(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Hi Mummies

So sleepy aft lunch.

Was chatting wif my friend who recommend me her gynae.

She was asking me how is bb condition,if he is engaged and I replied her not yet, no blood muscus show, no waterbag burst and have not check for dilate.

she told me my gynae will not do VE to check if I have dilate... I am now in my 37wk.



Not all gynae will do VE de. Mine doesn't do that. She said no point unless I'm going into labour or I want to induce. If not no point checking me and cause me discomfort. I agree lor... coz I don't like the feeling too...

re circumcision, i wish i knew it earlier! I've already brought baby home so dunno when I should do it for him sigh so poor thing, imagine how painful it will be after they are 3 mths old! how much does it cost by the way to do circumcision? must be careful of infection.

I just came back from my gynae for the removal of stitches. wow the removal is painless and i lost 9 kg already within 1 week! Cant wait to lose the rest man! How long does it take to lose the remaining pounds? I think i still look fat!

Also, I asked abt the keloids cream and he gave me uniflex. anyone heard abt this cream? apparently its quite cheap, only $13.

VE ah .. i just did mine over weekend ... very fast over... not dilated ... but gynea say is kinda soft inside so probably due within 2 weeks naturally if no breakage of water bag, no bleeding, etc... hee...

Just cAme back from gynae's! She was so surprised that i still haven give birth even though already 3cm dilated 2 weeks ago. Did another VE and I'm 4cm dilated. This time ve check was quite painful and uncomfortable. Then I realize it's because my bladder was full! Hahaa!

Doc asked me to ward myself this Wednesday to break water bag so looks like my bb will be out to see the world this wed!

Jaclyn: I am seeing my gynea on weekly basis ready... hmm didn't ur gynea take urine test on every visit? I have to do that since mid of my 2nd trimester. maybe u can ask ur gynea if able to empty ur bladder before going in to scan or do whatever.

Maybe i worry sneeze or cough will leak so i usually will ask upon arrival if i need full bladder... if not needed, i will sure empty all out... hahaha...

Cheese: nope leh. No airy feeling if that's what you are asking haha! The only pain I feel is at my pelvis. Turning in bed or getting out of bed is very difficult!! Gynae says cos baby's head is pressing on it thus uncomfortable.

Xbeannie: ya I will always go for urine test but today's wait very long as I also went for ctg. Then took a drink and by the time I get to see Gynae... Bladder already full haha

jaclyn: hahaha normal... now this period tends to gulp lots of water naturally without knowing need to go toilet until bb press on bladder too much... hahaha... I do have such occassions too when i forgotten about visiting the toilet frequent enough. (lazy lor)


i suggest u wait abit for britax carseat sale. i bought mine under $400 at mother & baby works at Great World... robinsons hv sale on britax too but hv 2 wait for the bargain lah...


by the time u r 5cm dilated, cervix totally effaced and waterbag burst, no need epi liao lor! can deliver baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheese: I now can't slp, sit, walk properly ... every where also pain. hahaha.. HB massage till his hands n fingers pain... but he still very nice to carry on till i say ok... =x

he keep sweet talk n give in to me lately to divert me away from my discomfort.

cheese: starting want massage also hard leh.. complaint alot... but slowly he understands that I having bb n carrying that much weight in front indeed not easy... then he LL acceptted and start massagging my back every night n divert my attention whenever i complaint about getting stuck in 1 position and needed his help to turn to the other ... hahaha

my hubby is a light sleeper.

when i just "hmm" a bit, he will jump up and massage my leg when i have cramps! hee..

now i can feel tat my tummy touches my thigh and its so warm!

cheese: my tummy as if sitting right on my thigh too... and bb really seems to be pushing really hard to get into position to come out... hahaha

cos my tummy is veri high.. now a bit low but still like high high one lei...

hmmm... then bb movement now is veri near my thigh. wonder which part of body is tat..

like I "kiap" him like tat...

funny one...

Cheese: u "kiap" bb ... I bump into bb many times n in return bb give me a good move - which hurts - i got to apologise else bb will keep moving till i can't tahan... my HB at times also luff at me being clumpsy - can't balance well when wake up from bed lor - so bump into wall...

**Compact room is like that ... anytime can bump into table, cupboard, else the wall...

hi afternoon mummies,

went for gynae check this morning and was inform by Dr Ang that bb is quite big @ 3.3kg. But scan last wk shows that bb was only 2.7kg.. So Dr Ang recommend to induce.

Not sure how also cos will reach 37 wks only tomo.. Made an appt to see him agn nx wk but in meantime must decided when to induce.

lol.. the rest of the mummies already feeding bb and we are the ones waiting still!

Jia you!

why today time pass so slow....... wanna go home..........

may: wow!! that's alot increase... over weekend i just past my 37th week, my bb increase from 1.7kg at 34th week to 2.4kg at 37th week. worry bb might increase lot more this week... hahaha... Jia You May!!

Cheese: ya my HB also waiting excitedly as his frd's wife give birth last mth... now my turn waiting, next mth HB's another frd's wife turn... hahaha... so excited...

indeed... time pass slow today... i still got 2.5hrs to knock off... -.-lll wish can be faster...

Hi serene, my bb hiccup a few times a day, I think it's quite normal.

Can I ask how much you feed your bbs? Don't think I'm feeding my bb enough.

