(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


my bb is abt 31 days old..

he can slp until morning like 7am for his breakie..

what i do is, i will push his cot to the living room arnd like 3pm to 5pm.. & 7pm til 9pm.. let him play alone, listen to the buz rd, let him kick kick legs, move move hands.. but when he make abit cranky noise like "eh eh eh", UNLESS he really crys, if not i will nt carry him, just pat him, tok to him.. sometimes he will fall aslp, but just merely 10min then will be awake, coz noisy mahz..

like what suika mention, dont let bb slp rite after feeding, bring bb walk arnd the hse, tok to bb.. play alittle while with them..


can start training to let bb noe when is day n nite time so they noe nite time slp longer....last time i start this training late so suffer at that point

Hershey -- what i do is.. i wake bb up in the day.. and let her sleep thru the night. if not cannot catch up with the weight plus she still got jaundice now.. so now, in the day she will wake up every 2-3 hours.. then night time she sleep for 3-4hours like tat.. sometimes even longer..

day time i turn on the lights, bring her walk arnd the house to let her know its day time.. in the night, i will be more silent, dimmer lights or no light.. to let her know its night...

Jastine: scared. Just tell her dun cook. I also dun eat Ginger one.

My Frd told me food cooked with xo must delay bf for 2hrs. Anyone heard of it?

Suika: ya tmr my bb doing blood test again. The gal press my bb foot like gonna squash it. Dunno will hurt the bone or not. See Liao I also feel like crying.


I only starting massage on 13 aug. See so many thing on massage I scared le. I haven't bath since 29 jul alrdy can't tahan now neck red red cuz I keep wiping the sweat. Why after birth mommies tend to sweat n feel hot? My mom say our body liang.. But I feel hot. If pls massage with oil than sweat think I die..


my hse cannot totally silent,

coz my daughter will make noise.. and my pet dog will chase around my daughter... hai~

but now, i guess my bb used to the noise.. so not much of worries..

he still can slp well..

but just tat his feeding decrease, abit worry.. :C

he happy happy drink full 15 min on both side..

he happy happy drink less than 15min on both side.. and slp all day long.. :C

although his pee pee is norm.. pooing also norm..


i only heard that drink DOM cannot BF for 1 hr only..

food with XO, i think is okay de.. i been BF like this.. heehee~~ :D

pee pee norm poo poo norm jiu hao le.. ok la...

ceres == as long as got cook long enuff the alcohol will evapourate then ok. dun drink neat... lol


Thanks for the articles.. I know the respective colour of stolls to expect for FM & BM - fed babies respectively. But I would ike to know if we mix FM & BM feeding, what should w expect the colour of the stools to be? For eg, if alternate feed baby with BM & FM, would I exoect her stool to be yell0w-mustard at one time, then green at another time?

Dun drink neat?

My bb been puking milk out on n off. Ytd is gush out even nose also got. Tdy afew times slp side way milk pour out abit. Is it normal.

fazzy --

how about this?

The switch

Please consult with your doctor before switching your baby from breast-feeding to baby formula. The transition should take place gradually, by mixing breast milk and formula. When changing formula, the transition should also be gradual, and in consultation with your doctor. During the transition, your baby’s stool may change to soft and yellowish or greenish in color. Other normal reactions are fussiness, a little spit-up or occasional rashes. If your baby is very fussy (especially after feeding), gassy or spits up all or most of what he ate, talk to your baby’s doctor. Your baby’s health care professional is the best person to advise you about your baby’s nutrition.

i think for ur case, as long as u dun see hard or blood stools or very watery stools.. bb shud be fine... for bfing bbs, we see the stools to make sure they are fed enough.

as for fm bbs, we know how much they are fed. the stools will then be an indication of their health.

Stools, however, should not be small, hard or bead-like stool. This could be a sign of constipation, which is hard pellet-like stools, not infrequent stools.

Diarrhea means frequent (8-10 times a day), loose, and very watery stools.


ceres == dun drink the alcohol straight... must cook first.. let the alcohol evaporate..

