(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


no I dont go out during weekdays. I would dare to bring my boy out if I am not preggy w 2nd bb. But ever since I was preggy w no 2, it is quite difficult for me. My boy was still v young tat time, and so I dont really like the idea of bringing v young bb out often. I prefer to let him get used to his daily routine first. And it is v tiring for me after the outing when I still have to do a lot of things at home, so no pt and no fun at all. I rather stay at home to be more relaxed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I dont like to be the one to do the driving. I prefer to enjoy the spin with my boy! Kekeke! :D

I like to go out as a family during weekends, we dont usually go to parents' place every weekends, we will bring our boy to parks and beaches and places tat are closer to the nature. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



That's for #1 for me lor. Was very depressing so I made up my mind to return work and no matter how bz I am, take my son out on weekdays on my own to spend time with him. So I always go out with a vengence [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yesterday I just drove us to fidgets to play for 2 hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U go parks too? Great! HAha, been taking my #1 to parks to run around and enjoy outdoor play. Just that I can't play much with him now. His dad gotta do that job.

keropi -- hang in there.. labour is not scary.. its a very noble thing. enjoy the process and forget the pain.. when bb come out.. all these will become sweet memories..

springleaf -- shes sweet looking! Congrats!!

jaundice -- went for PD check up today and jaundice is still there.. but not very serious. PD ask me to sun bb but its been raining these few days.. so was told to feed her more to pass out more poo and urine and jaundice will clear. so now, i am on 2 hourly feeding, i will wake her up to drink and her poo changed to a normal bm poo liao.. no more black sticky poo le..

bf -- i strongly encourage all mommies to go all way to bf ur bb.. its not easy, and its very very painful.. but its very good for bb. im going thru tiring nights of feeding and to be honest, i havent been sleeping for more than 2 hours everyday that hubby had to force me to sleep while he watch over bb.. i also ended up sleeping for only 30 mins then bb wake up for milk. but then... its very worth it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

something to share... i applied the lanoish cream on my nipple after feeds but on the next feed, bb will give me one face and not quite keen to latch.. so i change to applying BM instead. and it still works the same as the cream and bb is more comfy that way.. hope it helps!

Hi ladies,

can add me in fb? My acc settings is locked, but you can see me in Eliss's contacts. Do add me in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My name is Bliss Tan LL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minibean -- tmc charge extra $20+ for admin fee.. i jus went ica to do my girl's birth cert and did my first bfing in public today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaclyn -- i will add lemon grass to da feng cao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn >> Looks like our little boys have a schedule of their own =)

AK >> I think u kinna bully by your confinement aunty. Best to let her go and find another. Must remember to interview her over the phone and tell her what you expect to be done.

Bliss >> I hope I can be half as good a mummy as you are = ) You are fantastic!

Grace >> Can't wait to see your baby pics!

Hi Mummies,

How's everyone??? Congrats to those who have pop. =)

Having a hard time catching up with the posts.. OMG... Need to slowly read on...

I'm now on my confinement period now.. So hard.. 1st 3 to 4 days was like crying for no reason.. really very stress up.. than ytd went to bring bb to see PD cos of jaudice.. Lucky BB got gain weight & jaudice did went down abit.. So was quite happy.. than drop by to see gynae cos wanted to make an appt with her cos in the hos she said she will review me in 2 weeks times.. However since I'm there, she straight away said can see her.. Gynae was asking me how i cope things like tat.. Than I started to cried again.. Predict I should have little bit of post natal blue... Was given some medicine so that i can relax & not to stress too much... Hubby was ask to keep an eye on me...

Lucky got hubby support.. I'm feeling better liao.. =)

For breastfeeding, wow it's really a hard time.. have to wake up every few hours to feed BB.. & my BB was like a night BB... at night so energtic.. My Goodness!!! & the engosement pain.. is so painful!!!!!!! =(

Now bb have to be on half half breastfeeding & fomular milk.. as my milk flow very little.. Than BB underweight too.. so have to feed him more.. I will try my best..

Everyone Jia yoi!!!!!! ^__^

Here is BB Jayden Photo:



*blush blush* Thanks for saying that. I am not that fantastic actually. I am sure you can be very fantastic mommy too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it is normal to feel depressed after delivery, due to hormonal changes. Try to think happy things. Btw, bbs also v poor thing too, they are trying hard to adapt to the new environment now, they have been so comfy inside mommy for months. Do give bb and urself some time to get used to this hectic period. Things will surely get better as time goes by.

