(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Yaya, i also drink 100plus. My nurse also advise me to drink. I realise i drink really very little water. Dont know how sia. Haiz.. Whenever i think of drinking i so sian. Hahha.. I hate water!


drink other things like fruit juice, soups or add some 'flavor' to your water like Ribena??

I drink a lot of water one.. I dunno why I feel thirsty constantly.

Try sipping water instead of drinking in one go?

I missed the taste of water during confinement and I secretly sip a few mouthful of warm water when my mum is out hee hee.

I also drink alot of water. My colleagues now nicknamed me "water buffalo".. so not nice to hear. haha!!

I am thinking what fruit juice can we drink? I am sick of carrot juice or apple carrot juice.

So envy! I feel thristy too. But i just dont like to drink. Haiz.. Think is really a bad habit. I must force myself down at least 8glasses a day liao...

i tried to drink lots of water too..

Getting bloated and tummy start to show a bit.Myusual skits and shorts are getting tighter! so headache of what to wear everyday..usual clothes very uncomfortable, maternity wear to early to wear. Got to get more dresses liao. keke (Another excuse to shop)

I going for my Oscar scan on 2/1/09


then i apologise. cos maybe i am short, the boppy pillow looks full size to me when i saw the maternity range at mothers work...

Ann - Papaya milk shake, apple celery, banana milk shake, Kiwi?? I saw the fruit stall near my office have passionfruit too... hee hee..

Jo_lyn, for sake of bb must drink more water, cos body produces more blood during pregnancy and will need more water.

I saw some tips before online that if you're wearing long T-shirts or shirts that can cover the top of pants right, can use a rubber band to secure the pants during the "in between maternity wear" period... loop the rubber band at the button hole (dunno wat's it call), then the other end to the button will do. I guess it'll be gentler on skin and more easily adjustable on the length of the rubber band using the cloth tie hair kind ba. Cheap way to make our clothes last longer.

Oh.. Noknok.

I remember someone told me not to take papaya and banana. I think something to do with jaudice for baby. So i don't dare to eat.

I got that rubber band lei. My cousin gave me. But I dun wear pants.. my skirt also fully zipped one.. or i just wear dress cos easier.

So i just left it one side.

If I dun remember wrongly, banana is cannot take the long one, usually e dalmon brand one, small one still can take..

Jaudice is it due to the carotene (dunno how to spell)?? it's the substance that'll turn skin yellowish.. if it's because of that, then carrot also cannot take... cos carrot has even higher level of carotene then papaya leh.

But I thought we eat now it should be ok, cos it'll be our digestive system dealing with carothene and not bb's one

That's why I also dunno. So I rather not eat lo.

I am going crazy... on leave also must stay home.. hubby went overseas to work. My girls went doggie day care centre.

I seriously need to go out to shop.

hahaha... u still send ur dogs to doggie day care ah... they're so fortunate.

hmmm... sometimes I feel, we hear so many things that we're not suppose to eat but dunno e logic behind, won't we be limiting our nutrients intake then?? My MIL was commenting that I shouldn't eat crab cos if not next time baby will be "heng xing ba dao".. I was like.. ok.. I'll not eat in front of you.. haha... I still feel that we can eat and drink in moderation of everything. Just don't over dose can liao ba.

I also eat crabs.. my MIL never say cannot eat. She even buy it for me to eat. Haha!!

I wonder CNY can eat pineapple tarts or not. I love pineapple tarts.

Don't eat too much should be alright ba.. I think it's raw pineapple that we shouldn't eat leh.. not too sure abt cooked one..

but hor.. pineapple tart are not healthy.. loads of fat... must eat in moderation.

Hi phy, congrats! long time din chat, google grp kinda quiet down these days. anyway you have a good rest & take care yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya.. scared prone to diabetics.. that's why give up on soft drinks totally.. only drink fruit juice and plain water most of the time. Gave up chocolate and sweets.

It's even more torturous than falling sick.

Ann - try not to drink too much fruit juice if you're prone to diabetics.. Cos fruit juice takes away all the fibre in the fruit and it's full of fruit sugar.. sugar content in juices are actually pretty high.

I heard a bit of dark chocolate is good for bb. but must be dark, not milk.. the darker e better.. I ever tried 99% cacao one.. cannot make it, super bitter.. haha

pineapple tarts cooked less liang. still OK-but ya the sugar & butter.

pick a few pcs of what u absolutely love & eat them still else it could turn into cravings & swallowing a whole container is worse.

Hi Noknok.

No la.. i don't drink much fruit juice also.. at most 2 times a week.

I like dark chocolate but still don't dare to take.

wow, u all discussing about CNY goodies. I am salivating! by that time, we will all be in 2nd tri, sure can eat as much as we like hehehe

anyway i love drinking water eversince i got pregnant. i hate sweet drinks and i tried coke to get rid of the gas but felt even worse after that when i cant burp! whole body full of gas! but i have this weird bland taste in my mouth forever. its so unbearable.

minibean..haha ya loh..cny= fat fat and more fat! Other yrs must control, this yr particularly must control even more!

Minibean, my tastebud also quite weird recently. But unlike you, I can taste very strong flavours in everything i eat. I will always find them either too sweet or too salty but when i ask my colleagues / hubby, they say it taste normal leh... and i get thirsty very easily, thus i also drink a lot of water..and this also means much more frequent trips to the toilet...

