(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Few days ago, I started to get my hubby to help me pat/carry my boy when he woke up ard 2to3am to cry. I didn't feed him then. I let him cry to see if he could zzz again. If not, hubby got up to settle him. Would only feed him the 4to6am slot when he got up again to make noise.

So hor, after a few days, my boy reckoned he got nothing during 2-3am and started to sleep through this timing. But he still got up ard 4am. I was thinking to myself, must push it to 5am then feed him.. so my hubby again got up ard 4am to carry/pat to see if Bb could go back to sleep. We succeeded and started to feed him ard 5am. Then we started to push the feed to 6am.

Been 2 days since my boy only got up at 6am to drink.

Bascially I just refused to feed my boy at 5am when he got up.

Hmm, of coz hubby must help out la. My hubby would go to bed b4 11pm so that he could get up if I need him to help out. Told my hubby difficult for me to settle son in the wee hours coz he would want latch on when I carry him. So, hubby works harder to help out.


Hi Mummies,

I have the following items for sale OR exchange.

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk Bags. Made in Korea. Good Quality. 1 packet for $10, 2packets for $6 each

2. BNIB Carters Rompers for baby boy. 6-9mths. 5pcs in a pack. $22

3. Thomson Medical Black/ Blue Sling/ Shoulder Diaper Bag $6

4. Maxi-Cosi Cabrio Fix Car Seat – Under Warranty! $198

5. Sterilising Tablets about 30pills - $4

6. Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper - $100

10% discount or free Diaper bag if you buy more than 2 items!! Can throw in Preloved baby boy clothes for free!! Free glass bottles!! Free sterilizing tablets!

Can Exchange for brand New MammyPoko/Fitti/Pampers L Size Diapers

Collection near Parkway Parade, Raffles Place or Bt Batok! Or via Postage

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!


i salute u. my boy slps so much in the day that he dun slp at nite and am struggling. i dunno how this is gng to work for me when i go back to work in mid oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


what fm are you using? it could be the fm but it is normal for bb not to poo everyday when on fm/bm as well so u can monitor...

i find fm w pre/pro-biotics gd for bbs w constipation... like mamex...

jellypurin: I am giving him Nan pro 1. When he poop, the poo doesn't seems hard.. in fact soft, so I thought I can continue to give him this FM although he doesn't poo everyday. Nan pro 1 also have pro biotics.

Ann-my boy nv poo.. this is his 4day liao. he seems ok though.. been to polyclinic that day and doc says its pretty common lei..

but he gave me a insert to force the poo out.

I nv use cos tat day i bring him go and in the afternoon he poop a lot!

am nw waiting for poo again...

ica: Yes i have bought the avent variable flow teats. It didnt help. In fact I have bought n tried all teats myself le. One by one.. with water, warm water, normal formula and AR formula. sigh. Spent one night experimenting with the different feeds, temperature of water,hole size, diff brand teats etc.. only thing i havent tried is spoon feeding.Anyone doing that?

Pillow : my gal is 2 mths old. She lost weight over last couple of days. Dun need to weigh can already tell le. Very heartache n headache. Last night she again sucked until very frustrated n cried, then I kept telling her to try n try again. Then she got so tired n her whole body go soft n finally almost asleep. I got no choice but put her on bed and her little mouth still do the gentle sucking motion. Gosh i think she's so hungry. So i let her rest an hour and woke her up to feed her my ebm.

My hubby even called the mead johnson n was told that there is a special teat for AR. We rushed down to TMC pharmacy to find and was told by the staff that there is no such thing! Feeling frustrated we called mead johnson again at TMC and now another lady attended to us and told us really no such thing as special teats!

I also bought the hole puncher but it didnt help!

I bought the nuk wide neck large teats.. it is the only L-sized teats that are too big and my gal couldnt handle. I dunno what to do now..

Alicia , Pillow: We juz called kinder clinic..they said can mix normal formula and AR formula! When we called MEad johonson yesterday..they said cannot. My gosh.. so confusing! Then we juz called gleneagles to ask, they said not advisable. Arrggghhhh howhow

btw ladies.. why are your bb taking 6-in-1 huh?IS it because your bb didnt take the first jab during the first month? coz my health booklet only state first mth then 3rd mth etc.. 2nd mth bo jab leh?

cheese: your boy also on total FM? Ya lo.. they dun poop, we worry like hell.. but they happy like hell. I never think that poop will be so impt to me in my life but now it is. Haha!!

ak, my cousin had to spoon feed her bb cos she refused to drink from bottle. it's doable, but very time consuming. maybe you want to try that. feel so sad to hear that your bb is losing weight. it's very heartbreaking, i know.

my pd asked me to do the 6-in-1 jab when my bb was 6 weeks old.

