(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Yay - come back from my second pumping session, i went to the ladies in ritz...though have to pump in cubicle...at least the place is clean...


Thanks babycoco and vivi

Both are walking distance..

babycoco - where's the nursing room at marina sq?

eliss, will you feel a bit awkward when you pump in the toilet and there is the pumping sound coming from the machine? =| then your "neighbour" will be wondering what you are doing inside! Hehe.

Eliss, marina sq's nursing room is on 2nd & 3rd floor, by the toilet. it's a separate room, got changing able, sink, plug. i've used it a few times, thought it was quite ok. how's going back to work after a 2 month break?

Kat - definitely very weird if you are in your office toilet.. if like hotel's u dun noe the ppl so its fine, but gotta make sure there's no one outside then you can come out of cubicle to wash your stuff...

actually MW's nursery room really fine, I went back there earlier for my final pump during working hours...

babycoco - Marina Sq has a lot of toilets, every toilets has nursing room?

Back at work - very messy at this point of time.


my baby does that when she's hungry. there are times when she squirms and head down towards my armpit, means she's super hungry


told my mum that i'll be in the room pumping and she said better not. i asked why. mom said it's raining - better not. hahaha! LOL. she's worried that lightning will strike and i'll get electrocuted thru the pump! hahaha!

hi mummies,

anyone interested in F1 tix? 24 Sept (Fri)

Last min I cant go so Selling a pair of tix for $150! pls sms 92375402 if u r keen...

Bay Grandstand

row 53, seat 22 n 23


I will pump b4 I sleep, say 11ish? Then first thing I wake up, ard 8plus I will pump again. My son still latches on ard 4 or 5 or 6 am.. so the longest stretch I can go without pump/latch on is 5 hours. So far ok, no engorgement.. supply enough to meet my boy's demand.

Hi Mummies

Sleep alot - My boy turning 2 months this Wednesday. Should I be worried or happy? He is such a sleepy head, other than bathing time, drinking milk and changing diaper time, he is almost in a sleeping mode.

minmin, how i wish my bb is like yours.

eliss, the nursing room i go to is near kiddy palace on the 3rd floor.

phy, my bb's last feed is around 9. then i wake up at 2 to pump. after that i won't be able to go back to sleep. but if don't pump, by the time bb wakes up at 5, boobs are rock hard. maybe tonight i try pumping at 12.

minmin - my gal also quite a sleepyhead but not everyday... but i'm not complaining... though I will try not to let her sleep too long between 5 to 9pm...

Sigh.. How does ur babies thru such a Long stretch at nite? Mine still on avg wake up ard 2.5 - 3 hrs interval . He is 5 weeks plus now.


for my boy, I'm conditioning him... he's 7 weeks now... since 4 weeks old, I've been giving him a dreamfeed ard 1045pm to 1115pm...depending on what time he goes to bed... Then at first I still let him latch on say ard 3am and 5am... slowly I try to wean him off the 2am/3am feed... how I did that? Few days back I started to use swaddle me to swaddle him so he gets no chance to slip his hands out from the cloth nappy I used to swaddle him with..

I realised if I ignore his cries ard 3am and pat him a bit, he will go back to Zzz land.. so slowly he doesn't wake up ard 2ish to 3am... so now I get to zzz from 11ish to 4/5/6 am.

Of coz I get my hubby to help out...told him to help me to pat #2 back to Zzz if I'm too tired.. He will wake me up if son is geniunely hungry.

Kat>> My baby also hv the phlegm sound coming out, sometimes as if it's water in his lung like that...almost like a wheezing sound. Tdy went for his 2nd Hep B jab & we asked the PD, PD said it's perfectly normal so not to worry.

suntan>> my boy also same as yours....5 weeks old & still waking up every 2-3hrs for his feed. My FIL kept telling us to feed BB more at night so that BB can sleep longer.

We also want to but then if BB is full & he doesn't want to drink anymore also cannot force him mah. Now my boy is only drinking on an average 90ml per feed.

So when I'm taking care of him at night, practically I'm sleep deprived. Cuz after feeding him EBM or FM which takes at least 45mins, I pump...each pumping session is abt 30mins. Then after washing & sterilizing and going bk to sleep, an hr later, BB wakes up for his feed and the cycle begins again....

Ya, envy those whose babies can sleep for so long! My bb also wakes up every 3-4 hrs for feeding...

