(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Why won't u want 'bu' your body back? I'm exactly the opposite of you.. I intend to really "bu" my body after this birth. Really makes a lot of diff I think. I didn't 'bu' much and I remember my health was not too good after #1. So I intend to go 'bu' all I can this time round.

housework --> Part time maid (weekly) plus MIL.

Cooking --> MIL plus my mother (hubby will pick up food from my mum)

I just want to concentrate on bfing #2 and bathing him. Meanwhile, hope I can spend some quality time with #1 coz I don't want him to feel left out. So I intend to take him to and from school a few times a week.

Hubby will sleep with #1 in his bedroom while I will be with #2 in our bedroom...

Hope all arrangement will work out well.


Kat congras! Share pictures soon with us ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Keropi, all the best! Hope ur bb be good and come out soonest!!!

I am aiming for 3 July!!! Been telling my #2 to pop tomorrow!!!


Ya ya, I remember the 'batman' look.. very cute right?


Abt jaundice, depends on what triggers it I think. My boy got it becoz he is of different blood group from me, that's what PD told me. U intend to go for C-sect?


I also have itch skin around tummy now... been scratching... hope won't trigger stretch marks... Been religiously applying Clarin oil.


all the best. dun scratch. i did that and the next day, while airing my tummy, saw 4 red streaks around my belly button!

not that i intend to do c-section - no choice if baby's head is really that big and gets stuck in the birth canal if i insist on natural. better be safe than sorry lor. if things are within my control, i'd go for natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica, ya, sometimes better safe than sorry. i had my mind set on c-sect from the beginning, and despite all the discouragement i received from friends, mil etc, i still stuck to it. and lucky too. gynae said my placenta was stuck to the uterus, good thing i chose c-sect.

minibean, my dr said bb has to under the light all the time. i guess my bb's jaundice must be more serious than your bb's.


then strange hor? My gynae even said wont hv higher risk of getting jaundice in the 1st place wor. Anyway, my boy is same blood group as me, but still kanna jaundice n had to stay 2 mre days in kkh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I cant, firstly my boy is only 13 mths now, not yet schooling n still needs lots of basic daily routine care, n i hv no mil or mum to help, mil always claims to be weak here n there n siam to help, my mum bz w my sister's kids n maid. So i got to take care of my own things. N also hb got to work, cant help much.

my boy will be sleeping w me n hb as usual, bb gal will be sleeping w CL for the 2 mths. CL cant possibly help to look after my boy all the time n he is v active at this stage, walking n exploring ard. So who will be helping you to look after ur #1?


err, dunno woh. i supposed different gynaes have different ideas lor

oh! oh! i just remembered about this - read it from the June 2010 thread, i think. some mommies said to feed babies with green grape juice to bring the jaundice level down and it seems to work. what they did was just buy those green grapes, let baby suck on one (like baby is latching) and then squeeze the juice into baby's mouth


ya, i agree totally - safe delivery is what matters since we've come so far and gone thru so much. my mom kept saying natural is the best, so i've to "educate" her why sometimes natural birth doesn't work for some. now she's ok with me going for c-section liao

Congratulations to all mummies who have delivered and all the best to those waiting to pop.

It's been a week since I delivered. Looking back, C-sect was not as traumatic as I thought. All thanks to my gynae who did a beautiful job - I could get up to walk from the firts day and I went without a binder throughout. Stitches were removed last Monday and fortunately the wound was not at all obvious. Today, pain was already non-existent though its level was never more than 2 out of 10 when I was in hospital. And for those wondering why I delivered on 24/6 instead of the scheduled 27/6, my water bag broke in the middle of the night - my little Yun Han decided to see the world earlier. Last but not leat, here's a picture of little Yun Han.



what a beautiful bb! lots of hair and v alert and sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tks jellypurin & ann for the rice wine info. The confinement auntie agent called me & said will hv a replacement CL for me & prepare 5btl of the rice wine. But I forgot to ask how much.

Anyway, tdy chkup went well. BB is abt 2.3kg @ wk 36. Head down but not engaged yet.


awwwww I love her pixie looks!! Very sweet darling! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm, wish mine was a girl leh..

Bliss Tan: I'm with Dr Sadhana now. How was her delivery of ur #1?

Phy: thanks for sharing ur story on jaundice. I can so imagine the pain of a mummy

Aisha: hopefully ur baby will be delivered tmr!

