(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

quite a few mummies mentioned shaving bb's head at 4th month...any particular reason for 4th month and not other months?


I'm not sure y 4mths too... But when bb was 1mth, I wanted to buy a cot and do some shifting in the room, my MIL asked me to wait till 4mths. Last week I wanted to bring my bb attend my fren's wedding, my mum say bb not even 4mths cannot go.

Good morning, mummies.

This morning, my boy woke up at 6.30am for milk and then refuse to sleep liao. Wanna play.. try to pat him to sleep.. he dun wan... keep talking to the ceiling fan, his daddy's pillow or talking to me. Then at 7am.. still decide not to sleep, i carry him to the FP Jumperoo which I had rented. Place him in.. he talk to the bear in front of him.. then he kick and jump.. was so happy.. he practically entertain himself there for 30mins so that I can go about some chores and freshen up and prepare for work. Think he really like the jumperoo.

Sito: Your maid so scary one. Luckily you check her bag before she left.

Vernie: What big eyes your bb has.. hehe!! So cute!! I think your bb hair like mine. I don't dare to shave his hair cause he not much hair to start with liao. Hehe!!

Carol: I am using Baby Bjorn Synergy carrier. Actually wanna buy Ergo but bb keep crying in it when testing on it.. the tried Baby Bjorn.. he was smiling and kicking very excitedly in it. So in the end, bought baby bjorn. Best is you let your bb try first.

Oh.. you are not KS in your enrolment.. I place my boy on the waiting list for 2 childcare centre for his entry in Feb 2012 when he is 2 mths old. Hehe!!

Junie: My baby flip from back to front (tummytime position). But he don't turn how to turn back.. So will "eh eh eh" when he wanna turn back.

Ann: Your bb likes the jumperoo? I am thinking of renting either a jumperoo or exersaucer for him. Need to keep him entertained. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FP jumperoo is pricey if were to purchase... same like vernie, i'm thinking of getting either jumperoo or exersaucer. Any promo anywhere?

Vernie: Ya.. I think he likes it or else he won't spend 30mins in it on his own.. he would wan pple to play with him and entertain him. I rented it from "Rent That Toy". Intending to rent the exersaucer for him next after this toy.

quartzie: I also think too ex and that's why I rent it. Not sure of any promo but I know some mummies bought 2nd hand.

Ann: I signed up for an account with Rent That Toy too but have not rented anything yet. Their service good?

Yeah, I also think renting is better coz if I were to buy, next time when he outgrows the toy, where to keep (esp the bulky ones like jumperoo & exersaucer)?

Vernie: My boy is also botak lah! lol! no hair!!

Sito: Oh my gosh man. Fingernails? How freaky!! Nx thing u know she keeps a packet of hair... eeek!

Renting toys: Sounds like a good idea.. getting broke with buying all the new gadgets n stuff already. Might as well rent!

Pumping: I am back to work and so far been pumping consistently every 3-4 hours. Super shiong. But then I get so paranoid whenever I start to yield less than what I normally can get. Now on average about 200ml in the morning (bcos i will slp for abt 6 hrs without pumping), and about 110-150 ml in the day at every pump session. Hope its enough to feed my boy at least all the way till hes 6mths old

keropi,jellypurin: thanks for the info given.

Ann: i thought it's too early to register for her now, but now i think im a bit late alr..hehe

i think the best is let bb try the carrier herself b4 i purchase any..else later if she refuse to

go in then ll be a waste..i bought a bb sling b4, but she doesnt like to use it..

vernie: Ya.. not bad service but hoh delivery is done on a weekday.. they normally consolidate the orders then deliver to your area. So might be a prob if no one is at home at all.

Some mummies say buy le.. if bb dun play liao then sell off lo. Hehe!!

Jaclyn: I was telling some mummies that we keep buying toys for bb, we can exchanged our toys le then no need to buy so much. Hehe!!

Carol: When I go register, the person told me that even baby in November also registered le.. i clarify with her again "you mean bbies who are only born in November 2010?".. she say yes.. haven born already registered liao.. so there are parents out there who are more KS than us. haha!!