Ak: The GP which I brought my boy to, also gave him 6-in-1 when he is 5 weeks old lei.. the next one will be when he is 3 mths old. I think the next one is 5-in-1 if I am not wrong.

Ann-I give bit of EBM, abt 400ml per day.. i dun have much ss... fridge no BM le.. gotta give FM and today Im switching from simlilac to enfalac, hope he will be better...

ya.. so worry that he doenst poo for so long... and many commented that similac is heaty? or all FM is like tat...

Cheese: I saw a mummy commented that she tried all Fm and find Nan Pro the least heaty. Dunno how true that is. But I think most imptly is whether our baby is suitable for it.


Impressed with ur schedule! Kudos!!!

Trying to start one now hopefully it's not too late!

Dreamfeed -

Are u latching on or bottle? If bottle, how do u know

How much to feed? So u juz rouse him up to feed him? What's the use of dream feed? So baby can last longer thru the night?

Preventing baby from sleeping after feed

How do u rouse him up? I am trying that too but alot of times no luck so really up to his mood!

When babu doesn't sleep -

Do u juz leave her in the cot?

What if she cries? Do u carry her? I try not to, give him pacifier and pat him but when hr wants to be carried he will scream his lungs out! So no choice.... Sometimes I find that I play with him immed after feed and then when he is tired he will not be able to sleep on his own and sometimes will cry until his next 3hrly feed is due.... Do u have that experience?

Inspired by ur success! Shall try hard! Only thing is all that crying and tongue sticking out even before 3hr is up!


I also switch from Similac to Enfalac & I find it better.. BB did poo... Like 3 days once... Ask PD, she said is common if bb on total formular milk... if BB nv poo more than 4 days than will have to see PD... so far my bb ok..

PD also told me Similac is heaty too!!


dun worry so much.. my boy like poo once every 3 days like tat...

Jasline: Trying to relax myself too. Hopefully he poop by today or else tomorrow I will bring him to see a GP.

Hi Mummies, i have 6 bottles of Similac milk given by TMC to give away. The prepared kind - for 0 to 6 months. self collect at Havelock Road. Please pm me if interested. thanks!


Why did you change PD? Is it the distance or you don't like his style? He was also recommended by my gynae. I didn't ask for the reason, just accepted lor. I'm ok with any PD. Sometimes I wonder whether the gynaes get a cut/referral fee?


Hope Celeste recovers from her fever soon. Don't worry - it's like that. My turn will come soon and I hope my baby will be ok. Her 6-in-1 is in 2 wks' time


There are also:-

- S26

- Enfalac

- Karihome (goat's milk)

- Snow (but I don't see it here in Spore)

My baby's on Enfalac. so far so good. poos once every 1 or 2 days (according to her PD, babies on Enfalac are like that) and poo is soft. Whether the formula is suitable really depends on baby. As long as the poo is soft and bb's not constipated, ok oredi.

My cousin's baby was on TBM and she poo-ed once every 2 wks and the baby's not constipated. So there are cases of TBM babies who don't poo every day


Try spoon feeding lor. Not easy and must be very patient. My cousin was born pre-mature, so didn't know how to suck. So my aunty's maid spoon-fed him - she was really good with kids

6-in-1 jab

My baby's jab is after she's 2 mths, so in about 2 wks, and she'll be 10 wks by then. It's according to that health booklet given. I wonder why different PDs have different schedule?


I change bcos I dun really like his style.. Like wat u said, u ask wat he ans wat lor... at 1st tot nvm.. dun change 1st cos i like tat he had appt type de.. than my friend recommend me this Bishan de.. So I went to try cos my son was sick.. & find that this PD, female is gd & friendly... So juz stick to it lor..

I think gynae sure have the referral fee ba...

6-in-1 jab,

Ya my boy juz have the jab ytd... having slight fever.. so have to monitor it.. PD got give medicine too...

gynaes soo rich dun think they need referral fees. I guess they refer to friends??

6in1 im only bringing son when he is 3 mths old

6-in-1 jab:

PD asked to bring BB when he is 2 mths old. So brought BB for his jab on Sat. He had fever on Sat night till Sun afternoon. Now OK already, thank god. Mummies whose BB still having fever, hope they recover soon!

it's normal for bb not to poo for days if on full FM..as long bb don't feel uncomfy it's pretty ok..but then once bb release it's gonna be a hugh pile..

cheese n ann: mine also on nan pro 1..i myself personally find it's better on my boy. he doesen't develop as much phlegm compare to similac when he first started on...