I am now strapped on ctg, right after my gynae's appt. Am at 37 wks 2 days. Apparently amniotic fluid is low. I'll be admitted tonight to check if amniotic level will go up again after baby urinates. If not, I'll be induced tmr!! So sudden! Hubby was saying aiyah, we should have brought our hospital bag along! Kaka! I'm only 1cm dilated and gynae said not really ready yet. Somi'm just crossing my fingers n hoping that amniotic level will increase again. But gynae still wants me induced after baby turns 38 wks if everything is fine. So that'll be next week!

phy and aisha, i thought the itch was due to my sensitive skin!! i hope i dun get any stretchmarks wor.

phy: u didnt hire a CL this time? Who's helping u with the confinement? I didnt 'bu' v well the last round so im trying to catch up now. I heard it really makes difference in health wor.

bliss: i heard about the different blood group thing too and they say if blood group is diff from the mum, then may hv jaundice. both my boys have.

babycoco: dunno why my baby's jaundice level is 15mg, not by the hundreds you quoted. hmm how come? PD says if he's below 15, he's ok.

springleaf: nice mane of hair!!! and those almond shaped eyes! gorgeous! congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm wondering for csection mummies, how much is your bill and which hosp you stayed in? mind sharing if its epi, GA or emergency c section?

springleaf, such a pretty bb. too bad we didn't get the chance to meet at mt e. my c-sect was on 26th. i was wheeled back to my room shivering. and shivered for another 2hours. otherwise i would have sms you to find out which room you were in. when were you discharged?


forgot to ans u, yes I will pay 3.6k to my CL for the 8 weeks. Think will send her to the custom to get her visit pass renewed and then drive her back.


Ya, your #1 is very young... so after 2 months will there be any help for you? Tough to look after 2 alone, esp. age gap so close...

For me, I'm very lucky to have my mil to stay with us during weekdays. She has been helping us look after #1 since he was 6 months old. Now he is 2.5 yrs old and attending daily playgroup.

With #2, hubby is more for me to work part time and help out rather than engage a helper. I know I can't be SAHM with 2 kids coz I'm so used to be running around... staying home drive me nuts so I am always full of admiration for those mummies who could do that without help.

So MIL will continue to stay with us from Sunday night till Friday evening to help out. Weekends we'll manage on our own...


Dr sadhana is quite an approachable gynae and her stitching skills is good. I just searched the archive in the ivf mtb support grp thread and found the posting of my delivery story last May. My bill was high due to failed natural delivery and emergency c section.

here you are:

Update of my delivery since last Wed, sorry if I am too long winded below. :p



went for my 39weeks appt at kkh, doc sadhana did cervix check for me, I was 1.5cm dilated only, bb was estimated to be 3.5kg. Doc suggested induction since I had been experiencing lots of early labour pain for the past few weeks. I agreed too coz I really want to end the daily contraction pain and sleepless nights too.

But there was a bit confusion when doc’s nurse arranged me to have the induction on 2am next day, then changed to next day 6am again… after I left kk, she called again saying that she had made a mistake, it should be 6pm on that very day! Luckily I brought along my hosp bag, milk pump that day, so hubby and I drove back to kkh to be admitted to the delivery suite str.


I had very light dinner at the kk fdcourt and had baby’s heartbeat monitored for abt 40 mins before induced.


The induction tablet, prostin was inserted near to the neck of my cervix thru vagina. It was painful! After that, I lie on the bed to rest and wait for labour contraction.


I was still feeling ok, no pain though lots of contractions. Was sent to the labour ward to rest first.



Started to feel intense contractions. But I tried to bear with it as I did not want to use the pain relief so early, I knew it would be even more painful later one.


The labour pain was already very intense, I asked for pain relief jab on the thigh. So was pushed back to the delivery ward to get pain relief. Was told I was only 2cm dilated at that time!


Injected pain relief on thigh, was feeling much better after that, and sleepy and drowsy. Managed to sleep during this waiting period.


Anasthetist and midwife came in to give me epidural as doc sadhana gave instructions that I could take epidural even only 2cm dilated. The epidural injection was painless and smooth. I lie on bed to rest and wait.


Doc sadhana came to check on my condition, I was 4cm dilated then. She burst my water bag and wanted to see how the dilation after that, hoping I would be ready for delivery soon.

