(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi all, sorry to interrupt. have a agnes b bag and burberry blue label bag for sale. Brand new from japan. selling at low price. please PM me if you are interested. tks!


Hey mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heard bb's heartbeat today, very relieved! Next appointment's after christmas, can't wait! EDD's slated to be July 10th.

Morning all mummies.

Do you all feel thirsty or lips dry up easily? I do feel this way and like no amount of water can hydrate me like that.

Sometime I can feel my face going dry too.

Just wondering am i the only one feeling this way?

Hi all,

Just tested myeself positive yesterday. Was suprise but at the same time happy too! This bb wasnt really a planned bb as I just got married in Sept and me and hubby is letting nature take its course. But we didnt expect it to be this quick! Me should be in week 5 now..reading past post, its better to go to gynae after week 6? Any recommendation of who to look for?

Nok nok! Suprise and happy to see u here too!!!!!

Ann, I can feel that my face is quite dry too. Nv had this problem in the past before..so maybe its one of the syptoms? But i dun really feel thirsty or dry lips.

Think for now we cant really take much medicine right? I was having flu since last week, thus yesterday morning (before i tested myself positive), i went to my Co's doc and gotten some med. After i tested myself positive in the afternoon, i went to a clinic near my place to see if the med i was given in the morning was ok for intaken. Apparently, my doc told me not to take any and he just gave me a bottle of cough syrup and the normal flu tablet (those yellow colour ones). Then he told me these are more mild and would take a longer time to get well...sian..

Btw, any mommies face MS already? Any idea normally when it will start to surface?

Does anyone has any idea why progestrone and estrogen level dropped? i''m given progestrone jab on alternate days and vaginal insert to be done twice a day.

I just did my blood test ytd and doc informed me that both levels had dropped.Becoz my body is not producing enough hormones to support the embryo.

But I can still see the heartbeat .

Now this really worry me.

Congrats Suntan.. surprised to see you here too.. haha.. but for me, it's kind of planned.. hee..

Ann, I feel thirsty constantly and dry lips too.. put lip balm also no use..but opposite for my face... constantly oily.. sigh..

I'm going to see Dr Fong this sat.. hopfully can see heart beat... Their appointments are full already.. can only walk in.. Ann, ever do walk in before?? Nurse warned me that I need to wait at least 3 hrs.. sigh... but I wanna go for the first appointment with hubby who can only make it on Sat.

Halo all mummies to be

i just tested preggy few days back, went to gyne and was 5 weeks plus. basically just see a sac from the v-scan, suppose to go back at week 7.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heartbeat is from week what huh?

anyway i am seeing Dr yvonne chan at TMC, any fellow MTB at TMC??

so far so good, no MS yet... just keep blurping, going toilet.

Hi Sun_tan.

Me also down with flu. I had the same medicaion as you but i decided to stop taking after one day cause I still find pills not good for BB as they are developing their vital organs now.

I have read that even without pills, our body will produce antiobodies to fight these germs/bacteria and some antibodies will be passed down to BB which is good too.

But it does take a longer time to recover. Like me, I am still having runny nose but other symptons gone.

I will feel nauseous now and then. sometime the whole day. But gynae say it is good to be nauseous.

For me, better to see the gynae immediately after you know you are preggy. Don't wait cause they have to make sure you are producing enough hormone and baby is growing too.

Hi Megane.

I also have my progesterone dropped even though I take pills everyday and had injection twice a week.

But I think as long as it didn't drop to a dangerous level, there should not be any concern. Don't worry, just like my gynae say... just be happy and leave the worrying part to him.

Hey katherine.

You are the same as me. I also 5 week plus and saw the sac from v-scan. I think should be able to see heartbeat from 6 to 7 weeks onwards.

I think our due date might be close to each other. Hehe!!

Hi Noknok.

I did walk in once. Not very long like 3 hrs.. for me about 1 hour plus.. quite normal. But normally I go eat lunch then go back.

Just go early to wait lo. Sometime very fast one.


I also feel like stopping the med, cos i feel drowsy after the med, but if dun take, it will take very long to get well, and its peak period for my job now. Cannot afford to go on MC. But on the other hand, also dun wan the med to harm the bb...delimna..

