(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


yup, allison told me that she had to close the promo so that she can hv some control over her schedule that is why the first thing she mentioned to me is if i want to make use of the promo, the condition is to follow her schedule and i went, ya, why not! it's a v good deal... 1 for 1 in a sense [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann: i also read that dogs can sense pregnant women, even before the women knew about their pregnancies themselves. did your doggies exhibit such behaviour? they will sniff at you or something like that.

coz i was trying to determine whether i was preggers, so i walked near some dogs to see whether they would sniff at me but of course not la, coz i wasn't pregnant then. hahaha!

ica: oh wow i never considered getting 2 singles instead. so smart! all my colleagues recommend the freestyle, so i just blindly follow heheh.

baby weight: does everyone's gynae measure the baby's weight? mine doesnt (except during the detailed scan)...she only measures the size and says baby growing well. maybe i should ask about the weight too...

ica, before i found out i was pregnant, my maltese became very clingy, if watch tv, she wants to sit on my lap, always want to be near my tummy. i also thought it was strange. she still does it now, although after kena kick by my baby 1x, she doesn't dare sit on my lap for long now, haha

babycoco: hahaha - kena kicked by baby...poor thing. hah! your baby doesn't want to share you with your doggie...i read that they will be protective of you, when you're pregnant

ica: Before I know I am preggy, I never see any changes in my girls' behaviour lei. Only after I know I am preggy, my westie girl like to stick to me alot when she sleeps. Only when she sleeps.

Maybe I am leaking or something like that but I dun notice ba. But hoh, at times, i do realise my nipples there got like white powder like that around the aerolas.

hi hi all mummies with doggies,

My senior boy dont do that... but my maltese gal does that everytime i carry her... lost count how many times she did that ... my HB also said the same thing... can smell milk milk... and wanted to lick too.. hahaha...

my maltese gal also loves slping over my stomach which she nvr do that before... and when she put her head over my stomach, bb usually will move and my maltese doesnt mind that at all only at times can see my maltese suddenly wakes up n look ard becos bb moves abit harder then usual... really cute to see my maltese do that ...

Hello Mummies!

aiyoh nw my hubby wnts to join d antenatal class.. gatal la. I saw some mummies talked abt d one at AMK Hub. care to share d details with me please... n i'm not gvng birth @TMC..Thank You So Much!

Hi Ladies, I have been crazy busy... but managed to read the threads.

Ann and Eliss - Sparky (my first boy) also sniffs at my boobies and licks it... I will stop him.. coz very "paise" as he does it in front of my husb and brother. hahahaha

Hi Aisha,

Seems like the one by TMC at AMK hub is by Mrs Wong Boh Boi.

I'm attending the one opp TMC (by Parentcraft) and this week is gonna my last lesson. Though not by Mrs Wong, i find my trainer ok.

5 lessons (1st 3 classes has prenatal exercises) + 1 doc talk (which i think i will skip). We are given notes during lesson 4.

u may bring yr thumbdrive for the trainer to load the videos into it so that u can bring home to watch.

xbeanniex: Wah.. u stil let your maltese girl sleep on your tummy? Maybe she very small size ba. If my westie girl sleep on my stomach, i think BB get crushed.. my westie girl is 6.1kg lo. Haha!!

Jayamum: Ya lo.. very paisei one. Although on i see it and my hubby dun la. Haha!!

By the way, i am having mother day's dinner with my in law side and my side together. Anyone can recommend good chinese restaurant which is accessible by train? Cause not everyone drive.

Eliss: Ya lo.. my side also pouring. I never realise outside so dark till i hear the rain and look out.

Now is a good time to stay home and sleep.

