(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

tdy bzbzbz..

jaya: ya, now feeling better... altho the doc (gp) gave me rosiden gel (similar to deep heat) for me to apply on my ribcage (strange rite?) but i dare not... but the pain juz seem to disappear...

the last time i also experienced the same thg. got pain.. then aft few days/1wk the pain subsided.

yvonne & sweetkiss: our own mummies r the best! they are willing to 'sacrifice' for us... even thou we r stinky & sticky... they'll still welcome us home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re grassjelly: better dun anyhow eat... cuz its supp to be 'cooling'.

ann: goody! ur husby's fever subsided! can go for ur short getaway! dun worry abt the peeing part.. cuz u all driving mah.... can stop as & when needed. unless take coach more inconve.

yay!!! im gg for buffet dinner tonite!!! but i can only watch my colleagues eat my fave oysters, sashimi... dang!

but still can eat other food!! yummy!!!

oh ya... ica... i also gained abt 7kg to date.

hahah... dun dare to step on weighing scale now. loL~~


Re: grass jelly - can we drink when we're about to give birth? like coconut can only drink 1-2 months before due - so same concept?

mrslong>> i read that sugar cane juice is not advisable. reason being that it's very absorbent. usually stall owners place them on the floor and when they wash the floor, you won't know whether they will put the sugar cane stalks elsewhere. so to be safe, i dun take since reading on it. just something you wanna consider

DQ>> i still step on the scale but will be a bit sad when my weight goes up. hahaha

i also had that pain on the rib cage, just below my right breast. for 1 week, then it went away. could be the way i turned my body when i was sleeping. dunno lah. only kena once but don't hope to kena - very not nice feeling

Hai Ann, my hubby is also sick T_T

He came back last wed with bruised and swollen leg, as he tripped and fell on ship, went NUH the next day for X-ray, luckily no fracture but that's when the nightmare began! His body can't take one of the medicine which the doctor gave, and he has real bad diarrhea and high fever almost 40 degrees. Went NUH A&E again, put on drip, changed medicine.

But then his leg is still swollen and in pain, so ah..... he went to take the pain killers/ anti-swell medicine again! Again..... another round of bad diarrhea and fever..

Today is wednesday.. yea.. one week like that already! And only today he is much better.. didn't have good sleep at all, i am so worried.. at one point i felt so helpless cuz his fever keeps coming back, and he couldn't sleep, so he stayed in the living room to play his comp game.. i felt so lonely and cried in the room.. he heard me crying then quickly rushed in to sayang me..

super emotional nowadays... hope your hubby gets well soon too!


Its by law in singapore that the sugarcane seller cannot put the sugarcanes on the floor anymore.

Most prob i need to go back to work on Friday too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah so many ppl sick recently. Everyone must take care ya.

Shann Yheng - must be hard for you...all the anxiety.... 放心了...your hubby better le...

ica>> i heard abt the sugar cane thingy but didn't really bother, hehee.

Shann>> oh dear, hope your HB will recover fully soon.

jaya & suntan: wah lau eh.. long wkend leh.. sianz. but then again i also no plans for the long wkend. husby needa wk. yawnz. so it's equivalent to me comin back to wk. cuz i'll b alone. again.

mrslong & ica: sugarcane i drank once. my mummy gave me one.. she say can drink. hee.. then i drank lor.. since she is the niao-est when it comes to pregnancy diet.

shann: sorry to hear abt ur husby.. hope he's better now... sometimes i c my husby wk until so late, like super tired i also v heartpain...

Oh my goodness Shann Yeng... all that you are going through.... will pray for your husband to have a speedy speedy recovery.

Ica: i hope the other 50% works and that I dont have to come back to work....sniff sniff.

After work, Im heading to KKH for my scan... followed by lunch with my friends at AMK. Im looking forward to the break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaya: is ur scan tdy? aft wk??

rem to ask bb to open legs!!!

so anxious for ya!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun_tan: Ya lo.. grass jelly also got spree.. haha.. i love to go BP section to look for food..Haha!! The link is below.


