(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Group Baby PS on Sat...

In order to capture all babies gathering on Sat, shall we fix the time at 1400hrs... Remember to bring your camera...


geri: nope i didnt change.. only these few days she like that. She rather dun drink than to take the bottle. but if i offer my breast she will take. i'm worried cos she seems to drink lesser and lesser and i cant keep giving her my breast whole day.

My bb have diarrhea today for 5 times went to c PD tonite..he

Said bb is teething..I thought bb about 6 months above den start teething?

Any mummies bb also teething now?


I also looking for Baby books too..

Wen I was pregnant, I saw Kovan there got sell alot of books... I think is 2nd hand book.

Hmmm than we saw a Big story bedtime book... that time hubby n I was thinking wanna buy or not.. But I tot we would not be using so early thus nv buy...

Wow now regret.. so hard to find!!!!

Hahaha... If I found, I will inform u.. =)


Hi all, i will give it a miss.

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

babycoco : 2 pax

total for now: 42 + 5 pax(kids)

Sweetkiss: our bb abt the same age right? My bb also refused milk for quite a while le! She was suffering fr very serious reflux and keep throwing out milk. During bad times, she choked very badly. Then since last week she refused to drink le. This morning she only drank 2.5 Oz at abt 8am after much coaxing and thereafter refused milk all the way till 5pm. She kept crying when I tried to feed her n I felt so bad having to "force" the teats in her mouth. Then she drank another 2oz only. My bb is 3 months already! I am worried sick! Anyone using latex teats? I find the teats very smelly after sterilising. AndI threw away all n bought new ones but it still stink! could it be the teats? ot the AR milk? or has her oesophagus been burned by the acid due to the frequent vomiting? I stopped bringing her to the docs coz the med are too strong for her that she cant keep any milk down after eating them.


some bubs starts teething from 2mths on. is pd sure ur bub is tething? did you feel anything on the gums?

ur bb is on full fm, right? maybe try and look into your bottles, if they are properly sterilised and store...


latex teats not recommended to be sterilised in steamer... best boil them in boiling water.

my bb suffered reflux at around 1-3mths and it went away on its own. i just feed her when she wants to eat. they will grow even when they take little milk...

ello mummies,

how's all the babies doing???

may i find out with mummies that,

whether ur bb loves going out??

My boy doesnt like to go out,

he will be frowning all the times when we are out for shopping or mum-mum.. than back at home, he will refused to slp, although he is slpy.. nid to coax him for quite long than he will goes into deep slp til next morning.. hai~~ headache worz.. Like that, i difficult to go out le..


i also used Dentinox cradle cap shampoo + olive oil. But it doesnt seems to be working for my boy. The cradle cap seems to be getting more serious and spreading to the whole head..am changing to mustella cradle cap shampoo to see if it will improve. Think was recommended by some mommy in this thread.

Hi, my poor bb is down with a cold, sneezing n coughing away. Her nose sounded so congested too, any mum with experience dealing with a cold? How to make the congestion go away? Gg to bring her c pd later.

Hershey, my bb also doesn't like to go out. Would start crying the minute we leave the house. She'll cry in the car, at the mall etc. I'm trying to get her used to it, so I've started to take her out everyday. I think once they get used to it, they won't complain so much when we take them out.

happy bee, bring bb to kk for suction..it will really soothe the nose n phlegm out..i brought mine there when he got flu n cough around 1mth plus...2 weeks of medication he recover liao...

go to pd no use de..they can't do anything except give u nasal spray n medication..the nose still congested n bb will be very uncomfy when sleeping..can't slep well too..

woa...my boy simply love shopping...he can fall aslep while shopping and after tt wake up n con't look here look there like a kpo king...

lasery2k, you're so lucky. i think the problem is my bb already don't sleep much during the day, so when we take her shopping, she rarely falls asleep.

25th Gathering...

Hi all, Looking forward to see all of you...

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

babycoco : 2 pax

keer13 : 2 pax

total for now: 44 + 5 pax(kids)


i will bring the playmat if my hb driving me there. but my playmat nt that big. the std size the small small world is selling.

babycoco, no not lucky at all..he see toys he want to grab now...then his daddy will go..Oooo boyboy like tt toy ar..ended up buying tt toy bk home for him..pocket broke leh..

