(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Morn mummies!

I too have arguments with hubby.

But usually it is over the MIL. Every nite I am stressing myself by thinking how I can prevent my MIL from fetching my gal in future.

Coz she offered to pick my gal from infant care every evening as we cannot reach on time.

I am worried for a number of reasons…. MIL likes to anyhow feed babies. Ice, coke, pepsi…

She enjoys when the babies keep trying to get her attention coz they want more!

When I told hubby, he always say I think too much & I am always selfish towards his parents?!!!

He said, “if it is ur parents, will u worry as much?”

I said NO becuz my mum wont do such things. Then he said, “how u noe? Only ur parents are always right, everything my parents do, u worry!”

I read b4 that someone tried to “brainwash” their baby until when the MIL carries, the bb will cry!

I know very wicked la but if can I really wanna do that lor!

Coz MIL also like to snatch babies from people’s arms one leh. Wan to carry, also muz ask ma.. not just snatch over!

Next time I gonna master the use of my baby sling, so I carry baby in it everywhere more difficult for her to snatch. Haha

BTW my gal was kicking me last nite so i praised her for being a good girl!

And I placed my hand on my tummy and asked her to kick again, she really did~!

May be coincidence la but it is so fun…!

Cherry: I will put my bb in infant care! (Coz I dun wan MIL to take care!)

Already checked out the sch in early Feb. wanted to place her in Oct/Nov but no vacancy so still under waiting list.

I have stretch marks on the side of my boobs!

I dunno why but think they look smaller now. Dunno is it because they shrunk that's why i am getting stretch marks!


sweetkiss: i found out my stretchmarks arnd my boobs ystrdy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sad.gif]

AtomicKitten: I sort of self diagnose as I've not gone to see my gynae. What happen was this pain in the pelvic area started suddenly one.. like 3 days ago. Morning is OK but night time is quite bad.. i think it gets worse as the day gets along due to the stress you put on your joints. So i went to surf "pelvic pain pregnancy" and got to those sites. The symptoms totally fit except for the grinding part as well. So i am guessing even if its not SPD its something like that lor.

Sweetkiss: so cute your gal! My son oso kick me quite vigorously last night. Actually.. i feel the movements inside are different from before. Dont know if it is because he is growing or what.. the kicks don't feel like jerky movements anymore, more like waves like as if hes climbing my tummy.

ladies. seems like my bb isnt that active one lei..

or cos of the position he had?

He just barely kicked me when I zz sideways and he is uncomfortable?

Hmm... the last visit I saw the scan he was zzz veri comfy, hand still can have pattern...

cheese: you can monitor a few more days and if really not active like the movements less than 10 a day, give your gynae a call. Its better to be safe than sorry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But anyway don worry so much, my son can be active 1 day and like sleeping the whole of nx day. So I try to monitor as much as I can.

sweetkiss: i kno how u feel... cuz i also prefer my own mummy to b the main caregiver. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i kno its tough... esp when we stay w mil. rite?

i also argued w my husby over this matter lotsa times. but he always juz shiam the topic.. hence we haf no conclusion @ all.

alisha: dun worry.. cuz i read tat the stretch marks will slowly fade off....

jaclyn: i also haf this excrutiating pain on my right hip!

it's like kena 'jammed' when i wanna walk (at times). is tat SPD too?

gathering: ive created a fb event for it.. tentative date is 17th. but if majority pref 24th, we can change... n

Jalcyn & Jasline, pls cfm on the avail of the function rms.

if not, we've to go out makanmakan again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaclyn: yup! i feel it mostly nearer to my right side.. and the feeling is like worm squirming inside or snake sliding..

Aiyo, sat and sun for the whole of this month is fully booked. My condo quite jialat, 600+ units and only 2 rooms so always must book 1 mth in advance if you want sat/sun nights. If afternoon (10am - 3pm), 17th April still available =]

DQ: ya lor.. maybe my hubby also find that there is no conclusion to it that's why he dun bother to argue back after sometime. it's more like me nagging because ultimately, the only solution is still to let MIL fetch. But I just want him to understand my worries loh.

Morning mummies

Long time never post. Our 3rd trimester is coming and be prepared for braxton hicks contractions (i.e tightness in the tummy and lower part of abdomen) and swollen legs! boo hoo!

Sweetkiss: I guess any mommy that have access to one can contribute?

Im quite lucky I dont have any problems with my hubby yet (but i have pelvis pain urgh!!!), i think he understands all the things im going thru juz for his son!! You gals can use my tactic, everytime he do someting that I get angry abt I will just say "you try carrying your son and see how it feels lah!" This will make him diam diam and then I most likely get my way haha..

