(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

lasery2k: Normally if you are purely EBM.. you will only be able to pump enough for baby's demands (if cant meet demand yet.. don worry soon will be able to). Im not sure but logic wise i think if you latch and then pump as well.. supply will be more? Cos its like sending signals to the brain to produce more. Im trying to cut down on pumping and also cut down on freezing cos my freezer ran out of space already.. you only need to start freezing if you're preparing to go work already. Otherwise, don worry about it!


Later gonna try express my colostrum. Like not much leh.. See like few drops.

Dq n shann: how much is the binder? Was given a 10% voucher for KKH pharmacy. Dunno can use or not.


Thanks for the infor? I was worried..luckiy didnt pour away my ebm! Heartpain if i did so.

Me gg to start my massage next monday! Looking fwd to it! Btw, i have knees problem when preggy, ie after i squat and i try to stand up, my knees would be very painful. I tot after giving birth should be all right? But just now i squat and tried to get up, but my knees still hurt..anyone have the same problem? I still got another 8kg more to go to get back my pre-preggy weight..jiayou!

Talking abt mil..hahaha i am lucky! Previously mil dropped by my place EVERYDAY!!!! Then guess what, my bro-inlaw kenna chickenpox..hehehe so now she is banned from coming over...lalalalalal i felt so much "free-er" and not like under constant spying.

hello mummies,

now i knw why my baby vomits, because she's constipated and tried so hard to pass motion that she vomited instead.

any remedy for a 2weeks old baby having constipation? I am quite worried really. Thought of going to childrens clinic but all close early today.. any suggestions mummies?

jaclyn: so good!! ur bb latching on well & u still haf spare!

my bb keep slpg while latching.. then i bo bian pumppumppump.. if not my ss will drop.

in fact now my ss is not sufficient for his feeds. any ideas how to increase ss?

ceres: mine also bot by husby.

tink he told me abt 60ish? cant rem...

but if u went thru natural, u can use any binder rite? juz tat we did csect, they wanted us to hold the wound in place.. hence we bot the binder.

DQ - If BB urine still pink means not hydrated enough. Also, a BB with jaundice will tend to be sleepier according to the PD. My BB also always fall asleep during feeds.. what I do is I keep nudging her and tickling her chin.

To increase BM supply, pump after feed (although I lazy to do that). Taking Green papaya fish soup and fenugreek suppose to help. Not sure how true though.. Most importantly, cannot stress yourself.. must rest enough then milk will come, that's according to my friend. So if need to, supplement with FM first, if not BB's jaundice may not go down.


ya, dun stress urself. these two days i had issues at home and i cried myself silly. my ss went downhill and i had to deal w a fussy baby who dun wanna latch and is v impatient. i had to re-start all over again... latch/pump. otherwise, i still giving fm...


erm, tbf bbs cannot b constipated ... instead ther hv watery stools or soft stools much like diarrhea. maybe ur bb is colic. try gripe water or ridwind


i chked out kellymom's website. ebm can be re-heated once and no more. also, u boy cmg to 1 mth so bottle feeding is going to be okie, but i think ur mil shd ask u first... it's ur bb, not hers

noknok>> howie's pee no more pinkish now.. but was pinkish fr day 1-day5 or 6.

JP>> im also givin FM & EBM for howie. cuz i wanna get rid of his jaundice... n since he's always so slpy while latching, ive decided to supplement him before he loses more wt!

relax.. im also damn emo. husby gone back to wk already.. n he's on shift wk. so he's staying @ my ILs while bb n me stay w my mum. so sometimes feel a bit lost lor. but luckily my mum & sis has been helping me a lot!

DQ, it's good to supplement with FM. my hb is against FM, keep insisting i BF only, so till now i find my bb is a bit yellow.

in the beginning my bb also always fall asleep when latching. and after 15-20mins, guaranteed sure fall into deep sleep. now how i wish she'll fall asleep when latching, hhahaha. she's been awake since 2pm. can't fall back asleep, so very cranky.

DQ: Increase BM ar? Just hydrate hydrate and hydrate!! Rest well, drink papaya soup with fish .. and pump.. pump pump.. latch latch latch non stop =D

we are all damn mooomooo nowadays...