Spitting up

Spitting up is non-projectile regurgitation of food or liquid not associated with any signs of illness. Many parents become unduly worried because their baby spits up during feedings. Especially within the first few days, extra fluid may remain in their stomach from birth causing spitting. Also, it is not unusual for him to bring up food during the first few months, whenever he burps or has been active. Although spitting up is an inconvenience, it seldom is a serious problem in a child who is otherwise healthy and developing normally. Usually time and patience on your part will best handle this problem. However, if your baby seems to be in pain with spitting up, we may suggest additional steps to help.

ceres == http://www.babycenter.com/0_why-babies-spit-up_1765.bc

Is there anything I can do about it?

Try these tips to help your baby keep his food down:

• Hold your baby in a fairly upright position when you feed him. Feeding him while he's slouched (curled up in your arms or sitting in a car seat, for example) doesn't give the formula or breast milk a straight path to his tummy.

• Keep feedings calm. Minimize noise and other distractions, and try not to let your baby get too hungry before you start feeding him. If he's distracted or frantic, he's more likely to swallow air along with his breast milk or formula.

• If your baby's taking formula or expressed breast milk from a bottle, make sure the hole in the nipple isn't too small, which will frustrate your baby and make him swallow air. On the other hand, if the hole's too large, he'll be gagging and gulping because the fluid will come at him too quickly.

• Burp your baby after each feeding. In fact, if your baby takes a natural pause during a feeding, take the opportunity to burp him before giving him more food. That way, if there's any air, it'll come up before even more food is layered on top of it. (Don't forget to put a soft cloth on your shoulder first!)

If you don't get a burp up within a few minutes, don't worry. Your baby probably doesn't need to burp just then.

• Keep the pressure off his tummy. Make sure your baby's clothing and diaper aren't too tight, and don't put his tummy over your shoulder when you burp him. Try to avoid car trips right after feedings, because reclining in a car seat can put pressure on your baby's stomach, too.

• Don't jostle your baby too much after he eats, and try to keep him in an upright position for half an hour or so. This way he'll have gravity on his side. You can carry him, put him in a pack, or prop him next to you against some pillows if he's big enough.

• Don't overfeed him. If your baby seems to spit up quite a bit after every feeding, he may be getting too much to eat. You might try to give him just a bit less formula or breastfeed him for a slightly shorter time, and see whether he's satisfied. (He may be willing to take less formula or breast milk at a feeding but want to eat more frequently.)

• If your baby tends to spit up while sleeping, elevate his head. It's unsafe for your baby to sleep with a pillow, but you can place a foam wedge under one end of his mattress or put the head of his crib safely on blocks.

Dom- I drank Dom at 1pm n express at 5pm n throw away the bm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jaundice - went to c pd just now . He said my boy still yellow . Did bld test. Poor little boy cried like crazy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] . Results will be know tml. On e way back home, e sun was shinnin brightly n I saw tat my boy finger nails are very yellow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now then saw it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bath and massage

only for first 2 sessions I wrapped till the next morning. Didn't bath in evening. Only bathed in the morning. Then when I gotta latch my boy, I used my shower gel to wash my arms and neck area with a towel. After that 2 sessions, I had massage in the morning. 8 hours later, unwrapped loh

last few sessions of massage? Hack care, unwrapped after 3 or 4 hours.

hi all.. anybody knows how to boil e actual fenugreek seeds to drink? like how many spoons, n how much water to boil..?


Not too sure if effective Anot. Retrieve from iPhone apps

Nursing tea

For 50 servings

100 g cummin seeds

100 g anis seeds

100 g fennel seeds

100 g dried nettle leaves

sugar, or honey

Good to help building the milk supply of the nursing mother.

Mix the seeds and keep them in a jar. Store the nettle leaves separately. Gives about 50 cups.

For 1 cup of tea:

Crush 2 tsp of seed mix in a mortar. Mix with 2 tsp of dried nettle leaves. Pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew 8 min. Filter. Sweeten to taste.

Author: Mathilde Rufenacht

i dunno why but everytime after i latch my BB (abt 20-30mins) each side, he's still not full.

But when I express out & bottle feed him, he seems fuller.

Is it cuz expressing milk out has more ml?

Found in other thread, from Jasmum.

brew fenugreek water:

1) 2-3 full tsb of fenugreek seeds boiled with 1 litre of water.

yes, i drank 1 litre of this fenugreek water in additional of 1 cup coffee/tea or fruit juices, green tea....

frankly i dislike plain water, so i tend to drink other drinks as mentioned. i love fruit juices and had that all sorts everyday.

can add honey for taste if you don't like the blend drink.