Dun think u gals wanna have BBQ but if u dun mind, I can book the BBQ pit at Burlington square condo.

(Or ask hubbies go to help us with BBQ-ing food)

It is at Bugis, opposite Sim Lim Square.

The pit is beside swimming pool so mummies can swim if u wan. Hahaha

i cant make it on 17th cos i'm travelling..

for the outing, maybe we can make it on 24th then cuz it seems like 17th a lot of mummies cannot make it.

Whether if it's pot luck @ a condo function room or BBQ is fine with me....for the latter, as long as I'm not the one dirtying my hands can already, ahaha.

But preggie mums can eat BBQ food or not? Heaty bo? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me, my PIL (mainly my MIL) will help take care of our BB.

So i can't really "complain" much cuz it's like a voluntary effort by her & if I complain, my HB will sure say I take my MIL for granted lah, blah blah blah...cuz men dun like us to talk bad abt their mothers!

I prefer also 24th...

but you gals going for lunch or dinner session? If dinner 17th - I also okay....

Best not to have BBQ food la... i'll go check around for cater food see if any caterers can do with no min number of pax...

cherry.sue - haiz saying abt tis...my hub still cant make up his bloody idea wat he wants..to engage a maid or wat..at first MIL wana take care, bt she got to help out wif FIL for their food business..i was tinking of getting a maid den at least when they are back in the afternoon someone will be around to watch over them... bt nw seem like FIL call his elder sister to help take care bt i am reali uncomfortable wif tat..tink i will oni knw it nearly to end of the leave..dnt wana quarrel or get angry over tis wif hub..

Sweetkiss - i totally understand how u feel..same goes to my SIL n BIL they are just so plain lazy tat they can leave the cups wif sweet stuff in it overnite..den e next day its full of ants..bt no matter hw mani time i ask my hub to say them..there is no change n i cant say much since i am living with them..MIL oso nv bother to scold them or wat..at times e house look so dirty tat i wana clean up bt i dnt hv e energy to clean up nw.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] worst is both of e siblings at times keep feeding our dog wif junk food..chips etc..i caught e bro red-handed one time, and told him..u knw u shdnt be doing tat all tis will lead to alot of health issue..he juz say e dog keep on looking at him..n i juz walk off dnt wish to argue..n i told them tat next time when my bb is out, please do not feed her junks or watever..told my hub tat too..if ever let me catch them in action..i move out wif my bb

haiz..i reali cant understand tat people can be so lazy as to leave e stuff wif sweet tings lying ard and inviting ants...dnt they feel tat they are living in e house and has a part in it..

Maybe we can do a bit of BBQ then combine with potluck?

Are there any vegetarians/halals?

I scared not much selection if the potluck is mainly prepared by Chinese.

gathering: since so many mummies cant do 17th, lets do it on the 24th!

im ok w any food arrangements [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

potluck, bbq, cater.. im fine.

sweetkiss: can u help to bk ur condo bbq pit/ function room?

since ur place is in town area... more convenient for all...

caregivers for bb: most of my frens & colleagues told me haf to 'open 1 eye, close 1 eye' when it comes to family members helpin us out...

sigh... wat to do?

also cant afford to quit my job to b a SAHM.

if poss, i'd do tat lor!

Halal mini buffet menu/options

1. Eatzi Catering (Halal)

1.1 House Party 'Specials' - Min 15 pax

Minimum 15 pax

$11.80 - 7 Dishes

$13.80 - 8 Dishes

$16.80 - 9 Dishes

$19.80 - 10 Dishes

• $20.00 transportation fee

• No buffet table layout, all food will be packed in Mircowave Safe container

• Delivery time will be between 10.00am to 12pm and 4.30pm to 7pm

• Disposable cutlery / cockery with garbage bag will be provided

• Only Cheque payment is accepted. Payable to ‘Eatzi Gourmet Pte Ltd’

• All prices subject to 7% GST

DQ: actually not my condo.. coz my office is in the same building so staff can book the condo's BBQ pit as well. but function room i dunno where it is coz so far only book BBQ pit b4. but if having buffet, dunno the bbq area got space or not~

LT>> same sentiments. Yesterday I nagged @ my HB cuz he forgot to flush the toilet! It was like the umpteenth times.

So I nagged @ him...then he "fa pi qi" @ me lor. Till now we cold war with each other. Can't be bothered with him cuz not my fault woh.