Jellypurin: OKies =D

thanks sillyhp. think i will just order from BP.

this morning woke up with sore boob and now fever , shucks. i hope it's not mastitis!!

can i check how often shld we pump & how do we know when to pump?

i actually latch BB, then nvr pump after latching cuz think no supply liao. I only pump like 3-5hrs when feel boobs are painful, esp at night now cuz CL will feed BB EBM or FM.

Is my pumping frequency ok?


I think u shouldn't wait till ur breasts r painful then pump. U should pump when they feel full or heavy. For me even thought after each session of my half hr pump, when I squeeze my breasts, still got droplets of bm coming out so I think they will nv be really empty.


thanks for the compliments..

Wooow... my baby is 1 month old le.. :D

But then, he constipate today.. dono what to do le.. done those massage, cycling, watever.. still he cannot pooing.. :C

sleep lesser & lesser.. argh.... i could not get my nap in the afternn & evening.. :C

swaddling, he hate it so much, sometime, will cry like hell.. but dont swaddle, he will be jumpy while slping... headache... :C

So many mummy have already store B.Milk le ar..

I have not started.. LOL~~ just let bb latching whenever it is full.. LOL~~

But it seem like, my boy don get enuf of it..

From 3 hrs interval, to 2 hr interval now.. OMG~~

I think i should start giving him F.Milk too.. mix it.. hai~~

It not, my nipple will be sore..

wound :

I rem my 1 time, my wound take 1 month to recover.. cannot sit properly.. difficult to slp too.. hai~~ suffered like hell.. but tis time rnd, my wound recover on the 2nd week.. :D

Slowly dont rush... relax urself... Plus rest more..

First time pump both side 10ml only.. Since 29 jul I haven't pass motion n now sore throat n headache. Cannotdrink water have to drink the tea..

Anyone using freestyle medela? How u sterilize the eq? For medela bottle can strelise using avent bottle streliser?


eat more fruits, helps in making stools soft. I m using freestyle. I put all the parts into my steriliser (pigeon brand). I dun think medela bottle can fit into avent steriliser leh...avent steriliser can only be used to sterilise avent bottles.

Dunno can eat or not fruits. My mom n cl been restricting me drink water etc. Only eat wat they cook n brew.. Feel v sad. Sigh.

Now my pump cannot sterelise worse! Dunno wat to do now.. No head no tail.

By the way the softfit u strelise got change shape or colour? When I pump one side keep leaking. Now my breast v pain dunno wat to do.. Scared later sterelise all spoil.


yup, including the softfit. Even thou i m using freestyle, but i didnt use their bottles. I m using avent bottles. I bought the converter so tat i can attach my avent bottles to the medela pump.


Yes we cam eat certain fruits eg apple n grapes n any other fruits tat are heaty. My mil only say cannot eat oranges n pears. Ya i think the softfit have the problem of leaking..mine too. So normally i will try to lean forward abit. So far didnt change shape nor colour..but y would change colour? Breastpain? Maybe u should lower ur pump level?

Ceres, avent sterilizer can be used to sterilze non-avent bottles. I sterilized my ameda pump (including their bottle) in avent sterilizer. Just have to arrange the parts and bottle properly will do.

Storing of milk: u guys will combine the milk from the prvious session n current session? Are we allow to do so? Cos currently whatever I pump out for each session, I will just store in one milk bag. Realise I used up alot of it n is not fully filled.


ya can combine. But I combine them at same temperature to play safe. Meaning will put latest session's in chiller for it to cool down then combine with previous session's.

Abt the yellow or shape part, medela softfit has this issue which I read it on newspaper ard 2 to 3 mths pregnant at that time.

Morning ladies~

Feel bit painful at finger joints recently, anybody experience this? Don't tell me is because i knotty! shower during confinement and now this T_T

Nowadays, i shower with shampoo. shower gel with normal hot tap water, then i wash myself again with the herbal water.. is that ok? what are we supposed to do with the herbal water actually?

100% EBM

just sharing my experience. it is true that if you dont latch and only use pump to give ebm, your supply will dwindle faster than mummies who latch on. I did 100% ebm for my #1 and after my menses came, my supply will drop with each cycle. I have another fren who had the same experience. so mummies, if you intend to bf for long term (up to 1 yr), do try to latch on.

I am also battling to do full latch-on for my #2 now and try don't to do bottle feed and latch on concurrently if your bb is less than 1 mth, this may interfere with their latching on. for #2, I had some ebm at the early days when his appetite was not tt large, tot din want to waste it, so bottle fed him. end up he tried to suckle at the nipple instead of a proper latch which he had already been trained. so now must undo the damage. if you really need to give ebm or fm, try spoon feeding, it's tedious but not as damaging as bottle feeding. Anyway, just my personal experience.

