(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Keropi: my gal's 3 mth check height was 64cm, weight 6.36kg.

my bb is in the infant care mon-fri, only mon & thur night I got class, my mum help me take care for few hrs till I come home.

the webby recommend me to buy the comfort, SGP dont have ... hahaha!

xbeanniex: At least your gal sleep after u carry her... My boy wanna play ah. Everytime I bring him home from my in law house, he will sleep in the car and i always pray he continue to sleep when he reached home but then sometime not like that lo.. he will wake up one and then it's play time.

Keropi: Same as xbeanniex.. they recommend me comfort.. haha!!

ica: Ya.. they are light for us but this one the additional cloth underneath makes it heavier for bb. Hai... maybe have to shop for new heavier blanket for him le.

oic... maybe u can try getting from BP... maybe the seller can get for you.... cos i think all her items also import in one... Woah...she's going to be super model next time...so tall... both u & your hubby also very tall huh? haha both of us are short so can't expect my boy to be tall... genes problem.. haha

yar beannie think hor BF babies all will stick to mummy more tat FM ones... so sad i never BF(too little supply) then i so envious the bonding tat u all have...

Ann: recommended the comfort ones, how ah ? which one to get ?

Keropi: I am short la ! 153cm only! sob sob ! My HB is tall, 180cm, hee!

Quartzie: I BF(EBM hor, my gal dont like to latch on) for 2 mths only then supply went dwn alot then stopped eventually.


actually bottle fed babies hv great bonds w their mommies and daddies too... dun think the negative... u r doing well urself too!

vernie: my bb smile only can cause kallang waves at my parents there, everyone will smile after her, even funnier. hair are, i didnt expect she got so much hair, but thinking back when she was still inside me, I do get very itchy around my lower tummy 3 weeks before giving birth to her ...

xbeanniex: I already bought the synergy one. So not going to buy the comfort one. Actually most imptly is which one bb and parent will feel comfortable in. If bb comfortable, u are not, no good. If the other way round, also no good. So best to try them out at shops lo.

I also feel itchy at my tummy but it's becos of stretchmark and not hair. Haha!!!

Ann: u are so funny! I did have lots of the stretchmarks too but those isnt as itchy as the itch are very ticklish... not the dry skin type of itch and it comes from dont know where, however hard i try to smooth the itch, it just will not go away (like unable to reach the itch to have a good scratch) u get what i mean, itch on the other side of the window like that, know its itch there but scratch also no use... hahaha

Thanks Jellypurin, actually reali feel very bad not able to BF her lor especially when alot ppl still asking me the question when i went back office. I hope i do have more for my next bb! hehehehe

Ann, so scary how the blanket wrap around your bb like that. I saw a blanket at mothercare that's quite good, very loosely knitted so there's a lot of holes. Maybe safer?

Tummy time - I think my bb is the only one that's still not lifting her head. She'll just rest on her cheek and sometimes give me a cheeky smile. She's already 4mths!

xbeanniex: I know what u mean...cos it happen to me too... when i told my colleague that i feel itchy...she told me that my baby will have lot of hair...i dun believe at 1st...but when I delivered..haha quite true..

A photo of my baby Dylan


Had shaved short his hair twice liao.. going to shave again next week

wah today everyone so onz!

All the babies so cute!

keropi / beannie - haha itch = alot of hair.. that's quite funnie but looks like its true? hehe. I thot my boy has alot of hair but seeing your kiddos... no fight!

beannie - Yah.. envy you, my boy i call him also bo hieu me.. actually whoever call him also bo hieu.. sometimes willl see see very tao then look away!

quartzie - yah dun feel bad (cuz i also stop at 2mths) But really.. whenever my boy fall sick (twice liao) i always ask myself if things would have been different if i had continued to breastfeed!

the baby jacket thingy looks like a good idea! My baby also kick kick kick... blanket all over the place.. i wake up and find his feet and hands all cold!

Sweetkiss I oso kenna spotted by my boss today at this website Ops!!... -.-

Beannie/springleaf/keropi all ur bb so much hair I cannot show my bb's photo lest she paisay paisay.

ClaudiA I'v oso been thinking whether my ger haven flip

becos of me not giving her breast milk! Cos they say BM

makes them stronger.. Wonder if bb who never drink BM less smart than those who does...