Good morning!!!

Heard you ladies talking abt emo.. For me I hardly quarrel with my hubby when I am pregnant cos I dont have the energy to do so during the 1st trim.. was having MS until 18 weeks++..

aft 19 weeks till now 24 weeks my MS stopped.. emo slowly started bcos of my SIL. she gave very funny comment.. cos my bb is youngest grandchild so far... guess she is jealous..

I was bathing in the bathroom and she came knocking on the door. knowing my bb gender fr my MIL she was telling me ohh urs is a boy so my gal is still precious !!! cos my PIL have 6 grandsons and 1 grandaughter... how would you all feel. to me boy gal no diff... I so fed up inside and almost wan to wrap a towel and come out to tell her off but i didnt cos not nice...

Next she saw my hubby help me carrying my bag as I wasnt feeling well.. she ask her daughter whom is only 7 yrs old ohh will you wan ur bf to help u carry ur bag for u... I was OMG!!! think she wan to suan me ...

lastly she say hey ur hubby say a girl pretty le... I say ur daughter huh... then she say ohhh ya la I wan to see u jealous anot..

bcos she is elder than me I respect her in not wanting to talk back but i was wrong the more I keep slient she think I can be bully and continue..

sianz.. I sometime cry and frown.... 4 more weeks to my 3rd trim...

sweetkiss: dun mind u chk on the avail during lunch tdy?

then juz chope 1st... lol

roughly can accom how many pax? the last gathering abt 12 MTBs came. this time rd if we're getting our husby to join, most likely abt 24-30 pax? can the place fit?

got rain plan? anywhere to hide if it rains? *choi*

mrslong: juz wait for him to call lor.. im sure he'll call soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also like tat one... not my fault i wun apologize & take the 1st step to contact my husby.

even if it's my fault... most of the time i also chao-kuan... wan him to say sorry 1st.

once i hear the word 'sorry' fr him.... i ok le.

so childish hor.

yvonne: y ur sil so evil one??!!!


u all stay togeta ar?

wat's her prob man.. her daughter so grown up already, 7 yrs old still wanna b so competitive??!

anyways... she's not showing a gd example to her daughter. i pity her gal. lol!

DQ>> hahaa...if it's my fault, sometimes i'll apologise but only after a day, cuz of pride :p

But if it's not my fault & if I keep giving in, it's not right too. So this time round, I won't give in. He won't call one lor...cuz he's stressed @ work (so used that as an excuse to "fa pi qi" also).

Anyway, he dun make the 1st initiative 1st, I'll just let him be. Like a small petty kid, buay tahan. :p

DQ>> I think I've been to the BBQ pit (which Sweetkiss mentioned) at Burlington Sq. some yrs back. Shld be able accommodate up to 25pax bah..cuz it's quite an open area.

Just dunno have enough seating area or not...

DQ: ya lor i also scared rain!

There are two pits with shelter. (only the seating area, BBQ pit not sheltered) not sure can specify to have that pit or nt but if the other pit is booked by someone else meanz the sheltered area gotta share also. we used to have a company gathering there for about 40+ ppl.. i'll go check it out during lunch if there's time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Think she is jealous.. She is not staying with my PIL but same blk diff storey..

she will come down for dinner or we will accidentally saw each other in the lift and that is the time occasionally will tell me tat kind of comment ... my hubby juz ask me to ignore her...

how I wish I can move out soon... but my bb will be look after by my PIL in the end.. next time more thing to say abt my bb or not happy with what I wan to do for my bb...

My BIL got a son about 19 mths ++ tat time my MIL

very kan cheong wait for her son and grandson to come.. this action by my MIL my SIL already comment to her daughter ohh U no longer a princess... I so shocked!!!!!

MIL also too kan cheong SIL more jealous...

I worry my MIL take care bcos of tat also one of the reason...

