(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

jaclyn, welcome. when i started doing yoga about 8-9 years ago,my tailbone would hurt when i sit too long. but only for a few months. no pain now. not sure if other mummies have experienced pain in their tailbone.

ann, that rainbow agent is outright rude! hope you didn't give him any business.


babycoco, thanks~

when I asked my gynae about it, she says it will get worse after labour ... oh nooo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cheese -- 17th july [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ann -- dun worry la... i was very ugly when i had my boy.. no matter how i make up, i also ugly.. so i gave up dressing up and making up when i was carrying him... once i delivered... my features went back to normal.. haha

babycoco: Ya lo.. nope.. didn't buy anything from him at all.. not becos he was rude.. but the equipment really expensive but at least i get a sofa cleaning free from him. My sofa was so dirty. Haha!!

Coconut: Can we drink coconut now? Felt like drinking especially with the hot weather.

Jo-Lyn>> Got it at Mother Works Baby at Great World. It was the display set so they gave us a 30% discount, paid $699. Some parts were faulty so they replaced it with new parts. In the end, they replace almost all the parts except the 2 front wheels and the seat cushion. Almost good as new! We were really surprised with their fantastic service!


Visit jamumassage.com for your postnatal massage that you could really relax and enjoy your massage session after a long and tired delivery. The therapist frm their company that serve me are really experience and I enjoy my sessions very much. They really specialised with Jamu Postnatal service for many yrs.


Ok I read the mail liao.. Let me check the pool tomorrow than i will reply them.. I might as well took a photos n let them see.. LOL... =P

So now we have confirm of 6ppl right..

U n ur friend, Me n my friend, Jasmine Leong N MrsLong right???

So StAr_xIn & keer13 joining ma??

As for the timing, they will need to confirm with us again..

Can both of u let me have ur email ma?? Than i can include both of u in the email loop.. Better ma... =)

Pris: Thats a very gd catch!! So cheap! Hope i can find such a gd lobang too! Hahha..

mrslong: I guess i am not joining the pilates classes due to the timing. U gals go ahead and enjoy!!

ann -- coconut is from 7th mths onwards.. now is BUUU time.. lol

confirm got hope to recover.. if u do ur confinement well, u will have glowing skin even..

i sprain myself while i was coughing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] it was bad enuff.. then today, i cough again. and i sprain myself near the 1st spot!! omg... now i cannot cough cause its very pain..

cannot tui na, cause no one will dare to tui for me... boo hooooo

Serene: Oh ok.. then I bear for another 2 more months for coconut drink.

Now I also never take much tonic except birdnest. My MIL was also asking me if I brewed any tonic to drink on my own.. i told her no.. only birdnest. Then hubby say he is sure his mum is going to brew some tonic for me since she asked. Not really looking forward to it cos I hate chinese herbs. Not nice.

You must be coughing very hard. Must try to control. My hubby also the same.. he got very bad back.. so when he cough or sneeze, he hurts like hell. So he always try to control them.

morning MTBs,

Ann>> now cannot anyhow drink coconut drink, can only drink when you're 1 mth into your EDD, cuz "old pple" say drinking coconut milk can help to have a smooth labour.

Jo_Lyn>> okies, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline>> Yes, me still on for aquafitness on Fri evenings. Tks for making the nec. arrangement.

ecym: You can bring her pee tray. I even brought their shampoo to bathe them in the bathtub too. My hubby sit in the bathtub to bath them. Looks like they are bathing together like that. Haha!!

mrslong: Oh ok.. noted. Which means I have to bear for 3 more months.


mine is cfmed girl oso..

mrs long :

i m on for the prenatal pilates at sengkang 930..

jasline: aqua fitness keen but depends on the timing..

oops i do drink a coconut once in awhile... more so to relieve thirst! its quite shioks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sTarXin>> Tks! I've emailed inspiremum to enquire if we can proceed liao. Waiting for their reply.

I PMed you yest for your email address, can provide me with it as it'd be easier for us to communicate via email shld there be any changes.


looks like the NE pilates group is formed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline: what time is the bartley aquafitness on friday evenings?

i may wanna join... but i scat cuz i dunno how to swim. lol~~

Hi Jaslyn, Yes, I'm keen. Please email me to [email protected]. Btw, I will be on holiday on Fri till next Thurs. So, if you cannot contact me, please go ahead with the class. I will join u gals when I'm back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ann, oh, talk about tonic food. I have been eating outside food since I'm preggy and have never really "pu" myself. What should we cook and eat? Then, for bird nest, I only ate once since preggy. Ann, how frequent do you eat ya?

Hi other mommies out there, how do you all "pu" yourself?

keer13: I eat them twice a week after the 1st trimester cause my skin condition is bad. My neighbour advise me to stop taking tonic when I am in my 3rd trimester or else baby might get too big.

keer>> i got my MIL to help me boil the soup of cordyceps (dong cong cao) + ginseng (pao sheng) with lean pork meat.

I drink once a week and it's a small bowl.

That one to to "bu qi" (energy / strength).


My current washing machine is leaking water.. and been with us for 2yrs plus. I think repair also expensive.