How do u all get ur bb to sleep at a certain timing? My bb doesn't want to sleep at nite. The earliest i can get her to sleep is 11pm+. For the past few nites, she is so cranky and till 4am she's still wide awake. my guess is because she sleeps a lot in the day, that's why nite time not tired and it becomes a cycle. but no matter how i try, i cant get her to wake up in the day. sometimes also dun have the heart to do it cos she looks so tired ..

mrslong - sleep deprived very bad for milk production. Since you are latching your BB at night, maybe you can do away with the pump... you can latch and pump in the day...

similar to sillyhp, I try to feed my girl between 11pm to midnight...I realise if you feed that time she tend to sleep slightly longer, then feed once more, she can sleep till 7-8am... Night time I will go on demand basis, if she nvr cries, I wont wake her up...

my bb doesn't sleep much during the day since she was 6 weeks. maybe at most 2-3hours in total. she starts falling asleep around 9pm+. but i still don't sleep thru the night because boobs get engorged, very painful.

mrslong, wah you still wash & sterilize? i just leave everything till next morning. even then i can't go back to sleep.

My boy also wake up for night feed every 2-4 hours. He is still drinking 110ml for a couple of weeks, I have yet to increase his intake. Based on the chart given earlier in this forum, he should be drinking 120 - 150ml.


I only pump once ard 3+ , 4am, then as for the night feeds, me n hubby will take turns so tat I can rest more.

Actually for the whole day I let my boy feed on demand. But he will auto wake up every 2-2.5 hrs to feed. Sometimes after his feed he won't sleep but sometimes he just doze off, thus I also can't really tell when his bedtime is..

Hmm My boy is on schedule feeding since 3wks..

Typical day is like this

8 to 830am - 140ml ebm or latch on( I will pump still)

play for a while then zzz

11 to 1130am - latch on

play bathe play zzzz

2 to 230 pm - latch on

5 to 530 - latch on


715 to 8pm - preparing for bed, bathe, pjs, dim lights, music on, ebm 140ml, burp, swaddle, cuddle a while. Lay him down

in cot. On good days he zzz by 815pm. If not ard 9pm.

1045 to 1115pm- 140ml ebm, dreamfeed. I pump after tt. Or if hubby helps me give him dreamfeed, I'll be pumping away.

Wee hours is feed on demand. Like what I share earlier, training my boy to drop the 2 to 3am feed. So far so good, been a few days I didn't feed him during 2 to 3 am. But the next feed ard 4 to 6 am I will still feed him.

My plan is to drag the duration for the wee hours so tt eventually he can drop the 4 to 6am feed and wakes up ard 7 to 8 am for feed.

I think it is possible. Succeeded with #1. So doing the same for #2.

I follow as strictly as I could to routine I set up for my boy.

He has to have 3 naps a day

morning by 10am - he zz from abt 9ish to 11am

midday by 1pm - he zzz from abt 1230pm to 2pm

evening by 4pm - zzz from abt 3ish to 4ish.

Sometimes after his feed ard 530pm he will need a power nap of 10 mins at ard 6ish.. If not he stays awake till I prepare him for bed at ard 715pm

For day naps i go by him having to zzz within 2 hours after his milk. Hmm, sometimes he falls asleep right after milk I will wake him up.

Wanna him to differentiate day naps from night zzzing

day naps- awake after milk

night feeds - zzz after milk and zzz with swaddle on

just to share how I train my boy.

It's really not easy to train babies but with perseverance, think can do it de.. Of coz must have help too.


My bb also see the same PD as u.. Dr Low at Paragon.. It was recommend by my gynae... Hmmm went for 2 times n decided to change.. Now see PD at Bishan, (Kids Clinic @ Bishan).. Anyone see the same PD as me??? She Is a female PD n I found her friendly n nice.. She is popular always alot alot of ppl... Juz that I dun like the operating hours.. It's only open in the morning 9am to 1pm on wkdays, afternoon dun open... Mon Wed Fri at night will be 7pm to 9pm.. Is that all PD clinic operating hours is like tat Ma???


Thanks.. How can I get from u?? How to use this massage bb lei??? Anyone can teach me??


I also feed bb on demand.. Same as u.. Bb will auto wake up de... 3hrs time up sure will wake up de... At night have to feed him at least 2 times.. 2am to 3am once n 5am to 6am once... Was really tired!!! N my boy dun like to burp!!!! So frustrating.. Lazy!!! If he dun wake up than I will let him be.. Really dunno how to train him.. Very cranky!!!! Cried n cried..

Usually I will let him go sleep aft milk time if not I can't do anything at all...

Today juz bring bb for 6 in 1 jab + the 1st rotavirus oral... He cried so loud for awhile... Than wen PD give him the oral

rotavirus.. He vomited out right infront of PD.. Wow my $100.... Lol...

PD said have to monitor see got fever or not...

edited, please use this copy instead


let me start the ball rolling... it will be at Jaclyn's place.. instead of potluck, we suggest to order a mini buffet... per pax is about $15 including GST..

http://www.delihub.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0557&type=Buffets >>halal buffet

Here's what we can do to help...

