(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann & Vernie - My bab is now 33 days old, also started fighting sleep... worst is she is fighting sleep at night, yesterday her eyes were opened fr 1030 to 0100, even after 3 full feeds hourly during this time, she refuses...aiyah in the end I dun care her crying, she finally cried to sleep at 1.30am...before I can sleep its time for me to pump.... sigh...

I believe my bb sleeps to long in the day...so today try to limit her day nap.... earlier morning nap I have to disturb her for about 1 hr before she really woke up... now she juz fall asleep will walke her up for her milk... but after that how do I keep her awake huh? any suggestion without her wailing away?


lolz, seems like alot of us having the same prob of bb nt wanting to sleep when they gets older..mine make a fuzz until 3am yesterday nite loh..i had to carry him n let him lie side way with his head inbetween the breast for him to sleep. lucky he drifted off to sleep in 10mins n didn't wake up until 8.30am..

he had been asking for milk in huge amt at nite, i wondering any mummies had this exp with their bb..my bb now at 32days old and yesterday he took in 105ML at 11pm then follow by another 90ML at 12.30am after tt 2.30am i breastfeed him again then finally fall aslep..

taking medication and BFing bb is ok de..coz when the mum is sick, the body produce antibodies for the sickness which will be in the milk for bb too..n bb will have the immune system too..

yesterday i also fever n took panadol but i still BF bb..wat i tot is when we were in hospital doc also prescribe panadol n pain killers for us n we also BF bb..then it shld not be a prob.

Jo_Lyn == im on TBF (latching).. i dun use bottle wor.. lol.. i express out only if my let down too fast that my bb kept rejecting.. after i pump, the letdown will go back to norm.. or if im engorged.

when i latch, if bb drank for 30 mins.. then can sleep for about 3-4 hours even.. if bb drink 10-15 mins, then 2 hours sure wake up..

sweetkiss == i think u have to start monitoring ur bb's cues.. what i do is to note down in a book on her feeding times, wake up time and sleep time and how long i latch her for.. this way, i will be able to see a pattern and know what will she want next... after u get used to the pattern, its easy for u to know and prepare.

sleep routine

last night i was quite headache because of my cranky bb.. she has been disturbing me for a few nights. ytd, after some research, i realise that its her startle reflux that wakes her up... she will "jump" and wake up.. so i swaddled her hands and legs.. and she slept thru for 5 hours.. i slept with her.. she didnt make a noise and both of us jus slept.. but its also mainly because she latched 30 mins on each side before sleep... so i concluded the reasons for her sleepless nights

- growth spurt (kept wanting to drink. but if she drinks to fulfill her growth spurt needs, she can sleep very well)

- startle reflux

so poor girl.. shes hungry, she wake up and drink.. feeling all tired, she wants to sleep but her startle reflux kept waking her up...

so i have to go thru this with her lor...

but... good news is.. i think my girl knows to differentiate day and night liao.. i have been doing this routine for 1 mth... i latch her 2 hourly (wake her up sometimes for feed) in the day... and midnight hours, i feed on demand. i jus let her sleep until she wake up...

and now, thankfully, she wakes up at about 2am after her 11pm feed and 6am for her next feed.. this way.. i can sleep a lot more and feel more energetic in the day to battle with her..

i think mommies, start a routine, it will help u a lot esp when u go back to work..

lasery2k my bb ask for a lot of milk at night about 10pm - 11pm.. like last night, she can latch for 30 mins each side and not nibbling on my nipples like pacifier.. she really suckle.. i feel her stomach so big but she can still drink.. i scared she spit milk so i carried her with her head on my shoulder for about 10 mins before putting her back to the cot and burped her too.. jus in case she spits milk all over...

i realise this huge feeding pattern for 3-4 days liao.. my bb is 5 weeks old liao.. so i think she is due for her next growth spurt...

serene: yes yes, had been going for about 1 week plus le..he was 3weeks old then..now going 4 weeks old..

i also scared he will vomit or spit up with his big tummy. but the thing is, he finishes tt 105ML 1hr ltr his tummy flat again..=.=!! n he starts crying for milk..

Regarding jaundice, my baby was also diagnosed with jaundice the next day after birth. He underwent phototherapy and was discharged on the 6th day.

I was told to bring him to polyclinic the next day to check again. It went up slightly! So I had to bring baby back for review every other day. This lasted until he was 24 days old and the jaundice finally dropped to 95. Polyclinic's guideline is that as long as it drops below 100, they will discharge the baby already.

Their guideline is also any baby with jaundice above 100 lasting beyond 2 weeks will have to go for detailed liver test, but I heart pain to see so much blood taken from baby, and I insisted that I do not want to take the detailed test. I was very certain that my baby is ok as his jaundice has been dropping steadily.