DQ: Ya lo... hopefully can go for the day trip.. i scared along the way, hard to look for toilet.. haha!!

Oh.. buffet dinner.. how i wish i can go.. but not worth for me since i always eat so little.

Jaya: Poor thing.. hope u dun need to go back on Fri and can enjoy your long weekend.

Shann: Ya.. understand how u feel.. but your hubby is on the mend.. so dun worry too much. Your hubby will recover soon.

My hubby was still asking me what temp should be send to hospital yesterday.. i told him 38.8 is still not high enough for hospital to take you in. Haha!!

Ann>> BP for food....so weird, heehe. I also enjoy going to the BP section to see any good buys for BB's stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrslong: Ya lo.. i love to eat.. haha!! So mostly look at food. Especially after i am preggy, i love to go BP to buy food thingy. My CNY goodies also all go BP and buy one. My MIL was commenting all the goodies i bought from BP very nice lo. Haha.. save my time on walking too much.

I just placed an order for nachos, chicken cheeze meltz pie, chicken cheeze rolls and egg dessert at the BP section. Haha!!

wah...Ann, so happening.

U mean the food ordered from the BP section, it's not sold in S'pore supermarkets, etc?

Oops...the "N**hos" word again...somebody's gonna get hungry, hehee.

ann: wah! so steady one.. the BP! so many items u can order! i didnt kno u can get food online too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

really no need to step outta ur hse to get food.

mrslong: hee... dun worry.. now im feelin super filled. cuz of 1 stupid bread i juz ate.

dunno how to eat my buffet lata. sigh....

n talkin abt my na*ho*... i still haf one-third bag left. sitting in front of me now...

but i dare not eat. cuz i tink the bag of junkie is the cuz of my sore throat & my on coming flu bug!

hopefully some nice soul will help me finish it.


mrslong: The food sometimes are available in supermarket but more expensive..

Haha.. nachos.. i like those purely just cheese dip.. but supermarket one dun have.. they sell the cheese dip inside got vege one.. really hate it.

Those who interested in nachos can go to this link.


DQ: I think the nacho looks quite nice lei.. hehe!!!

sun_tan: 15 cups.. so small.. very fast finish liao.. haha.. I think now I got craving for grass jelly, i can take 3 cups at one go.. haha!!

Thank you Ladies for wishing me luck on the baby's scan and also for wishing that I wont have to work this Friday.

Im signing off now so that I can make in time for my appointment at KKH at 6:10pm.

Jayamum Signing off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jayamum: Good luck for scan.

Jo_lyn: Go buy la.. haha.. i look at the chicken cheese meltz pie.. my saliva dripping liao. Haha!!

Ann>> wahh!! i can feel your love of food!! hehehe. btw, the egg dessert, is it that taiwan egg dessert? i also feel like buying leh, coz long time never eat dessert liao

ica: Ya.. the taiwan egg dessert.. look so yummy lei.. cannot eat tou hwa so this is a good replacement. Yummy.. i order 1 tub of original flavor one. But hoh.. collection wise cos the area i choose not enough pple buy so must wait till got at least 10 tubs ordered then can get my delicious egg dessert.

Oh.. by the way, the egg dessert BP ends today lei. If wanna buy, faster place your order. Hehe!!

Jo_lyn: No la.. not bad mama.. we are giving baby a chance to explore new taste. Haha!!!

ann: omg!!! the nachos DIPS look soooooooooooo yummy!!!!


but i v kuku one... dunno how to order thru BP.


but BP looks like a good idea when u wanna org a baby shower, w a few of ur close gfs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DQ: same as me! I also kuku. Usually i jus get the email, send thru email. Then ask them advise. Hahahha! I just email already. Buying all 3 dips. Shiok shiok!

jo_lyn: wah... shiokshiok!!!!

tink im gg to revisit these BP sites again 3mths down the road.. when we're near to due date.

cuz i plan to org a bb shower w my gfs.

then ordering fr BP sounds like a damn good idea. esp when u haf ppl to share the 'sin' w u. muahahaha...