2) how long do u need to boil it?

2-3 tbsp full of seeds to 1 litre water, boiled within 15mins and store in my flask. the seeds will expand in the water so that's fine. at times, i just carry on and add hot boiled water and just let the seeds soak in it. the flasks i bring along to work & home every day.

3) how long did u drink it b4 ur supply increased?

hmmm.... with in a week, but must drink everyday inclu weekends.

4) must it be drank hot?

no.... i drank it warm and cool

5) did u take any other stuff to boost supply at the same time?

i ate ALOT of fish.... every dinner must have... usually steam, but i love fish all sorts....

i tried fenugreek caps. from GNC but doesn't work as well as the drink. the drink is very much effective.

6) what was ur supply like b4 drinking this?

ds was on total bf and on demand since birth... i wasn't working till he was about 11mths old (b4 his 1st year) so that helped alot !! as i was able to stock up alot of b'milk. i did had a good supply of milk to start with. but due to going back to the workforce, supply dropped... even though ds was eating solids but he still wants b'milk. so a mummy intro me to the seeds and it worked real well.

most of the express milk, i don't give ds, it's my maid and dh will feed him only when i'm busy or not around. every chance i have i will direct b'feed ds. especially the moment i get home from work 6+pm, have a quick shower and b'fed ds. he will drain and empty both breast and very quickly by 10+pm my supply will be filled for his bed-time feed. also before i leave for work, i will b'feed him too for him to empty both breast. at work, by 10+am i am able to pump out a good 8-12 oz and again by 4+pm.

by the way, fenugreek is a natural food source so can start on it at any time for the increase of the milk production. you can buy pkts from spice-shops, wet markets, etc... i don't see it in supermkts though.

when start (must drink daily)... within 4th day ~ a week, be ready to have extra breastpads or top for change to standby. b'cos you will get a "heavy let down" so do be prepared and not like me... blur-blur and got soak wet.

fenugreek is a lentil. it's hard and looks like chopped garlic. it's deep chome yellow in color.

like mentioned above, my cousin added honey. for me, i'm ok with the drink

hope these info helps.

hang in there and don't worry so much.

stress is the no1. reason for supply drop. good luck.

Immas, where to get the fenugreek seeds?

Ann: The thought of having to smell so herbal after each massage really worries me. So most prob I will massage for 5 days, until this friday. :p

ceres: anything cook with alcohol need to wait a while before BF-ing. :p i'm sweating a lot too. Sometimes I will ask my hubby is it me or is the weather really very hot. *keke*


Does anyone has the problem of milk leaking out? When my baby un-latch herself, sometimes my milk will continues to flow out and splash all over her face. So poor thing. How to prevent???

In addition, my breast is always engorged within 1-2hrs. Am I overproducing? I can pump out about 120-140mL of milk from both breast at one time (30-45min). My baby is only 1 week old. :p

Bb keep crying.. Not sure is it cuz jandice. Cl keep trying all kind of method to make him not cry like want to silent him off.. Now she suggest put ru yi oil, she say rub on her hand than put on side on stomach of bb cuz the bb cord still there. But I heard before cannot touch bb using the oil. Only put on top let the heat pass thru air to bb as bb might b sensitive or cord may get infected. Anyone knows abt this?

Phy >> Wah lucky you! Lemme know if the pants work ya.

Sacred tea >> This the tea that contains fenugreek and supposedly helps increase milk supply. I took for 2 days and on both the days my baby had a lot of wind in his tum tum and pooped so much. CL thinks the tea was too cooling and suggested I stopped drinking and monitor bb's condition. Everything went back to normal after.

Ceres >> I asked the PD the other about milk flowing out from bb's mouth and nostrils, She said it's usually due to wind in the tummy. If it happens once in a while, don't have to be alarmed about it. Just make sure bb is burped properly. My little one can burp a few times after a feed. I notice when he moves too much, CL will carry him and burp him before settling him down again.

Mommies...how do you manage to pump so much milk to freeze? What I can pump now is just enuff for his next feed.

ceres: my MIL will use the ru yi oil to massage baby after bathe in the morning. She will rub a bit of the oil on her hand and massage baby a bit. I read that use a BIT in moderation is ok, don't use a lot and frequently, can cause baby to have rashes or something as baby's skin still very sensitive.

