(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I am also a Cancerian...(so is my HB), but based on my BB boy's EDD, he'd be a Leo.

My PILs are nice people but as elders (& humans) they do hv their quirks and sometimes I can't say much abt that to my HB, cuz he doesn't like me talking abt his family....BOOHOO.


hi hi, I'm good for dnr on 24th. Got aqua aerobics at 2pm at KK.

Thank God my MIL live in Msia. She thinks she knows all about pregnancy and taking care of babies. Keeps telling me do this or don't do that and when you ask her why? She'll give you the 'are you stupid' kind of look. Her reasons are always ' because it is good' or 'because I don't think it is good' ..how duh right. Told me not to take birdsnest cos she thinks it is not good. No need to go pre-natal class, she can teach me breathing. Then other day she called and told me not to drink any tonic soup. No good for baby. Told me if I want to drink then drink after baby is born. How silly! The whole idea of drinking such soups is to nourish the baby! You don't build the foundation of a building after you finish the facade. How irritating. Told husby to remind her when she comes to stay in the 2nd month that her duty is just to enjoy baby not to boss over what she thinks I should or should not do...defi will go bonkers otherwise! Weird bossy MIL...ARRRRRGH

Pris: Your MIL live in Msia. When she say, just nod your head lo. After that, do or dun do she also dunno. Haha!! My mum is the naggy one, not my in law. So when she say things, i just nod.. to follow or not, is up to me. haha!!

Hi LT,

Understand how u feel cos it happens to me also.

In my own parents hse, we individually have our own untensils. but after married, moved to MIL hse, they share every thing.. to me seems abit unhygienic. but no choice.

BIL n SIL also the same.. drink sweet stuff dun wash cups, overturn the cup and pretend it's wash liao..

So when u need to use the cups, turn it and u see full of ants in it else it's the stains.

So i bought my own cups to my MIL place expecting for my own use. But end up i see them using my cups. Tell hubby but hubby say tell them but also no use.

Same for bathing etc... cos i got skin sensitive so i can only use particular shower cream.

But for them they use soap bar. so for convinence, I leave my shower cream in the bath room, they happily use it. I dun mind them using but can u imagine they finish liao dun tell u..

Naked in the bathroom then realise dun hv shower cream?

May>> aiyo...i can't imagine living with pple like that cuz I can be quite particular abt cleanliness, esp. toilets! heehe.

hi jaclyn,

I never ever tot ppl do tat but now i know some ppl actually does tat.

Sometimes, i ask my hubby how u grow up.. haha..

he juz tell me that wash the cup b4 u use lor.

get the soap b4 shower and things like that.

I'll try explaining to him that my shower cream share with my parents also can last abt 2 mths..

but at his place, maybe 3 weeks finish liao. (wondering if they drink it or what)

Then finish keep quiet and dun replace and dun tell u.

When u realise, it's kinda like abit too late cos u already wet urself and unclothes. Plus the nearest mini-mart is like 2 street across and NTUC is shopping plaza which takes abt 15mins to reach.

Hi Junie,

that y i was so upset that i moved back to my parents place for my pregnancy but will still hav to do confinement at my MIL's place.


may : good thing u moved back to yr parents' place for pregnancy! have u talked to yr hubby if u can do confinement at yr parents' place instead?

Pris: LOL! Your MIL is so funny, she must have heard it from her market kakis but market kakis didnt explain to her why! hahahaha...

Anyway, we have heard of so many cases here about our experience with MIL, FIL or whoever.. I would like to share on my own experience.

For my case, my FIL passed away before me and hubby got married (we are the kind where we need to prepare, organise and chop chop finish my wedding banquet within 100 days). Luckily, all went smoothly. Now staying with my MIL alone, and I must say that she is very accommodating. Very fortunate for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May: If I were you, I will stock up 1 bottle in my room, and if the shower cream is used up, I will SHOUT for my hubby to get it for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

or be like me.. my own toilet is a bathtub and so now I share the common one cos bathtub is dangerous for pregnant women. However i only bring in my face wash + shampoo when I bathe.. then finish bathing I will bring back to my own toilet hehe

halo... backie fr lunchie!

had nice meal @ KR... too hungry tat i forgot to take a pic b4 i start.

sweetkiss: im keen on takin the shots... but lemme go back n c the pics slowly then i revert ya?

cuz lata rushin out for meeting again...

serene: ya... it sux when our husby needa wk on wkends. now still ok.. cuz im pretty mobile.. i can go anywhere i wan. but in the future.. w our bbs, tink it's gonna b quite tough. esp for me.. cuz i dun drive..

outing: ive changed the date fr 17th to 24th on fb! we haf it in the evening? looks like evening's a better idea..

where shd we go?

mrslong & jaclyn; my husby & i r cancerian too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pris: so long nva c ur posts! y ur mil so silly one? ask u to BU only aft u gave birth? hahah... makes no sense, totally.

of cuz take birdsnest now lah... drink tonic now lah... if not muz wait till when? -.-|||

no logic...

may: omg.

cant std ur bil & sil. SO DIRTY one!!!!! faint.

i sure roll my eyes until they drop fr my sockets lor... so yucky. cant imagine drinking fr an ant infested mug. pui!

n im also v particular one... esp when i bot the item for my OWN consumption... i detest ppl touching it, or even using it!

not tat im 'niao' or wat... but i feel tat being human, it's only basic courtesy to ASK b4 u touch/ use somethg which belongs to someone else...