Ann: Yup my lips are very chapped and dry now too! Better standby chapstick and slather it all over your lips. I do that before I sleep and I still wake up with dry lips! Also always thirsty all the time, even in the middle of the night. I put a bottle of water by my bedside to drink just in case. Lazy to walk to the kitchen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun_tan: congrats and welcome to the club! hehe. some mommies dont get MS at all, like me! sometimes i feel nauseated, but so far no vomitting, like my first pregnancy.

katherine sim: congrats! heartbeat shd be able to be heard after 7wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sun / Ann,

am also on medi since last wed - flu, cough, fever, u name it i ve it. been doc 3 times liao but still the same. but i bo pian, still keep taking the medi but taking a darn long time to get better. cant afford to take mc now, cos something major going on in my co. now. sianz....


good for u! my #1 preggy also no MS de, very smooth sailing. with tis #2, i ve very bad MS till almost hugging toilet bowl day in day out type. think tis little tiger cub going to give me hell liao....


Can understand exactly how you feel. I feel very sick now, but still need to go to work. Cant concentrate at work. Still have that floating feeling since i tested myself positive yesterday..hee..

Hi Ann,

Ya, now must think positive..but i still cant help but worrying..feel paranoid...anyway will try to relax myself.

i think it dropped quite badly..from 123 to 75.5..quite a big drop

Hi Ladies,

I'm new here and currently 7+ weeks, ongoing to 8 weeks pregnant. Just had ultrasound yesterday and baby is 14.44mm in size. Just to find out, how many of you have experienced spotting and when did that happen. This is because I do have brown spotting on some mornings. I do get worried but I'm not sure if this is considered serious enough to see my gynae every time I spot.

Please share your experience.

hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt..i am currently doing a preorder for Katespade Lenox Hill Diaper bag (red/black) @ $295 for self-collection and Katespade Classic Noel Henry Diaper bag (blue) @ $385. Do pm me if you are interested by tdy. Thanks.

Hi Mommies, can see more n more mommies joining in. So exciting!

Hi Springleaf, i think you shld go consult and check with ur gynae if everything is alright since u keep having spotting. I guess your gynae will ask you to have injections and take pills. For me even after injection and pills, I am still having spotting everyday. After my scan, gynae say my BB is doing well so it may be due to the cervix tissue. As long it does not affect the BB then its ok. For your case, you better consult your gynae first. And also try not to walk too much, rest more!

Girls, would like to check how often you go back to scan ur BB? Every month or every 2 weeks?

Hi mtb, long time nvr come in. Hope everyone is coping well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your gynae also Dr Ang? Ya, my colleague told me usually she's the first in the queue so she can "chop chop" see him then leave. She's staying near there la, but I'm not. Am staying in SK.

Hi Elise31,

Dr Beh is not bad and caring as well. I change to Dr Ang due to recommendation by my colleague.

hi all

tested positive too and went to gynae and managed to hear baby's heartbeat. My EDD is 11th Jul 2010, so I should be about 7 weeks already?

Feeling nauseous all the time and very very very tired. anyone feels like that? I dunno how I can drag my feet to work everyday!

And yes, I feel thirsty all the time.

Good Luck everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi minibean, dun worry. Its just MS. I am much worse than you. No appetite, vomit all the way. I dont even got the energy to walk and have to rest at home everyday. Stay positive!!

minibean, congrats..

Jo_lyn, sama sama. Am too experiencing bad ms and feeling weak after vomitting. worst now got tender deadline to meet cannot mc have to work cannot clear leave.. jialat..


anyone knows why old folks doesn't like tiger babies? my MIL dun seems to be happy about tiger baby. makes me a little upset. She made a remark yesterday and after 1 day, the words are still spinning in my head.

haloo to all mummies to be...

im new to this thread.. just tested positive last thurs.. it's really unbelievable.. as i have been waiting for this moment nearly 3 yrs!!! my EDD should be 24 July 2010..

went to see my gynae last fri.. still can't see anything from the v-scan..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she asked me go back at week 7 then can hear bb's heartbeat.. abit worried now.. as gynae asked me not to make annoucement till she confirm bb's heart beat first... annouce early might lead to more disappointment.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh.. have u gals share with anyone abt your pregnancy already? i already told my mum and sis.. thot of telling my in law after gynae visit.. but now got to hold on till week 7 then see how..