Keropi, wow you shaved yr bb twice and he still has so much hair! He's so cute!

Beannie yr bb is so adorable! Such chubby cheeks.

Here's my little one, bb Gloria.


I practised my baby yoga safety hold position with my bb, as part of tummy time!


babycoco: - ya lor... he's like his daddy.. his daddy young time also got lot of hair... haha but he got a very obvious botak line at the back of his head... any other baby here also have that line?? haha they say only baby with "gu gu" will have....wonder is it true?

Sweetkiss & ica>> I bought the playmat @ $129. The size I bought is considered the medium size i think...quite big.

cheese>> your boy so cute...do tummy time facing the piano.

Re: blanket, beanie pillow

Does anyone of u still place those beansprout pillow on your BB when they sleep?

As my BB doesn't like to sleep sideways, we still put the beanie pillow on his chest cuz he likes to sleep the 大字型 pattern.

As my BB likes to kick here kick there and the hands move & scratch his face here & there, we placed his arms under the beanie pillow.

But there was once, i was in the toilet then i heard his cry...sounded funny like a bit muffled, so I went out of the toilet & saw the beanie covered my BB's face & he was waving his arms frantically. Scare me sia...think cuz he was getting stronger so arms can easily move up & down liao.

Since then, we stopped putting his arms under the beanie pillow liao.

mrslong - my son also like to sleep the 大字型 position so i'm still putting the beanie pillow on his chest but i always make sure is below his arms/hands cos scare that he will accidentally cover his own nose...

Wah so many babies with so much hair! Envy! Shaved Skyler's hair during his full month and till now still not much hair yet..sob sob.. still training him to hold his head (ie more tummy time). Recently i realised he likes to hold his hands in the following way (think he is getting ready for CNY, lol..):


Mrs long, the same happen to my ger once too which shocked me so I did wat keropi did, placed it over her chest under her arms. My girl get scared easily so I put it at her chest to make her feel more secure.

So cute suntan!! He's like praying with his round eyes!!! Aiyo I dunno since when I start praising babies cute... Last time I v scared bb, they cry I run...Hahaha

mrslong (junie2606)

YaP,he is taking his 1st PS.. hehe

-its scary right?

During my confinement when i on my bb monitor i heard that lor! then my CL go toilet brush teeth.

I faster dash and take a look, cos it wasn't the usual sound he make.

Scary! till now i nv put beanie, unless im there,

now, he sleep with us and like to flip 1/2 way.

I let him hold the beanie and give his leg kiap his bolster

suntan: Skyler is so cute! Ian also likes to do the Gong Xi Fa Cai gesture lately. Think he can't wait to collect ang pows! Haha!


Sweetkiss: if you are still breastfeeding, it is possible that your menses will stop. According to my gynae, for most mommies their menses will stop during breastfeeding and resume with a few months after BF stop.

Xbeanniex: I oso a frequent customer of http://mummypreciousboutique.blogspot.com/

(facebook.com/mummypreciousboutique) Very nice seller =)

Baby carrier: I am using Baby Bjorn Synergy, which is basically a combination of Active & Air. We want something that can allow bb to face forward and also cooling so we chose Synergy. We tried it out at mothercare and bb is ok with Bjorn so we got that. The Comfort is the lastest model, the most ergonomics and also the most expensive haha but also the top range. Hence it is not surprising that the website will recommend Comfort. Comfort is about US$40 more ex than synergy which already cost S$299 in Singapore store. Hence if you can find Comfort in Singapore, it would probably cost around $359? If you really intend to use the bb carrier till you bb is 2 yr old, then probably need to get Comfort, otherwise Synergy would be the best choice in my opinion. Other than Ergo & Bjorn, some mommies also recommended Beco.

Keropi: wah your bb’s length measurement is so precise. Mine is about the same as yours, 59cm at 3 month. And he’s sleeping pose is also same as your bb haha.


Sun_tan: oh skyler is so cute!!! Miss him leh. Nathan also will do the “gong xi gong xi” gesture. In full preparation to collect ang pows soon haha.

Flipping: Nathan is able to hold his head but not flipping yet. But he has been trying to lift up his body and trying to turn to one side. Hopefully he will flip soon before I go back to soon.


quartzie, vernie and irene,

Thanks! Irene, will see you next wednesday and hopefully by then my flu is gone.

