(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Cheese - you are just in your 23/24 weeks right? Dont worry too much. I am in 25th week, also on and off only....


Ya cheese, don't worry so much. Some days you will feel eh? y baby not kicking me?, then some days the baby will kick u with a vengeance and its non stop! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think we should only be more concern during the 3rd trimester

Yvonne: Will u be moving back to ur mum's place? I also managed to convince my mum to do confinement for me! I feel so much happier now... Most prob i will move back to my mum's house, more freedom & my mum is definitely supportive of BF-ing and she isn't those pantang type, unlike MIL.

Yvonne: if you're breastfeeding, best not to consume too much ginger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheese: my bb also c mood one.. esp when i wasnt feelin well.. was slpg most of the time.. then he has like min movt...

ann: hope ur husby recover fast.. long wkend ahead...

my husby also like tat one. so used to ppl 'fu shi' him. small lil thgs also wait for us to do. when u ask him to do.. then he'll go 'yaya..' then nva move. im those kind c already pekchek will chopchop finish up kind.

saw the stomp thgy. hahah... i cant comment leh.. i dunno wat kinda parent i'll b.

but isnt it a bit too late to lock out a kid?

yvonne: me also gg back to mama's for confinement! yippee!!! happy for u too~~

nothg beats our own mummy & our own rm & bed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My case is different. My MIL is with us and she is sweet to some extend and even she puts some restriction now and then.. I don't know what more to come since it is my 1st baby...

Also my mom will be coming to SG from India around july 1st week and she will be here for 3 months.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't know how i'm going to manage both.. But i think my mom can adjust with my MIL.. Hope sooo..

DQ: Ya.. we were actually planning to go for a day trip to Desaru on Saturday.. so hoping he would recover soon.

For me, when my hubby sit there and "Yaya" me.. i will stand next to him or in front of him and stare at him till he buay tahan, he will start moving unwillingly. Haha!!

Sometime I will also use threatening like when i ask him to change his games room's light bulb, 2 weeks le he also never change, then i say if u dun change today, i will climb up myself with your son and change it on my own. But if I fell and anything happen, then dun blame me. Only then he will faster go do it which take him less than 5 minutes lo.

But I think make the child stand outside and close the door at such late hour is quite dangerous lo. What if some bad guys come and just swop him away? Then won't that be too late?

I also remember last time, I think I was very naughty.. my mum did that once to me but she also open the wooden door.. at least she can see me still.

if u move back to ur mum's place will ur hubby be movin over also? my MIL very happy leh knowing that i am moving out durin confinement..

cheese>> dun worry la. most probably your baby kicked/moved so vigorously, so now conserving energy for the next round. hehe

Ann>> 2 days still high fever? seen doc oredi? hope he gets well soon and you take care, too. my hubby also like dat - becomes a baby when he's sick

went for gynae's appt today. baby is now 780g and i've put on 1.2kg. gynae said all ok. yay!

noor: im sure ur own mummy will make thgs wk w ur mil. cuz no mummies will wanna put their own daughter in a difficult position...

ann: hee.. ya lor... when u threaten them w bb then they'll start moving their butts!

muz ask ur husby to rest well b4 gg desaru. driving up? take care n haf fun!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nowadays i tink ive bad motion sickness. dunno issit due to my headache... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sweetkiss: my husby said he'll move back w me lah.. but i dunno if he'll do it in the end. cuz my mum sure wun allow me to shower & on aircon, fan.. mayb he buay tahan then he can stay @ his own pl. lol~

Yap. Wk 24

yalo.. monday he kick quite hard and then i feel ticklish also.. then yesterday so gentle...

today nth ehz... always worry.. sob sob.

Cheese> Even i'm facing the same.. Till last week i felt quite hard kicks but this week not much.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So don't worry.. may be baby is in a different position..


yes I will be moving back to my parent's hse for confinement.

my mum say liao can only bath with herbal for the 1st 2 weeks the rest of the time must lie down get enough rest... the last 2 week can start to bath more frequently....

MIL no mean no and she meant well for you... hard to reject... mother can be compromise... abit nv follow nvm la... most important aft bath keep dry...