Jabs schedule

6 in 1 can be give in 1.5mths together with rotavirus. then follow by 3rd mth another follow up then 5th mths...this is for 6 in 1 jabs.

alternative schedule for 6 in 1 is 2nd mth then 4th mth then 6th mth.

5 in 1 to be taken at 3mth then follow up at 4th mth and 3rd dose at 5th mth.

rotavirus can be taken from 6th weeks onwards ( 02 oral doses)

the final dose to be takem at 18mth.


1) Dreamfeed -

Are u latching on or bottle? If bottle, how do u know how much to feed? So u juz rouse him up to feed him? What's the use of dream feed? So baby can last longer thru the night?

I have tried latching on for dreamfeeds, but hor BB fell asleep at my breasts so I went back to giving bottle. As for quantity, I slowly increased from 90ml to 140ml over a few days to test how much he could drink and sleep longer. So I settled at 140ml since a week back.

Yeap, when it's time to give dreamfeed, I just carry him out from cot, wake him a little by calling his name, tickle him abit, remove his swaddle.. he will be in this dreamy mode when I feed him the ebm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And yes, dreamfeed him to help him last through the night.

2) Preventing baby from sleeping after feed

How do u rouse him up? I am trying that too but alot of times no luck so really up to his mood!

U mean for day naps? Oh I will place my boy on the bumper mat in the living room. He will auto stretch then wake up to play. Sometimes I place him in cot when I need to express and switch on musical mobile to entertain him. By the way, I will open up the windows and make my room bright so that he knows it is to wake up.

3) When babu doesn't sleep -

Do u juz leave her in the cot?

What if she cries? Do u carry her? I try not to, give him pacifier and pat him but when hr wants to be carried he will scream his lungs out! So no choice.... Sometimes I find that I play with him immed after feed and then when he is tired he will not be able to sleep on his own and sometimes will cry until his next 3hrly feed is due.... Do u have that experience?

At first yes, did struggle with BB not wanting to Zzz.. actually more of not knowing how to Zzzz.. He would cry at top of his lungs too! So I just carry him around the room, once he calmed down I will lay him in his cot, turn him sideways, pat pat pat and PAT!hahaha.

When I first started few weeks back, he only Zzzz 10minutes for each nap... then gradually he could nap longer.

By the way, when he naps too long, I will wake him up for feeds or activities. Like this morning, both of us overshot the timing. I jumped out of bed at 915am, freshened up and woke him up to feed him.


So the time btw dreamfeed and the previous feed is less than 3hrs? (ur usual day time interval)... Dream feed is when bb sleeping n u wake him up to feed?

Seems like ur dreamfeed quantity is the same as the usual meal times?

Thanks alot !! Giving me great ideas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


One more qn!

Bb on EBM but trying to feed FM at nite to stretch out his hours... (more flexible)

If bb sleep thru (like 4-5 hrs) will u still feed him his usual quantity 140ml? Or more?

suntan >> Oh, then u abt the same like me...pump every 3-4hrs. hehee. My boy also drinks 90ml of milk, regardless if it's EBM or FM...but usually he'll cry for his milk after 2hrs...wonder if it's too fast.

Ann >> PD said as bb gets older, normal not to poo as much as before. Max is no poo up to 4 days...after that then consider constipation.


I only give ebm for last 2 feeds of the day - abt 745pm and 1045pm. So it is abt 3 hours still. Yes, same quantity for those feeds. Day time I latch him on. If I need to go out and bb not with me, my mil will feed him ebm of 140ml.

dreamfeed-bb in half awake mode. I will wake him a little to feed him. Don't make too much noise, lights should be dimmed.

Bb on EBM but trying to feed FM at nite to stretch out his hours... (more flexible)

----Yes, u can give Fm as the dreamfeed. I did tt with #1.

If bb sleep thru (like 4-5 hrs) will u still feed him his usual quantity 140ml? Or more?

---I won't know how much he drinks coz i latch him on for the wee hours feeds. But for #1, we gave the same amt as his usual feeds.