9am to 11am

Baby’s heartbeat slowed down certain time and went back normal again. The inconsistent heartbeat showed distress in baby. I was only 5cm dilated that time.


Doc sadhana came in and told me that it was a bit too long to let bb stay inside after water bag has burst. She told me to have c section delivery since I was still 5cm dilated, it was not advisable to wait longer since my dilation was very slow. Without any choice, I agreed and the nurses all in very fast motion, getting me ready for the procedure. The feel of emergency made me feel bit stressful when I was already quite disappointed to end up having c section after 15 hours of labour waiting and 5 hours of intense labour pain. I requested for hubby to be with me during the op, but was not allowed coz mine was an emergency one.


I was pushed into the operating theatre. My epidural intake was increased in order to feel painless during the op. I was totally conscious thru out the c section delivery. I could feel the incision made, layer by layer… but without pain. However the thought of it was quite stressful. I felt the docs opening my tummy and pressed very hard on my tummy to pull out baby.


Within seconds, I heard bb crying very loudly! Doc pulled out my bb and showed to me immediately, he was opening his eyes widely, looking at me. Then bb was carried away to get cleaned up, I could still hear his crying while docs were stitching my tummy.


My bb was cleaned up and wrapped nicely. A nurse carried him to let me look at him while I was still on the operating table. Baby was looking at me without blinking his eyes at all… the feeling was so amazing and indescribable. Nurse then carried bb to show my hubby who was anxiously waiting outside the theatre.

I was cleaned up and pushed to the operating resting lounge for half an hour.


I was pushed back to my labour ward and my hubby and baby were already there waiting for me. I was shivering for a few hours due to the side effects of epidural. My lower body was totally numbed and I could not feel the existence of my lower body until the next morning.


I started total breastfeeding my bb. I had him latch on without any supplements given. As I am only producing colostrum only, the amount was very little, my bb was crying almost every hour for milk. It was very tiring and stressful. Late at night, I started having very painful engorgement. It was so painful that I cried a few times and could not sleep at all.


I had a lactation nurse to help and guide me on how to massage my breasts and ease the engorgement. It was a long and painful day for me. I was spending whole day massaging and pumping out my milk while bb has to be on formula at the same time.


I was told that bb could not be discharged this day as his jaundice level has risen and near to high risk level. So he needs to be under observation one more day. Hubby and I decided to stay with bb one more stay too, hoping he would be alright to go home the next day. I continue to latch on at times and pump out my milk for bb. He was having formula too, as his demand was really high. Drinking more milk will also help to clear his jaundice, so I decided to let hime have a mixture of my breastmilk and formula.


I had very bad constipation ever since after the delivery. Had been given 3 types of medication to ease constipation and soften stools at the same time, but seemed not effective still. I had such painful constipation in the early morning that I need the doc to dig out and remove all my hard stools ‘manually’! It was terrible experience and so unpleasant. Finally, my constipation was resolved. But my bb was not allowed to go home still, his jaundice level has risen again! I was so upset and worried. Hubby and I decided to go home first. We had already extended one more day with bb on Sunday, so we couldn’t imagine how high the total bill will be, as I had induction, epidural, c section and also extended stay for me and bb in A1 class ward.

I was quite upset when leaving kk. I know it is quite common for newborn to have jaundice, but I still cried when I carried my bb in my arms before discharging from hosp with bb home with me.

So here’s my long long delivery story and hosp stay in KKH last week.


Nope, I didn't have CL for #1 too. Managed with MIL and my mum's help on weekdays. Weekends my mum cooked confinement food for me and my sister would bring it over.

This round same arrangment. MIL and my mum cooks confinement food for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My main role is to look after the BB, feed him and bathe him and change him bah... rest of housechores, weekly part time helper plus mil.

My MIL is very very activie. She can't sit still! She is a great help around the house. Help me do almost everything!


ya, lucky for you. For me, I dont like to stay w pils, cos they are more of a problem to me than help. I still remember my mil came to my place for 5 days stay to 'help' us to look after our nb bb last yr. But ended up, we had to look after her, she couldnt even clean bb shit and bathe him properly and kept saying pain here n there. Then my super filial hb cared for his mum so much than me who was the one who needs the rest most!! I was so fed up and pek chek that time, and told myself never ever will I ask my mil to come and help again. As a 1st time mum, I can take alot much better care of my own bb than my mil and even my maid who is a mother herself too(I had one for 3 months plus that time after my confinement)

Maybe this is fated. Anyway I dont mind being a sahm though it is extremely boring and tiring and busy. Maybe I trust myself more than anyone else. Hahaha!