I dont think BM is very dirty.. depend on wat u eat and hv to clean ur breast before u start BFing... nutrient and cleaness more important la...


okok.. I dont really eat alot juz taste the ginger fr the sauce i will nv eat it up... fry or cook... how come BF cant take too much...


ya but my poor parent hv to endure for 1 mths cos I am going to use the masterbedroom during confinement period.. I dont hv a rm myself.. before i got marriage I already sleep together with my mum on queen side bed in MBR and my dad on the floor also inside MBR.

now i am bringing my bb over too.. so my dad might have to give up the floor area to his grandson.. and my mum dont know if she is still willing to sleep wif me anot.. smelly... herbal and sweaty smell....

Yvonne>> not too much ginger when breastfeeding as ginger will cause jaundice in baby

oh, today when seeing gynae, we talked about nutrients and breastfeeding. then she remarked that the quality of milk is as good as what the cow eats. so i said "oohh, i'm the cow la". qwe burst out laughing. hahaha

ica: Ya lo..2 days le.. today is the 3rd day liao.. he seen doc or the first day le but everytime he sleep, his fever goes up.

DQ: Ya, we are driving up. Actually thinking of going to Malacca. But then due to time constraint cos this weekend, got Qing Ming prayer, so we just make a day trip to Desaru since I have never been there before and hubby missed the food there.

I only scared I need to go toilet along the way ah. haha!!

After we gave birth, we will be promoted to become cow and janitor..cos we will be constanding feeding bb with milk and cleaning up after their pee and poo...


Haa...not really queen. Judging from the amt of inconvenince and discomfort we have to go through..

DQ: They say if u preggie and is daughter, u will win n win. But if its boy den u will kip losing. Wonder how true..

Yvonne: I also doing my confinement at my mum's house. And she giving her master bedroom to me. Hahaha.. My poor bro got to shift out of the hse and stay at his fiend's place for a mth.

I guess confinement by mum is better in a way we easier to say back our mum. If its MIL, sometimes so hard to shoot them back lor. End up more conflicts.. Luckily my MIL know nuts abt bb and confinement.

Jo_Lyn>> Am hvg a boy but when I play MJ nowadays, I won some & lose some...but think I won more than I lose, now that am preggie :p

Sun-tan>> but at least with the discomfort (luckily still bearable), I can hv special treatments from my HB. haha.

mrslong: lidat means no true hor. Hahhaah.. I also been playing MJ and got win and lose. Seems like we got alot of MJ players in this thread ah. Next time we can org a MJ session!! Hahaha..

We gotta "enjoy" our this 9mth. After that will be tortures from our little monsters!! And i believe we will be all complaining in here!

Good Afternoon Ladies.

Just logged in as I was tied up the whole morning.

DQ: are you feeling better now? You have been complaining of the Rib Cage pain since last Friday man?

Crystal: you are right... MIL ain't gonna pay for anything so she should not involve but watch the show and go. Im just overly emotional... coz she keeps picking on me URGH!

As for the 40 days confinement... I have never heard of.. maybe different families have different practices... but I usually will not follow the nonsensical practices. Im very terrible you know... I eat everything even though my race has restrictions. But I pay extra attention to all those "Pantangs" that my grandma or aunties point out to me. There are 25 cousins in my family and all of us turned out to be success stories.. so I follow what My grandma says. ;)

Im off to lunch now... planning to have Thai food... will catch up after lunch. Ciao


oni 1.5kg so far, i so envy. i oreadi piled on 5kg liao *sob sob* hope i can lose the excess wtg after all these...

RE: BF-ing

of cos cleanliness is of utmost impt, must clean up and after after latching/pumping. anyway MIL oreadi got started again, trying to psycho me into not BF-ing for #2, but i told her it is her son who wans me to BF, so tat shut her up for the time being. wonder when the next time she will act up again?

Hi ICA, crystal

I put on 4 kg, get breathless sometimes.

. Previously i was underweight. But i heard fm the prenatal educator that normal weight gain is 8-12kg.

Wah, there are so many confinement rules, especially the cannot bath rule. How to tahan? kinda unhygenic not to bath.