By the way, my #1 dropped his wee hours feeds since 2.5mths old. He sleeps through from ard 9pm till 7am the next morning. Even now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He is 32 mths old le

AK , if i were u, i wld mix as bb not feeding is the worst that can happen. moreover kinder has okay it.

avent teat: there is one that states spefically for thick liq. u tried that?

alternatively get the thickener to add into normal fm. that u can experiment how thick u need the liq to be to go thru


At first my boy drinks 90ml n lasted 2hrs. But nowadays he always can't finish his milk n we struggle to get him to finish the ebm. So now I lower his intake to 80ml n he also can last 2 hrs. So now am only giving him 80ml per feed. Sometimes he can't even finish 80ml. He gets so sleepy for the last 20-30ml....

suntan>> our babies very similar leh...though we give him 90ml, on good days he'll finish 90ml but on an average he'll leave the last 10-20ml and not finish it. Either he shut his lips or fall asleep. :p

BTW, I give him EBM during daytime & FM during night time, hoping with FM at night, he can sleep longer, but then, it's still the same...he'll auto-wake up every 2hr - 2.5hrs for his night feed still.

Can I check with all the mummies, how many times a day do u shower your BB? Currently, I'm bathing my BB once a day in the morning and wipe his body in the late afternoon. Only on hot days, then i give him his 2nd shower instead of wiping his body in the afternoon.

My MIL & HB both are always asking me to give BB bath twice a day, regardless of the weather...is that really necessary?

My boy 8 weeks old already also same... give him 100ml he always leave last 10-30ml then refuse to open his mouth. Worse if it coincides with him wanting to poo, he will struggle and wiggle n twist his body here n there!

For bathing.. we bathe him once in the late morning.. then at night we will wipe him down

Pillow: you're right..the worst is bb not well! Tonight i shall try mixing the normal formula with the AR one. Will keep you ladies informed of the outcome. Hope she will be alright.

mrslong : I poo BB in the morning then will bathe her. Usually in the evening or at night I will ve to bathe her a second time coz my gal got reflux prob and she throws out a lot of milk n despite changing clothes each time...by evening or night ..she will smell of her milk!

Our feeding schedule is very xiong one.. First she will cry coz she's hungry.Then will cry again coz she didnt manage to suck the milk out. Then we will start to change teats and bottles. If none works again, we will change to normal formula or BM. By then her body becomes very soft coz too tired from wailing or sucking le! As she slowly drinks her milk.. both baby n mummy are so tired that we are dozing off. On good days, she will fin her feed else she will drink only half or 3/4 of the feed. Despite burping throughout the whole process.. shortly after she fin her feed.. she will throws out. So gota change bb's clothes, mummy's clothes , either the bedsheet or sofa cover or carpet! Every feed can drag on for like 2-3hours that my gal's feeding schedule is all messed up! goshhhh... hope things will settle soon

Hi all,

any mommies bring bb out for shopping already? my bb about 6 weeks old. This Sat is my hubby's bday, thinking of going out gai gai..first time bring bb out, other than see Pd.

How do you all wipe down bb? Now I only bathe him in the morning and at night, wipe his face and neck...

I feel bad that I am neglecting my dog. Hardly got time to play with my dog, cos I am taking care of bb myself in the daytime when hubby works. Only sometimes my mum will be around to help carry bb when he cries...

Junie, Jaclyn,

Haa, I m very bad, cos I am quite heartpain with regards to the unfinished bm. Cos my ss alr very low, so the wasted 10-20ml bm is considered as quite alot to me alr!

charliebrown - I oso did not spend much time with my dog... she's staying with my inlaws indefinitely. But they dote on her... just jealous that my dog sometimes prefer them than me now :S

Shopping with BB

Alone - i ever brought her once to PS alone but took taxi... only a few hours and after her feed and my pump... settled her in carrier and she slept thru! Next milestone will be bring her out alone on MRT/BUS

with HB - went out a number of times liaoz... we got car so put pram in the car... HB diligently use the pram...we brought along EBM supply and my pump... Recently juz tried pump in car with a nursing cover... keke

I brought my baby out to centrepoint when he was 4 days old!! We went to see his PD and I had to buy something frm mothercare there so we went! =D Now every sunday we will bring him go gai gai.. hes been to lots of shopping centres le!

sun_tan: I also lor.. my hubby feed him left 20ml wanna toss, i sit n wait till he wan to eat again then I feed him the remaining 20ml!! Cant bear to see my milk thrown away.

charliebrown: we put a bit of baby soap into a basin of water, then we use cloth to wipe him from head to toe. After that apply some lotion or baby oil... johnson johnson have one baby oil that is good for them to zzzZZ!

Cheese: Wah.. that mummy can wait till the 9th day ah.. i dun think i can tahan.

lasery: Then does your baby poop everyday? What is his maximum record so far. Mine is 3 days.