Wow getting more and more excited already starting fr wk 37.. its so call anytime can give birth..

yesterday went to my aunt's hse for gathering and my cousin was telling me its anytime already ..

aft we went back my hubby start to kan cheong... charge camera batt and make sure I bring a spare backup HP in case the one I am using is out of batt. hahaha...

Tml I will be seeing my gynae... Hope he dont surprise me by telling me to admit soon... cos bb not engage yet !!! ....


No lah I went for gynae visit them gynae schedule for CTG scan.

Bb at 37 weeks, weighs 2.899kg n I lost 1.5 kg since last visit

a week ago.. Hee happy abt the weight loss.

Minibean, photo was taken on the day we were discharged. Jaundice was ok. But when I took her to PD 2 days later, jaundice shot up to 18+. after 4 days of therapy only down by 2. So PD said 2 more days of phototherapy. But now she's more difficult. The minute we put eye mask, she starts screaming. In hind site maybe better to send her for treatment in hospital. Maybe she would be ok by now.

Yvonne: My HB also kan chiong till everyday check his camera, everyday ask me if still miss out anything to put in the bag not, everyday put my hp n his hp together(can take both when going hosp no need to worry forget to take hp) hahaha... but indeed excited to see bb lar... hahaha

JP: I agree with u... that's y hang on till the very last week or so... i starting my leave next tuesday. which is mid of my 39th week. hahaha... HB damn worry for me lor everyday he die die also wan to send me to work then pick me from work... everywhere i go he follows... blur blur carry my maltese gal stand outside toilet in the middle of the night... hahaha so cute to see HB doing that... next time got to tell bb how great daddy is... lolx

Xbeanniex, your hb really very sweet. In the beginning when we just found out I was preg, my hb was also like that. Then towards the end think he got tired, haha. But can't complain lah, he's a good hb & a wonderful dad. My bb & I are very lucky.

babycoco: think my HB is opposite... starting he bo chap me ... -.-lll is only mid of 2nd trimester he himself nearly got a slip in the kitchen he seems to get the wake up call... since he almost slip n fall, then i got higher chance since i get heavier over the weeks... so however tired he is, the moment i tell him "i wan go pee pee" he cfm will reach his hands to grab our maltese girl, then hold my hands to the toilet - can only half close the door - then gong gong stand there till i come out lor...

think man are like this... nothing happen to them they no reaction... must got something happen or scare them, confirm got reaction...

ya.. my hubby more "man re".

these few days he will go buy diapers etc... see this and tat...


yalo. ML is too precious liao... have to keep! moreover my poor bb will be in the infant care

since no one can take care of him..

wah don understand how you mommies can lose weight while your baby gains weight!!! Mine the weight all seem to go to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] baby is 2.8kg at 39 weeks..

xbeanniex & cheese: wah both your hubbies so nice! Mines a super late sleeper .. he sleeps like 5am! But when he sleeps, he really deep sleep and i have to really scream very loud if i want to wake him up hahaa. so its a good thing i dont suffer from cramps else i will be so miserable. Apart from that, i got no problems with him lah! He will help me take this take that, do this do that .. cos now im really getting so big and so difficult to even walk!

TMC mommies: To those that already gave birth or have experience, do you all know if TMC will provide free parking for 1 while we are in the hospital?? Else the carpark charges will be damn expensive! If they don't give free parking.. then i think i rather get my dad to send us there.

oh xbeanniex , saying abt toilet ah

sunday my hubby suddenly wake up and stand infront of the toilet! Haa

i was doing my big business and I had 1 sliding door and another door is to my toilet, i nv close both. LOL

He tot i went missing! hahaha.

Too rush to do the closing liao.. good smell for him. LOL...

circumcision: Never really thought of it until i saw the posts. I asked hubby just now if he thinks we should do it as well (cos obviously I have no idea about the male genitals and he is the better person to decide). He says we should do it for babyboy. Im like har??? Omg. What if baby hates me for making this decision for him. But my hubby says, he will thank me for it nx time. So im quite confused also, donno if i should circumcise my boy. Asking you mommies what make you decide to do it..? Hygiene reasons?

Jaclyn: actually my HB also deep slper especially when he just fall aslp n can hear him snore... cfm cant wake him at all de... my GF taught me to pinch anywhere near nipple, under arms, slightly behind waist areas, cfm will wake up de ... hahaha ... i starting dare not do that ... heart pain to hurt HB lar... but really bo bian i did once n HB so pain that he jump up and cant fall back to slp that night... (i got both legs - calf area - cramp till tears can drop cant move at all, HB still flip n turn n placed his 2 elephant legs on my cramp legs! so pinch him ... hahahaha

Sun_Tan, u can lose weight still ah? I been shooting up, no down... bb good weight!~ mine is wk 36 -2.4kg. Wanna see this coming wed if bb gaining a not. bb must gain a bit..please...

Cheese: ur HB damn cute !! but my HB will do that too lar... hahaha... some nights too urgent to pee so nvr wake HB up ... if he found out i m not in bed with him, he will gong gong go toilet find me too... hahaha...

Jaclyn: i ask my HB just now too, my HB say no need... i was like -.-ll no need ah...

Miss posting here... Today is my first full day at home and I'm getting bored liao...

Jaclyn - depends what ward u chose at TMC. for single std room, I think u get a flat parking fee of $3 per day.



Ya I also feel Guy are more insensative...

its untill he heard some complaint fr his female colleague who got pregnant but already deliver in Jun.

Guess he got brain wash by tat colleague of him which is also good la...

start to help me massage, iron my clothes and