But mummies who want a peace of mind should just have the test taken.

All the doctors whom I have seen at KK and polyclinic said I should continue to breastfeed, and it was not necessary to sun the baby. As long as the baby continues to have a good appetite and is able to poo/pee well, then it's ok.

So mummies don't worry so much!

thanks serene! i will try to but i am such a lazy mum, i latch on during her nite feeds and the only thing i want to do after that is to go back to sleep!

by the way do u all pump after latching on? or how long before latch on? cos currently i only pump once or twice a day.. but it feels uncomfortable cos my breasts always feel full.

if i pump after latching, the yield not very much.. but if i pump before latching, baby does not have enough when i latch her and she fuss a lot. and i dun really like to bottle feed bb coz i realize she vomit out more milk when she is bottle fed.

by the way i tried to burp her after every feed but she doesn't burp one! my mum tried to and cant also!

by the way, when are baby's growth spurts? In their 2nd week??.

My BB is 1 week old but seems to drink quite abit (50-70ml) per 2hrs or so.

postnatal blues: think postnatal hormones are making me quite emo. was kinda in depression last thur nite that i cried 3 times at nite to my hubby. i trying my best to BF the bb but my mom keep dun wanna let me latch the bb. as a result i always have a lot of difficulty latching bb. fri & sat hubby not working and he helped me alot of with the latching and finally bb can latch properly! fri morning after struggling for half an hour, he latches on. then after that he has been latching better and better. yesterday, after i fed him and burp him, i carried him for a while and then he auto lock-on to my left breast and started sucking!!! he was so cute =)

latching time: my bb is a big sucker. he suck about 30 min on each breast. so every time I spent about 1 hour feeding him. y

growth spurt: usually occur at 2-3 week. yesterday, at my bb's 14th day, i think he having growth spurt and was demanding for milk every hourly. super tiring, basically latching him on the whole day. luckily today seems better, he can wait for 2-3 hour for the next feed.

pumping: usually i pump 15-20 min each time. last time i tried to pump longer but realised that pump longer, even pump 1 hr, the milk that i can express is not much difference from pumping 20 min.

jaundice: bb was discharged last tue from MAH after photo-therapy for 1 day. jaundice level was 158. he looked better after coming back from hospital but recently seems to become yellow again. tried to sun him but recently cloudy and everytime can only sun him for 10 min cos he dun like. for mom whose bb had jaundice, how long do u all sun ur bb? any tips on making bb settle down while sunning?


Can I check for those who top up fm with ur breastmilk, whT colour are we expecting the poo to be? I'm gonn start topping up fm cos my bm cannot meet up to her demand. And should I alternate bm and fm for each feed? I worry it will not be good for bb's tummy. And furthermore, I tried giving her heat and she really reacted like she didn't like the fm intially, had a hard time finishing the milk

just came back from bukit batok polyclinic...super long queue sia...was there by 11am n done at almost 2pm....those who intend to go better bring milk along

breastfeeding corner is at lvl 3 if u nid to do so

my girl's lvl went up from 145 to 180 n hv to go back again this thurs coz she's oni 5days+ old so consider quite high....doc mention that those after a week old the dangerous lvl is at 300


if too long no recover better see doc....dun let it affect ur own health oso

Hi mommies,

my baby boy is also giving me problems at night nowadays. He refuses to sleep and eyes big big. Somemore very cranky! My hubby has the 'night shift' with him but he seems to be waking me up every 1hr+ to feed him. I think he might be going through a growth spurt. Waaah really feel like giving up latching and just pump milk for hubby to feed at night so that I can have some proper sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi, Mummies

this few days don know y, my bb don want to be latch on. whenever i try to latch him, he will push my breast, like i forcing him to take posion. was joking with hb: " mummy, i don want ur beast, i want milk bottle. give me milk bottle."

been trying to latch, out of sudden, my supply drop. used to pump at least 200++ml per day, now only half of it.

been taking fenugreek, drinking a lot of water, but supply still very low.

Breast-Fed Stools:

Normally, breast-fed babies have stools that are soft and loose, light mustard in colour with very tiny seed-like pieces. This is as breast milk is very easy to digest and contains all the nutrients necessary for a babies growth. Due to the ease of digestability there is also very little solid waste. The odour of the stool should also be mild and not very unpleasant.