Huh so fast must book childcare le huh? then i need to be KS too and reserve now hahaha... but i intend to put bb to infant care when she is 1 yr. so now can book for July 2011 already hor?

huh? register for unborn bb?? so KS oh..haha, then we consider late lu..

must go and register other childcare centre as well..

i think most of the childcare centre only accept 18 mths onwards bb, maybe can ask around..


I've also been taking the Nature's Way Fenugreek up till now. When I was trying to increase my supply to match bb's demand, I took 3 capsules 4 times daily. No side effects experienced and I felt the effects within 2-3 days. Now, I'm taking 3 capsules 3 times daily. Then again, when I had the time one day, I tried increasing pump frequency every 2 hourly instead of 3-4 hourly, I found that my supply increased more as when compared to taking fenugreek.

Re: baby flipping

My girl has flipped too!


Re: tummy time

Actually my boy hates tummy time...80% of the time when we get him to do it, less than 1min, he'll make noise & wanna cry liao.

He auto lift his head up high one...but somehow when he does that, he dunno how to lift high and turn his head left/right. And he also dunno how to put his head down, like what Jastine's girl does.

So that''s why he'll cry cuz head heavy & tired liao but dunno how to rest, haha.

ica>> Ya, that's the LG/Parklon mat i bought @ one of the BB fairs in Mar this yr. I find it good, very colorful & comfy. The cushioning & material is good.


thanks! the colours are really nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dunno which one to get - LG/Parklon or tessalation? or neither

there's a BP for haenim play yards. looks interesting

Keke, now posing pics mode? Here is my boy during tummy time -lastest


Him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boy haven really flip, but at most like that


He is now sleeping in between me and hubby as he tend to flip here and there during midnight and I think is better to keep an eye on him all the time, if not he give me pattern/shock..

so cute !! my bb gal now bouncing from side to side only, not yet flip over. my bb used to slp inbetween me n HB but bb so gd at stretching n kicking that we decided to put bb back into her cot. so now can see bb change position every feeding. hahahaha!


so cute! one cool-looking boy. babies with beannies are sooo cool [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, is that a schoenhut baby piano?

my baby also getting lazy in her tummy time. when tired, she'll just happily lie down

Ya all the babies v cute!! my gal also dunno how to flip yet, only side to side.. she sleeps with me but not in the middle coz i scared me and hubby will cover her with our blanket! so thinking of getting those safety bed rails in case she starts rolling off the bed..

mrslong, how much is the mat?

Oh.. mentioning about covering with blanket.. on Monday night, we were all sleeping.. in the middle of the night, very cold cause raining so I cover boy with blanket. Then went back to sleep again. Not sure how long had passed, suddenly I heard an "eh" sound and I woke up and went to the cot to check.. I was horrified.. the blanket was wrap around my boy's head quite tightly.. I quickly pull the blanket off his head. I was so glad that I am a really light sleeper when bb is home. I don't dare to even think what would have happen if I didn't even hear him. I also don't know how come he sleep untill like that. The blanket was covering him from waist level down nia. Scared the hell out of me.

Ann, is your blanket very thin type? My bb like to wave her hands up and down… so the blanket will rise up to her head if I cover them and she raise them up.

Sometimes she likes to bite the blanket, so will pull it toward her face also.

If blanket thin, even easier for her to pull up.. so after covering her with blanket I will put beanie on it.

Pillow also same case. Though hers is small pillow, I also scared she suffocate so I let her hug or bite bolster instead.

At least the bolster will roll..

But always roll until very far then she pek cek.. haha


that was a close shave. ya, same thot as sweetkiss - thin blanket? your boy could have kicked it up or his hands somehow grabbed at it and flung it up. i'm guessing that could be it coz my girl likes to kick her blankie up and away, and her blankies are quite heavy (from baby's viewpoint lah). and now that she's able to grab, she will grab at washcloths placed near her

ann: y not use the sleeping bag... my bb gal wear pant-less only short sleeves top n pampers then wear sleeping bag to slp. I am very much appreciated for this sleeping bag... my gal now can stretch n twist anywhere she wants and i dont have to worry abt blanket covering her.

beannie: Which brand of sleeping bag r u using? I also dare not cover my boy with blanket...thinking of sleeping bag...

