(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi mummies, can i just check what electrc pumps are good? i bought a manual medela base pump cos i wasnt sure if i'd be comfy but it takes AGES to reach even like 50ml. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so so so worried. like what happens if i go to work.

oh yeah that's another qn. how much do we need to pump for a day's worth when we go back to work especially when we intend to do exclusive BFing - if it is even possible -



Actually if you have done natural birth, its good to start early. My massage lady asked me to call her once i have given birth and she would advise me when is the appropriate time to start.

peanut: using the freestle can pump only one side? i tried but dum seems to can get the suction. I have to pump both together den can wor..


my massage lady ask me to msg once i give birth.

should start after a week. i start on DAY 10 cos i was sick..

cherry sue,

i am using the AVENT Duo, got it since no. 1.

i feel its a good investment. it works for me.

u can see if there is any 2nd hand for sale in the WTS section.


for freestyle, if you wan to pump only one side, insert the loose tubing for the other side into the centre slot so that the suction can be maintained.

Jaslyn, you have really gone through a lot for having this baby.. if you need support or listening ear, we are all here! Meanwhile, do take care of yourself and have a positive mind, jia you!

Thanks, sweetkiss and sun_tan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not overdue, tomorrow my bb will be 37 weeks 2 days. Have to let her out early to prevent early labour contractions, I have to go for c section to prevent my existing c section scar tearing.

Here's my baby girl when we took her home from the hospital.


Anyone wants avents manual pump? My sil only opened up to try and in the end didn't use it coz I lent her my medela electric pump.

Post here first b4 I sell it in the wts section [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you cant find me thru the search engine, my settings is locked. Just add me in thru Shann Yheng's or Eliss's or Jaslin's fb contacts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies ! Tomorrow is my 39th week checkup with the doc. She will be doing CTG and VE for me. Since i'm dilated already she actually recommended me to go induce since already 39 weeks and she said even if i dont induce now, she will want me to induce by the time im 40 weeks.. so most likely I will admit to tmc on tuesday. Praying that everything goes smoothly!

jaslyn: Pls don't worry too much and have a good delivery instead. Your baby is not mini size.. mine was 2.6kg at 38 weeks and my doc says hes doing fine. So dont worry too much!! Take it that smaller baby easier for us mommies to push! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

burping: do you mommies burp you baby after every single feed?

babycoco: what an adorable girl! Congrats to you! hugs!

jo_lyn - yup do what lynn said, insert the extra tubing into the centre slot

burping: i burp her after every 10-15 min in the middle of feeding. otherwise she won't continue to suckle if there's too much air in her.


haha I still can't find u thru their friends' list.

Maybe locked Liao so becomes invisible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the best ya! Smooth, fast, painless, safe delivery!

Shann yheng,

thanks ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


39 wks for me starting tomorrow. Only know bb is lying very low and in position. I also wait till sianz coz aches everywhere. Fingers felt like frozen whenever I got up from nap/sleep. Painful.

I'm almost at week 37 already. Gynae said my baby is already in position. Hmmm...issit anytime soon? I'm waiting for her to come out too. Only had some menstrual like cramps so far. Anyone feeling gassy these days?

babycoco: she makes all kind of funny noises when i burp her haha. i hear actual burps about 3 out of 5 times. otherwise, as long as she looks satisfied and not uncomfortable (and she's willing to suckle), i take it that the wind is gone.

phy me at times gt ache esp v.area.seems swollen..n hw u noe bb lying low?i feel tight bt 2dae stil ok.tat day do ctg bt contraction irregular..juz a waiting 'game'..

For those mommies who have pop and has not "declare" your bb's name, wanna let me know so that i can put it into the table? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I managed to find Bliss in Shann Yheng's friend list leh, you might wanna try again.


Added you on FB.

my bb dun burp one.. so sad.. but she always hiccups.. any one of u have bb who always hiccup?

i jus pat on her back even thou she dun burp.. jus to make sure her milk goes down and she wont er milk..

sun_tan >> My sonny boy's name will be Brandon, thank you for updating = )

Babycoco >> Amelie's so sweet!

