(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Sean, no matter how i call her name, touch her cheek and shake her hand... she still refuses to wake up. Even during feeding also same, drink abit then stop and continue to sleep.


suika, tried to burp bb to disturb her too but she fall alseep again aft that...

when they want to sleep, no matter how hard we try... is unsuccessful. then when they want to be awake, no matter how we coax them to sleep... also failed.

sean, me too.. pat her, carry her, rock her, walk up and down the hse... she also eyes big big. really headache leh. haha.


seem like our bb the same..

difficult to wake them up for milk time.. LOL~

disturb bb like hell.. they still can slp.. hai~~ then milk flowing out, also no use.. bb don wan to drink, wan to slp.. wasted the breast milk.. :C

hershey, i give FM, waste my money. always cant finish the milk then have to discard aft 1 hr. today from 6am until now only drank 90ml, so little! and she is still sleeping now! haizzzz


4 hrs interval.. still acceptable..

mine worse.. sometimes up to 5 hrs.. still don wan to wake up drink milk.. than BM keep flowing out.. also wasted.. :c


slping is good, s we can rest.. but also worried that bb also no enuf milk.. hai~~

head damn big..

waking bb

i will call her name, talk to her.. then tickle her and rub her head... keke.. normally i will say.. "ting ting, wanna drink milk? mommy's ready.." then she will open her eyes a bit to bio me.. then i take that chance to disturb her more.. haha

Serene>> I see....but when I pump, I can see the milk squirting out but maybe when latch it's different? hehee.

If latch 1 side 45mins-1hr, will it be too long?

BTW, any mommies already giving pacifiers to your BB? We finally succumbed to it, cuz BB's mouth keep wanting to suck, cannot be want to drink milk every hr after a feed of abt 60ml mah right? When we put the pacifier in, then he quiet down.


mine one, the more u rub his head, the more slpy he is.. hai~~

call out his name, he ignore me.. omg~~ cover his ears or turn his head to other direction..

say "wan milk milk." he will bio me, but ignore me too.. hai~~ -_-''

morn mummies..

there's a panda here..bb had been wide awake since 2am til 7am today morn n finally handed over to MIL for taking care. HB n mi had been battling with him until orh ba kak le..

mrslong: we aready intro pacifers to him at 2weeks old..can'tstand his screaming n the need to suckle someting.

hershey: at least yr's Zzzz..haiz..mine is mi carry hewill auto open eyes n start looking for milk..while HB or other ppl carry he will slowly fall asleep..had a hard time coaxing him to ZZz at nite for mi.

hahaha... babies are all so cute. so many different patterns. mine bio abit then continue close her eyes and her mouth will show the tutu pattern, as if dun like being disturb. haha.

seems like all having lots of problems keep bb awake....mine oni abt 1wk old oni n jaundice still there so can't tell now...she day n nite oso sleepy due to that

Sukia- u better enjoy while she is still in this mode...wahahah

Cheerymum-Ya lor...all will show us diff "pattern" of their like and dislike...mine like yours..now i think they got their biological clock all wrong..wahaha

suika: u gonna miss tt period soon..sleep n rest more during this period.

cherry: ya, bbs r very cute when they don cry or scream..

sean: haiz, trying nt to disturb him coz he working at 8.30am..but ended up..he coax him to sleep then put dwn n i also lie dwn wanna ZZzz..bb will turn his head towards mi then sniff n flaten his lips n start wailing..ma chaim telling mii didn't feed him enough like tt..

brought him to doc yest n he weigh 4.4kg nw..doc say he heavy n very big eater..need to lower his intake..tried yest nite n ended up with 2 pandas. frm 100ml we drop to 80ml..

Lasery2k: how old is yr boy?mine just 13days and he weight 4.1kg(of cos he was born 3.65kg)...wah!!i can expect that if you cut down the milk supply when he is a big eater...u all sure will be panda in no time liao...me start to worry for mine also...hmm...

I think not say evil la...we got to do the hardway to let them learn day and night.

Cheerymum: my wife drink 1 soup spoon every meal

i also try to take care bb my own at night as hubby needs to work the next morning, dun wish to disturb him. but last night 12am plus i really cannot tahan already, i told hubby to coax baby sleep. bb finally sleep at 1am plus and woke up at 6am for milk.

sean, oh then i drink too little liao. i drank once a day nia, and is only 2 teaspoon. and i wonder how am i going to finish the 4 bottles of DOM at the rate i am drinking. haha.


how should i deal with the over flowing BM, when i let it leak into milk bottle?? Store it or discard?????? but over flow until 30ml, like very wasted?? HOW??

But bottle feed my bb with my BM in the bottle,

he doesnt like it.. he went so cranky when i intro the bottle to him.. DIE le.. If my BM supply low, and if he don like bottle.. DIE le... :C


I drank once, but after tat i nv drink le..

but gonna to start drinking DOM again..