Dunno north area got rain or not. Wanted to go SAFRA Yishun for a swim tonight.

oh dear.. my bb is 1.0kg at 24 weeks 3 days, seems too big! hmm... maybe it's not accurate, will see how's the weight during my next month visit.

shann, did your gynae say anything? when i went for my scan, bb was 890gr at 24wks 3 days. gynae said a bit big, but normal cos my hb is angmoh.

anybody going for the 4d scan at NUH?

ann: my maltese gal is 2.05kg only... so no problem lar... usually she will slide between my legs n put her head glued to my stomach or slp on my HB's pillow so that she is on level with my stomach then she can glued to my stomach ... hahaha ...

shann : y bb is 600gm at 24 weeks... big difference from u but bb is healthy ... hee not so worry after seeing n cfm by gynea...

xbeanniex: 2kg is still ok. For me, 6.1kg is too much. I keep calling my westie girl, xiao fei (small fat). Haha!!

hahaha... my maltese gal to my HB is really like a soft toy in his hands lor... but he is more gentle then me when comes to brushing n tending to her... lolx ...

hi mummies, i also realise my nipples there got a layer of white stuff that around the aerolas. Tried cleaning it during bathing but after cleaning, it's painful.

hey mummies.. any idea how much is the exact cost of the prenatal course at TMC (not delivering at TMC)? I am going to make payment by cheque coz they are only open during office hrs. i called & the person seemed like a hurry to hang up. so need to know the amt to write on the cheque..

I am so hungry now.. ate biscuits yet like can only curb my stomach hunger pang for awhile nia.

It is raining now.. good to have soupy food.

But why it always rain when i wanna go swimming.

Ann: they dnt wnt us to exercise la.. i wanted to go for a walk arnd d field infrnt of my block juz nw, came out of shower alamak! weather turn dark la... haha

can make it only on friday, dats d only day dat my hubby is free.. poor him instead of hvng off day he hv to follow me to d course. hehe

babycoco: I think if give me bread papa also can sustain me for awhile nia. haha!! I get hungry especially on rainy day.

Aisha: Ya lo.. even if rain stop now, swim finish also super cold. I always get out of the pool shivering like hell.

Hi Serene, Sweetkiss & Ann,

Wow.. So many of you bought Ameda.. Ameda really has good reviews & most importantly, for a double pump, the price is really more affordable.. Actually I'm contemplating between this & Medela freestyle too.. If you mummies have something to share about this 2 brands in your initial assesment, please share with me k... Many thanks!!!

Hi Ica - I decided to go for a double pump as I will b pumping after I go back to work so that will save half the time. Although it's more expensive but for the time save, I think it will be worth it.. In case, my boss sack me for staying in the toilet so long.. LOL...

Hi Peanut - Oh, nice to hear that you bought from Leng Leng as well. I think I will order from her in mid May as since BB is coming in July.. Should still have time.. Delivery is normally less than a month right? Btw, have you receive your pump? When receive, how do we test if it's working ya??? Since there's no warranty, what can we do if the unit is not working??


I am also going to order freestyle from Leng Leng too. Btw, did you order any extra spare parts? Not sure what spare parts to buy…


I would be at my 35th week or so, cos my EDD is on 25th Jul. Actually they do provide makeup and hairdo services but are charging at $100..i think I will do the makeup and hairdo myself, if will source for outside places to do. Should be cheaper too.

Geri, sweetkiss, jellypurin,

Did you mummies join f8angels facebook site ? If not quickly go join, cos its stated on the website that for facebook fans, we get 1 extra photos for each shoot 


Ya, I realized bb can do that, cos nowadays when I am carrying my nephew (abt 3 mths old), he will tends to turn his head towards my breast..lol..

keer: yup i think there's time. she said 4-6 weeks for delivery. But i'm afraid i'll forget to get it later so just order now heheh. so many things i have yet to get! I just ordered a few days ago, so will let you know when i get it! i think i'm just going on faith that it'll work. at the worst, get my friend in USA to do an exchange for me with the 1 year warranty...

sun_tan: nope i didn't get any spare parts. do we need any? not sure also...

how... my tummy feels super stretchy like wanna pop out like tat.. i tink im having round ligament pain... crampy but not braxton hicks.. jus muscle ache.... i feel that my tummy cannot stretch anymore but its now forced to.. argh..... help...