If breasts v hard like rock, use some cabbages on it to relieve the pain. Massage breasts whenever b4 bfg. Dont give yourself too much stress. Jia you!

Jasline, oh dear don't get depressed! That's what we are here for so do share any problems you have. I believe sharing with other moms or mom to be-s are the best cure cos only we will know what each other are going through.

Baby JAyden is so adorable! Don't worry with bmilk he will fatten up soon! Just keep latching/pumping to increase your supply and relieve engorgement. I believe our nipples will get very sore but we need to tahan past that and soon they will toughen up!! Gogo girl!

wow so many posts! didnt have time to read thru all yet... juz came back from hosp.

Phy: i read abt your #1 and I feel so heartache.. few days old n "crawl" from one corner to another to avoid the light n heat! I dun get to see my gal while she's doing photo-therapy leh.. the nurse put her in the nursery where my view is blocked. But by the time I saw her juz now.. she was so quiet and "tamed"..very unlike her coz she 's usually very active one! I think she must have wailed and cried so badly that she's totally drained and exhausted! The nurses keep asking me not to go back tonight coz I'm still on confinement.. but my bb only 6 days old.. so heartache.. sob sob

springleaf.. my C-section also like yours. Actually I also dun feel pain. My experience was good.. to my pleasant surprise! We are lucky! really!

Today I tried my breast pump for the first time. Coz I need to express my milk and bring to hospital to bottle feed my bb. So by the time I rush home, my hubby and I did the sterilisation of bottles and tried the pump. Managed to pump put abt 65ml of milk for bb. She finished it all juz now. But now my breast feel pain.. and when I touched it.. its getting hard!! omg... I hope i'm not getting engorgment! Should I continue to pump tonight? so scare by the time I wake up in the morning ..scarly my both breast as hard as rock!

jewel_box: the braun thermometer is the one for the forehead one? I have 1 new set brand new! also, i think GlenE charges $37 odd for admin for BC....

AK: you have to keep pumping, if not u will really get engorgement, by then it will be even more painful!!

RE Jaundiced bb, its true that we have to keep feeding baby with fluid. now my baby undergoes phototherapy, he drinks 50ml BM every 2 hr. I'm like an expresso machine, pumping out every 3 hours about 100ml to catch up with his demands.

Bliss/Jasline: u r right about the emotions after delivery. Mummies u all hv to be careful of postnatal blues/depression which can be very real. U can get emotional at the slightest touch so you need alot of support and encouragement from hubby and family.

Hi All,

Thanks for the support & encourgement.. feeling really much more better... =)

Hubby today surprise me & bought me a present... Hahhaa.. LOL.. =P

Btw i wanna ask mummies out there, how many ml milk did u all usually pump each time???

BM -- mommies.. try to increase ur bm supply by latching on as much as possible.. preferably 15 - 20 mins each side, every 2 hourly. make sure the latch is ok.

bb will have their first growth spurt at 3rd week, meaning the milk intake will increase again. we need to keep up with our milk supply if not they will be grouchy with our empty breast.

try to latch both sides at each feed so that both will be working to get the milk up.

for me, i started my first 3 days with 15 mins each side and now im on 20 mins. sometimes, bb wont let me latch her on for 20 mins but i will still push on for 15mins at least.

only with at least 15 mins each side, she will be able to sleep for 2-3 hours.. if not, she will wake up after an hour for feeds again.

my milk kicked in on the 3rd to 4th day and i start to see yellow grainy poo (normal poo colour for BM babies) at her 5th day..

try to monitor using the poo colour to see how much ur bb is getting. if its green in colour, it means that ur bb is not drinking enuff hind milk and taking more on ur fore milk. if colour is yellow, meaning bb is taking the full "package".

right now, bb poos after every feed. it is normal cause BM is more digestible.. look out for wet diapers to monitor the milk intake too..

Hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


remember to pump ya. If not engorgement and blocked ducts will hurt.

Ya, painful to watch bb under phototherapy so best is to avoid. I went to bf my boy and stayed with him thus I got to see/hear him wail. Hmm I couldn't given him enough bf so supplemented with FM. He was drinking 90ml per feed then.

Hard on u now but I'm sure on the day of discharge, you'll be full of joy to be with ur bb again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad tt ur hubby managed to cheer u up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stay positive and happy for ur bb yeah. Anytime u find ur mood takes a dive, talk to ur hubby or come in here to talk.

serene: Did you supplement with FM at all during the entire time? Or just really full BM? Im scared because starting might not have enough milk.. so will succumb to FM initially.