Hello, any mummies out there conceived when your 1st child is less than a yr old?

need advise on how to cope. my son is 8mths old n i'm 7weeks pregnant with #2.

i believe in moderation. eat what you crave for (else you'll turn crazy in the 9 mths!) but limit your intake.

by the way what is an oscar scan?

Hi ann,

I think dark chocs are alot better than milk chocs, cos they are low is sugar. so it's a good snack to me. (i love dark chocs too)

i drinks a cup or max 2 cups of cofi everyday wen i was pregnant with #1.

took lotsa fruits (esp. berries), i ate delmote's bananas too, cos sometimes waiting for gynae's apptm, so just grab one frm the 7-11.

mummies, everything u eat...must b in moderation...cos otherwise, the weight will pile up pretty quick aft the 2nd trimester...which happend to me with #1...

hi all,

my edd shifted to 12 jul n i saw my bb kicked while doing de ultra scan on Mon..i was so excited..although it's my #2...but hb was like.. indifferent..

fr his scan, he says bb shld be abt going 10 weeks so ask me go do oscar test in the next 1-2 weeks..

drinks: i m also not into water so I am always on ribena or milk to replenish my fluids intake..

don't know if u ladies hv heard, i heard that if u hv cravings for sour stuff, u r likely to be carrying a boy n craving for spicy stuff will be carrying a girl..

Kat: Oscar test is to check for down syndrome for ur BB. If the test goes well, u dont ve to go for the further test when u r ard 5 mths. If there is some complication, then u ve to go for another round of test.

Star_Xin: I heard the EDD is used only on the first scan. The rest of ur scan the EDD will keep changing as ur baby grows. Anyway I was ard week 10+ but when i went for my scan, I did not see any movement. Is that normal??

morn mommies


do u hv help fm inlaws or parents? my bb will be 21 mths when #2 arrives so she shd b in sch and for me, that's is my breather... what bt urs? shd be arnd 14mths, right?

Good morning mummies,

Would like to join this thread. Just found out I'm 10wks pregnant with 1st bb. Edd 10th July, I'm with Dr Yeoh Swee Choo.

Went for ultrasound yesterday, saw bb moving & heard heartbeat. Must say it's very sudden & new but we're very excited.

hi springleaf,

yup, 1st bb. my hubby and i stopped trying a few years back, so when i started feeling sick, tired, missed my period, we didn't even think i was pregnant. so blur right? hahaha

are you expecting your first bb too?

congrats babycoco.

Star_xin, what if we crave for both sour n spicy stuff.... hee..

Sun_tan, I think eating blender food is good.. less sugar n salt.. the thirsty part.. I guess it's becos body producing more blood thus need more water.

Ann, I think dark chocolate is ok leh.. if you worry, maybe can get those like 70 - 80% cacao one.. very little sugar content.. but also cannot eat too much cos it contains caffine. Cacao suppose to contain endorphin which will make u n bb happier woh.. that's wat I heard from another mum.

Hmm..maybe i should go try some darkchocolate..

Sukia, welcome to the thread!So this is ur # wat bb? How many weeks le?

Babycoco, this is my 1st child too. You must be ecstatic to conceive after trying for so long. I felt I was the happiest woman on earth when I found out about my pregnancy after 10 months of trying.

Jo_Lyn: my edd shifted cos my menses was not regular from the start and bb was small based on my last period so doc gave a range from 6-12 jul, nw he says cannot be 6 so shifted to 12 jul loh..

n as long as the doc says ur bb is fine, he/she shld be fine..i oso did not see any movement for my 1st one..so this time was an excitement actually..

Noknok: it's so great that you get to fly..enjoy ur wedding w ur little one inside u..surely it will be very memorable..n horz..i oso nt veri sure if u crave 4 both lei..heez..

star xin.. haha.. I was craving for suan la tang (sour n spicy soup).. I hope I hv the energy to entertain my relatives man.. I think the happiest person is my mum, she had been asking me every month if I'm pregnant right after our wedding in sg..

hi sun tan!

went see gynea last sat...abt 6wks...#2 now....now edd is 5th Aug but i believe later sure falls into Jul...heehee

stAr Xin, mine also ... My menses was not regular after the miscarriage .. So after i told doctor my menses was 30.09.2009, BB due date estimated 07.07.2010, but when a scan was done through tummy doctor said bb due date change to 19.07.2010. Than a week later Vagina Scan in KKH the gynae said bb too small again so change again to 26.07.2010 - i think Vagina Scan is more accurate.. At week 6 i can see my bb heart beat and the shape of a bb through Vagina Scan ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now i am 8 week so i will go for a scan on 9.Jan.2010 for 12 week scan ..

Me too..for spicy soup. Hee just went to the Chong Ching Ma La Hotpot at Tanglin last sunday. Shiok! :p

Suika, icic, got to keep monitoring the scan.

i tink cili is ok .. But not too spicy cause we sure will have heatburn and wind in the stomach due to the acid reaction in the stomach.

I am a cili padi queen so no cili and no spicy i just cannot eat my meals.

Now i crave for sour drinks and spicy food. which make these pregnancy different from the two boys that i had last time ..


sun tan,

coz based on last preg, my gynea's machine old old so edd will shift forward alot later...


try taking a 5-10mins nap, u'll b able to recharge urself