Hi Mummies, been very bz with work finally found the time to come in. Think i am having shortterm memory, by the time i finish reading i already forgot what was discussed. haha...

Breast Pump: My friend who is having her second child said she was using ameda when she had her first and will be getting medela electric dual this time coz lots of mums swear by it, so i think i will follow. Anyone knows where i can get it cheaper?

Constipation: Heard that prune juice helps? Me trying that now. Otherwise my constipation can get quite bad and i am trying not to depend too much on the constipation med that my dr gave me, read from internet that it prevents our body from absorbing the nutrients.

Weight: i went to my gyane last friday and he did not tell me the weight of my bb (sad, did not know that i can know the weight too, will ask him the next time), only said that i am putting on weight too fast and am suppose to do a glucose test next session to see if i have diabetes. I put on 5.6kg since pregnancy, is that a lot?

sorry i lost the thread on the photoshoot, can anyone let me know how much and where you all doing it?

for the prenatal class, i signed up for the TMC one, my friend asked me to go for the one by wong boh boi, mine session is on sunday 3.30 to 5.30 at AMK hub. Anyone of you going for the same session?

me having back ache when i sleep on my back recently... usually i'm a side sleeper but no idea why recenly i always end up on my back and i will wake up with an aching back. So now i put one bolster behind me and hug one so that i am 'kiap' inbetween two bolster and i wont end up on my back. so far so good.

Hi mummies~! went for my checkup & doc praised me for doing very well. very delighted to hear that. both bb and i are healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i put on another 1.8kg compared to last mth (total gained 7kg from preg) and bb is 1.1kg at 28 weeks.

keer13, initially i was torn btw freestyle & ameda too. both are really gd pumps according to my research. in the end i chose ameda for the following reasons:

- cheaper than freestyle, can buy in SG so i get warranty. if freestyle i need to buy from spree, but no warranty.

- wanted to get freestyle at first coz it is a handsfree pump. later on i found out that we can get handsfree kit for ameda too.

- read that ameda has lesser pump parts, easier to wash & sterilize.

- When i return to work, might only be able to pump in the handicapped toilet. the ameda has a closed milk collection system that prevents outside contaminated air from entering the collected milk.

Since both has the functions i needed & ameda is cheaper, i chose ameda! hope this helps~!

hi all.. finally home and ve time to log in now.

So many posts! These days i also ve short term memory.. went thru all the posts then realised that i ve forgotten to reply what to who!

constipation : i'm feel very constipated even tho i ve been eating lots of veg and fruits. Will ask my doc if i can stop my calcium pills during next visit.

Swollen feet : Due to massive weight gain.. my feet was swollen since around 24 weeks ...

When I do my walks at night.. i realized my hands swell and become numb.

Btw hor.. how do you gals still hug yr bolster huh? Now my tummy is in the way and i find it hard to hug my bolster like b4 leh. Maybe coz my bolster is not the soft soft type...

Atomickitten: yeps I still hug my bolster. My bolster is the soft type (cheap!!) hahaa. I prefer it so much more than the one my husband hugs. His is super expensive but not soft at all..

I have put on 10kg already since pre pregnancy.. now in my 27 weeks.. ohmygosh how you all manage to only put on 5.6?? think im going to be super duper over weight!!

kepsis and atomickitten,

Me too also face the problem of short-term memory and somemore these few days very busy at work. Only have the time to pop in to "read" during lunch break or after work. What i would do is to open a word doc and i will type my qn and reply there as i read the thru. Then after that just copy and paste it into the forum :p


Me and a few mummies signed up for f8angels. I signed up back in march and they have a 1 for 1 promotion at only $150. 1 for 1 meaning we sign up for the maternity shoot and the infant shoot is free. Some of the mummies signed up after the promotion but apparently the owner did extend the promotion to them too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jaclyn : I also put on 10kg le! But that was from my prev appt last month! I dunno how to face my gynae for my next appt 2 weeks later! arrgghhh