Halal mini buffet menu/options


CONVENIENCE BUFFET S$ 11.00 Per Person (Min 18 People)

Convenience Buffet A

Four Seasons Chicken

Deep Fried Curry Fish Fillet

Crispy Prawn with Oat Cereals

Assorted Maki Sushi

Breaded Crab Claw

Hainanese Mixed Vegetables

Hong Kong Noodle

Yang Chow Fried Rice


Fresh Fruits Platter Or Fruits Cocktail with Crystal Jello in cup

Convenience Buffet B

Deep Fried Chicken Wing

Fish Fillet in Mayonnaise

Sambal Sotong

Fried Honey Prawn Dumpling

Crispy Seafood Tofu

Oyster Siao Bai Chye with Mushroom

Tomato Fried Rice

Sin Chow Bee Hoon


Mango Pudding in cup Or Assorted Swiss Roll

* All foods will be contained in Special Made Container/ Aluminum Tray

* No Tables set up and no collection

* We provide full set of Disposable Wares, Serviettes & Garage Bags, Chili & Tomato Sauce

* Transport charge: S$ 25.00

* Price quoted is subjected to 7% GST

Good morning sweeties. The thread has moved liked "Speedy Gonzales" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes this is the emo time for most of us. I had an argument with husb last night - he complained about my cooking.. so I told him to "(*K off to his mum's house to eat in the future... I totally lost my temper and became breathless.

He is so insensitive.. then he tried to apologise blah blah blah... and my cold war has begun. Moreover, yesterday morning his Pain-the-butt Mother calls me to tell me to go back to work after 4 months of delivery... hinting that she wants to take care of baby.

I was sooooo upset and to add on my husb complained about the food. So my husband got the full impact of my anger last night. So much so that I only came into work at 10:30am. Baby kept kicking me last night when this drama was going on.

Im not sure if baby if calming me down or is asking me to "Shut up"?

I wish god will wave his magic wand and remove these painful in-laws from our lives :_(

I have read all the threads and very very rare that we have problems from our own family huh.

Im so glad that I have this thread to vent out.

Im exhausted.

Hi Jaya, take it easy, MILs are made to give us hell! However when I went for a marriage preparation class, they say the best way is for you to never get into a conflict with the MIL. Better to get your hubby to talk to her if you have any concern instead of yourself. This is because your MIL will never think badly of your hubby but will definitely want to push any blame to you... this will affect your r/s with your hubby!

Or better yet... if you can master the art of "1 ear in 1 ear out".. life will be easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jayamum: i think men are not so petty and sensitive like women. My colleague ever asked me… dun u think that it is always US who are complaining about our MILs? Our hubbies dun really complain about our mums, do they? That’s because men are more easy-going and not so fussy like women. We little bit cannot then not happy and want to nag. To some extent I think wad she says is quite true. But I also cannot help it. I am super sensitive one lor. Moreover my horoscope is cancer!

sweetkiss: thx!!

else, who can help to bk a function rm somewhere for our gathering?

yvonne: ur sil really one kind... these kinda thgs also wanna fight. sigh... guess she needs her own mummy's TLC too much tat she is stepping on others to get it!

really.... it not ez dealing w extended families.

tat's y ppl always say... 'pak tor is 2 persons... get married will involved whole clan'... how come they nva add tat having a bb will add more probs to 2 simple person's lives?

jaya: @ least ur husby tries to understd wat u r gg thru.. smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but we cant do anythg much to our own parents or pil situation... cuz no matter wat.. someone will be unhappy abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i wanna eat kenny rogers!!!! POTATO SALAD!!!! yums!!

sweetkiss: samesame!! im cancerian too!!!

bb gonna b cancerian like us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya I have something to share here~

Previously I was asking abt maternity shoots, and I think suntan mentioned she signed up for a promo with F8 Angels.

I checked out their website & I do like their portfolio.

But their promo (maternity shoot + free baby shoot) had already ended.

So I sent an email to them to ask if it’s possible to extend the promo if I can find more mummies to sign up for the shoot.

I received their reply to ask for my contact number, I guess she might contact me so I would like to know if any mummies here interested?

Then I can roughly tell her how many of us are interested~

U can check out the promo here:


Here’s their thread:


Haha.. I used to nag at my hubby for the way he talk to his mum... He always use that irritated tone.. now when I complain to him abt his mum, he will say.. see, I told you.. and he'll say, 'I've already master the art of one in one out'.. and then he keep asking me to ignor wat he say.. well.. at least both of us feels the same abt his mum.

DQ, I am not in sg next sat (17th) e rest shld be fine..

Woah.. finally able to catch up with all the postings. Phew!! Took me a whole morning to do so. haha!!

I went for a swim yesterday. So shiok. Make me so relax.

AtomicKitten: Hmm.. that's funny lei. Did you wear very tight fitting swimming costume? Or did you swim very long distance and over exert yourself? Normally should not feel any pain when swimming.

Outing: Yeah!! 24th Apr I am ok too. Lunch or dinner is fine by me. I love to eat, so any food is fine except vegetarian food. Haha!! I must have meat.

All the food Ecym put up in the list is making me hungry.