Minibean, thank you!

Babycoco, that's ok. I expected not to be able to meet you and bb since I delivered earlier than scheduled. Anyway, am looking forward to seeing your darling's photo in this forum if you haven't yet posted


Be it natural or c-sect, I'm super scared of child birth!! Though been through once but I just block out the experience... Of coz I if things under control I will go for natural too.. if not, then it is all about BB's welfare.

I remembered b4 I conceived #1, I went for day surgery (laparascopy). When my gynae approached me in the OT, I told her loudly...,"Don't cut me up before I knock out.." Haha, that's what a scaredly cat I am!

hi mummies,

congrats on those who have delivered and all the best to those delivery soon...

wondering if anyone here has a babyplus to let go..

pls contact me at 98523149.thnks!


Gosh, your bill must be real high for first pregnacy!

Ya, staying with ILs is an art...It took me a year to get used to my MIL. Lucky for me again, I'm the agressive one and she's the easy-going one...so haha, you can call me evil DIL. I am not mean to her lah, just that I will tell her if I can't stand some stuff... usually she gives in to me...

Hmmm I didn't trust her at first too. Imagine she told me she dropped her 2nd son into the bath tub accidentally when he was a baby. Gosh, frightened me out of my wits... so I trained her how to go abt bathing my son who was then 5 months plus.

Do u take time-off to enjoy ME time once a while?


ur #1 is may baby, so the age gap will be ard 14 mths. my #1 is april baby, how r u going to cope with 2 babies at home ah? just hoping that my #1 will not get jealous over his lil bro..for me since i found out myself preg, I trained my maid to take care of my #1, but sometimes he will still be clingy to me


yes my bill at kkh was 10Kplus! Cos I had induction and epi and csection and in 1 bedded room too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My super filial hb is the main culprit, so no matter what, he will spoil his mum and pamper her so much at the expenses of us! So I really dislike my pils, it is all his fault. My pils are super bo chap about me n my bbs too, well, really lots of complaints and sadness. So I think this also helps to make me a stronger mother and person ever since I become a mother.

I hardly have ME time, but i will want my hb to bring me and bb out every weekend. It is v pek chek to stay at home everyday to look after bb too. I cant imagine I have been a sahm for 13 months plus so far liao. I am thankful and happy to be able to cope well so far. I am willing to give up my freedom and career and personal time for my bbs at least for several years, probably becos it took me lots of hardships and suffering just to conceive my 1st bb, I am married for 8 years and I took 4 years to see my bb finally after lots of tcm treatments, acupuncture, so-iui and ivf. I had laparoscopy and HSG too, but ended up tat I am actually perfectly ok, so kind of wasted money and energy lah...hahaha. :p


well I dont know if I manage 2 bbs well or not too. But I am willing to give it a try and I must believe I can do it. The strength of a mother is great. I believe I can overcome lots of obstacles as long as I make sure I stay healthy. Yes, lots of patience and patience is needed. I am an impatient person, but I learned to be patient as much as possible ever since I choose to be a sahm. I am still learning and will continue to learn from many of my sahm friends. They are my teachers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I trained my maid alot in the past, but think I have no gd luck to have good maids, so I gave up. I rather depend on myself. Sometimes depending on others is not happiness.

Well, I trained my boy a few things ever since I knew I was preggy last Oct. I trained him to hold his milk bottle since he is 7 mths old and he can drink his water and milk on his own since then. I trained him to sleep by himself and also no more carrying or patting or rocking or coaxing by using the cry it out method. It was a more stressful training period for me than my boy instead. I spent months to train him. He is a v stubborn and persistent boy. My boy bas been a v difficult bb since born, so I really spent lots of effort and time to teach him in preparation of arrival of his mei mei and to make sure I will not become insane when looking after 2 kids alone. I want to teach my boy to be more disciplined and still teaching now. It is not easy, cos kids are still kids, really need time to learn. My boy dare not be wild or spoilt when I am with him, but he is still very sticky to me, cos he knows v well that I am v impt to him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope I can manage well fr next mon onwards. There is so much unknown. I am nervous and scared too. But I know I have to face it no matter what. Just think positively. I always remind myself that how precious my bbs are to me...how much I have gone thru just to have my bbs, never forget that, then I will be able to do anything for sake of my kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good that you have a maid to help you, esp if she is a good helper. Jia you for all of us mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mommies,

