(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I heard b4 from those experience mummies that - to ease the swelling feet: U can soak them in warm water every night cos warm water helps to improve the blood circulation therefore reduce the swelling... & got to level-up your feet while sleeping.


Good afternoon everyone.

How are all of you feeling today?

Right waist pain: I also experience pain in my right waist lei. Sit down also and sleeping also. But luckily still manage to sleep.

Supplement pills: I had stopped taking my supplement pills. Bad mummy. I always so lazy to take lo. Hubby also dun care whether I eat or not. Haha!! But I do take milk daily. Is it ok if we dun take the fish oil pill and iron pill?

May: For me, I hardly had swollen feet nowadays. Maybe becos I exercise ba. Take less salty food also will help. But then for me, if not enough salt, i find the food very bland now. Hai...

ica: Thanks for your concern. I am fine. It was a close shave for me. Japan is cooling weather now right? How I wish I am there. Weather in Singapore is just too hot nowadays. Even affect my appetite. Dun feel like eating much.

Astrogal: eat yoghurt n lots of fruits... any type that u like to eat... for me i take yoghurt & lots of strawberry, those big big juicy pears, winter melon, papaya every weekend. heee....

so far so gd no consti.

as for back ache ah.. still figuring out which position is more comfy... haiz...

Ann: i think at least shud take the multi vits... but come to tink of it, last time ppl dont have multi vits etc etc babies still turn out fine hahaha.. i guess we're just kiasu now.

I take fish oil + multi vit once a day and if i feel i didnt take enough calcium, i will supplement with calc tablets at night..

fish oil not cheap man.. my box that can only last 1 mth cost me $53

Jaclyn: I dun have multi vits.. only fish oil pills, iron pills and calcium pills. Since I am taking milk everyday then i dun mind stopping calcium pills. But I just lazy to take fish oil pills and iron pills.

Your fish oil pills are expensive.

Ann: yar.. prescribed by my gynae. I have a bigger bottle of fish oil bought from pharmacy type but i still feel more comfortable eating those prescribed by my gynae haha.. silly me.

I have not suffered from swollen feet or cramps yet... but i just have major aches here aches there everywhere also ache!!

Rgd swollen feet and hands,

My feet and fingers also started to swell recently. I tot these water retention would only sets in when we are in our 3rd trim? Now still in 2nd trim but also swell..


I think you should at least continue your fish oil. Its impt and good for the development of bb's brain. My fish oil also prescribe by my gynae and cost $30 per box, think 1 box can last me about a mth and a half. Forgotten how many pills are there in each box.

Then maybe I should start eating my fish oil again. I hate eating the iron pill cos must wait for a long time then can take calcium stuff. Sometime i will just forget.

Ann, my gynae recommended that i eat iron & calcium in the morning. Fish oil take at nite after dinner. So maybe u can try then u wont forget. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sweetkiss, I have contacted Allison, have you confirmed with her? How much did you pay as deposit?

body ache: I have been experiencing bad butt ache not so much of body ache. Also having difficulties in sleeping at night and feeling very tired lately, guess third trimester is here soon.

Jaclyn: Maybe we are having the same type of fish oil, mine cost 59 after gst, a month'supply and the nurse told me its good to continue if I intend to breastfeed.

Shann: got the disney rompers from this link http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3740644.html?1271081509

I bought stitch... i remember the first time i felt my BB kick was when i saw a stitch movable toy display on a floor by a shop. I shouted so cute and the BB kicked me. so now trying get stitch tops if nice for BB wear.

Sweet: funny! I got the fish oil from KKH and the nurse say must eat in morning one... dunno what's the diff.

Ann: Japan was cold, not cool. can you imagine, me with a heat gebnerator in front still felt cold, what more my mom and sis? haha. but it gets hot when the sun is out. as my tummy got too itchy, i was yearning for warm weather towards the end of the trip

fish oil: maybe you can eat fish instead of the oil, as part of your meals? good to take oily fish now that we're in 3rd tri - salmon, cod highly recommended. my gynae said she'd rather i eat fish than that fish oil pills

iron + calcium: i usually take iron early in the morning, then 2-3 hrs later take the calcium pills/milk


I have also signed with f8angels. Paid $100 as deposit. Allison seems very nice. She just emailed me to ask me when i wanna take my shoot..lol me should be taking towards the end of June bah


My gynae also ask me to take my fish oil in the morning..i also didnt ask why..lol..

hi mommies

busi busi busi..bt silently reading all your posting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eliss - I bought the beansprout pillow at Taka BB fair...wat i know is i heard from my cousin in law who has 2 kids, its a better choice compare to the beans type as beansprout is softer and odour free..i oso heard that last time our granny oso use that for our pillow...

Hi Sun-Tan - Yes, I'm also intending to buy the Medela freestyle online as it's almost half the price as compared to the stores locally.

Has everyone bought breast pumps already? Can share which brand that you bought?

Btw, has anyone bought thru Leng Leng for the Medela spree at this forum?

Hi Jaclyn & all other mommies who have difficulties sleeping..

Can try to sleep using the Body Pillows by Aussino. I have bought 2 of them during the weekends as they are having a sale on their Whites collections till 26th Apr. The body pillow is a long flat pillow. It's like 2 normal pillows but in 1. Can use 1 to support your back while you sleep at your side & another one to hug like bloster at your other side. It's really comfotable as your tummy & leg can rest well in the pillow.

Now, only $16 after discount. And, the pillow case, about $10. It's defintely a good buy compared to the noraml maternity pillows which are over $100+... :p

Hi Eliss,

Please updae my details.. My baby is a boy.. Name: Issac.. 1st child... EDD: 23/7/2010..