Hi Celine, don't be upset by their words.. I suppose they still cannot open up their mindset. Don't worry, they will change their thinking as time goes by. Be happy and enjoy the stages of pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bb_Gen, morning sickness is so bad, maybe affects my mood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too, blur me blur blur went for check up yesterday (suppose to be today), got to hear the heartbeat too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Only measuring 0.8cm now.

Edd is 13 July


Congras! Me been reading post from other threads in the forum and saw some frightening post..like got sac but no yolk, or no HB, or sac can disappear..really scary...hopefully mine would be all right. Which gynae did you go to? I am still searching for one.

hello all july mtbs

i'm currently at week 6 technically, but coz i knew when i ovulated (tracked my basal temperature), i'm actually only 5.5 weeks.

anyway i had an u/s done at week 5, saw a sac, and i started to have on-off brown discharge so walked in at week 6 for another u/s. the sac has grown bigger and there is a yolk sac, will be going back at week 7, but i'm preparing myself that there may not be a fetal pole or heartbeat yet as my devt is less than 7 weeks.

anyway the brown discharge is worrying me. it's not soaking thru my pantiliner, but mostly i see it on the toilet paper when i wipe, never more than twice a day. but last night when i was in the shower, i experienced a huge glob of brown discharge coming out, then nothing already.

will be holding my breath till i see Dr next monday again... i'm on a week's rest from work currently.

I think quite a few pp has got brown stain or bleeding during 1st Trimester. Please take good care and dun exert yourself. Do let you Gynae know about it.

Noknok, haa high 5. Cos my sis was previously from TMC and from her feedback, think i wont wanna go to TMC. So am aiming at MAH.

good morning mummies!!

I just went to see gynae ytd and my baby is measured at 0.61cm at 6weeks+. Wonder if the baby is at the right size or small??

Thanks Megane - i can set my mind at ease then.. hehe

My MS is getting stronger and is affecting my mood.. arghh... hopefully our 1st tri can pass quickly!

astro gal and megane, are you all referring to the size of the sac?

is baby possible to be seen at 6 weeks?

pet su, thanks, trying to lie in bed most of the time, but sometimes no choice have to stand up, sit up or walk abt. told my Dr abt it, but he didn't have any explanation for it. just increased my hormone tablet and gave me 1 week rest.

Hi Kat - congrats and have more rest! im referring to the size of the baby. heartbeat should be able to detect from 6 weeks onwards.

Hi Kat,

Should be able to see I think. I went for my scan at 5 weeks 6 days and could see the yoke and sac and could also hear the heartbeat = )

Hey gals,

Those of you who are using the Iphone, there is app called 'What to Expect'.

Its really fun, you enter the date of your last period and it tells you your estimated due date, Countdown to THE day, Gestational age and the current size of baby...and it updates daily = )

I'm 8 weeks and 5days now and it says baby is roughly 2.54cm long and is the size of a green olive..haha

pris, 8 weeks! wow when is your EDD?

i cannot wait to go on to 2nd trimester. the MS is driving me insane. I can order food then when food arrives, I dun feel like eating anymore. Is this normal?

and i get heartburn from noon onwards. Dunno how to survive till 13th week.

When do you all start to have MS??

Am suppose to be at 5w3d now but I dun feel any MS... is it normal?? Am worry that something is wrong. Going for my Gynae visit on sat.

Hello ladies... i am joining the club.

I tested +ve during late Oct. And have gone for 2nd scan on tue.. Now currently 8 weeks plus.. Everything was fine on the tue scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Noknok, think not everyone will experience MS. Like in my family history, for my mom and all my anuties, even my granny doesnt experience MS...hopefully i am as lucky as them! So far so good, nothing as yet..keeping finger cross..

Rabbit, minibean, pris which gynae u went to? I am still sourcing for gynae...

Rabbit, congras [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am anxious for my 1st visit..which i have yet to set apptm..lol..

