(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


u lost weight, so gd... i put on 100g and bb 500g at last chk up. now my tummy lighten already, i eat a lot!


yes, will circumcise my boy cos the foreskin needs to be cleaned if he is not circumcise and may cause infection or UTI... so up to parents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yvonne: accept it lor.. man are like this for some... hahaha... my HB is sensitive but towards what others say him... i can say him till my mouth dry up, most of the time he dun bother lor... but nvm lar... got others to help us tell our man that what they should do... lolx...

Eliss: How are u doing ?!

Eliss: thanks! how are you gal?? You never update us!! How are you feeling? Sore..? Happy..? Tired..??

Jellypurin: Yah i read that the foreskin easy to get infection... my hubby quite insistent that we should do it but im still hesitant abit heehee.

hello mummies...

Jasline>> RE: Washing of hands using boiled water or tap water.

It's advisable by my mom to wash hands with boiled water, rather than tap water. Cuz washing with tap water may cuz "wind". Some mummis experience rheumatism on their hands when wash with tap water.

RE: Circumcision

My HB & I long ago decided to hv our boy circumcised when he's born. One of the mummies here posted before she had her BB boy circumcised @ Mt E and via laser surgery type.

Ring type is the traditional method, now have the laser surgery type, less painful & faster recovery I think. But this is only for BBs above a certain month then can do via laser.

may>> hi may! Ya, been very busy at work. Starting my ML on 19th Jul (39th week) so also trying to clear as much stuff as possible, else my colleague who's covering for me will be very "shiong".

junie, dr had given me HL to rest hence i was already on HL since last monday. Now deciding on date for induce.. sigh... bb suddenly grow so fast and big within 1 wk.

dear all mummies to be / mummies...

nid some expert advise over here... my edd is on 12th july. last week gynae visit, bb is already 3.4kg~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] doc says gona induce this week, as if i wait till my edd, i gona cesar already, which is an option i didnt want to take....

however, she mentioned tat if im not dilated, i cant induce? any1 knw how true is this?? gona see her tml again...

feel so stress over this... pls help~

Well not to mean I got nothing to do! BF-ing my girl is the full time job liao... So stress! My milk supply still not in yet, I'm in my fifth day liao! *sad*

My baby is a sleepyhead, have to wake her up for every feed, and each feed have to fight with her as she wriggles so much even after proper latch on! Just by BF I already sweat buckets!!!!

I started bathing and shampoo-ing in hospital already. My CL quite ok... Quite positive to BF and even boils herbal water for me to bath. Though she tries to warn me on shampooing!

joanne: my GF's bb gal born in may, was borned by induced labour too... BB was weighing at 3.42kg at birth.

My GF wasn't dilated at all n bb didnt engaged too even after induced. so end up with C-Section.

Not dilated can be induced too... then try to get bb to engaged into position ... then try hard to push at gynea's instructions... else u get tired very easily... that's what my GF tell me...

eliss: my mum will boil the herbal water for me to shower too... hee... but again avoid long showers n ya the shampoo-ing... -.-lll think i will have stinko head...

if dilated but baby not engaged, can induce?

and after inducing, will it be a long labour since baby not engaged, need a lot of pushing? i am so worried. EDD is in 4 days' time and still no signs, baby not engaged and only 1cm dilated. and a lot of ppl tell me that inducing is a very painful process..

may>> oh you're on HL. I'm already taking MC for my weekly gynae visit. Now MC only left 4 days till end of the yr, heehe.

xbeaniex>> yes, hv to jiayou! Cuz this week is 37th Week and it's really anytime from this week. But I'm hoping BB will come out on end of Wk 38.

sweetkiss: try some squatting execise... hope can help bb to get engaged ... dilating is a process to open up cervic to push bb out...

If bb not engaged after some hours of bursting water bag, C-section will have to save mother n baby.

Hi ladies.

Took me the whole day to catch up on all your postings. Haha!!

Congrats to all those mummies who had given birth.

For those who had not, Jia you.. very soon.. it will be your turn soon. Oh.. and enjoy your time now too. Haha!!

