(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

ica, i don't avoid anything as breastfeeding i would like a balanced meal. at most i avoided crabs and prawns as may cause itch.


minibean -that is for one hangbao for me.

My relative popping out soon i tink! excited, we are in the same mth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: i guess standard rules apply for surgery. Stuff like black / dark sauce are taboo cos it might affect ur scar. Don't eat chicken and seafood too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pris: good luck gal! mines a stubborn fella and refuses to come ouT. Hehee.

another mommy that has popped is minmin. Saw her update on facebook, lets wait for her update here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chinese herb for bathing: For some weird reason, my mom does not use the chinese herb for bathing. In fact everyone in my family told me to use "serai" which is lemon grass. So i guess i'm going to smell like lemon grass during my confinement (not exactly super pleasant). hehes.

nok nok,

MAH sent me the admission form too, but my gynae told me no need to send/fax to them, she had made e booking for me.


I was told by friends to avoid Sheng Yu, a kind of snakehead fish which is v gd at healing wounds. Coz eating it may cause body to response v fast to heal the wound to the extent that the wound will grow extra skin on it, keloids. I have v ugly keloid on my c section scar during my 1st labour, but i dont remember i ate sheng yu, or maybe once or twice. Anyway, try not to take for the 1st few weeks just in case your body is prone to develop keloids.

ica: no seafood, chicken and egg. but ginger is ok! unless bb jaundiced, then avoid. u going for c section GA or epi?

babycoco: i put him under the phototherapy from 4-11pm yest and he slept v well waking up twice only during the night as he was tired from crying and fretting, otherwise we wont be able to sleep at nite as we are afraid he will fidget with the eye mask as well! so now we are continuing from 7am till 2pm. my PD said he has to be under the phototherapy for 12-18 hours within 24 hours so i think i should be able to fulfil the 12 hours by 2pm!

jaclyn: the malay massage lady told me lemongrass is good to expel wind from the body! wow....gonna smell so 'thai' hee

Hi all,

just went for my 36 weeks plus appt last night, my bb gal is 2.7kg so far... she gained only 200g past 2 weeks, and I gained 10g only, i tot she will gain more since already last few weeks of pregnancy le. Anyway, will get to see her in person soon on next monday. Hope everything will be smooth and fine, esp bfg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bliss: My CL was saying there are only 4 kinds of fish that we can take. but re keloids, my gynae was saying it was due to the sensitive skin. I had keloids for #1 and sensitive skin and he remove it so nicely for me during my c section for this baby. but i dunno will grow again. sigh

pillow, jaclyn, bliss, minibean,

thanks for the info. no Sheng Yu? okie. i thot all fish is good for healing


i like the smell of lemon grass. you'll be smelling lemony fresh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the malays use ginger, lemon grass for bathing during confinement


if really c-section, i'll go for epi. baby's head measuring too big (34cm) for natural, so gynae asked to think of a date if really have to cut. will decide by next checkup on Wed


yes, my gynae said she will cut away my extra skin on the wound during this time c section, then will prescribe a kind of cream for me to apply 2 to 3 weeks after delivery to make sure the wound will not have overgrown skin on it. Hope it will help. She also has another kind of firm/tape to stick on it if the cream does not work on me. So that my scar will be nice this time.

My 1st labour was in KKH, the gynae probably did not expect I have keloids problem, so nothing was given to apply on my wound tat time.

btw, what are the 4 kinds of fish we can eat huh?

ica: haha i donno how the chinese herbs smell like, maybe nicer than lemon grass!

keloid: With regards to this, i had a thyroid op back when I was 19 yrs old. I didn't control what food I eat after that, which resulted in an extremely ugly scar below my neck (though I've gotten used to it and have gotten past it!). Also make sure you apply whatever steroid creams given to you by the gynae.. im sure it helps! Being 19 back then, i didn't bother with anything and now I so regret it!!

bliss: I tried this 'miracle' strip of gel thing to stick onto the scar. It is supposed to heal the scar. However cos my scar is below the neck, it kept dropping so i stopped putting it on. Now the scar is old (9 yrs) but still bright pink! =|


you r welcome. Btw sheng yu is the kind of fish we can usually see in those hawker centre stalls selling fish soup bee hoon, the texture is soft and smooth. Some zhi cha stalls also have this kind of fish in their hor fun. Usually, pple will eat this kind of fish after any surgery, cos such fish has very strong survival ability, they are deep sea fish too. But for us after c section delivery, better dont take first before the wound heals since the incision is long and obvious.