Coz my mummy complained that my face so pale.. no blood like tat.. hai~~

my bb weight is growing on average.. born 2.9

by the 3rd week he was weight 4.1.. LOL~

jelly: i didn't bring him to the pd, brought him to kkh children emergency for sucking out the mucus n flam.. but couldn't do so coz he just ate tt time..

the a&e doc commented tt loh..but then wat eva..kinda feel proud tt bb is gaining weight instead of loosing weight..love to see his cheeks chubby chubby..

lasery2k, shld b ok lah. i think is good leh baby gaining weight. mine is 3.3kg at birth, close to ur bb's weight. i hope she will be at least 4.5kg when i bring her for hep b jab this fri.

Cheerymum:think u can drink more.Just that between 1hrs dont BF yr bb lor..so usually my wifey will take it after she express her BM out lor.

Or u can mix and cook it in yr food also ma..hahaha..i think my wifey having about same amount of the DOM as u...that y i say she will be alcholic..wahahaha

sean: ya, i tot 4.4kg was normal gain too..

hershey: u drink dom liao still con't to BF bb mah or discard the milk for tt next feed?

sean & lasery2k: ya...better enjoy now if not duno how to handle 2 at the same time

u gals drink DOM nit? still BF-ing? i heard BF-ing cannot take? mi take all for cooking oni no drink direct

i rem i saw the instruction DOM to be taken 2 to 4 teaspoon every night b4 sleep. mayb now we doing confinement able to take in more. actually i like the taste, drink liao feel comfortable.

suika: at least u still gt take frm food...i didn;t even touch DOM at all. the only alcoholic thing tt goes in is my mum cook the food with red rice wine..

my face till nw still pale n seems like falling sick like tt..

cherry: so fast going hep b jab..yr's 1mth plus le? i intend to send his next week, after his bb shower this sunday.

DOM and alcohol

the things we read abt 1 std or 2 std drink when BF, the alcohol content is 12% and advised not to be taken more than twice a week. not forgetting DOM is a whopping 40% alcohol content and its a highly potent drink. depending on the amount you drink, your body may not have broken it down within 1 hr.

a standard drink takes 2 hrs (am not sure abt DOM of such high alcohol content) and if everyday, the effects is unknown.

Hi ladies.

Just brought my boy for his injection - 6 in 1. He weighed 5.1kg now. My estimation was correct. Hehe! He is due for his next injection - 5 in 1 when he is 3mths. I hoped that he will not develop any fever after injection. Cannot start his BB massage today.. have to postpone to tomorrow.

I asked my GP abt him being colicky. My GP say it is ok, no need to give anything, just burp him well. BB still have a little jaundice but not that bad so still ok.

He is getting better these days. Really hope that the improvement will continue.

ann: woah..so fast take 6 in 1 le..i heard will fever de wor...better monitor bb le.. could get very cranky if bb unwell..

great job for feeding bb well..

mrs long,

bbs get more bm thru latching on than thru ebm in bottle. Your bb probably drinks faster and more as the flow of the teat is easier to suckle than from ur nipples, tats why you tot you get more bm from pumping than latching on. This misconcepetion is normal, cos we cant see and know how much bm has been cosumed by our bbs thru latching on. But the true fact is bbs actually get more bm directly from nipples than from what you pumped out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was told by pd that no matter how you cook the wine or alcohol in food, there is always some that wont evaporate and will still go into your blood after u consumed the food and hence indirectly pass to your bb thru the bm. So pls avoid all alcohol if you are bfg. Lactation consultants and CLs will tell you it is ok to take it at least 2 hrs b4 bfg, but this is not true. As I had mentioned, there is always some alcohol left in the food or inside our blood after you consume, and alcohol is a NO for our bbs. I believe wine or DOM or any herbal alcohol is not a must in order to regain good health after labour. So mummies, pls think twice before you consume alcohol if you r bfg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I too used to think that it is v wasteful to let the other side of bm leaking while bfg bb on one side. But if you are producing sufficient or even more than enough bm, then pls dont worry about this. Your body will definitely keep producing whatever amt of bm that is needed by your bb as long as you keep bfg. Do use breast pads or shells to prevent bm from wetting ur clothing then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at week 3, my bb is t 3.4kg but PD say she should be 4kg then.. but he say nvm.. all children will pick up at different time..

DOM -- i dun drink any alcohol (neat).. means, i dun jus drink it like tat.. cause i read from an article hor.. 2 hours is not enough to clear off.. i dun dare la.. so i jus skip the alcohol part

bliss is right. so long as alcohol is in your blood, it will be in your BM. doesn't matter whether you pump and throw .

while we are doing good with BF, we don't want to taint it with alcohol as at their very tender months, their liver cannot handle. we need to weigh the "probable benefits" to our health vs the harmful effects on our bb.


thanks, will noted tat.. will definately contine to BM bb.. heehe~~ guess my breast pads not enuf to hold the over flowing milk.. guess i will buy a shells instead.. heehee~~

