(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Although I am a 2nd time mummy, I actually have no idea what to expect on contractions & stuff coz I didn’t experience much discomfort for #1. decided on c-section and by 39 wks, I was still comfy , bb high up , not engaged. Totally no pelvic pain or backache whatsoever. But now this time round, my pelvic seems to have a lot of strain and discomfort ….. plus stomach keep 'hardening' .

Jellypurin,good! lets share share tips in future when we start to use it. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the US set.

Btw, for the Tan Leng Leng pump (freestyle), i placed orders in end Apr and recieved my pump weeks ago in May leh.


i tested the set (not on my breast) and it was working fine. i had to read the instructions 2 times and realised, aiya, all automatic one! silly me thot i hv 2 set...

have any mummies tested positive for strep B? did your gynae suggest giving antibiotics during labour, or something else? i think i tested positive in the first trimester, so my gynae is not testing again, she will just give antibiotics during labour. But i read that it may not always work? I'll check with her at next appt, but just wondering if any mummies have been advised by gynae on this? Thanks!

I also tested it , hb put on his breast. HAHAHAAA seems to be working. But we will only really know when we try it for real on the suction.

oic,thanks jelly..

Do VE test to check if we start dilate?

last week did strap B test i so reluctant to let my gynae check my vaginal part, my gynae almost gave up and asked me to check nxt time..

at last i agreed to let him checked but my hubby said he simply took sample nia, nvr took properly cos i keep yelling..

actually is not bcos of pain, i just feel very shy to let stranger check my private part wor..

i dun know how to overcome this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now alr 37 weeks not even know start dilate or not..

But I am a bit confused on the cleaning part. It seems that it does not require sterilisation at all (except for the boiling for 1st time use). So I am not decided whether to still go ahead and sterilise the parts once a day when we are using….


yup, there about 4-5 weeks...


like some of the mtbs here mention, some gynaes dun do VE. if u feel uncomfy can dun do lah... cos i complaint that i was hvg pelvic pain and dull backache and my gyane also concern since i chked into her clinic last week complaining about possible contractions... so really up to you... most impt, do VE must relax. dun think abt what doc is gng to do... just let him/her do what needs to be done. u can talk and joke w gynae...


just relax and don't think about it. very fast will be over. when delivering, gynae will be right in front of you - your privates will also be exposed to him mah

dun worry - we won't know whether we're dilated unless gynae checks for us


at home i will be v sterilised after every use... rtn to wk... i dun think i hv e time... so will sterilise it once ... am buying the microwaveble bags lah... just dump in water and parts and off it goes into the microwave.

I googled on the net over the last few days. Apparently, the microwave cleaning way is a No No leh for the freestyle . It will spoil the parts.

So am thkg whether I can still dump in my steriliser, 6-9mins, its done liao.


oh, really? then siao liao... what i may do is i may bring in a kettle and boil water and go over the parts, then cover and steam using a lock and lock box and steam for approx 10mins... like what i did for my #1 when i was using the pisa.

For my #1, I sterilise my ameda pump after every use. Siong if pumping every 3-4 hrs. my hb does it for me even in middle of the night so that morning, its ready for use.

But this time round, I am thkg of following my fren's way. After pump, straight away put in the lock lock box , into the fridge. And decide whether to sterilise once a day or to follow instruction, wash with soapy water and leave airdry…..


really? the microwaveable bags not good for Freestyle? but on the box, they never say woh. also cannot put Medela pumps in the steam steriliser eg. avent right? about discolouration or something


Medela has this sterilisation wipes. maybe can use that

Peanut: yup me was tested positive for Strep B. Took the antibiotics for 10 days. After that gynae nv do any test or mention abt it.

So I also not sure if my infection is cleared or it will return again.

I read that for Strep B positive mums they will be put on antibiotic drip during labour..

Carol: have to overcome it wor, if not how is he going to deliver ur bb for u? I heard from my prenatal class instructor that actually male gynaes also dun like to do VE also one, haha.


quite lah, but save $... use the water+lock and lock will be the most economical. and if handled properly, its quite hygienic...


oh ya, i went to download the manual. cannot sterilise the Softfit breastshileds using the microwaveable bags, but other parts, no problem. so if we're not using Softfit breastshields, then ok to sterilise using those bags, right? i read that some mommies dun quite like the Softfit and got other Medela breastshields instead


saw it at the dentist, to sterilise equipment. think must be industry grade steriliser lah

medela quick wipes

more expensive than the microwaveable bags. can check it out at the BP section

sweetkiss, haha,my hubby oso asked me the same ques, how is he going to deliver my bb after that?

i think on the labor day itself labor day itself i alr no time to care whether he is looking at my V part gua..haah

thanks sweetkiss. I got rather nervous when reading about the possible consequences of passing strep B to the baby. I guess in the end have to trust the gynae...

thanks guys! the hot water sounds like easiest and "safest" on the equipment....

i reluctant on the microwave bag coz hassle , can't re-locate microwave to my room mah :p

Carol: yah i know wat u mean, i will be uncomfortable to have another male look at my pvtes. Somemore below very shy!! But..... take it that he see until sian already lah. Your #2 u better find a female gynae better hehehe.

my strep b & dilation test is nx monday... hope i pass! Are the results instant ?

Jaclyn, yaya, i oso think to get female gynae for 2nd one..hehe

nope, the strep b test result is not instant..i think it takes 2-3 days to get the result..

however, i ll only know the result during my nxt visit on this fri..

peanut, confirm with my gynae the result for strep b ll be changing fr time to time..maybe this time is tested +ve,

nxt time might be -ve..so u no need to be too worry ya..

