hubby.

My mum told me that bb is used to being at my house from 8pm onwards. She told me bb will cry very differently (like those pitiful cries) when it is 8pm and she still at my mum’s.

At first I dun believe. So ytd I went to mum’s house and heard her cries.. aiyo my heart melted cos she sounded so sad.

She will pout, tears drop and start sobbing then if my mum go sayang her she will sob softly and niff away too.. haha

However if she is not in sleepy mode she can still allow ppl to carry, but she will keep turning her head to check who’s carrying her. If she not happy she will cry & reject too.

I just called my mum to check on bb. She told me last nite (bb stayed at her place), she made FM for her but bb dun wan.

So she put it back into the fridge and warm it up 3 hrs later to re-feed baby.

I am so pissed. I told her so many times NOT TO do such things. I rather waste milk powder than having a sick baby.

She really got so many stunts. Today is really a bad day for me. At work also suddenly some joker made some stupid arrangements and I kena all the shits.

Not even looking fwd to holiday tmr cos of MIL. It just sucks.

Sweetkiss, normally I will only warm the milk if bb still want to drink within half an hr. Warming it after 3 hrs! I reali will throw away even though abit sayang lo. Think it's not good for the bb stomach, must let ur mum know (even though the elderly don like to take instruction fr us...)


Last time my ger also like that, once reach 9pm, sorry, no other ppl, except me. whoever carry her, she will cry till she was return to me.

As for my boy, haven't try yet, but once he see me or hear my voice, and i never go carry him, he will start to cry also.

This morning, I send him to IFC, since i was running late, so i just passed him to the teacher 1st, so i can send my ger to class next door. Aiyo, he was crying so loud, none of the teachers in there can pacify him. When I return to write the report for them, one of the teacher ask me to pacify him. He was sniffing away, i never see him cry till like b4. so i told him, mummy need to go work, so that can buy milk powder, diaper n toys for u, so u guai guai stay here, mummy will come and pick u up in the evening, there he stop, when i passed back to the teacher, he was smiling away. so when the teacher was telling other teachers, he was not happy cos mummy never bid him gdbye, never talk to him..etc, b4 the tecaher could finish the sentence, he start crying again. aiyo, canbnot bad abt him, he will start crying till we say not talking abt u.

Keeping milk:

Normally if the milk i make he don want to drink, i will put in the warmer, so anytime within the hr or so, he want to drink, the milk is still warm.

But if at my mum house, normally even after half hr, i will want to make new one,cos i don have warmer over there but my mum will ask me to warm it or add hot water n let him drink. so if it still within an hr, i give in, but if after an hr, i will insist pour away and make a new one.

For milk, like Jasmine, as long as it is within 1 hr, I will warm the milk up for bb to drink. After that, milk will be thrown away and new ones will be make.

vivi: see you there!

i called the place to check and it seems that only 4 parents have signed up. They need 5 to start the class. Hope there will be more response.

hi mommies, does your bb sleep on back or tummy? my bb just learnt how to flip, so now likes to be on tummy a lot and a few times we found him sleeping on tummy. is that ok? i am worried but i think once they can flip, it's ok to sleep on tummy?

Hi mommies,

Me and another mommy will be getting the Happy Baby Brown Rice Cereal from my friend. Agape Babies is selling at $8 for the cereal but the postage for 1 tin is $1.50. Hence for me, it would be cheaper and more convenient to get from my friend. I'm asking around to see if anyone else is interested so that we can get more discount by buying in bulk. I would be able to pass to you at Boon Lay, Bukit Merah or Harbourfront area.

Buy 1 tin @ $8.90

Buy 3 tins & above @ $8.50 each

Buy 6 tins & above @ $7.90 each

You can mix and match the different flavours.

Brown Rice: Expiry: 19 May 2012

Oatmeal: Expiry: 03 Jun 2012

Multi-grain: Expiry: 22 Feb 2011

If you are interested, please PM me. Thanks!

My baby hasn't been drinking much for the past few days. She doesn't seem hungry at all. For example today, she had her morning feed of 180ml at 6.30am. Next feed only at 2pm and it was only 120ml.

The thing is she is still happy and full of energy.

Just now tried to feed her in the evening, she refused too. Now just waiting for her night feed.

Anyone facing the same problem?

Allie - ever since my ger knows how to flip, she likes to sleep on her tummy. We let her sleep on her tummy during the day cuz we can watch over her. At night, we will place the bean pillow over her body, it seems to stop her from flipping so far... if you are really concerned, you can get the sleep positioner that looks like this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4750583.jpg]

short term measure, you can try to place pillows on his sides to prevent him from flipping...

Valarie - some of our babies were on milk strike two to three weeks ago, it takes about one week for my ger to resume her intake. Think if she is comfortable with the smaller feed for now, let her be. Just keep on feeding her usual intake and try to feed her again and again the leftover milk has to be discarded...


I've hit the required quantity for Happy Baby product so will be closing the order. Thanks for the great support =)

Hi mummies,

for bbs who are taking the 5 in 1 jab. are you letting baby take the hep B jab tog with the 3rd dose of 5 in 1 jab when bb is 5months old? Wonder if it is too much for bb, or should wait till 6 months then let bb take the hep B jab alone?

Lazy father: Sigh. Today is PH, but no rest too for mummy. Woke up since 7am, fed bb, played with bb, bathed bb, mopped floor and washed clothes. yet hubby is still glued to the tv since 8am till now.. good life!

SK: NUK wide neck teats are compatiable with Avent bottle. I’ve been using Avent bottle with NUK teats all along.

Valerie: I think a lot of bb are having feeding issue. I’ve asked my PD about this previously and so long as bb is healthy, active, poo ok then no need to worry too much. One thing you can do is try to observe their feeding pattern. If certain time of the day bb seems to be drinking well, try to give more during that feed.

Milk Feed:

My baby is on full EBM. He hasnt really reached anything more than 140ml. Hes already 4mths+. On good times he can drink 100-120ml non stop.. but most of the times he drinks 50-80 then pushes teat out with his tongue, or pushes back his head. He even learn how to use his hands to push the bottle away nowadays. At first I got quite worried cos some of you mommies have been reporting 150-180ml (im still using the 150ml medela bottles, so his milk will never be more than 150ml and anyway he seldom drinks more than 120). But then he is growing well.. putting on weight etc.

How do I know if he is getting enough ah?? His feet can get quite clammy, does it mean hes drinking insufficient quantities? (i read this somewhere).

On the other hand, for those mommies expressing.. how much do you normally express. For example now I can only express about 200ml (100ml each side.. or most of the times lopsided 130ml one side, 70 one side) so I normally fill his bottles to 100ml each. Even then he also hardly finish it at one shot... end up i throw alot of milk away =\

My baby only drinks more during dream feed. Ok will monitor and see how she goes. It is amazing that she can go without milk for hours and still be so active.


valerie: my bb oso drinks more during dream feed. day feed usually ~120ml. dream feed can go as high as 200ml. yah i find it quite amazing too. But I think so long the total intake in the whole day is ok then should be fine.

Jaclyn: if he poo ok, gaining weight etc. then should be enough. for mine, when he had enough, he will push the teat out of his mouth and resist when we try to feed him again. I express 700-800ml a day. Then I will pack into 120-130ml bottles. I do mix EBM from different pump session.