As for flipping, so far Skyler only managed to flipped twice (on the day he turned 3 mths) and didnt any more le. So i guess he actually just accidentally flipped..lol..and not that he really knows how to flip.

morning mommies !!

I long time nvr use that bean pillow for my gal as she hates it from head to toes, so now is being replaced by her welcome blanket which she no longer can use (too small, dont know can do what with it) it will be placed like bolster let her hug to slp ... once doze off, i will pull out and put away.

Morning mummies...been awhile since i last logon...bb sick le...having slight cough n flu...sianz...somemore i now gone bk to work liao...everything gonna leave to maid n MIL to look after...but the thing is i don't really trust the maid when comes to feeding..he always get choke..

gonna go to work in an hr time..any 1 got idea when is the philips carnival sale?

Wah...so many cute little ones. My boy is still botak ever since we shave his hair during his full month. Can join the botak group le. LOL.

This is what my boy manage to do at most. No signs of flipping yet.


Good morning mummies.

Finally I booked for my HK trip in Dec. Think both of us deserve a break from work and hubby really needs a break cos everyday is looks depressed after work. So maybe this trip can make him feel better.

Whether to bring Kayden along or not, we will decide later. Anywhere, it is just a bassinet for him if he go.. so no need to scared no more seat in the plane. So I guess making a decision a week before also not too late for him.

This is my first time going to HK in the so-called winter.. dunno what to expect.. 5yrs ago, I went for their summer sale.. super hot sia.. nearly become burnt.

Tesellation mat: Any mummy keen in sharing to buy? Really wanna buy the T-001.

lolz...so many mummies bb botak...mine is worst..the cradle cap actually bald his front part of the head ..totally no hair at all..then there's a curve and comes the thin thin hair of his...thin until can still see the scalp ....duno how to make his hair grow more..

keropi, thanks for your info..

all babies are so cute!! looking at all these photos make me think of my gal..

not many of you shave baby's hair hoh..i shave my gal's hair when she was 1 mth old, now still botak

Irene: haha this is what the nurse told me during the 3mth check up... your boy look very gentle... got a kuai kuai look...not like mine - a naughty boy...

bbbliss: my boy is doing that too... rising up the leg very high then see see for awhile then put down... but he usually hold his hand up too...

Re Hair: I remember reading somewhere that it is normal for bb to have little hair.. then roughly around 3-4mth they will start to drop their hair...then slowly grow back...so mummies dun worry about botak..

Keropi: think is true leh, my bb gal is shedding on areas which her little fist loves to rub against.. and I oso dropping lots of hair lately... -,-ll

all the babies look so cute... maybe when they can crawl we can organise a trip to gymboree.. haha sure very fun to see so many baby crawling together...

xbeanniex: my hair also drop like nobody business. Scared go botak too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xbeanniex: When u gals say dropping alot of hair? is how much?? cos I'm so scare I will be bald...cos many ppl tell me is really really alot.. I still haven't reach this stage yet... hopefully wun be that bad...

bbbliss: not true though.... time flies... u see last time we are discussing about pregnancy syptoms... then who deliver 1st... now all bb is around 3-4mths liao.. after CNY all will start to think how to celebrate their bao bei 1st birthday lor.. is really really fast...

hair loss: by counting, hmmm... i think i touch my hair and clasp my hair together and slip out, 5-10 each time or more. I touch my hair countless times a day. Else can feel ticklish at shoulder or arms, a strand of hair tickling me.

hahaha true true, thinking back when we are waiting for our bb to come to this world, now bb already 3-4 mths old. hahaha !

wow, all the bbs are so cute! And some of them have so much hair!!! My #1 is 2 yrs old, and i dun even think he has as much hair as some of ur bbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 is still pretty bald, but at least what little hair he has, its quite evenly distributed on his head. Pple actually thought i shaved him.


keropi: True...time really flies. Am going back to work next Monday. Will miss my baby le.

Hair loss: Drop like 20 - 30 strands everytime I wash my hair. Other times, the hair is like dropping on it's own. Always feel ticklish on the shoulder or back of arms. Don't know when will this stop.