AK, i can understand the despair. hang in there. i am also trying all sorts of way to make my gal comfy and contain her milk feeds.

but if things don't improve, quickly run by Kenny Ee again for his review. just in case, there is a more serious underlying condition that is stopping the intake of milk....

Eliss- I see my dog sian sian I heartpain..cos most of my time occupied by bb. Last time I always talk to my dog, now I talk to bb more...also feel I don't spend much time with my hubby..hope I can adjust and get used to the life soon. Don't think I dare to bring bb out alone yet.haha. but I do look forward to the day I can bring him out myself.

Jacelyn- Your bb can sleep with with JJ oil? Now I only use Kodomo bb stuff on my bb, not JJ products.

I have been using JJ products since day 1.. powder, bath soap, lotion n oil.. so far ok lehs.

Whether anot the oil works i wont know for sure cos my baby still wakes up few times to feed

RE: Baby bathing frequency

So i think the norm is bath only once a day and wipe down too right. I think only when the weather is hot, then I'll bath BB again later in the day, else just wipe his body. Dun want him to catch a cold cuz my BB will shiver after his bath

Jaclyn>> my boy also, at times when he drinks his milk, will gek here gek there, twist here twist there, dunno issit becuz he wants to poo or want. Can be quite frustrating.

suntan>> My BM SS also low...average yield around 80-100ml. So sometimes BB dun drink finish & hv to throw away, i also heartpain but bo pian, cannot leave the unfinished milk out too long.

charliebrown>> I use a washcloth to wipe my baby's face, neck, body, buttocks, etc with cooled boiled water only.

My HB & I brought my boy out last weekend (5 weeks old) to Robinsons Centrepoint already. As it was our 1st day out on shopping trip with BB, I was didn't prepare well...only let BB wear a long sleeve bodysuit, plus mittens & socks.

Forgot to let him wear long pants, cuz he was cold at the mall. So I ended up have to carry him all the way cuz when put him in the stroller, he'll cry and get cranky cuz cold mah. Though, I also brought a blanket to cover his legs, it wasn't enough.

So now I know better what to let my BB wear when go out in aircon places liao

wasted BM: there was a period whereby bb is drinking 150-180ml per feed. then suddenly one day his feed dropped. but we didn't know then and still feed him 150ml and he drank only 90ml then don't want anymore and fell asleep. we waited for quite some time and tried to feed him somemore but he refuse. hence in the end we had to throw away 60ml!!! super super heart pain. my supply is low, everyday pump 7-8 time and can only get 550-600ml in total. that day my sis came and bb still left about 20ml don't really want to drink but i keep trying to feed him after waiting for a while. then my sis commented that since he don't want then just don't feed him anymore loh. haiz...i guess only mother will understand the heartpain when we throw away EBM.

bringing bb out: other than going to see PD, only brought bb with hubby, my mom & MIL to eat dim sum once. he was sleeping soundly in his stroller most of the time and woke up when we are almost done and we prepared the milk to feed him. actually i enjoyed bringing bb out to gai gai but hubby find it too much of a hassle.

no one keen?? i go alone ah.. hahaha.. support leizz....


let me start the ball rolling... it will be at Jaclyn's place.. instead of potluck, we suggest to order a mini buffet... per pax is about $15 including GST..

http://www.delihub.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0557&type=Buffets >>halal buffet

Here's what we can do to help...

1. trf jaclyn the $ to her acct

2. email her the transaction details, number of pax going and ur name and nick

then she will order the buffet... to be fair to the host, we think its best to trf her the $ first ok ma?

please copy and paste the text with ur name included


Kindly trf $15 to POSB Savings 093-64630-4

and email Jaclyn at [email protected] or PM her with the following details

1. name and nick

2. number of pax going

3. transaction details

4. Contact Number

**please email her only after trf so she wont get confused



1. Serene (jewel_box) : 2 pax


Serene: I wish i can go but that day BB is 3mths old and having his injection. So sure cranky and will have fever thus cannot go.


I bathe both my boys twice a day. For bb, when I bathe him, I make sure windows closed( bathe him in my room). So long as weather is not cooling , I will bathe him ard 730pm in evening coz it relaxes him.

Bringing bb out

yes i've done tt alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] took him out to meet gfs for coffee. As gor going out as family, we took him everywhere we go, shoppingmalls, parks etc. Went west coast park and bukit timah hill the last 2 weekends. One thing I like abt latching on is I can feed him anywhere! Last week I bfed him at bt timah hill playgrd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I will go. But thinking if I shld lug hubby and elder boy along. Waiting for hubby to think thru