Sweetkiss: Iron pill and calcium pill cannot take together. That's the problem.

ica: Yup.. i am also thinking of jus eating fish instead of fish oil. I prefer fresh fish to fish oil actually.

I think I need cold weather. It's just too hot here. Yesterday i heard from hubby that it is 38 degree lei.

afternoon mommies

just came bk fm gynae. bb is exactly 25weeks today and is weighing approximately 870gm. he is bigger than my first born. edd had also moved earlier bcos of the size of bb but i dun think it is accurate

keer13: i bought Avent single eletric pump for $120 - Tangs was having a promo that time so I just grabbed

for working mommies, do we really need double pumps? i know that when we pump or baby latches onto one breast, the other breast may leak milk

Ann: 38'C yesterday?? that was hot! my office aircond is set at 22'C, so for me it's ok. only feel the heat when out for lunch.

how nice if the temperature in Spore is 20-25'C whole year hor?

ica -- Ameda Lact pump can be used as single or dual de... actually depending on how well the bb latch.. we might get engorgement on both breasts and need relieve on both...

Hi Ica

for me its not neccessary to use a double pump i will use nursing bra and breast pad... if bb latch on one breast.. I will juz unbutton one side of the bra.

ica -- i showered 3 times ytd.. and one last time before i go to bed... cause i was perspiring a lot!... sigh... the rain also like... constipated... lol

ann, when i asked my gynae if it's necessary to take fish oil, she also said that when she was pregnant with her 2 boys, she didn't and they're both doctors. so i was also hesitant about taking. for iron, i think if you are low on blood, you need to take.

Keer: i just ordered the medela freestyle through leng leng. first payment $418. about half the price of those you can get here i think.

Geri: yup i paid $100 as deposit too..

ceres: not sure leh? haha.. as long as got eat can liao i think? i usuallly take the fish oil before i sleep.

keer13: i'm also buying Ameda Lactaline breastpump.

Ann: Oh.. sorry abt that. coz i was told to take fish oil at nite, tot the rest can take in the morn. i dun take iron pills though.

ica -- i always tell my friends hor.. u get a good pump, u will find that bf is a breeze.. invest in a better one and u wont find urself having probs with bf-ing, esp if u plan to bf for some time.

some of my friends who are having their #1, i will also ask them to invest, cause.. if get a good one, u can keep it till ur #2 or #3..

Suntan:I hope she can fit me in around 2nd week of june, when I am about 34 weeks . How many weeks will you be at end of june? are you gng to do your own make up or you be gng somewhere else for the hairdo and make up?

Ann: constipated rain? hahaha...i know what you mean. i hate those kind of rain - makes it even hotter than before it rains

i was also perspiring after my bath - still ok la, not too bad. what i do now is at the end of my shower, i'll shower just my tummy with cold water. rest of shower is cool water

I've got a Medela Mini Electric pump but need to send for servicing - cost $40 for standard servicing, parts need to change not inclusive.

so if whole thing to repair cost near or more then buying new ones, think i get new one... my gynea advise me to get one after telling her that my nipple have got whitish-yellowish discharge...

peanut: ya, i agree double pumps are faster when back at work. so i'm thinking 2 singles = 1 double? may be a bit troublesome to set up but if i can get the avent single at the same promo price, then it's worth it to get another one

Ann: sorry - was meant for Serene - constipated rain. very blur these days..

Serene: thanks but will just make do with the single lor. electrical items when not used for long time will also spoil. think will get a double if and when i have multiples - wah! then my breasts are like a milk factory.hahaha

Geri, suntan: I believe she has slots in June becoz at first she told me she dun mind extending the promo, juz that she's afraid she has no slots for me. When i told her i intend to take the shoot in June, she was ok with it and gave me 2 dates - 1 weekday & 1 weekend to choose. So i booked the shoot in 1st week of June when i will be about 35 weeks preggy.

makeup wise, u gals got any idea where got good makeup artists/studios? as i wan to look natural, nt sure do myself can pass or not. haha


u talking abt F8 Angels? i signed up with them. they can extend the promo provided we can follow their schedule i think


think u can get the same wipes from Daiso. i seemed to hv seen it

sweetkiss: yup yup ! not much of the leaking thou' my gynea ask me not to express any as will cause stomach to expand or stretch or what de... that's y she advise me to get the breastpump since i got discharge liao

oh.. but i read that it is not related to whether we will have BM after we deliver.. though i hope i will have supply lah.. haha

Jellypurin: yup is F8 angels! allison is really kind to extend the promo for us!

Eliss- i bought all 3 types...kana persuade by tat sale lady haha..bt e head wan i feel is good cause it support BB head so in order nt to have it move ard during first few mths as their skull is still v soft.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: It's ok. We get blur at times. Hehe!!

Breast milk: For those dog owners, not sure if u had the same experience here. When I carry my girls (my furkids) now close to my chest, they will sniff at my nipple area for awhile and lick it. I was shocked cause they had never do such thing before. I told hubby and he say they must have smelled your breast milk. Is that true? It happen twice liao with both my girls.

Ann: it's true. not only doggies but babies also. coz once my colleague came back to office to show her baby around. another collegue just got back from ML and was breastfeeding, so she said she'd better not be too near the baby in case baby sought her out, or rather her breasts. hehe


Ann: maybe you are just that you dun notice? colostrum maybe? anyway, should be something to be proud off right, since dogs have keen sense of smell, so if they're licking there, means milk factory is getting ready for production [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure about this, but just like to think that way. hahaha