Formula-Fed Stools:

Babies who are fed formula generally have stools that are a little more firm than breast-fed babies. Stool colours can vary from yellow, to green to brown. All of which are considered normal. In the first two months of life, formula-fed babies often have less frequent stools than breast fed ones, typically it is about four to five bowel movements a day. Bottle fed babies also have thicker and bulkier stools than breast fed babies. It is believed that the type of fat blend in formula milk influences the stool consistency.

for mommies gg back to work.. prep for ur breastfeeding workshop


If you are returning to work after your maternity leave, this workshop will help you plan early so as to allow you to continue to offer breastmilk to your baby. Join us as we share with you practical tips on how to manage work and breastfeeding. Ideally, the second month after birth is the best time to come for this workshop. Babies are welcome; however, we regret that husbands will not be allowed as there will be practical demonstrations.

Seats are liimited, so register early!


hey mommies:

Can totally understand how u all feel man!!My bb is 15 days old..start to have lesser sleep. then ytd, was awake and got cranky even when we carry him...finally the war end at ad 12mn since 7pm...nearly want to faint liao lor

i also dunno what wrong...fed him med for "wind" but it not helping...also dunno y like dat...sigh and he is only pooing for twice in a day....but lots of peeing though

sean == u got swaddle bb ma? for celeste hor.. it sometimes happens when she jus shower.. and sometimes its because she is due to shower, so she will stay awake until we bathe her -_-

but dun worry.. all these will be ok after bb grow up..

i jus get very frustrated esp when im super sleepy.. like jus now, celeste also like tat.. then i swaddle her to prevent her from startling and waking up... then shes sleeping a bit better now.. still got move but not so much liao


dun give up. just give watever bm u hv for ur bb.

re: sleep

oh, my boy did a 6hr marathon on feed and poop yesterday from 1130pm - 530am. i was v exhausted... but no choice... this is how it is going to be for sm bbs

Suika: same. Bb 4 day old 202lvl jandice. Doc say 260admit. 300 dangerous.

Should I continue bf cuz I eat Ginger dunno affect him or not. Though Bo scientific logic but is it ok? When discharge his lvl 75 only...

sean == could it be the room temperature? too hot? last night quite cold.. but i scared bb got heat rash.. so i on one fan but blow on the wall.. end up i realise she was too cold.. then i swaddled her and off the fan.. then she slept

ceres == ya.. its not what we eat that affects the jaundice level. u need to let bb drink more to pee and poo more then will recover liao. at some days, celeste dun drink enough, i will see her yellow eyes come back. but if she drinks enough the n will be gone.. as long as u are not chewing on the ginger can liao.. cause ginger can cause wind to bb..

its the total room temperature ma.. use a towel to clean him? maybe he feel gao wei? u got on light ma? maybe too bright?

got a lot of reasons.. from what i read, there are sooo many reasons.. haha.. so i trial and error lor.. dun fuss together with him.. u need to stay calm and steady.. he fuss, u talk to him nicely.. dun kan cheong

sometimes i get so fed up that i left her on her bed.. the leave the room for 5 mins.. gather myself again and return to entertain her..


i think u should stop eating ginger instead of stop bfing.

quoted from the article:

* If you are breast feeding it is best that you do not take any ginger for the first 10 days after delivery as ginger will make it harder for the liver to work on the unconjugated bilirubin.


Post-natal Massage:

Hi mummies, just want to ask anyone started on their post-natal massage? I just start mine today, it was pretty good but 1 thing worries me a lot is the smell of the oil. The massage oil has a very very STRONG herbal smell, I don't dare to carry my baby for fear that she will find me smelly or don't recognise my smell. Worst is I was told I can't bathe for 8 hrs!!! I'm so scared that baby won't want me to carry her anymore if I smell like this. Any mummies out there experience this problem?

serene: ya i also do tt, i will leave him to the maid or HB then after tt take over again...back from KKH and PS shopping..so tired ...he scream n scream asking for milk just now..once at KK once at PS..so pai seh tt he woke another bb up with his scream n tt bb started crying..haiz..wat to do..hungry bb = angry bb

KK doc say his nose block, need to do suction actually de but due to he just finish eating ltr puke all the milk out. so he prescribe some nose drops for him..the drops can be use as eye drops also..so sian, if 5 days ltr still no improvement or he gt breathing diffculties then gotta bring him back again..