Finally the forum is up.

My birth story:

26/06, 8am: Wetness on my panty, wake up change n went back to slp.

1pm: Wake up and realise panty wet again. Called up my gynae and was asked to admit.

Went for a long bath and lunch.

5.15pm: Admited and VE done. 2cm dilated and i feel a gush of water flow out after the VE.

9pm: 3cm dilated and no pain yet though there are contractions.

12am: Doc put me on drip n induce.

12.15am: Pain started.

3am: The pain become unbearable and i ask for laughing gas.

3.15am (estimated): Pain become more intense after breathing the gas. So i opt for epi.

4am (estimated): The doc came and inject epi. I was being poke for ard 3 times as the doc cant get the correct spot!! By then i was already got the urge to push. No one check on my dilation b4 epi. After epi the VE done. I was 7-8cm already! End up the epi no effect on me. I can still feel pain all the way.

5am (estimated): I told the nurse i wanna push but was being stop by her. By then they all waiting for me to dilate fully.

5+am (estimated): I told them i cant control n feel like pushing. N the nurse ask me start pushing. Everyone was like cheerleader and started to shout and encouraging me. Hubby was counting 1 to 10 when i was pushing. Is very helping as it makes u hold ur breathe longer. So mummies who haven pop, u may wanna ask ur hubby to do so.

6.20am (estimated): Hubby told me he saw baby hair already, the head is down thr. The nurse ask me to pant as the gynae is on his way up.

6.38am: After a few more pushes and the nurse pushing my tummy, my hubby shouting tat the head is out, baby is finally out to this world.

The next thing i know, baby is on me!

The next powerful pain is the stitching. I can feel the pain all the way. End up i feel waste of $ for my epi!!! Argh!

Currently baby is 6days old. He just came back home today due to jaundice. I have to go hospital every 3hrs to breastfeed him as i dun wan him to be on formula. After latching him on, i will pump out the excess n pass to the nurse for night feeds. He is drinking ard 55 to 60ml now. My breast get engorge very easily and i was force to pump at every 2hrs. Now I am pumping out 80 to 100ml each time!Mummies who are breastfeeding do not give up and try your best ok. Soon the milk flow will come in.

Suntan: U are updating the table now right? Mine is 27th not 26th. Thanks for helping me update.

Baby weight 3.245, 51cm. Born at 37weeks 6days.

Jaclyn: Yaya! I Stil rmb u say is ur bday right? I told u i will bring a cake go find u! Hahaha..

End up me bump into Jasline. She was just next to my ward...

suntan: I still get engorgement after every 2 hrs pumping. BUt is much better for me as compare to the 3hr. If i hit 3 hrs, my breast will be like a rock! But best is to let bb latch on as the sucking will stimulate the milk duct and reduce engorge.

Today just have my massage n the lady help me massage my breast to clear the blockage. It was very very painful but after that is very gd. Best part is my milk shoot onto her face! hahaha...

Jaclyn -- total bm.. no fm.. i resist from buying a tin of fm to stand by.. dun worry.. keep drinking fluids and latch the baby.. intial stage requires a lot of hard work to latch at a close interval. but once everything stables down.. u will be alright.

sun_tan -- before feeding, clean ur breast and massage it then latch the baby. when u shower, use hot water to rinse on ur breast and massage it.. for me.. i jus take a tub with hot water and submerge my breast into it.. hot towel also can..

Jo_lyn: Congrats!! mind sharing your massage lady's contact?

jaclyn: try latching baby first, if BM not enough he will cry again for milk and supplement him with FM then. But continue latching each time and the milk will kick in after 5th day. Dun give yourself too much stress otherwise it will affect milkflow too ok

Hi all... Morning!

Starting to have contractions, doc say is braxton Hicks (BH).

The feeling is abit like mensus or diahorea pain right?

Morning mummies,

Congrats Jolyn! You are a very brave mummy. To think that you can even sleep bag after the initial leak of amniotic fluid! haha!

Ceres, Yes, the feeling is like menses cramps. Yest I had CTG done, and while I was being strapped, contractions set in abt every 4 -7 mins. I could really feel them (so now i know diff btw BH and contractions). But funny thing is, i only have these contractions when strapped. Otherwise, no pain.

