(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Gd Morn Mummies,

it's super raining day today, and i had a super bad day yesterday. somethings happen at work and alot of ppl gt blasted. (well tt includes mi). but consider kinda 'heng' aready coz i was on MC for almost the last whole week and wasn't really involve with tt case. Some of my working collegues really kana until like "pour dog blood over the head"..kinda poorthing.

Erm...MIL thingy...not much comments on it as i m pretty simple but only picky on food n the things i use n wear. the only person tt complaints is nt PIL or my mum but instead my DH. nag nag nag nag nag n nag until i face black black..

well..now is the time to take cool n relax liao..start thinking about yr coming leave and having to stay hm n nt going to work wouldn't it be nicer. the tot of having to snuggle until late and slowly get up n wash up then get breakfast or lunch to eat n slowly goes online to chat or do some last min research or shopping would sound nice.

Ann: i eating lesser each meals but need to take more meals..coz tummy can't fill in alot of food at one go. ended up lost weight somemore n bb gain like 500g in a week. DH was complainting to the nurses at gyane there n say i always didn't eat alot at main meals but always see mi walking around the hse taking biscults, cakes and snacks after 3hrs of main meals..=X


Ann: tt's so cute of yr furkids to snuggle at yr tum tum..

as for my little girl(turning 4 tis yr) back at home. she sticks to my DH more nowadays coz she knews mummy can't play as rough. ended up, she take toys goes to my DH n ask for play instead. my girl bday is on the 18 july and bb EDD is on the 21 july..wondering would they clashes on the same day if bb decided to come n share bday present with my little girl too.

when we are back at my place, at night she will wanna sleep with us..ended up, 1 mini schnauzer takes up half the bed coz we will move if she kicks n poor us gotta squeeze together with the other half of the bed. n DH kana sandwich between a preggy n a furkid, both sides also kana kick..haha..

So sorry mummies..

for my long long story..

Juz treat it I juz letting out...


so far ok maybe I am pregnant or they know my parent also not so happy abt it..My mum is now super unpleased wif my MIL.. she is juz waiting for chance to say her back...

Now pregnant got no energy to be angry... really one eye close .. one ear in one ear out.

I guess my hse will come ard 3Q. i juz try to ren .... few more mths ba... but sad to say BB still MIL look aft... unless confirm i got retrench then i be a SAHM...

Serene, I think that you are a very noble mummy. Cheers! I feel that the main prob that is causing u all these stress is actually your MIL.

But luckily u are strong enough to tolerate all these from her and you have a very good hubby!

Who will take care of your baby if you start working when she is 6 mths onwards? I believe you wouldn’t want your in-laws to take care right?

Sito: Congrats!

Yup precisely I do not want to have all these confinement conflicts or disagreements on how I shld take care of my baby.

So I decided not to stay in in-laws place for confinement.

Ytd my grandma in law even told me that the moment I deliver, she will go find geomancer calculate baby’s Chinese name for me.

But actually I already have a name in mind which I want my dad to calculate the strokes only.

I scared they force me to choose a baby name that I dun like…

For my checkup yest, I put on 2kg in a week and bb’s weight remains the same at 3.2kg.

Scary right… and I dun even eat a lot lor.

my gynae gave a talk on prep for labor and he said if we r gg into labour and there is no one to bring us, we should not call 995!

he said 995 is for emergency purpose, if u call they assume it is complicated labour and will send u to the nearest govt hospital. haha.. i didnt know at all lor...

so best is to take cab (if hus cant fetch u in time) or call the non-emergency ambulance, but it will cost like $70.

Yvonne: its okay dont worry. we are here to listen and help! :D

By the way, the wife having to do all household chores and the husband no neeed to do is a VERY old school of thought that many MIL still have. However they fail to realize that nowadays, the wife is working as well to help make ends meet in the house! Its not like last time where we are housewives and the husbands go out to make $$ for us.

As for utility bills, maybe you need to find a way to takeover the payment of the bills. This way they should shut up since you're the one paying and it will give you more freedom. My MIL never makes noise about me turning on the aircon or if i decide to use more water, because im paying for everything in the house.


sighhh i hope nothing hiccups when ur mil takes care.

cos for my case, b4 deliver, MIL delegate the confinment and taking care of bb to my mum.

only when i reached 30 weeks, she said she wanna do for me.

and when she take care of bb for 7 mths, she no longer can take it . i v pissed and ask my mum to take care of my boy for me.


