(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Date: 24 APRIL 2010 (sat)

time: evening

venue: TBA (can anyone help to bk a function rm?)

1. DQ

2. mrslong

3. Pann

4. Pris

5. Eliss with HB

6. kepsis

7. Serene with HB


location -- where is more convenient for u guys? i can check with my buddy wor..

sun_tan -- ya, we can jio each other out liao.. lol.. where u stay?


wahh you gals manage to psycho your hubbies to go with you.. my hubby will just roll his eyes and say something like "whole bunch of women talking? no thanks"


jaclyn -- lol.. his on reservist that week.. so we are suppose to spend some time together ma.. keke.. but i want to go gathering, so he will tag along lor..

Nepia Diapers -- Anyone getting it? Im thinking of having a spare pack at home jus in case.. but delivery need 6 packs i think.. was thinking that.. if u all want to get nepia, i can order together and pass it to u during the gathering? If not i will jus go supermarket get liao..

Haha... reading your post give me another reason to psycho myself not to use epi.. to save money!!! the money can use to buy things for BB..

The gathering I TBA can.. not sure if I can make it.

Oh.. Pampers having sale at NTUC


I stayed in west, where you staying?


haa, ya, i tube of epi cost $400..imagine the amt of bb things we ca buy using that $400..


We would be very near next time!!! My house coming end of this mth is at batok too. Near MRT there, opp the swimming pool.

Dear all,

Sorry to interrupt... As everyone know that consume of Bird Nest is good for pregnant mum to be..  

We are buying in bulk from a local wholesale supplier who imports this Bird Nest from Surabaya Indonesia. Therefore, the price is much lower than outside retailer.

Do check out my BP for more infomation..


Do feel free to email me at [email protected] if you are interested...


before this i was still very worried about using epi or not cos afriad when i decide to use it, its too late. think now i am more determined not to use epi.

u all buying papmers already??? mother care coming soon, you think we can get cheaper stuff there?

btw how you all change the font colour size etc? and the smiley?

Thanks for all the concern. I am fine. I agree that it was a close shave for me when i slipped. My heart nearly pop out.. and I think my mind had send a signal to my body to fall front instead of backward so that i can use my hands and legs to support my fall.

For those ladies with hubbies that like to spill water on the floor and dun clean up, can share my close shave with them and let them understand that in reality, we can slipped and fall with water on the floor although mine is dog pee la. Haha!!

Pampers: Most likely I will order online from BP section. Cheaper and Mamypoko normally dun have counters at fair or expo. Always see Drypers or Huggies.

wow.. most of you are so brave! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm a scardy cat.. i dun even dare to dream abt natural with or w/o epi! I keep asking my husband.. coz i walk a lot.. maybe I one push can liao? my hubby also asked me dun dream abt it.. he see me no up :p

kepsis: I bought a few packs of pampers for new born at the expo fair. I also dunno need to buy how many packs so think i only bought 2 packs. When is mother care fair??

to type smiley hor.. juz type " : " followed by " )" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for changing font size and colour.. i also not sure :p

AtomicKitten: Haha.. i think becos of my memory loss la so will forget. Just walk into the kitchen, a few sec only, come out totally forgotten abt it liao.

I sms hubby and told him abt it. Then he exclaimed wah.. Viki so fast pee again ah. Haha!!

Manage to get hubby to go with me. Hehe!!

Date: 24 APRIL 2010 (sat)

time: evening

venue: TBA (can anyone help to bk a function rm?)

1. DQ

2. mrslong

3. Pann with HB

4. Pris

5. Eliss with HB

6. kepsis

7. Serene with HB


May (happimay): I can understand how u feel.. i'm a silent reader on the forum.. but when i read your posts, i can empathise with you..

i'm also living with my PILs at the moment, and same like u, in the house i've got a disgusting bil and his 'wife' (not even married but hv a baby!).. bil always take ppl's food/tidbits, eating like nobody's business and don't bother to replenish stock. and now with extra mouths in the house, dun even bother to contribute to stocking up household products.. even toothpaste finish also my hubby and me buy, and all they know how to do is to go store room to get a new tube of toothpaste when the old one finishes.. instant noodles also, eat like nobody's business, but when finish juz keep quiet and wait for ppl to buy..

sian staying with such ppl..


Next time when toothpaste runs out, dont replenish first..see how they gg to brush their teeth..


Thanks.. Ya ytd i received their call saying whether can deliver this Sunday.. I was shock N told her that I tot i wanna deliver end of May...

Than the person was like oh ok... I will make a remark n call u back near end of may... Ur's will be deliver this Sunday ma??


for the 2nd gathering, I should be ok..