Yes, c section w epi is better I think. I had that during my 1st labour. It feels good to be able to see bb at birth and also you will recover faster from the pain relief and can bf bb earlier. Btw, I did not feel any pain when injected epi, it was done v well. No vomitting after delivery too, just lots of shivering for a while.

ica: good luck! looking fwd to hearing your birth story!

jaclyn: do you have sensitive skin? i put on the binder for c-section and ended up having rashes all over my waist! thats how sensitive my skin is.

bliss: what cream is that? i'll ask my gynae for it. so this is a different gynae from the 1st one?

i will ask my CL later on on the 4 fish. she seems to be quite knowledgeable wor. even gone and buy chinese herbs for me.

By the way just wanna check, for CL how much are you all paying for 28 days? Is that inclusive of food etc or we have to pass her money to buy grocery/herbs?

anyone still facing water retention after delivered?

Good Friday to all mummies!

Bright and sunny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday went for my 38wk+ checkup... Lost some weight so was put on CTG machine to monitor. In the end, everything was fine... actually I tot I can go deliver already!! haha

Well, I ate some durians last week so guess what? BB gained abt 500g from previous checkup (2wks back!) Wow! The POWER of durian!

So now his weight is around 3.2kg at 38wk+.

I asked my gynae if there's any reason to induce... She said everything is fine so it's up to me... Anyway, BB has moved down quite a bit so after discussing with hubby, we decided to let BB boy decides when he wants out.

I realised the previous night (Wednesday) when I was lying in bed and BB moving vigorously, he was actually pushing himself down coz when I woke up the following morning, I could see my bump already dropped!

Yawn, bad news is my #1 kenna the flu bug... didn't sleep well last night with him coughing away and throwing up... This morning he got up at 630am and asked me for milk..then I put him on my bed to sleep... after 30minutes "POP" and "WOW" ... His loud cries jerked me out of sleep. He managed to fall off the bed. Felt like a bad mother... luckily he was alright after cuddles...

Friday... want to go out but think gotta be good and stay indoor to nurse my #1 back to health... think I'm going under weather too. *sobs*

minibean: no i totally don't have any sensitive skin.. just prone to keloids i guess. For CL, i dont think the money you give her includes groceries. She will tell you what to buy, or get your hubby to buy. Im not 100% sure though cos i don't have a CL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

phy: Durians dont work for me! I've been having durians 2-3 times last week but baby nvr gain weight. Still at 2.6kg at 38 weeks checkup. Is it must eat ALOT of durians? I only can manage 4-5 seeds at a go .. else i feel too jelat after that (even though i love durians)


i dont know wat cream is tat leh, i will only know when i get it fr gynae. :p

You wanna ask your gynae too? I m sure your gynae knows what it is.

Ya, my 1st bb is conceived via ivf in KKH, so I sticked to my ivf doc to be my gynae who is Dr Sadhana. This time I got to have a pte gynae whose clinic is v near to my house as I cant afford the time to travel to KKH everytime for routine checkup etc as my 1st boy is still v young and I am the sole caregiver.

I also put on the binder after my last c section, but only put on during the hosp stay. I find it quite troublesome n uncomfy esp when sitting down. The compression socks is also worn during my hosp stay only.

I am paying my CL 1.8k for 28 days and this time will have CL for 56 days. This is the pay of what she is getting. I dont let my CL go out and buy groceries, my parents, pils and hubby will be buying. I need the CL to look after my bb and also doing the cooking and cleaning. All these are alot for her to be busy whole day, no time for her to go buy anything liao.

Usually you will face water retention str after delivery for a couple of days. But should disappear after tat. Remember to drink lots of fluid.

jaclyn: then apply the keloids prevention cream if possible. hehe maybe that will help. i heard abt sheng yu as well coz my MIL told me not to take as it does not heal the wound properly internally.

phy: yes durians work wonder for weight! for my #1 i took durians last 2 weeks and my boy is 500gm heavier than my #2 whom i did not take durians which is about the same no of weeks of gestation! so i really believe that durians can help bb put on weight! I simply love durians but towards the end of this pregnancy i was so big and bloated i didnt crave for it.

bliss: ok will chk with my gynae if you have any info let me know too ok? my gynae can be quite fierce at times LOL i'm hving my CL for 1.5 mths to 'bu' my health back coz #1 didnt do a proper confinement. paying her 2k but so far so good. she actually have spare time to mop, laundry sometimes when baby is sleeping! so you will pay her 3.6k for 2 mths? does she have to go back to msia (i am assuming she is msian) for one day to renew her pass before coming back for another mth?