Jastine: bb cord not yet drop. I scared she put later touch the cord. Also she say until notv reliable. 1st she say bb come back than like this like trying say the place dirty or wat. 2nd say wan put ru yi oil for bb cuz keep crying.. 3rd say bb tummy flat hungry so cry. I dunno which is which.. Sound so like she trying to use all method to keep bb quiet. She tired cuz whole day she didn't nap..

immas: last time i eat it directly wor

Jastine: WAH!! ur supply alot sia...mi till now can oni pump 80ml at most

ceres: i heard cord not drop yet better dun apply oil on them wor

my massage lady told mi to get more spinach n papaya soup...can help to increase supply n oat for breakfast but i dun feel like eating that....heehee will eat the veg n take more soup instead

suika: Supply a lot but demand not very a lot. My Avent milk storage bottle already used all put in the fridge le. And my breast is constantly swollen. Very uncomfortable! Then milk will gush out and splash all over my poor baby/choke her while she drink. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i see liao also very upset.

I was thinking of any ways to reduce milk flow, cause I can pump finish, rest abt 1 hr, latch baby, then rest abt 1 hr then need to pump. And the cycle goes on. At night I will suddenly wake up cause my breasts hurts and I need to pump. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway mummies, any good/affordable storage bags to recommend??? I planning to freeze my milk since refrigerate milk can only last 48 hrs.


Mummies, can I ask if I let other people (mother/MIL) keep carrying the baby and let other people feed her EBM etc, will baby not able to recognize I am the mummy?!?

My colleagues kept telling me to rest during confinement, and let other people take care of baby, cause if don't rest properly later in life will suffer backaches etc. However, I'm SO SCARED that baby won't be able to recognize me as the mummy when my confinement end.

These few days, I will get quite paranoid when somebody holds my baby too long. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jastine: coz u facing letdown now....maybe u can wait awhile after finish suckle let ur nipple rest awhile den unlatch? paisey mi no experience this b4 coz my supply not alot so can't advice on this

how long u intend to BF? if long then better b hardworking now since on ML coz later bb is drinking alot n by then ur supply might not b able to match their demands n by then u wana increase u'll face problems

i use bottles to store, mi no buy milkbags

ur MIL helping u on ur confinement then get her to bring in bb to u for latching n at nite she use bottle to feed lor...like that u'll b able to rest n at the same time ur bb will still rems u

my advice is carry on latch bb if no latch too long bb will forgets how to latch n by then might not wana latch liao...that's wad happens to my #1....so in the end my supply no go up

Jastine Lee

this is what happen to me.. if bb unlatches, milk will shoot all over her face.. she will grunt and make noises cause letdown too fast. what i do it to unlatch and have a hanky ready.. then hand express some milk out then relatch.. it will help a lot

got any idea wad can i get to hold my other breast supply....when i latch my girl on 1 side, the other starts to leak....v wasted ley all drip onto my top n all wet

Suika, what I usEd to do is I use a bottle to let the milk drip in. If not very wasted.

Haiz my Boy Been cranky since evening till now. He finally slp on my Chest now. Wonder hw I put him back on his bed..

Suika, I hold bb one hand to feed thn use another to hold the bottle. Haha! Sometimes abit messy here n there but milk is precious!!

morning mummies!

went back to my own place ytd. finally! lie on my bed and wanted to cont to zzz but bb not cooperative. keep waking me up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suika, I bought the milk tray from momsfairy.com. It works like an ice cube tray. Freeze one batch then pop out and store in a freezer safe ziplock bag. rem to label the bags. Hvnt used mine yet tho...not enough milk to freeze.

how to make baby awake during the day? mine sleep too much during the day resulting her to be super alert from evening till 1am plus every night.

thanks Kat....will check out on that...mayb i'll try using Jo_Lyn's method first using the bottle....save $

Pris: those trays like v small 1 wor....later ur flow more then the tray like v hard to store liao

Cheerymum: disturb bb lor....tok to bb...burp bb long so they'll b awaken etc


sighh me now boiling water for my boy. as i use those small electric jug to boil water. it takes a long time to boil and long time to cool the water. arghh .

1st time bathing him and it takes a long time to prepare it.

i remembered i use water heater for my #1 if im not wrong. keke