Till now I only know how heavy my bb weight as for me i not so sure.... so scarry leh... wan to know my weight but afraid to accept the truth!!!!


Grass jelly also very tempting to me ... juz now my colleague went to buy soya milk mix with grass jelly ... but I bear wif it... my mum told me before very "liang" I make sure my hubby buy for me after my confinement.... and crab also so craving....


All the best.. Hope ur bb open leg big big for u to see.... do update us... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvonne: for me so far i only kno how much i weigh. cuz my gynae refuse to weigh bb...

hope coming mon i getta kno my bb's wt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jo_lyn: ya lor!!! cuz sometimes u eat alone not shiok enuff...


sigh.. suddenly my pain is back... grrrr....

i wanna eat my buffet dinner lata one!!!

painpain go away!!!!

now no appetite to eat. duhzzz...

DQ, Jo_lyn: Haha.. the nachos looks good right? I can't wait to get my hands on it this Friday morning.. Haha!! Actually felt like going today to self collect at Bishan but then I tell myself.. must go swimming. Then can eat with less guilt on Fri.. haha!!!

ica: Oh.. that's too bad. Where is your preferred collection point?

BTW, can we eat pears??

I've been eating pears almost everyday & sometimes up to 2 pears a day...to fill my hunger pangs, heehe.

ann: the nachos looks super yummy. but muz haf kaki to eat & fight over it!

if i buy home... sure husby say unhealthy... most likely mil will also say the same thg.


can we haf it the next gathering? snatch & fight the nachos w me leh!~~


mrslong: ive been eating pears too... my mil likes to buy the chinese pear.

shd b ok bah?

DQ: hahaha ya lor. I think i force my hubby to snatch with me when i get it. Hahaha.. Me also having pain at my right shoulder. Its been thr for a week. Thinking to go see TCM. haiz..

Ann: How long it takes to collect after u order the nachos?

Ann>> preferably Clementi on weekends but i see her delivery points mostly in the east...sigh...never mind la. u enjoy your egg dessert ya

DQ>> why gynae won't weigh baby? my gynae weighs baby and also me - so that i dun gain weight too much, too fast and baby is within normal band. today during the scan, i asked about baby's length and she said not important now; weight and shape of head matters more

I have slight cold for the last 2 days and today i'm feeling slight feverish.. Is it OK to take panadol? Or any advice? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jo_lyn: hee... so nice~

i tink mayb i order back to my mum's to fight w them instead. they more onz abt junk food. lol~

ica: my gynae told me bb's wt is insignificant now.. for less than 600gms. wat to do? i juz 'orh..' lor...

but he takes my wt everytime i visit him.

n so far i put on abt 7kg. cant imagine if i juz do simple math... by due date i shd put on abt 13kgs??!

Actually someone recommended the nachos too when i was at the Sgbrides forum.. Now i remembered and i just placed order leh! Hahaha.

DQ: Haha.. next gathering then have to do it at a mummy's home so that we can buy and snatch to eat. If go out dining, sure cannot bring outside food along one. Maybe if there's any mummy here who live in a condo, can book the function room, then we do pot luck and bring food. Haha!!

Jo_lyn: Actually if u order today and u opt for self collection at Bishan, u can collect today too. So it really depends.

ica: Oh.. Clementi abit far for me or else I can help u order and collect and passed to you. Hehe!!

ann: ya... tat was dicussed in our last gathering..

if can haf a function rm.. then we can potluck or order catering.

we haf more oppty to mingle & chitchat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DQ> Thank you!! Will get one on the way to home.. If still feverish will go to doc tomo..

Hope it won't trouble me this long weekend.

DQ: Ya lo.. it will be more fun this way.. but hoh must have enough chairs for all mummies to sit or else legs tiring. Haha!!


ica: u dunno how disappointed i was lor... i was sharing w the rest of the mummies during our gatehring. duhz.. cuz u all kno bb's wt already.. except for me! hmph!