Hi mommies, interested to join march mommies for BP for Evenflo Triple Fun exersaucer at $279 for 10 sets, $289 for 5 sets(retail at Taka for $349)? Please pm me if interested.

1. elise31

2. chloe

3. elise31 fren

Junie: I bought the red rice wine for confinement. It's contained in a big jam bottle. Not alot. But they say one bottle is enough to cook 3 chickens. Dunno real or not cos have not taken any chicken yet due to C-sec.

minibean: Mine is also for one angbao.. this CL not too bad. Maybe I will give abit more for the 2nd ang bao when she leaves.

babycoco: I cannot tahan not bathing. 4 days in hospital, I never bathe.. stink like hell and on the last day of hospitalisation, I went to bath with normal water. Cannot tahan liao. Hair was so itchy.

Pillow & Jellypurin: Oh.. i didn't know must pump until no milk. So it means that I got to pump until my breasts doesn't drip any milk at all is it? I do pump every 3hrs though.

Jaclyn: I think smelling like lemongrass is better than smelling like herbs. Haha!!

bliss: Wah.. your CL dun do marketing ah? I ask my hubby to bring CL to do marketing one. Dunno what to buy.


Have not been in this forum for quite a while.

Here to update my status. I have delivered my girl via c section with epi. On 24 June.

Currently doing conefinement.

Good luck to all those waiting for your turn to pop.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take good care of yourself. having flu, cough, runny nose now will be quite tiring. your son so kelian, fell from the bed. but never mind lah. ppl say kids dun fall down, they won't grow up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks! though i really want a natural birth but baby's safe delivery is all that matters. oh, the pay that your CL gets does not include money for groceries, herbs. i'm not getting a CL but that's what my mom tells me


think it's either the mommy will put on weight or all goes to baby. for my case, baby gained 500g just this recent wk and i gained exactly the same amount, which means my net weight gain = 0. my gynae asked "what kind of genes does your baby have?" so i blame it on my hubby. baby's weight was ok at last 2 weeks' checkups - 3.2kg, 3.3kg, then sudden jump to 3.8kg!


I took 5 seeds I think.. it doesn't work for you? Strange coz it works for a lot of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But on brighter side, abt 3kg at birth is easier to deliver! Whenever I recall my 18hr labour (assisted somemore with vacuum), I would shudder...


Ya boy, now I better don't eat anymore durians! Wanna keep his weight ard 3kg +/- 10%... Want fatten him up with plenty of breast milk after he is out! haha


Hmm, my son has never fallen from my bed b4...felt awful coz I fell asleep... worse is that he is sick and already so kelian. But well, I'm gonna get a bedrail! In case he needs to sleep with me on my bed again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, really must pump till no milk. I remember I pumped and latched at 2hr intervals to promote/increase milk supply. Oh, I also popped fenugreek to incrase milk supply and stopped when I get steady supply. For me, I used twin pump so per session was like 30 minutes.

ann: you must drain all the milk during the latch/pumping session otherwise can result in blocked ducts which can be really painful! also draining all out means that it will help u increase milk supply too.

RE CL marketing, i dun mind she goes down to buy the herbs/grocery if baby is sleeping and i am alone with baby since we have a shop n save and chinese medical hall just near my house. She's quite honest actually pass the receipts to me so i guess its fine, otherwise my mom has to come almost every 2 days to bring the ingredients.

celine: congrats! have a good rest!

ica: is your hubby big sized?

phy: nopes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 37 week baby was 2.6kg, 38 weeks oso same. However i think the measurements r not accurate lah. Gynae is not worried, so i won't worry too. In fact the weight only comes to me....!! I gain 1 kg a week =|

For pumping of breast, i intend to do it every 2 hours... latch then pump whatever thats leftover. Hope I can have the determination to keep up with that schedule!!

My gynae asked me yesterday if I wanted to do without epidural this time. My reaction to her," You gotta be kidding!" Haha, don't want to put myself through that test...scared I fail horribly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, she told me to do the perineal massage to see if I could avoid the tear this round... for those who have yet to deliver, remember to do this massage ya... helps to increase the elasticity of the perineum for birth. Fingers crossed that this time round no tear.

hi hi.. forum finally back after being down for so long!

I juz came back from gleneagles. Brought bb for her first appt with PD but after a blood test.. she was asked to be admitted! She is now doing the photo therapy. Totally naked and will be baking for 24h! So heartpain. I will be going back hosp every 3 hours to feed her. I am going to try my breast pump now.. I doubt i can express enough milk for bb! but i will try!