Yap tat y my MIL is very very traditional woman..

who prefer DIL to give birth to bb boy ..

but not much forcing if cant

still using charcoal to boil soup and old tradtional flask to put water...

my hubby did gave my MIL $$$...

she is juz very thrify type.. even we give she also feel the pain...

my MIL still ask my mum how much we spend for electricty and water bill.. surprisly its abt the same... my hse (3rm) hv only my parent and me staying and my MIL side (4rm) hv 2x more ppl staying ...


In a way, of cos its not good to dwell over past issues...but the root of all issues should preferably be laid out and discuss openly when the chance arises...

Now you have at least a new hse to look forward to, so looks like your situation will change for the better... good luck!

Mummies - all of us in the last stage of pregnancy. Should not have other worries except to deliver the BB safely and stay healthy/sane to take care of BB yar...

Sito == gong xi gong xi!! glad everything went well for u.. any pics?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yo ladies.. yeah, my hubby is very nice guy.. not rich, not boomz in career.. but his good enuff for me liao.. haha.. his the reason why i always ren ren ren...

yay.. tmr gg to visit dr ang again before he goes for his holiday! i am going to tell him about my BH and cramps... so he will be more kan cheong.. wahahaha.. perhaps check if im dilated or not... and i wan to see my baby...

i hope he tells me.. "ok serene, u are ready for induction next week when im back"


confinement in such a good weather is a blessing.

Keer, I have also registered to put my baby in My First Skool sometime beginning October. Yes really have to register early cos the places are so hot! Especially so for MFS cos it has good ratings in general. Lucky we still managed to get a place when we enquired in April cos that was when I had to make alternative plans when my in laws suddenly back out to look after my baby...

I stayed around Tampines and the MFS branch operates from 7am to 7:30pm and it's just opposite my blk..so even though it's slightly more costly than those under the NTUC group, we thought of convenience and so, will still go ahead..

hi all. just got back from gynae check. i'm at wk35, but baby's development at wk37 except the head, which is at wk39. her weight is now 3.2kg. sigh...i'm resigned to the possibility of not having natural birth. but at least now her weight gain is avg i.e 400g in 2 wks, just that her head is big. hahaha! and i put on 700g in 2 wks. how nice if in 2 wks, baby's ready to come out. i'll be wk37 - just nice. baby's engaged oredi

gynae's not going to induce unless i'm starting to have contractions (so far nothing). she's of the view that inducing is like artificially ripening something that's not ready. so we'll let nature takes its course - when baby's ready, she'll come out lah. at first gynae said we'll go for natural coz she thot i was quite tall, but when i told her i'm only 5'2", she asked for my shoe size (5.5) and asked me to show her my hand - it seems our pelvis is the size of our hands! she said i'm short and feet, hands quite small but if 3.4-3.6kg, still can go for natural, beyond that, c-section. will decide when the time comes. oh well...next checkup is next week




your hubby is so sweet. at least he is wise enough to understand what you've been through and what you're going thru now. marriage is after all about teamwork. before you knew it, you'll get a place of your own, ya. jia you - happy thots to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah! your MIL really traditional lor. she still uses charcoal to boil soup all the time? my grandma only did that if she wanted to brew tonics, but later she also started using slow cooker liao. traditional flask - you mean those with a cloth-like stopper?


wah! it must be something really bad, i mean the workplace issue that blew up


ya, if want infant care in CBD area, have to register really early. my friend did that 6 mths before her EDD. she just secured a place last month just becos the centre is expanding and hiring for caregivers. otherwise, she'll be on waitlist too. and she registered her name at a few centres

wet, rainy day,

was at Mt E for checkup today. guess what! Orchard Road, the part in front of Lucky Plaza, is flooded. saw a stalled car, so you can imagine how high the water is! quite embarassing to think that you'd see something like this in Orchard

sito: congratulations!

i've also enrolled my girl in an infantcare. hehe. going to "see" my baby tomorrow.

do any mummies know when the frequency for gynae visits will increase to per weekly cos i heard that we might have to go back for checkups every week nearer to EDD? i'm at week 36 now.

cherry.sue: i think it varies with gynae. Mine starts weekly visit from 37 weeks. So after my vist nx week, it will be weekly already.