Valarie >> Yepzz...I'm really farty these days, told hubby he better don't walk behind me ..lol

Mommies...Do you think we can still eat potato chips during confinement? yummmm..

Pris, I have lots of gas and wind in me these days. Burp alot also.

Cant wait for my bb to come out soon. Wonder when that will be.

Sun_tan, this is my first baby. You had updated as #2:p and EDD is 25 July '10. Can change it?


sun_tan: my son's name is Gareth. Thanks for taking over the update of da list! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene: its common for newborn to have hiccups, even in the womb before they were born! Mine hiccups so loud I thought it was funny! but it will go away coz its common, dont worry so much, just burp baby if its hiccups after feeding her to ensure that baby does not puke.

babycoco: baby looks fine, not yellow or jaundiced eh! Has her level gone down?

sun_tan: my baby's name is Baby J. :p


Sorry to ask, but seriously your bb's name is Baby J? Will wait for a few more mommies to update before i update the list ok, if not the thread would be flooded by the long table..lol..

hi mummies, i recall that someone posted a contact for a chinese fortune teller, for choosing chinese names. does anyone still have the contact? thanks!

Hi all mummies, update update!! I just gave birth to my boy yesterday morning!

DOB: 3 Jul 2010

Weight: 3.465kg

Height: 51cm

Congrats all mommies who've popped!


Child care leave is not pro-rated. You get 6 days of paid leave in a calendar year. Remember to fully utilize it - cannot be carried fad to next year

Whichever mummies gave birth today, u share the same bday as my husband. too bad our baby doesnt want to come out yet... haiz....

Sun_tan, my baby has been upside for quite long already. My gynae said she is already engaged so i am waiting lor. see when she is ready. Gynae told me to walk more.

Child care leave not pro-rated is good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi suntan, can help me update

I delivered my gal Tiffany on the 30th jun

weight 3070g 50 cm

thanks for updating

this is my birth story

29 jun 1600hrs

I started feeling contractions with menstrual and back pain every 10 mins for an hr... Kept telling baby to wait for daddy as my hubby would be only back from Perth the next morning... Contractions stopped after tat but I had stomach pains like diarhoea the whole night

30 jun 0400 hrs

woke up with menstrual like pain.. Tried to sleep but couldn't... Hubby reached s'pore at 6 plus and I told him to hurry home as I was in pain... But when he reached home my contractions stopped again... So hubby took a nap and I did some housework as I was feeling ok... Called my Gynae to push my appt from 3 to 2pm..


we made our way to novena sq to eat lunch... Had dim sum and hubby was joking tat I was crying wolf when I Told him tat the contractions may lead to labour... Went to the clinic after tat and was put on the ctg machine... Gynae came and check on me and said I was dilated at 3 cm and my cervix was very soft.. She asked whether I wanna deliver as I was in early labour... I still asked her whether it was an induction... She said no and baby would be out before midnight...

So I went to the delivery suite at tmc... At 5pm she came to burst my water bag... Had epi after tat and at 6 the nurse checked and said I was dilated at 5 cm... Told me to inform her when I had the urge to poo... At 7 she checked agin and said I was 9cm dilated! Told me to push the baby down so tat my dilation will reach 10 cm faster... Then she called my Gynae

Gynae came around 2015 hrs and baby was out at 2030 hrs...I was amazed at how fast and easy this delivery was compared to my no 1... Maybe cos this time I requested for epi early so I was more relaxed


Sun tan and bliss,

funny leh can't find bliss in shann's friends' list... Weird... But I managed to add her thru the group wall posting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae told me bb's head very near birth canal now coz when she tried to scan his face last thurs, she had to press hard and low to see his face..

So many mummies popped le. Hee soon soon will be my turn!! So looking forward to labour coz can't stand the joint pains [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

had some White wine just now.. Haha bb may be tipsy thus not moving much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