But for the function room, I still need to ask for the availability... Ytd n 2day on MC, so was at home.. Did went down wanna ask the guard for the availability but he always not in... I try again later... However as i know there is a fee to paid.. I need to ask how much... not too sure... Hmmm but how's the food?? we can call for catering de...

Thanks vernie!


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how you all got ur hubbies to go with you?!?!?!?! So Sweet of them! Mine i din even bother to ask, he never interested in knowing my friends one.

Ann: you better be more careful ya, especially in our 3rd trimester we will lose our centre of gravity and more clumsy. hopefully you are ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah ive done it, heehee...

atomic kitten: i know there is one coming in jun 4-6th. am thinking if i should shop there instead. You know if there is any difference in the different brands of diappers? Or should i just go for the cheapest?

Jasline-i've arranged them to come on apr 17th after 4pm. Ya initially wanted them to deliver in May but I scare later got hidcup so get them to deliver earlier lo.

kepsis - u haven asked your hubby leh, scarly he's ok leh to join you... Actually I did not ask my HB if he wants to go. I just tell him the gathering is on 24th and spouses are encouraged to go...kekeke besides he usually accompanies me on weekend.

Diapers - I was looking at some of the diapers brands. It seems like not all brands carry size for NB leh. I only know Fitti has. Any other brands that you know?

Jaya - u working at Suntec? I work at Millennia Tower leh - near near... next time can join you for lunch....kekeke

OUTING - DQ, I think "ley chey" to get function room for free. Though I am the one suggested it :p ... Think we better find a makan place in central instead ba... Find somewhere in Tg Pagar/Raffle Place - less ppl on a Sat night...

Eliss -- Nepia.. Quite good feedbacks from my friends who are using it. i will be getting it but asking for delivery. One carton 4 pkts.. maybe we can share? cause i only need 2 pkt to stand by..

i love pampers but v ex. i think huggies is affordable. drypers too, but u might not like it cos it's the sticker type. can b v noisy when u remove the sticker

Heard from other mummies that Huggies's size are very small. Need to get 1 size bigger as compared to the rest?

reviews on this Jap brand "GOO.N" are quite good. Think they have 2 types for NB. I am considering between goon and nepia.


I prefer MP, but very ex.

I don like drypers, cos it sticker type, it not so sticky after u pull n paste back again.

MP vs Huggies

MP is wider in base, else Huggies is longer in length.

hi all: finally got time to log in liao..

All Working Mummies: thanks for the advise and will have to plan hw to use my ML.

kepsis: thanks for the pre-warned advise. still i think it's better 2 get a CL Agency cos i read fm other post on engaging a CL fm Malaysia then alot of last min problems occurs. I really cannot afford 4 any last minute surprises. Hence most prob will still engage fm Agency.

LT: dun despair.. you will sure get ur chance.

ann: please be careful k?

May & kepsis: Thanks for the concern. Will be very careful in future. Dun wan a heart attack. Hehe!!

Now on my way to yoga class. Hopefully won't be too late for class. Got held up in office.

Mummies, regarding diapers, my best friend suggested to just get petpet for nb. Her reason is we will change diapers like nobody's business for nb. She said get slightly cheaper ones, but petpet is ok.

JAsline, my hubby n I share fb acct. Today he came back immediately asked me to check out ur wall. Said u put up all the stuff u've bought for bAby alreDy. Kaka. He loves ur baby scrapbook. U mind sharing where u get that?

Jasline, can u share about the things that you bought?

Just now went on a bit of shopping, was looking at strollers... any advice? Saw capella, looks very comfy!

hmmm diapers is another headache ya.... think i will try all the brands, any one knows if we happen to be able to have some sample before we buy?

kepsis -- im getting capella s705 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] test drive liao.. more steady thank combi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] price also abt the same

Serene: i was reading some other thread on strollers, they seem to swear by stokke. It sounds expensive but looks really comfy and the selling point is that it is higher thus gives more interaction between the bb n the mum.

for capella where you buying it? roughly how much?


Thanks.. No pro.. Of course free to share..

Oh i bought the scrapbook at Vivo City Golden Village that level have a book store called "Page One"... Actually is recommend by a July mummy is this forum de... That y i went to buy... However i bought it last sat.. It was the last piece liao... I dunno whether will they come in new stock or not.. U may wan to go down take a look 1st..


Most of the clothes will like past down by a friend.. Than some buy from the website recommend by the forum here... Sorrie I dun have those website with me now.. As my laptop send for servicing...

Those mummies here have the website to share.. =P

Other is like buy at BB fair at expo & Taka de... ^__^

Event : The Metro Baby Fair (Apr 2010)

Location: Paragon, Compass Point, Causeway Point, City Square

Date : 2 – 11 Apr 10


Event : The Metro Baby Fair (Apr 2010)

Location: Paragon, Compass Point, Causeway Point, City Square

Date : 2 – 11 Apr 10