Lochia: How long will it last? I am still having lochia. Wonder when will it stop. But the amt not alot now so I start using normal sanitary pad.

CL: I realise my CL like to on air con every night to sleep. I mean I dun really mind but then I scared baby will be use to sleeping aircon at night after she left. Will that happen?

I also find that now my grocery expenses also shot up by quite alot. Only me and CL eat but each week, the grocery expenses cost me more than $100. Even my hubby is shocked. This means 4 weeks, my grocery expenses will be $400 and more. Never spend so much on grocery shopping and frankly I dun eat alot lo.

My CL although good but sometime she like to ask alot. Example, I told her tomorrow I am going to see doc but hubby would like to bring baby along too. I told CL she need not go with us cos I know hubby like to spend more time with baby cos at home, CL seems to feel insecure like that when hubby is around baby and would sort of interfere when hubby wanna bond with baby. My CL asked me how come I go see doc, need to bring baby there. Is hubby taking leave tomorrow. I told hubby about what my CL respond when I told her she need not go with us. Hubby say now we need to account to her our movement and reasons on why we wanna bring our son out is it?

Really find hubby and CL 's "ba zhi" not compatible ah. Now CL also abit afraid of hubby. Would not talk to hubby unless neccessary.

Circumcision: I remember Mrs Wong mentioned this in class before. She say circumcised or dun circumcised makes no different. Cleaner? She also say it's the same. Doesn't mean u circumcised, you are cleaner, less subjective to infection, perform better or anything like that. Normally circumcised is due to religion or personal perception.

Joanne not dilate still can induce but risk of e-csect is higher. if u are dilated, then the medication for dilation will help a lot.. all in all, i feel that induction will work best if ur body can respond to the medication. try to walk more now and talk to bb ya... good luck!

Washing hands after birth

I'm gonna learn from my friend who had her confinement done in HK. Apparently her confinement nanny would buy gingers and boil them. She would then use the cooled ginger water to wash her hands...

Going to try to see if it does help in getting rid of water retention in finger joints area.

ecym: dont worry ur milk will kick in soon. I had milkflow supply problems during first week but now i guess i have sufficient to feed my baby.

anyone experiencing spurt growth on baby at week 2? My baby's asking for 70-80ml every 2 hours. I can hardly catch up when he was taking 30-50ml during 1st week!

Ann: my bills also shot up with the medical herbs and grocery. I'm sure my electricity or gas bill will hit the roof too sigh but no choice. my CL refused to sleep in aircon coz its v drying for the baby! use that as an excuse not to let her on the aircon. so ridiculous!

Re Washing hands after birth

My CL ask me to use the dettol hand sanitiser before i start to pump etc coz she thinks its not good to let the water touch the hand all the time.

xbeanniex: hehe think ur HB looking forward to seeing baby v soon! Jiayou hang in there. he will be of much help during confinement.

babycoco: how's baby girl's jaundice? I hope its lower now?

Jaclyn: yes i do think circumcision is a good thing for the boys so i will be doing for them.

phy! maybe you will be the next one! Good luck! I am glad that today my tummy is calm, wanna wait bit longer, now at 37 weeks 2 days, tmr will be my gynae visit! can't wait~~

in one weeks time i'm going to be full term, but did VE check only 1cm dilated.... lost 2kg of weight n d check was quite painful, n i was in shock after that! hahaha!


I don't mind man! Haha, cheapo me told hubby if pain increases in intensity, will only go labour ward after 12 midnight so that if really in labour, can save some $$. Last round I ren till 9pm..3 more hours and I could save 1 day stay charges hahah

phy if i were u i will do the same! haha i also calculative on the expenses lor, cuz already spent so much on bb stuff u know, i don't plan to use epi, cuz like that can save money hahaha! just REN!