Good luck to all mummies giving birth todAy! I frequently take a look at the baby nursery in my ward. So many babies! The nurse said full house. Makes me feel eager to have my baby in my arms too!

Morning mommies..

Im here again... yawns... night feed are drowsy.. haha... but lets keep it going!

today seems to be like the peak of my girl's jaundice.. i hope it will subside after today...

Jo_lyn n serene,

Thanks for the advice. Will try to latch bb as much as possible next time n use hot towel to massage.


Wah full house?! Haa n to think tat gov keeps complaining tat we r not having enough bb.

Looks like it's gg to be another rainy day. Am still thinking of washing my cot bumper. Btw, for those mommies who uses cloth diapers, do I need to wash them before hand?

Any c-sect mummies doing post-natal massage? Some massage ladies I've contacted said it's ok to do (but won't massage tummy) and can bind. Some say must wait 2 weeks (and still won;t massage tummy) and cannot bind.. Really confused..

Lynn: i think can bind or not depends. check with gynae? For massage also depends individual. The wound must be fully heal before massage.

Grace >> Prayfully he'll arrive arrive today! Sang him bday song last nite. Told him itz time to celebrate his bday! If not then no choice already. Have to be induced on 6th so he can be born on the 7th.

Finally my 1st prince Dylan is out on 03/07/10... Weigh: 2980g... Really very grateful to my gynae Dr Woo Bit Hwa and the nurse at TMC... Sun Tan, kindly help to update my details... Will update my birth story when I have my lap top with me

reading posts by mummies bring back my confinement for #1 times. the emotional outbursts, the pain of BF, etc,etc . i guess its what every mummy goes thru.

everyone jia you

hi keropi,

Congrats on arrival of Dylan..

Hi mummies, i am getting nervous as getting more and more nearer to my edd. and gynae say might early labour so kinda panic.

Seeing Doc Ang this monday and he say doing a VE.

can i ask those mummies that when u go to the delivery ward @ TMC, do the nurses there help to 'shave' down under? and also what do we have to bring for baby?

May, yes the nurses will shave for us. No need to bring anything for baby if you dun mind discharging baby in the free clothes and blanket provided by them. For me, I brought my own clothes and blanket for bb for discharge. For others like diaper cream and diapers etc no need to bring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, second baby and second confinement, thought bfing should be easy but still damn painful all over again lol! Jai you all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This confinement feels a bit sad cos i feel like i cannot take care of my #1 as well as before, cannot carry her, cannot play with her as much as usual due to my c-sect wound and also cos i need to latch/pump. Really missed carrying her, sending her off to school and putting her to bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sun_tan : Yes you need to wash the cloth diapers before use. Depending on which type you buy, some need more than one washing. The prefold I bought need to be washed like 3-4 times for optimum absorbency and fluffiness. As for the normal cloth diaper, I washed one time.

My CL nanny hasn't started using cloth diaper. She said will start using after the cord drop. Anyone knows the reason eh? I was wondering if she's waiting for my new maid to come in! Btw.. my new maid is coming in tomo... gosh.. from 2 person-1-lifestyle... becomes 5 person under one roof now.. all trying to adapt to one another!

Went to visit my bb at the hosp last night at 11pm. Lucky the nurse let me feed bb although its after visiting hours.At first she doesnt allow one then I was like.. "pleassseee let me see my baby and feed her" and she gave in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After we left.. we realized that the TV at the lobby was broadcasting the match between Brazil and Netherlands.. so we sat down and watched the entire match before heading home.:p

I juz brought bb gal back home from hosp this noon.. she is like a little red lobster now! Think coz of the photo-therapy.. her cord drop off today. So I think I can start her on cloth diaper tomo le.. her butt is getting red from the freq pampers changed.

AK so happy for you that you can bring your bb home. I still have to rent the phototherapy machine for another 3days. Hopefully by then the jaundice will go down. By the way, how many nights did your bb stay in the hospital? If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost?


babycoco: how's your baby's jaundice? Took my baby for blood test this morning and his level was down from 15 to now 11 so PD called and told me to do another 12 hours under phototherapy. The baby specialist co just picked up the equipment and we are seeing the PD on mon! YAY I hope all went well for you too!

AK: u must start using the diaper cream asap otherwise her butt area will worsen and it will be v painful for her! monitor your CL to make sure she puts loads on it. my CL didnt want to put initially then i told her she has to continue putting otherwise the redness wont go off.