So much to update coz forum was down..but so little time! I havent slept much since i came back home on tue noon.. CL havent really started cooking confinement for me yet except red date tea. And she didnt do housework for me. The day i was back, i still have to do my own laundry and ironing! She uses the washing machine to wash her own clothes only! and each time she only have like 4 items to wash. hubby told her can use machine tog with our clothes.. but she said she didnt bring alot of clothes so she must wash daily..and nope..she wont be doing her laundry tog with us!?!?

Then night time..she didnt wake up when bb make noise. Lucky we bought the philip monitor coz the cot is in the CL's nanny room. Think its mother's instinct.. when bb make the slightest noise.. i will wakeup. For the past nights.. my hubby n CL all sleeping.. and i wokeup every 2-3 hours to BF baby.

ok.. i had to go try expressing milk if there's any le. Then gota rush back hosp else bb will still be baking w/o feeding..

congrats to all mothers who have popped these few days! For the rest of the mtb.. hang on in there!


Ya, think weight measurement not that accurate bah. Told my gynae I was conned for #1 coz on scan picture he was predicted to be 3.2kg... then ended up 3.65 at birth. Somemore big head circumference. Ended up long labour. Hmm, I don't wanna gain anymore weight le...

Bfing, ya, a lot of determination de. I'm sure you can do it! Got a friend who is still bfing her #2 who is 2 plus already!

there is a certain type of cream, prescribed by gynae to apply on the wound. that will help with the keloids. i remember it's pretty exp too, 1 small tube for $40++ bucks.

i was given after i deliver, when i went back to my gynae to remove the stitches.

jaclyn, if you intend to do every 2 hrs ontop of latch, that leaves you with little zzzz.

zzzz has direct impact on breast milk as well! too tired, not enough sleep you will notice the milk supply dives down.

typical work duties of CL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. cook for mummy

2. wash clothes of mummy & baby (the more easy going ones will offer to wash that of daddy's...)

3. wash all items relating to bb

4. take care of bb of coz

as for basic household chores like cleaning up, etc is solely dependent how easy going the CL is. i know a lot of the CL don't do household chores as part of their "job scope" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rgd Keloid,

Actually only certain ppl are prone to this? cos previously when i went to remove a mole on my arm, in the end it became worse and i kenna keliod. So during one of my gynae visit, i told my gynae abt my case and he mentioned that if i need csect which will cause scarring, there are certain type of injections which he can give me to prevent that. But he said its going to be very painful and it involves a few injections after the operation too (ie have to go back for the injection) to prevent Keliod. For those mommies who is really affected by the scar, can check with your gynae.

Wah, hearing all these pumping of milk thingy is making my scare..seems very difficult and tedious! Got to latch and pump...tired..


Wah your CL so horrible. ASK her to do your laundry first before she does her, even if she want to do it separately. Some ppl are patang and they think that our clothes are dirty so they wont wash their clothes with us. Maybe thats one of her reason. As for night time, must ask her to wake up too. Thats her job leh, if not pay her so much for wat. Dont let her bully you.


Always heartpain to see little ones baking under the light... I remembered I cried along with my son when he was wailling away in hospital, refusing to go under the light and have the eye mask on...

Share this picture with u guys... He looked like he was smiling but in fact, he was crying badly. The nurse had a hard time keeping the eye mask on for him! I also witnessed him crawl from one corner of the 'container' to the other, trying to avoid the light and heat! He was merely a few days old then!



yes, hubby is big and tall. he was almost 4kg at birth. so his genes + my GD = big baby


the scan measurement is never 100% accurate. can be +/- 500g at birth


must be hard on you but be strong ya. must be stern with that CL for being lazy, and wasting precious water & electricity. furthermore you had a c-section - the more you shouldn't be moving so much

Hi, I hv 2 pairs of bn crib shoes for sale. Mickey mouse & osh kosh.. I also hv a bnwt mothercare romper & jumper for 3-6mths old.. All items r for boys.. Pls pm if interested..

ann: you must drain all the milk during the latch/pumping session otherwise can result in blocked ducts which can be really painful! also draining all out means that it will help u increase milk supply too.

RE CL marketing, i dun mind she goes down to buy the herbs/grocery if baby is sleeping and i am alone with baby since we have a shop n save and chinese medical hall just near my house. She's quite honest actually pass the receipts to me so i guess its fine, otherwise my mom has to come almost every 2 days to bring the ingredients.

celine: congrats! have a good rest!

ica: is your hubby big sized?

sun_tan: Yeps girl, not everyone will get keloid.