Shann. I experienced finger joint pain too. My mum,Sis n MIL ask me try not to touch water. As in washing n stuffs. Hmmm. My mum doing confinement for me. Even is my own mum i also pai sei to let her do everything for me. So I can help her out I do some simple washing myself. And hor, before I carry my own bb I will wash my hand first.

All the washing causing my fingers pain.

Rachel, i see i see! Yea will take note, my CL told me to wash my hands with warm water instead of cold water..

This morning woke up with engorgement, first time! managed to pump out 125ml, i am so happy!

I tried to sterilize the medela bottle in avent sterilizer. It works but inside the water vapour need to clean before I pump milk in?

Shann: I also hand joint abit stiff than need to massage n flex it. Dun dare tell my mom or cl later sure kana scold. My first pump is 10ml.. Both side combine. How long do we pump on each side?


erm, i think ur bb too young to take melon drink... in fact, tbf/tfm bbs dunnid water or extra fluid... there may be intoxication... but it could be a cultural thing so am going to leave it to u to decide to give melon drink to ur bb or not


u mus b v consistent if u wanna express only. 2-3hrly. if laych/pump... then i suggest no longer than 2hrs cos ur breast will feel full.

ur breast painful now? u do massage? cos maybe engorgement or block ducts...


buy snappies. v gd and convienient to store... milk bags wasted leh...


water droplets in bottle ok. just shake it out... e water is sterile in a sense...

morn mummies, ya mi too having the pains at the joints too...left hand n left feet..now having fever too...so sad loh..

2molo going to bring bb to KKH for sucking out flam n maybe i also go see doc bah..i think the FM nt really suitable for him and he get the flam after drinking it..everytime hear him drink from my breast gt the gru gru gru sound also heartpain..

my boy also having the nt enough milk issue..he finishes 1 side and still asking for the other side..so ended up i have to pump out the half..n he is feeding at the timing of 2 - 3 hrs interval with est 100 plus ML. haiz..really wanted to stop FM but it's gonna be super tiring for mi.

Hi mummies,

just one question: if I feed bb with ebm that has just been pumped out but she is unable to finish the whole bottle, can I just store at room temperature first and feed the remaining at the next feed? Or do I need to pour away which I have been doing cos I was afraid of contamination but heart pain leh

afternoon everyone....

mi feeling so tired when i'm back home from hospital since friday....till now still havent confirm my bb girl's name...chines n english both cannot decide....very fan...duno wad to do

yest had bad engorgement but this morning woke up ok liao....till now no engorgement feeling anymore....will it affects my amt???

i had a hard time struggling w my amt last time during my 1st 1 n none of them was supportive enuff....today mil came w my sil n she commented that how come my BM is yellowish instead of white, is it spoil liao...so heartpain she gonna make those stupid remarks at me again but lucky sil told her yellow is better....heng sia if not she gonna say i stave her grandkid to death again :-(


i heat up my BM then let bb drink n if she can't finish i'll leave it at room temp for awhile....not more then 1hr....coz for her she takes bit by bit at times so i kept for awhile if she sleeps then i'll throw away

Mrs Long = Don't worry about your baby.. My baby's jaundice was 19.3 2 days after she got discharged from TMC... and she was warded for 2 days too.

I also cried at the thought of leaving her alone in hospital. But rest assured she will be well taken care of.

Meanwhile, rest well at night because you need lots of energy when baby returns home =)

Suika, thanks for the advice. Problem is my bb can sleep for 2-3 hours after each feed. That's why I dared not keep for too long.

mrs long,

juz sharing my past experience....

last time my #1 was high lvl jaundice oso....i discharged without him n my MIL goes round telling ppl saying i anyhow eat caused him like that....i was so depressed i hided in a corner at the hospital n starting crying away.....then later at nite cannot slp n drived back to see him under the light...took him more then 2wks to get clearance from polyclinic....i read that it's normal that jaundice takes abt 2wks to clear off totally so not to worry

hi all mummies...have given birth to my little prince on 29th July 1834hrs... discharged yesterday...

BF: my right nipple bleed.. have to stop the direct BF and let it heal.. so far only colostrum.. pump out my left side colostrum for bb lor...