Joanne, I also like your case. I gg overdue tmr but still no dilation at all. Gynae says can induce if want (baby already quite big if wait even longer maybe natural delivery v difficult)and got risk baby may shit inside womb if overdue too long. She says induce or not also same pain but becos zero dilation, the labor may take v long but depends on own body reaction to the inducing drug. Then mayb will not be successful too, again depends on individual body. So I thinking of csect if still no dilation but I scare the stitch v pain. Dunno how also.

minibean: Really ah.. aircon too dry for BB? Cos at hospital nursery, BB also in aircon room so I never thought much of it. I realise BB skin seems to be peeling too. Is that becos of aircon which cause BB skin too dry or becos BB skin will peel naturally?

Like now, my CL is asleep le.. she will on aircon from abt 8plus (which is her resting time) till next day morning 7plus lei. Abt 12hr.. i am damn sure my electricity bill sure hit more than $200 this month. So scary.

I am bringing baby to see my gynae tomorrow.. maybe I check with gynae too. Baby also start to sneeze at times lei.. CL say very normal cos BB nose irritated with certain things. I really hope he is not down with flu.

happy_bee: Dun worry.. i also very scared of doing C-sec.. I have very low treshold for pain but then I had emergency C-sec in the end. It was bad the first day esp your first walk but after that then ok liao.

Ann, baby's skin will peel off naturally. And sneeze/hiccups are quite normal for newborns [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this morning my #1 requested me to send her to school (childcare), she was so sweet i cannot say no to her. so me, hubby and #2 sent her to school and she kissed all of us goodbye at the door [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guess i'm breaking all the confinement rules, but with #2 it's really different, have to consider the needs and emotions of #1 too.. any second/third time mummies can share how to deal with the older child's insecurities/emotions at the introduction of a sibling?

my #2 so sleepy today, tonight sure terrorise us!


Air con alright de. My #1 has been sleeping in air con room since the day he was born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] To moisture the air, I bought a humidifier. However I keep room temperature at 26 degrees celcius.

I find that sleeping in air con room the BB can sleep better. Anyway, just my 2 cents.


Haha, I won't save on epi wor.. my life saviour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha phy i try once first with the pain, if cannot tahan next delivery i use epi! haha!

btw, can we sleep in air con room during confinement?

Brave! Me scaredly cat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some say no to sleeping in air con room... for me, I need lor coz I need sleep area to be peaceful and constant temperature sort... dislike waking up perspiring etc... But I keep it at 26 degrees celcius lah. Furthermore in full gear, long pants long sleeves socks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, we do sleep in air conditioned room in hopsital right?


I also broke many confinement rules... I went shopping at night at Robinsons after visiting my #1 when he was warded for jaundice... met a friend on escalator and she exclaimed,"WHAT are you doing here at this hour?"

Haha, sometimes nvm bah.. take it easy I think.

phy, right right, i must stand firm about this, i want to sleep in air con room! hehehe.. update us if you are really going to hospital later!

Phy, hi 5... Epi also my life savior... Initially I also didn't wanna do it for my no.1 but then when the contractions hit me, I opted for it... So for my 2nd delivery I wasted no time in asking for epi... At least during the waiting time I could watch tv and relax

shann: I think we are supposed to sleep in aircon room as having the fan is worse. Not suppose to have any "wind". So aircon is still air but cool air which is fine.

i think i just lost my mucus plug. Went toilet just now and when I wiped, got one big blop of discharge with blood. My discharge still have tinge of blood now..

Good afternoon all mummies

Since morning I woke up, I can feel my butt and leg having muscle ache.. as if I have heavy workout yesterday... maybe carrying my bb add pressure to it..

show my colleague my swollen leg.. they say like playdo... OMG!!!!


wow.. look like its ur turn soon..


Can you please help me to update the birth table

Name of BB : Evanthe (Girl)

Date of birth : 14th June 2010

EDD : 4th July 2010

Birth order :3rd

Weight :3.25kg

Epi via C Section

TMC Dr Lawerance Ang



so irritating... forum down since last evening...

grace - will be doing newborn PS shortly in the afternoon...

jaclyn - I'm having...sore, blistered nipples...though can see milk when my gal suckle... Pump yield very low, asked my hubby to finish it instead... :p