Ica, my a ppt is on Tuesday. You're with Dr Chia right? I'm with Dr Yeoh, same clinic. Yup, gynae touched my tummy and said "oh you're having contraction" but guess must be BH otherwise she would have done more checks?

How's your sugar level? Mine has been ok so far, only failed 1x. So sian to still need to check 2x/wk.


yup, me with Dr Chia. what a coincidence! same clinic, diff gynae. Dr Yeoh has a nurse who is quite old right? you know, at first i thot she was Dr. Yeoh. hahaha!

wow! just by touching will know? amazing! but you din know that you were having contractions?

my sugar level ok. now i know what kind of food i must avoid and also moved around a bit after meals to break down the sugars - it helps. have to continue testing but only have to do 1x a week, for all 3 main meals

asked my hubby whether he wanted to try poking me with the pen. he refused - what a scaredy cat! like that how to go into delivery room with me? hahaha!

I also dun like to do VE... Got it done once by a nurse. It wasnt painful but really uncomfy and she was like digging for gold like that lor! Me going to do CTG on my next appt on Sat. So scared will need to get VE done again.

ica: haha.. during my gynae's talk, my gynae mentioned that if daddies wanna cut bb's umbilical cord must inform earlier, if nt he will cut himself leh. When he asked a dad-to-be if he will want to cut his child's umbilical cord, the daddy straight away shake his head and said NO. haha

I bought a wet wipe at the expo, per pieces is pack individually which they say is better.

For forum i found it but is all in a pack like those wet wipes so once open dunno the tissue still consider sterilise.

By the way i read the instruction, it says dump into boiling water. Need to pack the equipment then dump in or just dump?

hello mummies.. was on mc today due to bad headache.. was really bored at home, as i am feeling better after taking painkiller.. nice weather to sleep.... but i just cant simply nap for long.. only nap abt 40 mins.. can't imgaine how i going to survive if i start ML early. hehe..

about VE check, i read that often VE checks can cause dilation? hmmm.. tml is my gynae appt again.. mostly likely have to do another round of VE check.. sucky indeed..

and i been having this tummy ache on and off, pooed twice today somemore.. wonder if is real tummy ache..

rabbit : I'm not sure if VE can cause dilation but it definitely can cause contraction! After my gynae did a VE for me.. I wasn't dilated but I had a bad contraction as soon as I tried climb out of the bed! And I sent to labour ward to do CTG and was admitted.. btw hor.. I have been able to poo twice since a couple of weeks ago! no more constipation! But my a## still pain although now can poo very smoothly.. like got piles or something leh... so strange..

Sweetkiss, Ica, my hubby is complete opposite. He can't wait to cut the umbilical cord. His grandpa, dad both surgeons so I guess he's quite enthralled by blood, haha.

Ica, ya, ya, Dr Yeoh got an old nurse. Very sweet lady.

okie, dunno if i shd share this but just takeit as my own experience... last 3 days i was able to poop v smoothly... it was a v surrel feeling... why bcos when i was 38wks w my #1, i had always been a constipated MTB but soon, i was able to poop smoothly and it was quite frequent. then i went forVE and gyn told me i was 1cm dilated. so for me, this time round, same. i had been pooping v smoothly these days regardless of the type of food i eat and true enough today, i did VE, gyn said i am dilating liao...

So meaning if we can poop well we are dilating.

Wow i also have to check with my Gynae this Friday, asked her to VE me.

At week 34+5days now adays i cannot control the urine, cramps at legs and BH is getting regular too.

I just hope gynae see me every week so that i dont have to worry soo much about BB development and my body development.

i have been pooping well my entire pregnancy! I guess im one of the lucky ones that did not suffer from heartburns or constipation. But I did have a terrible first 5 months of morning sickness / vomitting.

And i still donno how BH feels like. I only do have abit of cramps once in awhile but its like menstrual cramps so im not sure...

Jac- BH is like our tummy feel thight, no pain but like putting rubber band around the tummy and pull to the max..

Sito gave birth 3.7kg bb. Very big leh!

hi mummies...

finally I'm back to wk aft 2 days mc. super bz. only haf time to log on now to read the posts...

sito: congrats!! tink u shd b v bz now.. takin care of ur lil one.

serene n Yvonne: jiayou, b strong.. it's nva ez to stay w inlaws.... I stay w them too.. so best is to 'act blur' at times.

jelly: so fast u r 1cm dilated?! ur Edd is end jul wor!! but they said usually #2 is earlier? then u beta arrange w Allison to take ur indiv PS earlier?

btw... rem my fren, Chloe? the jun mtb who crashed our first gathering?

she delivered her bb boy on 15jun, bb weighs 3.15kg n 51cm.

happy for her. wanted to visit her at mt e tdy durin lunch... but orchard was in a mad flood... didn't manage to go c her. mayb I'll do it tmr lunch!

a lot more jul mtb will b due soon... so excited for u all!!

let's jiayou togeta!!!

Grace: My PS is not with studio loft. Mine is with hilarous moment. Enjoyed the PS session very well. Now look forward to have the PS session with my little one.

By the way, u using bugaboo bee? How is it? I bought the bee plus and rather excited abt it. But many ppl actually commented that there isnt a need to buy such an expensive stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

N do u think that there is a need to buy maxi cosi to attach to the bugaboo bee?


AtomicKitten, maybe the VE check send wrong signal to the body and cause contractions..

my BH is getting more and more painful.. getting real uncomfortable.

Jellypurin, what week are you at now?