Just to check, so meaning if i go for induce and end up doing e-csect, i would be charged 2 prices, ie natural birth and c-sect birth?


my boy's jaundice level was 16.8 or something.

they admit when its over 15. he stayed in hosp for 2 days. when he left, it was abt 8.

yes, i use the herbal water to wash hair. i will shampoo and rinse off with it. only face i use normal water..hehehe..


yes i give a red packet on arrival and a red packet on dep. pay her prorated. i wanted to give $2 but my hubb say wait kena curse.. so he gave her $10..haiz...


Agency one.. i think maybe some other customers never realise, cos she say she just finish a full month, before coming to mine.




YR CL doesnt sound too well.. try to see if she can change, otherwise change her.

F8 mummies,

i just had my bb new born shoots this morning.

oh man, it was so difficult. baby peed on me and hub twice each.. and was so awake most of the time despite being fed. also he doesnt like to be naked..haiz... i only managed to get a few shoots after so long....

bo pian, hopefully get some nice shots..


ADVICE -- FEED YR BB and make BB SLEEP before the shoot.


ur boy is so good...I also used to take care of my boy full time, cant really trust helper, but after I found out being preg, I told myself that certain things must let go...and the thing is my boy still doesnt want to hold his bottle himself, may be due to he used to latch on direct, and only started FM when he's 8-9 mths old. But I guess must learn from u to discipline him, coz I guess my boy knows that we have been pampering him a lot since birth, even know night-time sleeping he still wants me to cuddle him on my lap before he falls asleep...being a mother is not an easy job, but definitely a fulfilling job and satisfying seeing our children grows up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bliss, thank u so much for sharing ur birth story. I was tearing as I read it. It's like 'watching' birth story, except that I'm just reading and there's nothing to watch. I am now in the ward already, where most mummies have delivered, so I hope to hear even more stories. Anyway Bliss, hubby n I thinking hard now abt our bed admission. I have signed up for B1, but initially I wanted to upgrade to A1, this being my first pregnancy. But now that I'll be induced, I know there's a higher chance of e c-sect. So i told hubby it'll be more costly and perhaps we should save the money to spend it on baby later on. But at the same time, if c-sect, hubby said it's better for him to be around me all the time as I might have difficulty moving abt. So it's still a dilemma.

hmmm, training MIL, training maid, how about just training our hbs ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hhaha no wonder Allison not at her studio today. Cos we went for our maternity shoot on monday and hubby accidentally left his shirts there. So tot of dropping by in the morning to collect, but Allison said she wont be around. And ya, she did told me that its best bb is asleep when doing the shoot so that she can "place" him anyhow she wans. :p

Bliss, thank u so much for sharing ur birth story. I was tearing as I read it. It's like 'watching' birth story, except that I'm just reading and there's nothing to watch. I am now in the ward already, where most mummies have delivered, so I hope to hear even more stories. Anyway Bliss, hubby n I thinking hard now abt our bed admission. I have signed up for B1, but initially I wanted to upgrade to A1, this being my first pregnancy. But now that I'll be induced, I know there's a higher chance of e c-sect. So i told hubby it'll be more costly and perhaps we should save the money to spend it on baby later on. But at the same time, if c-sect, hubby said it's better for him to be around me all the time as I might have difficulty moving abt. So it's still a dilemma.


think she was not there in the morning.

was at her studio from 11plus..heheehe...

we decided to do studio instead of home.

my bb not the "bestest" boy. complain alot after the shoot, grumble abt being naked..hahah


he will yak yak, refuse the breast and make noise in protest at the studio. not cold liao, we didnt on aircon le. then he is the abit abit will frighten, need something on his chest kind..

so i no hope of the pics liao lah.. i told him, naughty boy, waste mummy's money....haiz...

