(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


dono when i stop swaddle my boy..

although he will get startle by some loud "bomb bomb bang bang" sound.. but he will still go back his lalaland to slp.. during afternn nap & night time..

but he will love me to open my room curtain for him to take his afternn nap, let the sun shine into my room.. if not, he will feel kinda of insercure.. & get cranky.. :C

does any of ur bb behave in his way??


on his full month, i let my MIL to trim off abit.. but actually, i wanna to shave all his hair on his full month.. my stupid MIL say, not nice coz no hair.. stupid.. i'm his mother wat.. why MIL alway wan to interfere my decision lorz... but i still let my MIL be lorz..

after 1 week, i asked to have my boy shave off all his hair..

now my boy is botak.. lol~~ damn cute..


Ladies, need some advise & feedbacks regarding FM. As my EBM is not sufficient to feed bb, therefore supplementing with FM, currently feeding Enfalac A+, notice that at times she will vomit quite alot.. tinking of changing another brand of FM, any recommendation?


Like u, I like to dress my boy in cool clothings..like singlets or sleeveless rompers during day when it is hot

Phy, after feeding I put bb on the fisherprice rocker but she tends to fall asleep there. I tried to transfer her to playpen but she will wake up in less than 15mins time. I dun like her to sleep in rocker too as I heard is no good leh. Now my #1 see mei mei using the rocker, she also wants to sit! Haha!

Wah, the cost of 6-in-1 jabs at polyclinics is quite cheap. The cost of that in NUH is around $220.

Hershey, I read that baby will have Moro reflex so they are easily startled if they are not swaddled. But this should go away by 2 months. I swaddle my bb girl fully when asleep and leave her arms out during the day time.

I want to ask if any mums are trying out Gina Ford's routines from "the little contented baby" book. Any comments?


Haha, my #1 also, saw his brother in the rocker and also wanted to lie on it. Then he got trapped and shouted "Help help mummy help" so now he doesn't sit in it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bb also tend to fall asleep in it. Think it is becoming a habit so I started to take him out when I see that he is dozing off in it..

Hmm seems that jabs at polyclinic really cheaper. Shall go there then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kate: my bb is turning full month this sunday and we will just be trimming a bit of his hair, won't be shaving.

alicia: I am topping up with similac cos that's what my bb has been taking in hospital. but i remember some ppl commented that similac is quite heaty. but so far my bb ok with it. tried friso b4 also ok.

pumping at 3-4am: would like to check with mummies where do u all do ur pumping at 3-4am? currently i do my pumping in my bedroom but I will do my last pump at midnight then pump again in the morning ~7am. I wanted to pump at ard 3-4am but don't dare too cos scare will disturb hubby. my hubby is a light sleeper and he needs alot of sleep. and he always complain that he is very tired and stress with work so I try my best to let him have a good rest. But I really want to pump at 3-4am cos my supply is behind my bb's demand and I would really want to work harder to increase it. dilemma...maybe I should move the pumping stuff to living room to pump??

super tired now after feeding bb for 1.5 hrs...yawn yawn...

Thanks Cheerymum & Irene.

Will go NTUC buy one tin to try.

Do u tink if I bring bb to see PD, u tink PD can detect on the spot whether what is causing the frequent vomitting?

If we r gg to polyclinic for jabs, we just tell the person at the registeration that bb gg for the 6 n 1 jab?


If u r not staying with inlaws or ur parents then its ok to pump in the hall. If not got another room?


hehehe~~ i think my boy been swaddle for full whole month.. Now don like to be swaddle le.. whenever i swaddle him.. he kek until his face turned dark red then brust to loud cry.. LOL~~ but when i un-swaddle him.. straight away he stop crying.. & go back to his lalaland again.. fainted..

In the day i nv cover any banklet for him.. and even nite time or even i on air-con, unless he is wearing short pants..

but usually, i let him wear long pants.. his top is anyhow wear.. long sleeve or short sleeve or sleeveless also can.. heheheh~~

jab in poly or PD

if go to polyclinic take jab.. the nurse in the polyclinic very rough de.. i dont like.. my #1 took all her jab in polyclinic.. all the nurses so rough.. coz the nurses will give jab i/o doc.. Doc in the polyclinic is just for us to ask qn only.. like unless doc like tat..

tis time rnd for my #2, i will choose to go to SBCC to take his jab.. The nurses there more gentle.. LOL~~ plus the jab is given by doc i/o nurses.. so i feel safer..