I also started my massage today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but the oil my ML used not much smell. Anyway i will wipe my arms with the herb water after tat cos i dun wan my hands to be oily n yet i go carry my boy..

my bb also got stuffy nose... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can hear her phelm when she breathe...

jasline == i jus use a towel to wrap my arm when i carry her


i fight with my bb bloated tummy for 2weeks plus, closing to 3 weeks.. Recently i see his bloated tummy is getting better.. Do more massage & cycling per day, like wat serene mention b4, it will helps to clear e wind.. but of coz, bb will get cranky too.. if u have ridwind, feed him 0.2ml b4 every bf... and put a little bit ru yi oil too...

usually, at nite bb are more difficult to handle.. coz e wind make them difficult to slp well.. all bb dont like swaddle, but have to swaddle him more often during this period of time, so to keep his tummy warmth.. no choice if bb cry.. gently rock abit, pat bb, sing songs, talk to bb.. might help them..

sometimes, can try to give ABIT of warm water for them to drink..

hope tis sharing could help all mummies out there too.. :D

For mommies who take fenugreek,

Just to check, you took the pills to increase supply, so does it means that if once i stop talking the pills, my ss will drop?

sun_tan: my ML told me if want to wipe also must wait at least 2 hrs to wipe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just now baby cry and I dun dare to carry her. End up my MIL carry her away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

serene: But the smell??? I not so worried abt the oily arms, I can wear jacket and stuffs. I'm more worried she find me smelly :'(

jasline -- wont la.. lol.. after my massage, i latch bb liao...if u worry, then jus use a dry cloth to wipe urself. but my ML got use powder to powder me lei.. so can absorb oil

sun_tan == hmm.. i guess it will return to norm.. i tried to stop for a day.. the diff not a lot.. jus that my let down is not as fast

Hi Hershey,

Thanks for yr advice..in fact i have done the cycling and the massage again n again everyday. As for the ridwind..for a start it seem to help, but now back to norm...doesnt seem to clear the wind ley...

i think mabe have to swaddle him again liao...hmm..i think got to try all ways and method to make him better liao...*yawnz*


ya.. bb r our precious.. we have to try out all methods, to help them ease.. if not we really head big big ar..

as for ridwind, i also continue to use until i find his tummy is soft soft, then stop.. coz it also will help to let them fart fart.. bside using ru yi oil..

Oh ya... rem to use abit of ru yi oil to massage ur bb palms and feets.. will help to push the wind out..

In a dilemma Just went to rebond hair... Don't know if I shd discard the ebm right after rebond hair.

Hershey: yes yes...totally agree with u...everytime i see him very agigtated and uncomfy...feel so much heart pain for him....hmm...i will try thr ru yi on bb palms n feet...

ok i BTH le so went to wipe myself with the herbal bathe and hot water! Now the massage oil smell not as strong! *phew*

Sillyhp: I read that if u rebond/dye hair, the EBM of that day have to be discarded and don't BF for that day itself, in case the chemicals get into the BM.

slping & feeding routine

my bb can slp thru the nite.. & in the day..

at times, he will wake up in the aftern or evening to havoc awhile..

he also seem to know when & wat time my parents & brothers will be back home.. and will keep awake til they come forward to chit chat with him..

But now, i am facing one problem..

he slp well..

but his feeding seem to decrease..

he used to drink full 15 min on both sides..

Now he rather slp than waking up to drink,

even wake up, he only drink merely of 10 mins or less on 1 side...

I though by now, he should be drinking more than b4?? like growth spurt?? he is like 31 day old.. how come like this?? LOL~~

this happened, ever since he recovered from his colic...

Jastine: Me also just started my post natal massage today. Was told cannot bath for 8hrs too. No choice lo. You going to massage for how long?

Baby Massage: Mdm Ida feel my BB's stomach just now and say alot of air. He is having colic and that's why cranky. She will start to massage for him tomorrow. Hopefully it will make him better.

Hershey: Your BB sleep thru the night? How old is your BB now? I am trying to get my BB to do that too. But so far not successful.

Instead of swaddling,can also let bbs sleep on their sides on their shoulders. It also provides a sense of security. Just tt got to use a wedgelike support so tt bb will not flip over onto tummy.

ceres: my girl when discharge still lvl high so PD says must check again at his plc if not polyclinic whichever convenient for me but my hb heartpain seeing her being poke no wana test....doc says starting 2wks must watch the lvl closely so this thurs hv to bring her back again....but lucky she gain back some weight liao

i oso been eating alot of ginger this time coz wana stop at 2 so this time must take care of my health more...hopefully no affect bb oso

jastine: i oso just started my massage today she told me to wash my breast n hands n arms with bb soap so can feed n carry bb later....u wait at least 10-15mins after the massage then wash

juz a suggestion for those having problems w bb awake at nite.....

last time wad i did w my #1 was during the daytime after feeding dun hurry in putting bb back to slp so nite time they'll slp more....although not work v long but at least not wide awake thru'out the nite....can give it a try


Bath and massage

only for first 2 sessions I wrapped till the next morning. Didn't bath in evening. Only bathed in the morning. Then when I gotta latch my boy, I used my shower gel to wash my arms and neck area with a towel. After that 2 sessions, I had massage in the morning. 8 hours later, unwrapped loh

last few sessions of massage? Hack care, unwrapped after 3 or 4 hours.