25th Gathering...

Hi all, Looking forward to see all of you...

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

babycoco : 2 pax

keer13 : 2 pax

lasery2k : 2pax (can't confirm coz only mi handling)

total for now: 44 + 5 pax(kids)

lasery2k, my boy boy also! when we r out, he will usually fall asleep while we r having our meal. then after that when we go walk walk he will open his eyes big big n look here look there. recently he very kpo. even when we feed him, he will also look here look there n don't drink his milk.

irene, same loh...n he start to uh uh oh oh also...n will make request liao..he will even get angry with a loud hurmp when things don't goes his way...sigh...wat a handful boy.

Hi mummies,

I'm letting go of 2 brand new standard neck bottles 250ml @ $6 each.

1 tin of 400g Similac Stage 2 milk powder, selling at $12 each.

Letting go of Medela PIS Advance (Backpack) @ $460

Good condition. Used only a few times.

Warranty included till June 2011

Interested parties, kindly Email me: [email protected]


Haiz i brought my bb to pd cos Kk v far from my house n they really only give the nasal spray. Sigh. Bb nose still congested like u said. Haiz mayb must bring to Kk if still v bad. I dunno how come she catch a cold when I dun bring her out also. Sigh.

Vivi: still have the unopened tin. I keep for you !

Ya pls someone needs to bring along a play mat else our babies have no where to take photos!!

My boy also loves to go gai gai. He will usually sleep in the car and when out, then when he's awake, also likes to look here & there...so alert, haha.

Funny thing is when he's out, he's usually very well behaved but when at home aiyo...pattern liao liao.

How many pple are bringing playmat?

Maybe I can bring a picnic mat for the gathering too? Not very big though but at least can let some of the BBs lie on it for the photo taking.

hi mommies...

wish to come but having a big roll with my HB of my damn ILs... had enough of that house of no quietness ... haiz...

probably got to meet up other days liao

Shopping - My boy love to go out too... he will look here & there KPOing around.. he like to look at all the lights...however for the 1st few times when we bring him out - he didn't sleep at all therefore when reach home he will be very tired then he will be very cranky & cry like mad but once he sleep he goes into deep sleep for very long hours.. but now he will just fall asleep when he's very tired in his stroller...

Teats - I also change all my latex NUK teat to the silicon one.. cos I also find it smelly...

leaking - My boy love to sleep by his side therefore it cause the leaking... however the diaper is not very full yet... is it because i didnt wear it correctly or wrong size? but when he sleep on his back there wouldn't be any problem at all... it only happen at night (long hour use).. or is the common problem face by baby sleeping on their side??

babycoco, mine still can slp during the car ride.. and also in his stroller while we pushing him thru the crowds.. but than he can dose for long.. Plus once reach home, he will smile happily and make funny noise.. But than after this happy hour, he will cranky for hrs.. lol~~

I try to bring him out for an alternative day walk, like fetching his sis back in the evening time.. he also give those frowning.. >_<|||

lasery2k, ya.. u're so lucky... even though my boy still slp.. but dont slp long during shopping times.. unless he is in those good mood.. he will slp long.. if not, hai~~ but at times, i still get to enjoy shopping.. coz hubby around to look after bb.. lol~ ur hubby so cute...

mrslong, ur bb pattern so cute..

the gathering sounds so fun...wish i could join but i can't make it this sat...next time bah...have fun and post the group bb picture for us to see yah?


My bb Pd shine torchlight on my bb gums and show us her teeth white white one popping out,my bb is on isomil soy mix with my bm..

Bb is very cranky these few days don't want to drink and today woke up 4am diarrhea, don't want to drink milk cry until sleep ,heartpain to c her like that

happy, it's better to go asap if u feel the nose really congested..when u bring bb there feed bb 1st then go there n wait..coz they will only do the suction after 30mins - 1 hr after feed. n the 30mins - 1 hr = travel n waiting time there..

if nt ltr bb hungry half way waiting then they can't do the suction liao..

don't drag too long wor..i learn my lesson for bringing bb late there ended up he gotta take x-ray n antibiotics...mine also no 1 pass to him, we also didn't bring him out coz haven 1mth tt time..but then still caught a flu n cough..