Is it normal to have our menses during breastfeeding? I have cleared my lochia few weeks ago and yesterday, i had my menses. And the discharge is alot, just like having my first day menses.

Read that it is ok to have our menses. The only think is that it will drop our milk supply. But i am kind of worried and wonder if that is normal. Anyone encountered that?

Phy, total cost.

Irene, I pump in the bedroom. My hubby is immune to the pumping sound already. Haha. But I feel that Medela pumps are quite silent which is good.

I brought my baby for his Hep B jab at Marine Parade Polyclinic and I find the nurses there very friendly and helpful. They were also very gentle with my baby. As my baby was growing quite uncontrollably (hungry lah!), one of the nurse helped me to carry and calm him down while I rushed off to the counter to pay. When I came back, baby was sleeping peacefully in her arms. I remember my first visit there was for an assessment right after baby was delivered and the nurses were also very caring, making sure that I was coping well and understood everything that they had explained to me.


Well understand where u all are coming from. Yes to recover faster i have to stop producing milk. So doc wanted to give me the pills to stop milk production. But i told him i dun want because i heard that if u take such pills u wont have BM again even after 2nd child.

now, i pump because the unaffected part will still be engorged. my doc did say i can BF one week after i finished my antibiotics. i will clarify with him how to ensure the infection is cleared especially when i have open wounds on both breasts.

my baby down with cough, runny nose and phlegm. (i too, blame myself that ever since she on FM, she got so many prob) ytd went to the PD and she had to do suction for her nose. they asked me to wait outside. then i heard my baby crying super loudly i wanted to cry too! it's the first time i ever hear her cry so badly and loudly! was told that they put salt water inside her nose before pumping out the mucus.. it must be tramatic for her.

then she had her injection and she cried again. i felt like a bad mummy bringing her to get tortured...

totally out of sorts now. before going PD, forgot her health booklet and birth cert. asked cab to U-turn to my place.

reached the clinic, realized i left the key pouch in the cab. also forgot to bring milk powder, luckily bb nv cry for milk after injection.

i feel like i am getting so weak and crumbling down with all these problems! i need to be strong!

RE: haircut/shaving hair

I've made an appt with BabySpa (Hwa Xia) to have my BB's 1st haircut at home (home visit) next Fri, before his full mth. Cost a total of $36.

I dun intend to shave my boy's hair since his hair is not a lot but will trim cuz his hair is long. hehee.

SK: How do u relax urself before having bb?

Should we mummies arrange to meet up 1 weekday afternoon for a chat to share all topics within us?

xbeanniex: Haha.. i think the only time i relaxedd most was during the start of my maternity leave before i gave birth. Go for breakfast in the morn, lunch and tea in town, dinner with hubby...

i dun mind meeting up but whenever i pour out my probs to anyone, i cannot control but cry de lor. haha!

Sorry can i check where is SCBB?

Also any mommies experience this where BB latch finish the milk still leak out? I just now expirence it and thought use tissue wipe ok. Then less than 1 minute whole tissue wet. I quickly go pump cause dun wanna waste the milk. Is my duct too big & the milk leaking? If like this later milk SS back my whole shirt gonna be wet??

hi sweetkiss, i took med to stop breastmilk durin #1 time. i have also clarified with gynae, it does not affect supply for #2 in any way.

true enough, now #2, supply is good. so don't worry . listen to prof advice , rather than hearsay .....

but if you are reluctant to stop BF, continue to pump pump pump...

just want to say, motherhood is a long road and we have just started.

falling sick, running nose, cough, fever , etc is all part of the journey. if we can't get pass this, and stop blaming ourselves for not doing a good enough job, how can we possibly enjoy motherhood ?

relax.... take a moment, take a breather and take a break.

for the past 2 wks, my #1 was down with hfmd, high fever, painful ulcers, etc.

my heart drop, worry for #2 and also sorry for #1 painful ordeal . imagine if #2 also down with hfmd, what will happen to this little newborn ?

taking it easy, realise that its all part of the parenting journey, will get us all through it. now my #1 is happy in school and #2 is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good day to all mummies,

I am supppose to be a Aug mummies but my son was born premature @ 34weeks. Just pass his full month yesterday. Hope you girls wont mind if i would to join in the conversation here... Below his details.. Any other info needed pls let me know.

