(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I also wonder how... Going to see dentist on Monday... Gotta have anaesthetic administered to fix a tooth... Wonder if I shld throw all pumped milk after tt away? Then hor, how many pumps must I throw away?

Then wonder when we had epidural at hospital then bf bb, wouldn't bb get the drug thru bm too?


I m having flu too n i also have sore throat.


Any ideas wat flu med i can take? Also afraid tat i will pass the virus to my boy..

hi mummies, any babies have seen PD for gastro reflux ?

my baby is having reflux and am looking around for inclined bed to make her more comfy.

anyone facing the same ?

Suntan: I asked pharmacist b4 what's the safest flu med safe for breastfeeding, he said panadol. I threw away one full pump but won't be throwing my next cos more than 6 hours Liao. Wahh flu is terrible, have to control myself frm kissing my boy!

PHy: I think local anes is ok? Check with your dentist ba.

Pillow : my bb gal also suffer from reflux.She threw out almost all her feeds each time. Very heartache. When to see her PD at gleneagles..no improvement. Then seek alt treatment fr osteopath which is way more ex and was advised to change to soy-based milk which made her condition worse. Then last week we brought her to Dr Kenny Ee and changed to formula to the AR one and it helps! Except that the milk formula is too thick and even with a large feeding hole teats..she took more than an hour to finish her milk. Most times she either get too frustrated n cry or she fell asleep. As for breastmilk, he rec a thickener which i did not get since my supply is super low n will prob stop bf soon.

As for sterilsers, i'm using Avent digital steriliser. I did not air-dry the bottles n teats and breast shield etc coz once exposed to air ..it is no longer sterile. I will sterilise my stuff and leave them inside and take out whatever i need. After using, i 'll wash and put back to sterilise again. meaning that some of the stuff inside there will be sterilise few times a day one lor. It is ok one. Better be safe than sorry ma

Suika & vivi, thanks for sharing on the sterilizing of pump equipment in office. When u rinse with hot water, is it hot water from the tap?

Sugar & cherry.sue, thanks for sharing on the rate. I will call to make appt to find out more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding menses, I had mine 2 wks after my bb's full mth despite I am BF.. It last for abt 3 days and come back again a wk later for another 3 days. Really dunno wat is happening.

And I am not losing weight... Many people told me tat BF will help in losing weight. Though my supply not alot but I am not getting even a 1kg drop. So demoralizing... All my pre-pregnancy clothes cannot wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eliss: how long is ur pump session each time for 3hrly?

if u r gg to pump 3times in the day when u r back @ wk, mayb each pump session u pump for a longer duration?

hopefully can get more yield?

HI Atomickitten, i am also seeing Kenny Ee for her reflux. your bb on Zantac and Motilium ? I find the meds help a lot plus i give ridwind on bad days. the telon oil for massaging the tummy eliminates gassy tummy by lots of farting.

another thing we find helps a lot in keeping the feed down is their sleep positions. have done a bit googling on this, it seems that keeping them at 30 degrees elevated keeps their milk down. have you tried it ? am now trying different positions for her.

Can I check if any mummies taste their stored ebm? I taste mine before giving to baby. I find the stored ebm has a weird taste. It is not sour but theres a weird taste to it which irked me. My fresh ebm definitely doesn't have this taste. Could it be spoilt? But all the stored ebm I tasted has the same taste.

I wonder if it's due to the freezing itself

Serene, Eliss

My bb took the 6 in 1 yesterday and developed fever last night. Today still have. Hope the fever go away soon though he is still feeding well.

Anyone knows how long bb will have fever after 6 in 1 jab?

Hi AK & Pillow, my bb gal is also on AR formula due to frequent reflux. Cn check, since the formula is so thick, even use M size teats also still too small for the feed. Wat u ladies do? Wat teats u ladies using nw? AK, u mention U gt recommend thickener to BM, cn let me knw wat thickener is tat. Thanks in advance!


fever will go away between 2-5 days... n must b low grade... nothing more than 38.5... anything more hv 2 c doc... sm bbs dun get fever... depend on e kid...

re: reflux

my 2 cents worth...my #1 suffered fm it and i swirched to friso comfort for a while but it did not get any better. wat i did was continue on regular fm n workon e teats/bottle combination as well as feeding methid n position. after few months, my ger did not hv reflux anymore cos it will go away on its own...