1. trf jaclyn the $ to her acct

2. email her the transaction details, number of pax going and ur name and nick

then she will order the buffet... to be fair to the host, we think its best to trf her the $ first ok ma?

we can make a name list.. please copy and paste the text with ur name included


Kindly trf $15 to POSB Savings 093-64630-4

and email Jaclyn at [email protected] or PM her with the following details

1. name and nick

2. number of pax going

3. transaction details

4. Contact Number

**please email her only after trf so she wont get confused



1. Serene (jewel_box) : 2 pax


Hi Mummies,

So sorry to disturb.. i have some AVENT items to let go coz i have the same items already. ALL ARE NEW!

1) AVENT ultra comfortable breasts shells $20

- Protect sore nipples

- Collect excess milk

- Help ease engorgement

2) AVENT VA containers 180ml x10pcs $10

3) AVENT VA lips x10ps $10

4) AVENT weaning spoons x2ps $5

interested pls sms me 90283209

my bb tio fever, gao wei, cranky after 6 in 1 and rota... pd say will loss of appetite for a week... she only sucks for 10 mins n sleep.. obviously cannot haf deep sleep cause not full.. then wake up hourly.... -.-

see her like tat v poor thing....

4 more days to go......

Sun tan,

no lah... I struggled to train #1 then... Somemore no help except only from hubby whenever he could . With #2, experience counts plus I have my mil to help me. I still can zzz till 8am, sometimes 9am.

Let's all jiayou together!

suntan>> u latch or bottle feed your baby?

babycoco>> cuz i pump every 3-4hrs and only hv 1 pump, so if i dun wash & sterilize, i can't pump later....no choice, got to be disciplined and wake up to pump, wash then sterilize cuz i'm very scared boobs will get engorged and painful.

My HB was jokingly saying that he will give me the "Most Hardworking moo-moo" award.


Can I ask how u dreamfeed?? Than how to burp bb??

Cos I let my hubby see ur post.. Thinking how can we train our bb... Than he ask me this qns so I dunno how to ans him..


Dreamfeed - I just get my boy to be abit awake and then stuff bottle teat into his mouth. He drinks while still half asleep. After feeding will let him 'sit' on my lap while I use one hand to support/hold his jaw and the other to pat his back in upwards motion.

Oh we didn't make much noise, only switch on a warm light. So boy just slips right back to zzzz after milk.

Just dreamfed him.

I can knock off le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's ME time till 12am... Then i'll zzzz


I m on 100% ebm. Like u, I need to wash n sterilise my pump after each pump. During midnite, I will pump once at ard 11pm - 12midnight, then next pump would be at 3+ to 4am followed by 8am+.


I tried to give my boy more ebm at night, but the most he drink till 90ml n refuse to drink anymore. And if I try to force the teat into his mouth , he will shut it very tightly n give me the bian(2) zui(3) look. So with only 90ml in his stomach, it can't last him all the way till morning .

Hi all

what formula milk are there in the market? I'm planning to stop EBM & go FM.

1) Similac

2) Friso

3) Dumex


which is best? My colleagues mention Friso is easier to digest & not much of constipation. Anyone using Friso can advise?

Hi mummies,

For those who are pumping exclusively,

1) How do you handle ur crying baby if you are halfway pumping your milk?

2) Are you alone taking care of Baby? Wat if baby needs to be fed and you are pumping?

3) Do you gals feel tired? With all the pumping and feeding.. =(

4) If u are taking care of baby alone at home, how do you settle your lunch?

Phy, how do you get your bb to sleep so much during the day? It's practically impossible for my bb to sleep more than 30mins each time. And some days she just won't sleep at all. So by evening, she's cranky and will get into crying fits.

morning mummies,

Phy: I am so envy !! how I wish I could get my gal into schedule, she refused to sleep sometimes and will upset all the timing. how do you make sure your bb sleep within the time? any more tips

Yes, I also need tips on sleeping. My girl also refused to sleep in the morning unless she is being carried. Once I put her down, she will wake up. In the afternoon, she gets so tired that she will sleep for 2 hours. I also get equally tired. I wonder how you can manage feeding and pumping. I feed her by direct latching and try to pump out the excess to trigger more supply but it gets really tiring. Sometimes when she cries alot, I just let her drink up whatever I pump out. My mum suggests I let her drink boiled water. Does anyone feed your baby boiled water if you are bf? My baby has almost no schedule!! Except at night, when she sleeps for 2-3 hours at one stretch.