Name : Ayden

Born : 11july2010

Natural with epi

Wanted to check with mummies here who has gone through natural birth. Has your wound recover fully? The skin around my anus still feel kind of sensitive when rubbing especially after a big business done i have to wipe clean sometimes still bleed anyone still experience it ?

dandruff - Does your baby have the "dandruff" kinda scalp? My boy has it and I think its quite common for newborn baby? I cant stand it when I see it and always use my fingers to scrap it away.. Was scolded by my mum coz she say that my fingers might have germs..

xbeanniex: dun overstress urself....if not happy juz pour out....crying out oso can....u'll feel better after that if not can fall into post natal depression 1

Hi ladies.

I am down with a flu and a bad tummyache. CL say maybe cause yesterday I kanna a little bit of rain (which I am not allowed to for 100 days) while trying to take video for my brother downstair. He was running with the YOG torch. I went to see the doc this morning. He only give me pill to be taken once in the morning nia and logenzes to suck 3 times. Dunno medication will work or not. I think it is the "heatiness" in body.

Ridwind: Anyone can tell me if we can buy this from the Guardian pharmacy?

suika: since sat till now i m all the time in the room with bb since i dont like my in laws to take care my bb. The living room is not clean at all, i come from a clean freak family... i am getting nutts... They wear shoes that they wear to go out in living room. then sometimes food drop just pick up or sometimes nvr even pick up. kitchen dun even need to mention... the whole place got so much for any mummies here to pick on...

I really dun like staying in such house....

Sweetkiss, hugs, don't be sad. I think for us 1st time moms, we tend to get flustered easily. I also blame myself for everything. Bb got acne, I blamed my diet. Bb spit milk I also blame my diet, end up I refused to eat a lot of things. Till today I dunno how to calm my Bb when she's crying, dunno how to rock her to sleep. My hb has to rock her to sleep. I feel like such a failure, cried almost everyday. But I'm not giving up. I still try to carry her. Sometimes I succeed sometimes no choice, hand her to my hb. Wish motherhood was easier for us.

minmin: will drop off 1...no nid worry.....but my godmum says use ABC stouts bath bb for 3 days like that n very fast will recover liao n it works for my #1 so we did the same for #2....if u wan can try, n my girl seems to like it no cry so loud when bathing w this unlike starting

ann: during my 3 week confinement i got fever n flu too, doc also gave me flu tab for morning ... take more water to cool off heat in our body... speedy recovery... i wasnt take antibiotics so still able to BF my bb.

minmin: Believe it is called cradle cap. http://www.babycenter.com/0_cradle-cap_80.bc

found out this morning my son also have abit of a flaky scalp at the front part of his scalp. Yikes! Hope it faster goes away!

sweetkiss: my dear, u gotta breathe in and out and stop blaming urself for everything else u're gonna break down! I know its hard when u're in pain + still need to take care of bb etc.. gotta b strong and know that this wont last forever ok??

Ann: Are u breastfeeding? Don worry even if u're sick u can still continue to breastfeed. In fact it is encouraged.

ceres: I also will leak even though i thought I emptied... just remember our breasts will never be empty. Also I heard frm experienced breastfeeding mommies that this leaking will stop after awhile.. it is only initially when we r trying to stabilize the supply. Use breastpads when u go out.. and bring extras in case need to change. Never leave a wet breastpad on for too long cos it promotes bacteria and is harmful to our nipples.

DQ: I took it sometime ago. Nope it won't drop SS if stop.

Jaclyn: Oh ok. first time experience this. drip on my Boy & myself then cannot stop it from leaking so faster went to pump dun wanna waste. Haha.

My hubby just told me his friend A diagnose with H1N1 & was with friend B. Friend B later on fetch my hubby...

Now my hubby dunno whether will be affected or not...

ceres: drinking that ok de... warm milk favour milk etc all ok de... actually i quite kiasu when discharge from hospital... keep asking PD and my gynea what I can take what I cant. and some food when can start taking etc... hahaha

Phy: too lazy to latch bb at 3-4am cos sometime he takes 1 hr to latch on and another hr to suck till satisfied. So I think I rather pump than let him latch.

Sun_tan & Shann: I think I will go and pump in the study room. Good idea to pump and use the computer at the same time =)

Kat: I am using Medela too but my husband is super light sleeper one. Even when I quietly open the door he also will wake up.

Ceres: http://www.scbb.com.sg/contact_us.asp

Directions to SCBB


Singapore Cord Blood Bank

KK Women's & Children's Hospital

100 Bukit Timah Road, Women's Tower Basement 1,

Unit OB60A, Singapore 229899

Babybee: welcome! The wound should fully recover by end of 2nd week. Did you went for a follow-on check-up with your gynae after the delivery? I think if it gets painful, you might want to go and have a check-up with your gyane.