Hi Mummies, just got back to office...

Jayamum: ya man, i agree, i log in just now and realised so many topics have been discussed and i'm confused now. haha....

outing: anyone from this forum can join in?

i finally managed to convince my mum to help me take care of bb when i am back to work, i will be getting a maid to help her with that, took me a few weeks to convince her, her concern is that we have 5 cats at home so the fur will b bad for the bb, i am worried too but i still prefer someone close to me looking after bb. Now i just pray that bb will b strong and easy to look after so that my mum will have an easier time.

Hi Jayamum,

I tot that is the minimum courtesy. But abv mention is juz 2 example.. more to share..

Hi AtomicKitten,

Wanted to do that too but my hubby told me that my MIL say i already married liao. So it's oni right to stay wif MIL.

*oh.. my PIL is the traditional type who believe in what elders say is always right. But my parents is the reasoning type. So it's kind of different brought up la..

I used to think tat hubby loves me can liao dun nid to bother abt MIL but now seems wrong lei.

Yet to tell u gals wat my MIL say abt after birth plans. Think u hear liao will faint.

kepsis: ya!! the outing is meant for ALL in this forum to join!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

try to come ya? since u didnt make it for the last one.

juz copy & paste ur nick to add to the list! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may: really cant stay w ur mum durin confinement?? then ur confinement plans how? ur mil cook for u ar?

outing: pls copy & paste the following & add ur name to the list!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


<-<2nd Jul MTB Outing>->

Date: 24 Jul 2010 (sat)

time: evening

venue: TBA (can anyone help to bk a function rm?)

1. DQ





minmin: now i also do tat stock up 1 bottle in my room. But it is not a feasible plan also cos like tat i willnot have enuf space.

Jaclyn: My MIL stays in 4-rm. she use master bedrm wif attach toilet but use partial as store rm (end up 6 ppl use 1 common toilet), my BIL & SIL stays in 1 rm and me n hubby 1 rm.

DQ: i also get very upset but wat can i do. Tell hubby, hubby say tell them liao. but still caught them using my cup n things. End up got to sterilizes my cup n keep in my rm. But i cannot keep everything in my rm?

End up i was told that i am fussy. sob sob!

may: i also get The same comment... FUSSY.. or 'gao zei' fr my husby.

wat to do?? i can only blame it on the VERY different upbringing.

now im only worried abt havin diff views on disciplining our bb...

Hi May

Last time I also think like u.. as long hubby love me ok liao..

before marriage I even thought of not getting a house of our own but shortly I regretted and become very firm and my SIL even try to make me change my mind by saying how gd to stay wif PIL. got ppl cook for u and share housework...

While waiting for my hse to come i have to stay wif my PIL for 1 yr + Now I can say luckily I was firm during that time.

especially staying wif PIL i can only say diff living style.. they cant stand how u do thing and we too also... that y conflict come after all the complainting...

yes me too is very fussy... even food also.

and i really dunno hw to appreciate MIL's cooking. for her own convenience, she cooks dinner at 4pm. so imagine by the time i eat at 7-8pm, the food all cold & veg turn yellow liao. i complain a lot and my hubby also say i fussy! but i really feel happier when i have warm meals for dinner lor.

OUTING - if order catering hor... I think It will be better to get payment from attendees via bank transfer first before we order to prevent unwanted miscommunication okay?

DQ: @ 1st my hubby told me my MIL will do confinement 4 me so i ask him to confirm cos if not i hv 2 look 4 alternative. After hubby ask his mum, my MIL say if 1 her 2 do confinement, Can but she dunno hw 2 cook confinement food and ask me 2 eat watever she cook. she not doing laundry & not lookg after bb at night.

On normal circumstances, It's ok 4 me if she not lookg after bb @ night. But becos i got slip disc n had an operation done, n my spine doc told me b4 tat shd i get preg, need to be more careful cos my back will hurt more. N i will take longer Recovery time than normal mummies.

And if we want her 2 look after our bb after confinement, hav to do it her way i cannot interfere. This is when i start quarreling wif hubby.