anything w codeine inside for flu tab, not advisable to consume if u r bf. u can take norm panadol. best consult doc n tell him u r bf. they shd b giving drugs safe ofr bf moms

vernie >> PD told me its 3 days. loss of appetite for 1 week.

flu >> can take a yellow pill called chlorpheniramine.. safe for pregnancy and bfing.

pink: mi oso taking hot water from pantry water dispenser....

the normal flu (yellow tablet) n panadol r all safe to take during BF-ing.....if having cough then must see doc coz most of the med for coughing is stronger so dun anyhow take....we'll take longer time to recover from cough so do take care not to kana cough

kepsis >> I already took the infant shoot for my baby boy with F8 already. Photos in my FB.

Went out to Centrepoint tdy with HB & baby. 1st trip to town after my confinement ended. Managed to pump my milk in Centrepoint's nursing room....they hv nice big nursing room, only gripe is it's very cold! Definitely too cold for baby's comfort when changing diapers.

RE: Sept gathering

Tks for organising...me keen but will hv to check my HB's schedule.

When will be the deadline to book the no. of pax for the buffet?

Re: Menses

Dunno if I'm hvg menses or still leftover lochia. It's been a month already and am still wearing pantyliner. One day nothing, the next day, some blood...dunno when this will end.

Gynae had also scheduled a 1 mth follow-up checkup to do pap smear & indicated cannot have menses during the check-up. But it's so unpredictable, cuz tdy dun hv blood, tmrw hv...aiyo.}

Baby Stroller:

Hi mummies, just want to ask which brand/model of baby stroller is good for newborn? There's so many different types of strollers! So hard to choose!

Deadline will be by 18th September to confirm + trf $


let me start the ball rolling... it will be at Jaclyn's place.. instead of potluck, we suggest to order a mini buffet... per pax is about $15 including GST..

http://www.delihub.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0557&type=Buffets >>halal buffet

Here's what we can do to help...

1. trf jaclyn the $ to her acct

2. email her the transaction details, number of pax going and ur name and nick

then she will order the buffet... to be fair to the host, we think its best to trf her the $ first ok ma?

While we wait for Jaclyn's acct details to trf, we can make a name list.. please copy and paste the text with ur name included


Kindly trf $15 to POSB Savings 093-64630-4

and email Jaclyn at [email protected] or PM her with the following details

1. name and nick

2. number of pax going

3. transaction details

4. Contact Number

**please email her only after trf so she wont get confused :)



1. Serene : 2 pax - NOT PAID

eliss: I tot u'll chk out the nursing rms ard ur office area?

pump in toilet like not so nice leh... though i'll pump in my office shower rm... almost the same. lol!

sito: u not accepting pm

i've replied all emails on the diaper lady's contact....anymore who wans the contact pm me hor....incase i missed out here

re: gathering

i can oni confirm at a later stage....coz duno my hb's schedule yet....any1 staying CCK area wan share cab dwn? like that then i no nid to wait for him to send mi....heehee

Eliss: mi oso pumping in toilet....dare not stay inside too long....each time oni abt 15-20mins inclusive of washing up the pump etc....mayb that's y last time my ss keep dropping ba....no pump long enuff

alicia : I have changed all my teats to L-sized but still they are too small for the thick AR formula! However, the L-sized teats for my wide neck bottle are way too big for my 2mths old bb to handle while the M-sized are too small. She couldnt suck out the milk and ended up frustrated, wailing and hungry. How how how

Anyone of you have tried mixing formula? I was toying with the thought of mixing normal milk formula with the AR one so that it wont be so thick that bb got difficulty sucking out the milk. My bb was crying the whole of today coz she couldnt get the milk and was very hungry. so heartache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pillow : I havent tried using a bed with 30 deg inclined but my pram is prob around thst angle but my bb still couldnt keep her feed down even after a couple of hours. However i did put a thick towel under the mattress in the cot.


How about the Avent variable flow teats? They're meant for thicker liquids. Or what you can do is make a small cut to the M size teats?


Another idea - what about cup feeding? At least get some food down rather than let her be hungry? Hope your baby get thru this trying stage soon

eliss: all the best for ur wkday tdy..

plus needa pump milk in btw. our turns will come soon.

who's takin care of ur bb gal?