If I'm pumping halfway, and she cries, I will just stop pumping and attend to her. Same if she needs feeding. That's why my pumping efforts are always half-hearted. I never can seem to sit through 30 mins of pumping, unless she is in deep sleep in the afternoon. Wonder how others are coping. My mum cooks lunch but she goes out to work. I doubt I can cope if I need to cook lunch myself. I think I will just end up eating very simple stuff like porridge.

Ya tinkerbell:-

My ans:

1) How do you handle ur crying baby if you are halfway pumping your milk?

Cheese:I will attend to him first. Normally he wan to carry or his pacifer (my best friend) dropped, then i continue to pump

2) Are you alone taking care of Baby? Wat if baby needs to be fed and you are pumping?

Cheese:Yap.. im staying with hubby nia,I will normally feed him first then I pump, at times he is cranky and I nid to hoax him for long and I miss my pumping time... btw, my supply veri low. Only when i engorge both sides can yield max to 140-150ml only.

3) Do you gals feel tired? With all the pumping and feeding.. =(

Cheese:YES!Even im with low supply, I try to give him half day feed with BM, at night FM. Its hard, but dun give up. When he smile at u... walao eh.. everything's worth it.

Today I bath him, he spray me his "tea" again. haa.. im all wet.. KNS.. then give me a smily face.. haha.

Btw, My boy (crossed fingers) will zzz lastest at 10+, then these few days his waking time abit weird. He wake up at 1am, 5am and by 7am he cfm will wake up everyday.

During midnight he only wake up 2times? He is 6wks old and can only take max 110ml FM, BM he can take 120ml...

I thought we have to increase the intake then he can sleep longer?

But I tried giving him and he only can take 110ml max... is it cos he is born smally? (Birth wt, 2.56kg)


I oso pump and feed baby exclusively on ebm... I got myself another set of spare parts...so night time pump, will pump and sterilse (and leave in steriliser) next pump session, I will use another set to pump... dun have to wait for the first one to sterilise and dry...

Tinklebell - if i'm alone with BB and need to pump... I will carry baby and place her near me cuz I always pump in my bedroom... and I will bring her pacifier or milk (if near feeding time). While I use handsfree freestyle, so it is easier for me to tend to her if she's cranky...

Phy, I oso trying to train my daughter to forgo night feed... difficult leh... I will always end her last feed between 11 to 12am... she will still wake up at 4am (but today she drank half of her usual amount)...how to improve from here?

Hi Mummies.

Can I check with mummies whose babies are on FM totally, how often does your baby poop?

Mine last time on EBM and FM, he poo everyday.. now on TFM, he only poop once every 2 days or once every 3 days.

I do give him water and he pee alot. But just no poo lei. I dun think he is constipated. He is happy and contented eventhough he doesn't poo.

I am quite worry though.



for day naps, I don't focus on duration first, I only focus on the number, i.e. 3 day naps a day. So when it's time, or abt time, I'll carry him and lay him in his cot, switch on music and see if he needs a pat or not.

Hmm, it didn't start off so easy de. Few weeks back when I started to train him, struggled a few days and I lost my cool.. so I got my mother in law to do it when I got frustrated.. now I roughly know if my son wants a pat, or change sleeping position, or wants to cuddle a while..

What is important is to repeat the same procedure over and over.

I have bad days too. When I have it, I will 'restart' my son's schedule the next day. With repetition, the bb will get it. Babies thrive on knowing what is coming next.

Oh, I also 'trained' my mother in law to do the same.

Lastly, I don't really carry my bb much, most of the time I let him play on his own. Like in his cot (musical mobile, cloth books), bouncer, or even on the bumper mat in the living room. He will self-entertained by looking at the spinning ceiling fan or at the toys I place ard him.


I go by the belief that bb must zzz within 2 hours after a feed... so I started to do that when bb was 3 weeks old. Now he is 7 wks old. I will just feed him, then place him down in rocker or bumper mat for him to play on his own. After a while when he gets tired, he will give out a fatigue cry (short and helpless). Will take the cue and settle him for naps.

Like what I've shared earlier, not easy but I repeat the same boring procedure daily... so my boy gets it now. He knows when I switch on music in bedroom means Zzzz time.

Last night I gave my boy dreamfeed at 1045pm. He zzz till 5 am and woke up to make some noise, I didn't go to him immediately. Just lay in the dark to observe what he was doing. Then realised he managed to get his hands out from the swaddle and was happily playing away. After 10mins or so, seeing no one went to him, he fell asleep on his own till abt 615am, when my hubby was leaving for work, he got up to cry. I could tell it was hunger cry so I fed him. After feeding again I put him down in cot and he fell asleep after a while on his own.. Both of us zzz till 915am.

So today schedule a bit off, I will adjust according but by evening, should be back to planned schedule, 7.15 to 8pm - preparation for bed and EBM.

Hope my sharing can help you ladies.