Thinking of getting a new washing machine. Any recommendation to make? I prefer a front loading machine instead of a top loading one.

mrslong, i love cordyceps. how does your mil cook? just dump everything together & boil? cordyceps is so expensive now.

babycoco>> eh, i'm not too sure how my MIL cook it. but whenever i drink it, she already took out the meat, so left a few slices of the cordyceps and ginseng in the soup for the taste to stay.

Ya cordyceps very ex...we bought it from Eu Yan Sang, bought like the 10g one I think & it costs abt $300.


Already forward an copy of the email to u..

DQ (dqueeen),

i also dunno how to swim.. Dun worry.. Swimmer n Non-swimmer can join the aqua fittness de... =)

The tentively time & date is 7.15pm on 19 Mar 2010.

mrslong>> Your MIL so good. My MIL never do anything for me. Think I will have to do it myself. Got any cheaper herbs that can also bu?

bbbliss>> my MIL treats me pretty good I must admit & she treats her HB & her son (aka my HB) very well too....that's why I scare my BB boy will be spoilt by her.

my confinement auntie says can also drink red bean soup (not green bean soup) as it's also good for pregnant mums.

Good morning mummies. It is going to be a busy week at work. I will still find time to read the threads - something that I look forward to.. everyday.


I take cordyceps every morning since I was 3 mths preg.

My MIL bought cordyceps, blended into powder and every morning she will mix 1 small tsp to warm water for me to drink.

Initially I used to vomit out after drinking! But now used to it already.

At nite I will have 1 tsp of concentrated bird’s nest. I mix in warm water before taking (advised by the sales asst).

mrslong>> You are so blessed to have a nice MIL. Not everyone is lucky. Treasure her!!

Will go make more red bean soup to drink. Can't afford expensive herbs now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrslong :yr MIL so good! My MIL also never ask me anything.

Btw hor..whenu eat birdnest.. do u drink the instant bottled ones or freshly brewed one huh? I also nobody make "bu" for me.. so can only buy instant chicken essence or birdnest lor.. okie or not?

AtomicKitten>> I same as you. I even eat out everyday. No home cook food to eat. I drink at least 1 chicken essense every week and eat concentrated birds nest every nite before sleep. Luckily, my boss bought me 1 box of raw birds nest. I double boil it once a fortnight.

AtomicKitten>> for the birdnest, I drink everyday one tablespoon type. Those that comes in a concentrated bottle (I bought from Eu Yang Sang aat bt $70 p/btl).

Actually for chicken essence, it's more for post-pregnancy...cuz if now drink, it's too "heaty".

mrslong : Oic.. lucky u tell me coz i bought the chicken essence with cordycep and ginseng..

then think i juz hv to stick to my bottled birdnest .. no one make bu for me and i dunno how to make..hee


I am in my 20 week.. just went to did my detail scan... confirm a boy... i was waiting for 2 hrs for my turn then i was yawning and using my hand to cover my mouth....

After finish the scan the sonographer say bb going to move... then she scan longer for us to see.. then my hubby and I were like watching movie waiting for the exciting part....

know wat my bb did he raise his hand and cover his mouth... like wat i did during waitin for my turn....

anyway I confirm Thomson medical centre and bb name is call ivan

let's gossip a little - the biggest headlines now is our famous local director admits adultery.

some ppl said this thing is a publicity stunt for his upcoming movie - what do you thing?

I pity his children, one already in teenage ages. imagine the embarassment she is facing in school a n such. At least Tiger Woods' chidren are so young.

I was listening to the Class 95 this morning, Flying Dutchman and Glenn are making fun of Jack Neo...so bad... its national radio leh...sigh...

Men arh men...

AtomicKitten>> if u want to drink chicken essence, think still can drink lah..but dun drink like every other day...maybe once a week of something, cuz else too heaty or "bu".

Talking about tonics now! hehehe.. Just like Mrslong, my MIL will boil a bowl of pao sheng with lean meat every week. Bird nest will be once every week too. On top of that, I will also take chicken essence 1-2 times per week.

bbbliss : yr boss is so sweet leh! the raw birdnest also very ex hor.. i bought 2 liang for abt $400 but i dunno how to cook.. so ex.. i dun even dare to try leh.

you think CL can help cook bu and birdnest? if yes..then i wait until confinement period then bu but if now bu better coz BB also can benefit

ecym>> ya i read the news on Sun and told my HB...he said Jack Neo's wife reaction so "cool" and he asked me what I wld do, if it happens to me.

I said I'll "hood" (whack) him (my HB) and says u dare to try. Then he asked me why not "hood" or scold the other woman, I told him it's the man's fault and since you're the hubby, u have to get "hood".

Then my HB said if I was the one hvg an affair, can he "hood" me. I said NO, you go "hood" the other guy! And he said so unfair, hahah.

btw ladies.. if during my detailed scan.. the EDD shown on the screen changed.. so which EDD should i follow huh? the prev one or the one indicated during detailed scan?


AtomicKitten>> think most CL will cook "bu" for post-pregnancy like ginger, vinegar stuff, etc...

maybe u can ask your CL.

now drink "bu" stuff is for BB & mum...after give birth, "bu" is more for mummy.