Sito: Congrats!! Do share with us ur birthstory and photos of ur darling!

Supergal: I also registered my baby with My First Skool but in waiting list. However they did call to ask me to update them after my bb is born. But the branch I am going only opens from 7am-7pm.

Jaclyn: Well my MIL is one such person who believes that men do not have to do housework at all. The wife is supposed to do everything and husband’s job is to earn money to support family. She will always ask me to do this and that for my hubby (eg. Cutting fruits for him to eat). She always tells me that I need to dote on my hubby so that he will dote on me back blah blah. My FIL is a typical MCP.

My hubby of course have such values since he grew up without having to do any housework. Another MCP lor.

When I nag at him that I need him to cooperate when we move out esp after bb is born, he said he rather pay to get a maid than to do housework! So pissed.

Gynae says my baby's head is still high at week 37! Will the cervix dilate or will i experience contractions if the baby is not engaged yet? What if i am in pain to go into labour but baby not engaged, does that mean i have to do c-sec?


yap wat i say was the past thing.. but anyway the hurt is already done.. so now sort of restrict myself to be close to them.. stay one day and past one day ... tat is my mood now...

last night told my hubby.. next time he got to help.. especially washing clothes... he say ok... he will try to talk to my MIL abt my washing clothes issues...

BB he also need to help take care.. he say ok too.. I say if i dont think it is right to teach bb or wat.. I let him know he go tell my MIL..

the rest wat they wan to say I juz let go.. cos I already stress myself too much wif their comment.. most important is hubby got help..

even they wan to complaint saying i dont take care of bb, bully my hubby, hubby is guy where got guy take care bb and etc etc... cos MIL thinking is gal job.. my thinking is share load.. both got to take care..

let them say wat they wan... I will close one eye or juz comment back.. I wont be like last time keep silent.... cos problem can be solve ASAP and not keep to myself and bear wif hearing the complainting until i burst...


yap those cloth-like stopper?

so I bought my own airpot and flask for my bb use during isetan sales dont wan to use my MIL one cos I see the cloth already turn brown.. think she use it to put hot water and sometime black coffee .. dont wan later the hot water wif coffee smell...

Sweetkiss and serene...

Same type MIL... old thinking!!!

in the same boat... sayang sayang...

ica, we're the same, at 35wks, my bb's measurements were also 37wks except for the head 39wks! i was so horrified. went for my check yesterday (36wks 3 days), and bb's head measurement was 38wks+. i asked the gynae how come smaller than last week. she showed me a few measurements, so based on bb's position, and how she measured, the results came out different each time. so maybe at the last check up, there was a slight error. phew, so happy to know my bb's head is not that huge. was worried i'd go for check and gynae would say bb's head is 41wks, hahaha.


ya lor. hope baby's head will be in proportion to rest of body. i was thinking - the head big-big, rest of body relatively smaller. kind of weird. hahaha!

sorry, but i thot gynae wld take measurement of the head, and the body then wld be able to tell whether is the baby overall big & proportionate or just head big ?

coz the head measurement big, would skew the weight of baby to higher end. but if the stomach also seen big then can more or less say bb is big rather than just the circumference of the bb's head is big?

Haa, mummies, but at least head big big means brainy?

Anyway for those old school tots which means we as wife must cook for hubby, must do all the chorus, must take care of bb 100%, i think all these are rubbish. In the olden times, its the men who go out to work and wife stayed at home to be housewife. But nowadays, we also have to work and help out in the household expenses, so why should we be doing all the household chorus or taking care of bb ourselves? Nowadays, its always 50-50 share between husband and wife, so i always tell me hubby that i expect him to share the household chorus with me 50-50 too.

pillow, yes, if all the measurements are the same, ie 37 wks for abdomen, femur, head, when we're only 35wks preg, then probably bb is on the big side. but for ica and me, only the head measured at 39 wks, the rest of the measurement is 37wks. and i thought it was because my hubby angmoh, and i find angmohs tend to have bigger head.