AK: Your CL sounds terrible leh. How can wash her own laundry in the washing machine then dont wash u and hubby's ??? If its me i will ask her to wash her laundry using the basin + detergent since shes so selfish. Afterall we're paying the utilities bill. And then why haven cook confinement food for you yet?? So weird.... you should talk to her abt it..

phy: Aiyo your son looks so cute even though he must have been miserable under the light [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


so kelian...my fren's baby also had to do phototherapy due to jaundice, which was quite high. he said his baby was the only one in the nursery that requires 2 lights - top and bottom, so can imagine how hot it was. the wife was having post-natal blues so he kept it from her, else she'd have cried buckets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so my gynae says if i do c-section, best to do after wk38 so that jaundice won't be too high

but my ex-colleague's baby didn't kena jaundice coz she said she chollera - dunno whether that was the determining factor. she din it for her #1 and the baby had jaundice


your boy looks so cute in the pic! Really like laughing away leh! Kekeke... :D

I remember when my boy needs to stay in hosp under the light for extra 2 days last May, I was so upset to be discharged without him. He looked like a 'batman' when the eye pad was removed. :p So cute and pitiful.


ok I will check with my gynae next time and get back to you.

I am having CL for 2 months this time to help me with 2 kids as I need time to recover from the c section wound and after that I will look after 2 kids all alone. But for me, I am not planning to 'bu' my health back, cos I will still have to look after my 1st kid too during confinement, just that there is an CL to help me during the 2 months. I know that it will even be more tiring for me this coming confinement. I also dont think my CL will have much time to do housework for me, cos taking care of me and my 2 kids is alot of work. I may get my part time cleaner to come if my CL is too bz. If with only 1 bb, it is not so bad, my 1st confinement was quite ok n relaxed, subsequent confinement cant be well rested if the elder kids have to be taken care by the mother and CL too.

Btw, I am not gg to be strict with those confinement rules too this time. Will shower daily and also no more herbs. Dont want to torture myself this time since I need to total bf my bb and also look after my elder boy.


ya my mum and pil will take care of the buying of the groceries. They know what to buy. My hb will be buying too. I will be taking almost the few same stuffs, mostly papaya and fish soups and also pig kidneys etc.

Re: rice wine

I was told by my boy's pd last year that wine should not be taken at all even if it is used in cooking when the mother is bfg the bb. The alcohol will still go into the bm. Many CLs will say that the alcohol will be evaporated after the food is cooked which is not true. When the lid of the pot is closed, the evaporated alcohol will be condensed and flowed back to the food again, so the mother is actually still taking in the alcohol which is v v harmful to the bb if the bb drinks the bm. So pls be awared. The pd warned us that must always remember whatever we eat, the bm will contain more or less of it. So strictly no wine or alcohol if u r bfg. I took zero alcohol in my confinement food when I was bfg my bb. Better to be safe than sorry. Even the science teachers in my hb's school told him that this is true. The alcohol added in the confinement food will go into bb utimately which is damaging to the bb's brain. Even taking alcohol after bfg is not advisable according to the pd.

hello mummies!

i'm in my 39th weeks already n still no sign.. hehe. N my husband's birthday will b this sunday.. wouldnt it b nice if she's out on dat same day.. will b d biggest present the daddy will ever received..

stretchmark: my tummy itch so much n my stretchmark are bulging..so scary.. any mommies experiencing this?


actually i just asked my gyane yest if bbs delivered earlier than 38 weeks will kanna higher chances of jaundice. But my gynae said not true. It is only those bbs who are prematured and under 2kg will have higher possibility of getting jaundice. So she told me my bb at 37 weeks will not have higher risk of getting jaundice.

Hi Serene, your birth story is very encouraging to me... I had just induce this morning (9.45am) as I'm having contraction for an interval on 5mins since 4+am... is quite painful as i'm having both backache & lower adominal pain... was told by the staff nurse that this type of contraction is the worst & usually end up to be long labour... (due to bb position)... almost regret for not going for csect directly... however after reading your post, really give me energy to hang on to it... the worst scenerio is e-csect... & what u said is really true - most impt is bb come out healthy...

Aisha: Mines not bulging, but its alittle bit raised. Meaning when you run your fingers across the stretch mark... can feel it.

My little boy Elliot is born today, 2nd July! Weighing at 2.615kg.

After nearly 24 hrs of labour, I strongly recommend epidural for long labors!


it's not about not getting jaundice, it's the level. coz when i went for my wk37 checkup, gynae oredi said high chance of getting jaundice but she said that can be managed. then when i went for my checkup last wk, she said it's best that baby comes out after wk38 so that the level won't be too high. most Chinese babies will kena, just depends on whether the level is manageable or not lor