Very bored today.. my boss already spot me surfing this forum many times..... :X anyway mummies.. ur menses came back already? my bb 4 mths old and till now havent got it yet. dunno will be very heavy when it arrives or not!

tonight i go back i take pic upload show u mommies. Can go my FB photos under "Baby Claire" album, stroll down to see got a pic i think my bb gal is showing it... a pink heart look like coverall like that...

beannie, I juz saw ur pics… hee! So cute!! U brought baby Claire to swim?

U went public pool? I thought of bringing too (cheaper than going to Hwa Xia) but scared the water dirty…

Sweetkiss & ica: Nope.. he is using the 百家被.. so not considered light weight. That's why I also dunno how he did it.

xbeanniex: Is it easy to put bb in to sleep and bring bb out again to feed?

Oh.. but hoh.. we dun on aircon at night lei.. so only cover him when cold.. like that won't we be waiting him up if we wan to put it on him?

ann: i usually just put on (wear the sleeves only) leaving the zip open till midnight feeding or heard bb "ngeh" then I zip up for the night. I oso worry might be too warm for my bb at some nights.

Vernie, Quartzie,

When she was first born her hair was even more. Now look like "Mr Yakkie". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

Took this on Monday night ! She was angry with me coming home so late after class.



hahaha! so cute! yup, she definitely looked angry. kekeke


what's that? 100 something? sorry, i can't read chinese, simple characters can lah. i google translated and you know what came out? "hundreds are"! LOL


wow! she must had one full head of hair when born! now also a lot of hair

Re Head lifting & Flipping: - My boy seldom have tummytime cos he doesn't like it.. but he surprise me last week in the hospital when the physiotherapist put him in the tummytime position in order to clear his phlegm... he just lift up his head & look at me... then he just flip yesterday but not very steady... today his speed is getting faster & his head is more steady... so I guess they will do it naturally once they are ready... however if you wanna encourage them to flip you can choose to buy lamaze discovery pyramid. I use it yesterday & my boy love it very much - he keep staring at it (maybe because one of the side is a mirror) & is very suitable for tummytime...

keropi: really? my bb is also on the comfy side, satisfied just resting in my n hb's arms or next to us. I am introducing the mirror to my bb while i am driving so she can entertain herself while i drive.

quartzie: my bb will wait for me to come home then she willing to go slp properly (as in deep slp) else can see her eyes are so heavy till cant open, she rather close her eyes to rest, heard sound open eyes see, else every now n then "spot check" hahaha my mum is so tired at times that she nearly gave up.

my mum will keep complaining saying my bb gal super glue, 1 night no mommy cannot slp. hahahaha

xbeanniex - yah... last time my boy also like your gal... once i place him on his tummy.... he will just sleep on one side... for last then 2mins will start...en em en... wanted to be carry up... your gal look very tall leh.. mine shortie

ica: haha.. you know those kind of blanket which our older chinese generation will use patches of cloth to make into a big blanket for us? Something like below kind.


xbeanniex: She looks real mad.. wahaha!!

Hi Carol - i did post this question regarding which brand will she recommend - ergo & baby bjorn to the seller b4... & this is her reply..

Agape Babies (kgal)

Advanced Member

Username: kgal

Post Number: 7399

Registered: 1-2009

Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 4:52 pm:


keropi, Would recommend Bjorn for a start as its easier to hook up if u're alone with the baby

so in the end I bought baby bjorn....for your reference...

keropi: how tall is ur bb ?

Ann: can read from her face right? when i saw her face upon reaching home, I had quick shower dinner also dont want take, carry her first, miss her so much, then moment i carry her over, kiss her, call her name, she smile despite being so slpy, my mum was so jealous, hahaha! within minutes, she fall aslp soundly and I go take dinner.