AK, oh gosh. how old is your baby now ? better urgently give Kenny Ee another re-visit as reflux may not go away that soon. can go up to months (not a condition that will go away in days or wks usually). he or another doc Dr Vasanthi (both from kinder) are very experienced docs, you will get good care... i have been with them for 3 yrs....

prob can ask kenny Ee whether can mix the normal FM with the thickener or 1 part of normal FM with 2 part of AR ? at least the thickener, you can play around with the viscosity. i understand quite a few pharmacy run out of the thickener already so do call up to check stocks before running everywhere...

Jellypurin, can i ask what brand of bottle you used for #1 ? am using avent, thinking whether to experiment another brand to see if the condition gets better.

for some reason, she seem to only puke badly in the wee hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] in the day, she seem to be able to keep her milk feeds down (except for ocassional minor spits ) but that could also be due to in the day, i have help at home to carry her for a long while after feeding whereas at night, no walking around.... mine also will puke say 1/2 hours after feed even, despite burp , etc all done. this is so distressing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had my first pumping session at Millenia Walk Nursing Room... cozy with hot/cold water tap, tissue paper, couch, bench, two diaper changing station. However the room has no air-con, dun noe if its out of order or not in operation yet... Pump 15 mins there like in sauna room... sigh...

Next pump at lunch time - decided to go hotel toilet instead! :p

Ak n pillow,

oh dear.. No fun to have kids on reflux... It's true they will outgrow it. Meanwhile probably gotta try various ways to help keep bb...

My friend's son had this problem so doctor did an xray and concluded he was suffering from a condition which I can't recall wat's the name.. In the end he gotta have a keyhole surgery on near his belly button when he was a mth old. Now he is a chubby 10mth old.

Maybe u ladies wanna seek 2nd opinion somewhere?


how abt after night feeds let ur gal sleep in a bouncer? Then when her tummy settles and she's soundasleep u can transfer her bk to cot?

Last few nights my boy could sleep from 830am to 4/5/6am. Of coz I still give him a dreamfeed at ard 1030pm. Very happy coz I have longer stretches if zzz.

Last night best, he zzz ard 930pm. Dreamfeed at 11pm. Then he slept till 5am and made some noise. Hubby pat him bk to zzz. I only got up at 6am when he cried again to feed him.

Then he zzz to 9 am

Hope he is in the process of sleeping thru longer hours.

sillyhp, yup going to try this tonite.... trying all sorts of ways experimenting.

the keyhole surgery is the serious condition where the milk cannot get through. the PD did explain that usually for infants, typcially is reflux but if it gets worse (projectile vomit after every feed), then it could be another condition (i also can't remember the name) that requires surgery so we have to monitor.

I was wondering for babies who spit out milk often, could it be due to phlegm? I realized for my boy, sometimes when he spits out his milk, it is sticky and he is on EBM.

I remembered somebody saying that it us common for babies to sound like they are having phlegm cos their airways are still small. But I can't help but feel worried. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is Dr Kenny Ee from Parkway East? My girlfriend was recommending me her PD from there.


I am currently using Pigeon wide neck bottles, using M size teats, but formula too thick for the teats, tried to enlarge the M size teats using the pin provided but seems still too small. Pigeon got no L size teats leh.. they only have the Y teats. haiz.. my bb also suck until very frustrated & notice that when I had more than 100ml BM/FM, bb will have difficulty sucking milk from the bottle, any mummies also have this problem?

Pillow, Can let me know what thickener is it that I can purchased from pharmacy?



i juz pump in my office changing room. and guess what most of the bm splash! cos the new bottles that i bot doesnt fit my avent manual perfectly. heart pain!

alicia, the thickener is called Thick & Easy (brand: Hormel). i personally have not tried it, but bot it just in case i need it coz i feel a bit yeeky abt mixing it w my ebm. am monitoring my gal's condition.

anyone tried avent teat for thick liquids ? can that go through ?

Kat, spitting milk is common. i think we are talking abt cases where the vomit is say 1/2 of the feed and pretty often.

Kenny Ee is from Kinder clinic. he mainly operates from Kinder Paragon and Kinder Parkway. not too sure whether he goes to Parkway East.


phy, when you bb sleeps for such a long stretch, don't you get engorged? i still have to wake up at 2am to pump otherwise very uncomfortable.

ak, my cousin also had the same problem as you, she spoon feeds her bb. maybe you can also try? but it takes a very long time.