Shopping hahaha..he drink milk liao will slowly doze off in the carrier while we are shopping..most of the time is he see things until tired auto zzz..but if he wake up his eyes will roll here roll there look at things loh..

25th Gathering...

Hi all, Looking forward to see all of you...

Jaclyn = 4 pax

Michelle = 2 pax

Pris = 1 pax

Daisy = 3 pax

Guayni = 1 pax

Cheese84=1 pax

mrslong=2 pax

Geraldine ( geri) = 2 pax

Eliss - 2 pax

Vivi-1 pax

Minmin - 2 pax

noknok - 2 pax

Sito - 3 + 2 pax

sugar - 1 + 2 pax

phy - 2+2

jasline - 3 pax

DQ = 1pax

irene: 2 pax

Shann: 1 pax

Annie: 2pax (I will come if my baby is not having fever from injection in the morning)

tchoupi: 2 pax

babycoco : 2 pax

keer13 : 2 pax

lasery2k : 2pax (can't confirm coz only mi handling)

sun_tan : 1 pax

I have the playmat, but as i am coming alone, so unless someone wana come pick me up, if not i wont be able to carry.

total for now: 45 + 5 pax(kids)


U can try applying some teething gel on ur ger... It din work on my #1 but may work on urs. U will find the gel in pharmacy.

Dun worry... They do get bouts of diarrhea n fever when teething... Part n parcel of growing up. Btw, u can try making ur milk cooler instead of warmer so that ur bb's gums will not feel to irritated by hot liquid

Happy Bee,

Your PD didnt do suction for your bb? My PD did when i visit her for my boy's blocked nose. Thus dun need to go hospital to do the suction.

AtomicKitten: my bb born 7 july. going 3 mths le. Is your baby gaining weight? I am not sure about mine cos the last time she was weighed was 1 mth ago.

i also have to spend 1-2 hrs to coax her, bring the bottle in and out of the warmer cos she dun wan to drink! the moment the btl teat touch her lips, she seem to know and will cry. she cries very badly till she coughs & vomit too. otherwise, she will only hold the teat in her mouth and refuse to suck. i tried to be firm cos i dun wan to keep giving her my breast, end up she can go without milk for 5-6 hrs in the day. usually she has milk every 3 hrs. is your baby behaving like this recently too?

i have a NUK Latex pacifier.. sterilized a few times but so far no smell yet.

Yah my pd din do the suction. She only show me how congested it is but din do anything!! Ask me to use the nasal spray n wait one week for bb to get well!! Oh no, like that I v scare, somemore my maternity leave ends this week n next week I ve to go back to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also argue with hb abt my il frequently. Sometimes cannot tahan the ways they handle my bb, all the old non scientific methods! So depressed some time somemore bb will be look after by mil next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tried giving enfalac lf to bb but she hates it, drink v little, but give her back isomil she drink like no tmr, but isomil makes her constipated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sito, I can't find the red color isomil u mentioned lei. Now I dunno what to give my bb. Wonder if goat milk is good.

Hi mommies!

Any idea where can we find nice bb clothings in Hong Kong? My hubby will be there for biz trip and maybe can take a look if its not too far.

Hi Pris,

OMG thats so scary! But I think our similac in SG is not being produced in the same factory plant as in US... ours should be from Malaysia

Omg! my boy is drinking similac & i tried to find the tin did not indicate manufactured where. Just mention what SG labotory and chicago usa something.

My baby is 3 mths tomorrow and going for his vaccination again. This time round, GP told me he need to take 2 injection (5-in-1 & Pneumococcal Vaccine) and the rotavirus oral medication.

I really hope he don't have a fever after that cause I am looking forward to bring him to the gathering tomorrow.

My mum taught me to give BB "pao seng" today so that it would minimize the chance of him getting fever tomorrow. I really hope it works for him just like how it works for me and my brother.


Sito: Your BB so cute.. can flip... i think mine also starting to try to flip le. Just told my FIL to give him tummytime everyday so as to help him strengthen his arms and neck further.