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1.5kg? i am alrdy 4.4kgs heavier todate .. so envious


i took abt 1 odd year to lose nearly all wt put on for #1 then now back on rollercoaster again. hope can lose wt after #2 more successfully too

atomic kitten

i heard usu with C-sec massage can only start abt 1mth after but u shld double check with your gynae to be sure & to be safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal 07, ling>> 1.2kg weight gain since last checkup! hehe...sorry la if my post was not clear. so far i've put on 7.1kg oredi, that's why me happy that i din gain too much - gynae gave me limit 12kg oni.

wah! both of u so gained so little...my appetite really good in 1st tri and no puking, just nauseous. i even had 2-3 roti prata for breakfast till hubby stopped me. hehe

normal weight gain now is 0.5kg/wk, so about 2kg per month - i dun qualify under this category

tek koh>> sigh...it'd be nice if my weight gain so far is really only 1.2kg. then dun have to spend money to buy maternity wear

Ann>> gonna be very jammed this weekend woh...papers reported the jam is expected to start this tomorrow. if i'm not mistaken, Sepang F1 is 2-4 Apr, so lagi jam

ica - wah u really have good appetite during yr 1st tri.

I didn't drink milk until recently as I was "forced" to drink Similac mum by hubby when I was given a free tin sample by TMC. So I thought my weight gain is attributed to milk as my doc had told me it's not necessary to drink milk.

ica: Every yr, Qing Ming sure jam one or else is park your car untill dunno where then walk very far back.

But this yr, for my in law side, my MIL told hubby i no need to go, so sunday i am going to my yoga lesson but on my own lo. Hubby can't drive me there. Then Monday, I will go pray to my dad. Hopefully, Monday not much pple ard.

I've put on 6kg since my pre-pregnancy weight but then I was pretty underweight then.

Now then reach the ideal weight for my height actually, hehee.

But gynae said I cannot put on too much cuz me small build.


breathless think cos our bodies not use to pumping the extra blood needed for circulation ard our bodies.

tek koh,

sa-ma sa-ma on the wtg roller-coaster. i manage to lost all my wtg gain for #1 during confinment, in fact gained 8kg, lost 11kg but after stop BF-ing, i piled back on the silly wtg of additional 5kg. super sianz. like u, i hope tat #2 i can lose the additional wtg for good man.


oic... :p nvr mind, u still have 5kg more allowance then...kekekekek... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m targetting for 8kg in total but at my current rate, i doubt i can make it, sure to overshoot de.


take care & rest if u can...

ica: Sorry ah.. i read wrongly.. u meant going to Malaysia jam is it? Actually sure will jam one. But just wanna go lo. Haha!!

Ann>> sorry too. i only read desaru and malacca. din read about the qing ming part. ya, sure jam and always very hot, without fail

crystal>> maybe can make it if you take minimal carbo, cut out sugar. coz the last check, i gained 0.5kg cos i really control my sugar intake. then after that, i had a mini celebration and indulged in a bit too much of pasta and pizza. kekeke..celebrated too early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today's thread like moving very slowly hoh?

Seems like a lazy afternoon. Feel like sleeping liao. Back keeping aching.

feels so sleepy too. Eyelids so heavy...closed my eyes for awhile & almost dozed off in my seat :p

looking forward to a long weekend.

John Little Expo sale starts tmrw...can go take a look to buy some BB/hsehold miscellaneous stuff.

Want to check out if the JL Expo Sale sells thermo flask, clothes rack dryer, etc.

Hey ladies.. wanna know if we can eat grass jelly drink?

Saw someone selling in the BP section and felt like buying.

No grass jelly! My mum allows me to eat anything i want but she always stress "no grass jelly, no del monte bananas, no gui ling gao, no green bean soup". So i think these 4 are the dangerous ones.

hey ann, i was also tempted to take grass jelly on several occasions but i think that's a no-no..it's very cooling & eating too much can actually induce menses to come (for non-pregnant folks)

Grass jelly can induce menses? I actually have no idea lei. Haha!!

Ok lo.. since mummies here say cannot then i endure. Must "ren".

I hope to go swimming today. Oh good news.. hubby no longer having fever since lunch.. hopefully it continues this way.

Oops, I just had grass jelly drink (chin chow) drink for lunch! Cannot drink? Thought only for 1st trimester...ah doi.

Sometimes I have sugar cane drink also...hehee

mrslong - If you have not been drinking very often, should be fine... Grass Jelly is super cooling stuff...

Eliss>> I only drink once in awhile...think since my 2nd trim, only 2nd or 3rd time.

I only know pineapple & pineapple drink is a NO NO only :p


wah grass jelly also got spree one? Actually i dun care, i still eat water melon (especially chilled ones)and also grass jelly. Ann you have the link to the spree?