Suntan, u r rite! I shld have told my MIL back that she can DOTE on her hus 24/7 because she is a housewife!

So angry lor… every Chinese lunar occasion she will wake up early to burn joss papers, not at the corridor but at the door step!

And not 1 but 2 burning buckets!

This morn, the whole house covered in smoke and I dun need alarm clock, straightaway wake up due to lack of fresh air.

Sometimes she will do it at what she think is auspicious hour, like 12am to burn them and I cant sleep at all…

Eventually the clothes which were washed and hang all got smoke smell. That’s why I don’t wash baby clothes when she is around.

My second batch all brought to my mum’s place to wash already.


I also support suntan but I cant say back my MIL cos I dont know in the past is she a full time housewife . if she handle hse work and work together later got slap back!!!

Can i ask if ur hubby side hokkien ... cos my hubby is hokkien and they also alway burn joss papers during Chinese lunar occasion... (lunar new yr, hungry ghost festival and etc) wif some offering place into of the main door.

think alot of hokkien pray

just came back fm my 34weeks chk up... guess what, my gut feel was right. i am starting to dilate! *faint* am 1cm now... may take weeks to go into quick dilation but dr is not taking chances as she is on conf and holidays for the next 2 weeks... i am beginning to feel kan jiong cos i am taking my own sweet time to prepare for bb's arrival... he is now 2.58kg.

jellypurin, did your gynae do the VE cos you requested? i was surprised when i went for my check up yesterday & gynae didn't do VE. i'm already 36wks 3days.

Yvonne: My hubby is Teochew. i think worse than hokkien. They got a lot of religious laws and customs one. Whenever we travel overseas, they will go to this Tang Kee(?) to get amulets and burn then ask us to drink. I always pretend to but i nv drink, cos i think nt gd for health leh. Luckily my new house is small. If not they surely ask us to put buddha altar or what one.

Jelly: OMG so fast dilate le?? I am getting impatient counting down to july for my bb to come out. always see my fren posting her newborn bb updates on FB, makes me wanna see my bb soon!


no lah, i was just kidding. seeing so many mommies down with so many problems, thot of making the day brighter lor. i also dun want my baby to be an airhead. hahaha!

my gynae did a VE today, for strep B. i'm wk35


what gut feeling did you have, on your dilation? that's fast! so your gynae asked you to be on bedrest now?


she did a VE for me ... cos i complaint i had pelvic pain and v dull backache...

maybe ur gynae thinks urs in bb #1 so not so soon? he should be doing it soon...


hiaz, i abit jinx myself... i kept saying to myself #2 will come out early, but aiya, not this early... he's only 34weeks... really feel like slapping my mouth!


no bed rest. take medication instead. in case i go into early labour... sian i dun want to take med but since she is away for conf and i am a few weeks and bb is a few weeks shy from full term, she wants me to take pre-caution...

Jellypurin: dun worry! i'm sure ur baby will be gd and wait for a little while more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend also had dilation at 34 wks but delivered at 37 wks.

jellypurin, no leh, gynae is convinced bb should be coming out before 38wks, and said that bb is "deeply engaged" and very low. when doing the ultrasound, even commented i was having contraction. so was surprised, when she didn't do VE. strange right?

ica, ya, some more the weather so gloomy today. when is your next check up? my bb's weight didn't increase from last week, but that's because the head is smaller this week. so can eat more ice cream. hahahaha

I am also visiting my gyane this fri. Would be 34 weeks+ too. Should i request for a VE check? Me too havent start to prepare the things for bb's arrivals. All our bb purchases are still in plastic bags..hospital bag havent pack and bb clothes also havent start to wash yet..


take care ah..


no need to do VE unless u got contractions. VE nt very nice one, i hate it totally. yucks.

i also visiting gynae this friday.

today i am 37 weeks liao.. so anytime.. i cant wait.


my checkup is next Wed. weekly checkups from now on. your baby's weight didn't increase? how nice if that'll be true for my baby. you're having contractions oredi?

oh ya, gynae said since i have GD, baby is also diabetic (while in womb only). so i asked, then once out, she'll be in a low sugar environment? gynae said yup, so have to feed baby within 1 hr after delivery, bottle feed