Argument with hubby: I think in our 3rd tri, our mood swing is bad la. Haha!! I also just quarrel with hubby but also just some nitty gritty things like he never ask if I eat lunch liao or not or something like that. But luckily hubby will keep apologising till my anger cools off. He never leave me alone for long. So after 1 day, we are ok liao.

Angry too long also not good la.. it kills more cells on our face lei.. then later not only we get stretchmark on our body, we will start getting wrinkles on our faces. Not good. Quite depressing one. haha!! So smile more.

Yvonne: I think your SIL very childish lei. If I were you, I would have told her daughter, next time look for bf, must find someone who dote on you and willing to carry your bag. It's only gentleman to do so.

I also dun mind my son carrying a girl's bag.. it's only gentleman to do so. But hoh, not to the extent of scared of wife / gf la. That one I cannot tahan.

Oh.. my colleague gave birth over the weekend. She had an emergency C-sec.. I ask her how come. She told me BB girl poo in the waterbag and the water is greenish so have to do E-csec. I never know BB can poo even before they are born.

She took Epidural.. say it is a must take. haha!! I told her i scared of needle but she say she dun feel a thing lo. Now she tell me her wound also not that pain too.

She also commented that service at Mount A was very good.

oh hoo... everyone started their emo liao.. me too! but im controlling myself.. not only that, i start to anyhow think u know.. esp when i cant sleep.. i think this think that.. then later i dream about it... alamak..

DQ, my hubby also work shift one.. keke.. i spend most of the weekends myself too.. but im quite used to it liao le.. i always tell myself.. at least he got a job.. so i cannot grumble.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im ok on 23rd!

Seems like everyone had their emo... Somehow mine is the opposite leh.. my temper is way better then before I got preggy.. even my sis said so..

I'm melting at home!!!... took 5 showers altogether to cool myself yesterday... wonder how many will I need today.

Wah spend a whole 30min to read the thread.

DQ: I am fine with 24th too! I thinking if is BBQ then we ask hubby along. So that we can have the guys bbq n serving us food! BUT if hubby ard then no gossiping of MIL lioa. I got so much to talk abt lor! Inconvenient to say it here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hahahaha..

Jo_lyn: Still can talk one ma. Haha!! Then just ask the hubbies to go gather one group lo. No need to tag to us everytime. They can talk about their problems with our emo. haha!!

Ann: Aiya my one hor terrible lah.. He sure knows i gossip. And needless to say, he will know what i gossip abt!!! Hahaha

I guess the guy will discuss same thing lah. Our emo lah, their cars lah.. All the boy stuff. Boo hoo!


haiz forget abt it. dont let me hv a chance to say her back...

tat is one of the reason I am going back my parent's hse for confinement...


trying to be happy and to be frank other than pregnancy sickness I am quite ok and happy.. but those comments fr my SIL really spoil my days!!!!

till now I am still mind very much what she say... I xiao qi kui...


yap, that the different between men and women...

hehe anyway I went to see my gyane yesterday...

bb weight is now 760gm at 24 wks... sound abit heavy.. cos fr the week by week guide i thought shd be around 650gm+-

when gyane told me i replied huh .. then he say y guess wrongly ... ya i thought was 650gm like tat .. seem big.. but gyane say still ok.... and ask me not to run and walk slowly cos tummy getting heavier ma...

last visit my gyane also ask me not to run and not to forget I am pregnant when i told him i occasionally got pelvic pain...

I replied him some time see bus coming auto will wan to run to chase bus... the nurse was there laughing....

Thank you Jaclyn, Sweetkiss and DQ. Im a cusp (half cancer, half Leo) - born on 23rd July... So I guess Im mixed up - sometimes too emotional and will seclude myself... sometimes too boisterous..."Rojak"!

Many of my mates who have in-law probs have given me similar advice (in one ear and out the other). I must practice that. But sometimes, these rubbish uttered by our in-laws.. gets stuck in between our ears... and that is when the emo starts.

Anyways.. I ordered a large bowl of Fish ball, Kway tiao, dry and ate it. I also bought dessert (tau huey with gingko nuts and barley)... Im indulging whoa!

Cant wait to meet up with you ladies again.. ;)


Jo_lyn: I am playing the image of them gossiping about us in my mind now. Imagine one hubby say something.. then the rest of the hubbies agreed along "Ya lo.. my wife also like that" .. Haha!!

Yvonne: haha!! dun mind her la. For me, if i really dun like the person. I would make sure i get the last laugh and walk off. Haha!!