It's amazing to hear all the birth stories. I'm now in 36th week and my gynae said it's still a long way (to delivery) haha! wish everyone all the best in your childbirth!


thanks! My boy is good?? Hahaha! He drives me soooo mad many times and many times I am a screaming and nagging mommy. I must say he is quite a fast learner esp in terms of his motor skills. He started his first few steps at the age of 9 mths plus and can walk on his own since 10 mths old. So far his favourite hobby is to walk and walk for hours in the house and explore everything. I have been so bz with him and tats why I was admitted to kkh few weeks back due to frquent contractions. My gynae told me that I overwork and too tired liao, esp during 3rd tri with a heavy tummy, tats why I am advised to deliver my bb gal next week at week 37.

My boy has been learning to speak alot more now. I just taught him 2 weeks ago how to get down from sofa safely and to my surprise, he learnt it well and can get down from sofa on his own safely after a few times of practices! I am v glad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He is very spoilt by my hb, so he has been bullying my hb all this while. Jia lat for my hb, I am saved! Hahaha!

Yes, you are right, sometimes we just need to let go. For me, I am also kind of bo bian even if I really like to go back to work outside. I have no one to help me at all. So I must die die look after my own bbs anyway.

Yes, me also has been pampering my boy since he is born. He was so difficult there was a time when I had to carry him for at least 20 hrs daily. My arms nearly broke! He wanted no one but me, not even my maid or hb can carry him, probably becos of the way I carried him and also the smell of bm on me.

It was a struggle for me to train to sleep by himself months ago. I was crying when he was crying for me. Fortunately my effort was not totally wasted. He is more or less ok to sleep by himself le, only being cranky and uncooperative at times.


you r welcome. Why you were tearing? Oh dear, my labour story so sad meh? :p Stay in good mood wor.

I would advise to stay in A1 class ward if you can afford. I stayed in B1+ ward few weeks ago when I had frequent contractions and stayed in this class in case bb is born prematured. The service and environment is super jialat. I waited at least half an hr every time I pressed the bell to call for nurse. I wait for 1 and half hr just to get my 2 packets of biscuits and 1 small cup of milo in the nite! And the shared toilet was super dirty, there are few inconsiderate patients in the same ward just gave birth, and the toilet floor and toilet bowl were filled with blood!! So inconsiderate of them dont even bother to clean up after using! I felt so disgusted and rather went to other ward to use the toilet! Imagine how disgusting and unpleasant it was. So I would recommend to stay in 1 bedded room if you can. You will never know who will be ur roommate, even in 2 bedded room. And from my previous labour experience in KKH, I find that the service in A1 class is very good, probably becos there are fewer A1 wards and thus fewer patients to serve. Tne nurses are more helpful and patient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope this info helps. But if you are having natural labour, you will only stay in hosp for 1 nite, so B1 ward should not be too bad. Yes, it will be better if ur hb can stay beside you all the time if c section delivery. You just do some calculation and consideration in terms of the bills and the comfort u need after delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] To me, I dont want to make myself suffer even more after delivery. I want myself to be comfortable. :p

Jellypurin, Grace, thank you!

Sun_tan, thank you and yes, if failed natural delivery is followed by c-sect, there will be charges for both procedures.


u trained ur hubby har?


Superb mum u r! SAHM without help is really tough. But I guess your reward is truly immeasurable. Look at how attached u boy is to you!

Haha, sometimes the kids will drive us up, across and down the wall! My boy also, terrible two stage now. I have to threaten that I will smack him on his bum if he insists on what he wants to do at the moment. It's hard but I guess it's all worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Like u, I also went thru several invasive procedures b4 I fell pregnant naturally. So yes, I do treasure my son a lot but part of me just want my life too... that's Y I went back to work after 6 months of being SAHM without help.


U don't go out during weekdays? Told my hubby this time round I want the mobility so if I need to go out on weekdays with 2 kids and my mil plus my mum and nephew, he will have to find his own transport to and fro work so I can ferry the rest and spend time out with them.

Last round I depended a lot on my husband to take me out on weekends too...ended up always at my mum's place week after week. Weekdays I dared not venture far coz I didn't know how to cope with an infant out of the comfort of my home then. Silly me.



thanks for the compliment! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am still trying my best. Ya, I would want my life back too, but for my case I cant, so I just try my best to enjoy the life of taking care of my bbs meanwhile. Anyway the first few years are the most impt years to be there with them.

Ya, you are v fortunate to have such a helpful mil. Becos to be a ftwm is also v tiring unless you have someone to help you even after you are back home from work.