Then when i tell my mum what my MIL says, my mum feels tat she shdnt behave tat way.

May>> in that case, its better to hire a CL than getting your MIL to do confinement for u.

My MIL offered to do but I said I wld hire a CL to do instead cuz it'd be tiring for my MIL & am sure she doesn't know the proper rules of doing confinement. She didn't even know shower must shower with herbs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne: i wanted 2 get a place of our own also but had been applyg since like 5 years ago but HDB just wouldnt give us a queue number. didn't 1 2 buy a resale cos nowadays COV alot. hence staying wif PIL 1st.

May, if i am u hor, i will go and engage confinement lady lor. my MIL also same. say dun mind doing for me, then later on say dun wan, ask me find CL. then so last min i couldnt get a gd one. she say she will contact the CL she engaged last time & i said ok. then after calling she told me "actually hor, the CL nt gd one..." then wad for she still engage for me?

so contradicting lor. end up i complain to my mum & my mum decided nt to work to do confinement for me... my MIL then very happy & keep tellin me how lucky i am cos i save so much $. and even happier that i am moving out cos during 1st mth i am considered "dirty" ma.

Eliss: Hehehe.. unfortunately, I cannot use the ballroom for free leh.. Paisey.. :p

Is there any other things that I can help? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minmin - no worries just trying my luck... keke we'll see which mummy's club house is available on 24th lor... if not we can always find another venue to dine out...then seat rotation lor kekeke

Vernie: My mum say normally its arrangement between the CL and the mother, so before she comes you can tell her your expectations like what you wish to eat and do you want her to buy the ingredients or you prefer to ask your own family member to buy.


Get a CL is better for you..

anyway dont give up looking for a hse of ur own...

I try for 3-4 yrs end up left the lower unit but i still go and try my luck on my appt day.... and I got it... 3rd storey only....

Ecym: For the outing, we can book rooms at clubhouse but then i think certain clubhouse got to use their own caterer which I think might be more expensive.

Date: 24 Jul 2010 (sat)

time: evening

venue: TBA (can anyone help to bk a function rm?)

1. DQ

2. mrslong

3. Pann


Kepsis: Thanks! Think i better call the CL and ask what needs to be prepared in advance. She's coming from Msia, think will need to buy stuff for her here in Sg.

Hi Yvonne/junie/sweetkiss,

I have already decided to engage CL Services and had arrange to meet up with the CL agency to discuss further.

Does all MIL got so many pattern?

May: Good to know that you are engaging your own CL.

For me, it's my own mum who came up with funny idea and then in the end, left me with no choice but to engage CL agency too. My MIL never really bother me much about baby. Haha!! My mum always hear her frens or my grandma talk.. cannot do this, cannot do that.. then she tell me lo. She is bossier than my MIL.

Sometime my hubby and I cannot tahan her. Like baby cloth nappies, she also wanna nag after I had bought it. Say can ask pple to give you, etc etc. But i dun have frens who use nappies.. all use diapers cos easier. Then she say should have tell her cos she can ask from her frens. But how would i know her frens have them.

Ann>> cloth nappies use hands-me-down? Wldn't it be better & hygienic to get new ones...which luckily u did.

BTW mommies, do you all know which PD u'd be getting for your delivery?

Hi MTBs...

After seeing so many post of MTBs quarrel with husband, i feel fortunate. My hubby very panic one i spill water he will wipe for me n if toilet wet he will walk me in or inform me before hand.

But recently work is damn stress... My boss want me to finish a project before my maternity! somemore it is not up to my standard lor. I'm just an admin & he give me a executive work. Zzzz.


I also recently feel pain but the pain is like more of the skin of the tummy like got bruise inside... dunno what is going.. very pain if i stretch myself. Anyone experiencing this?

May- hi-five to u...hahaha..think tis is nt e worst abt my BIL n SIL..2 packets of yakult..can finish within 3days...after eating, e plate will be lying in the living room since they always eat at living room to watch e tv as well..they reali tink they got maid at home...if tat wat i do at my own home..my mum will skin me alive..

Ann: i agree with Mrslong. Better to buy new cloth nappy. I also need engage CL cuz my mother dun wan help scared mafan then MIL cannot help also... $$$ fly.

I am gonna use mixture. If hm will use cloth if going out then use diaper.

Mrslong: what is PD?

ceres>> woah, your HB so sweet & nice to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LT>> then who cleans up after your BIL & SIL??

Ann - tink i oso gona get e cloth nappies soon..my MIL gona dig out e wan tat my hub SIL, BIL use wan..wich is lik erm 20 over years...

when she told me tis...my face was totally shock...


Jaclyn: No.. my BB din really kick much or that area. the pain area is middle of the tummy. Was thinking cause skin stretch but if stretch should be alot of area not middle of the tummy lor.

