(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hee.. I'm going to see Dr Fong Yang this sat too..

Suntan.. he got two clinics, one in paragon and the other one in Tiong Bahru. He can deliver in Mt A too.

hi Kat,

tink u shld c a doc asap..i experienced brown discharge 2 weeks back n de doc says nt good..n gave me a jab to 'an-tai'..so dun take de risk..no carrying of heavy stuff n dun walk 2 much..

Hi sun_tan,

do you want to consider my gynae, Dr John Yam of Acufem? I found him very gentle, caring and has very good bedside manners. He provides consultation at the Acumed clinic at Boon Lay MRT station. I found it very convenient because I can just make my appointments after work and on weekends so that there's no need to apply leave. Waiting time is short too.

Ladies, please dont treat spotting as normal ok.

Any ladies getting CL to do confinement? 1st time mum here.. very blur abt confinement thingy.

HI Springleaf,

Boon Lay a bit far for me cos i am staying at Hillview. But just to check, how much is his package? Saw one at Jurong East, Dr Tho, but his package quite expensive.

Hi sun_tan,

I haven't taken up his package as it's available only from 16 weeks onwards. But I had a glance at his price list and it seems afordable. I'll go back, look at the list and then pm you.

hi nok nok and sun tan

am currently 7 weeks and same as u both.. no MS.. doesnt seem to run in my family.. my mom n aunties didnt hv it.. my elder sister also didnt..so guess it does run in the family? hmm...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh. Rabbit.. we have the same gynae. Me also seeing Dr Fong Yang. Currently 6 weeks plus. Going for my 2nd scan next Tuesday.

I have asked around for pricing for CL.. market rate about $1.9k for 4 weeks (28 days). Quite ex. My mum is asking me not to take CL.. maybe she take 2 weeks off to take care of me and my MIL can take 2 weeks off to take care of me... then confinement over liao. Nice idea but not very feasible like that. Haha!!

Hey ladies.

I agree that spotting is not normal unless the gynae declare that it is ok for you and is not affecting the baby.

Dear mummies-to-be, I just went for my checkup few days back and I am abt 8 weeks now.

Previously, I also experienced light brown spotting during my 5-6th week. I think it is pretty common…

Doc said it is old blood and I took Duphaston for about 2 weeks.

I also had painful cramps on-off, especially at night.

But after the medication, my bleeding and cramps stopped and I saw my bb’s heartbeat during my scan.

May I know Dr Yam delivers at which hospital and how's his package like?

Hi Sweetkiss,

Just like you, I experienced spotting when I was 6 weeks plus. It was really scary at first because I saw a big drop of fresh blood halfway through work. I rushed down to Dr Yam's clinic andhe saw me immediately, gave me a jab and oral Utrogestan. The bleeding then turned into brown spotting which lasted for another 5 days. I'm currently in my 8th week and the spotting has stopped.

Dr Yam delivers in all private hospitals. As for his package, I'll go back, take a look at his price list then pm you ok?

Ann, ya i know abt CL market price.. i more concern abt nite feeding.. we are suppose to rest well during the 1st mth.. if i am not wrong.

Can I ask what exactly does the CL do?? I'm not comfortable having a stranger in the house w me all alone w the baby.

To mums who have kids before, do you feel very tired right after you give birth?? How long do you need to recover??

noknok, from what i know they does the following:

- cook for mummy and family if needed.

- take care of mummy and baby.

- wash mummy and baby's clothes.

- does light household chores.

- does grocery shopping if needed.

does CL do the nightfeed as well? otherwise it will be v tiring on the mommy as she has just given birth and probably needs to breastfeed the baby every 2-3 hours.

noknok: yes i feel v tired after giving birth, especially since i was sleep deprived due to baby's sleeping patterns. hee

CL do do night feed.. that's why i think mummies actually express their breast milk and keep it. Then we no need wake up at night to feed.

CL could just heat up the breast milk and do bottle feed.

Noknok, after delivering no.1 my tiredness mostly came from nightfeeds and breastfeeding. Pressure from wanting to perfect the technique of breastfeeding + postpartum blues = cranky tiresome new mom!

It's best to accept any kind of help that comes your way once you give birth. Stand firm of your own believes (coz you'll get a LOT of advices from the elders), just smile and swallow them down with a pinch of salt.

hi.. had a crampy feeling last nite and it disapeared after a while. Just saw some spotting when i went to the toilet. should i see a doc? tomororw being PH.. don't think his clinic is open [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wat to do mommies? monitor til saturday?

Noknok, its better to have a CL. For my 2nd child, I have c-sec. So its quite painful for me to get up from bed. Most of the time I just lie on bed. And CL helps me with all the things. Its good to have one. If I dun have one, I will probably go crazy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cin Cin, your gynae should have an emergency number which you can call. Normally they will ask you to wait at clinic and they will go there to give you injection and medication.


Wow, didn't know the market rate is so high now...

Hmm, I'm lucky that I had my MIL to help out on weekdays during my first confinement. Weekends I did everything myself except cooking... Hubby helped out with housechores and night feeds (passed baby to me)

For this second one, I'm also thinking if I should get a CL coz my MIL will be busy looking after my no. 1 and me.

Still pondering.

Hey ladies.

Not sure if anyone here experience this. When I poop, I will spot. But after that, nothing liao. Not sure normal or not.

My gynae out of town.. went for holiday and only return on saturday.

By the way, I am already on progesterone pills and injection.

Hi Ann, i also will like this. So far you got consult your gynae? Because for my case, i already on weekly injection and the pills. After my scan, doc say everything is fine. So he says is ok. Some woman will experience spotting thru the first tri, some experience it thru the whole pregnancy. As long your doc scan and assure you is ok, that will be fine. Try not to walk too much and rest more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jo_Lyn.

My gynae is overseas.. will give him a call on Saturday when he is back. I will be seeing him on next Tuesday for another scan.

Actually it all started after taking my MIL's herbal soup on last saturday. I was spotting on Sunday and did consult my gynae who ask me to rest in bed. Then Monday no more spotting le. But that is when this pooping problem started. I spot whenever I poop.

I really hope everything will be fine.

By the way, how do you ladies actually cope with the tiredness you are experiencing?

Especially during lunchtime, I will start to get so tired.. till I wanna fall on the floor and sleep. Example today I went for my progesterone injection.. upon arriving at the clinic, I was like so light headed and sleepy. When I was lying on the bed for injection, I nearly fell asleep.

Everytime I reach home, even before bathing, i would climb into bed to nap for 2 hours before waking up to bath. That is how tired I am.

So I wonder if there's any way to cope with such tiredness especially when now cannot take coffee.

Hi Ann, you must remember no matter what, dont take chinese herb at the moment.

For me i not very tired so cant commment much. Try to slp earlier and rest more. Take care!


My EDD should be around 5th July +/- two weeks. I'm consulting Dr Selina Chua at MEH.

Its funny, I didn't experience any nausea until two weeks ago. Now I tend to throw up a bit of what I eat after every meal...and I get carsick too!

Already booked a CL at $1900, asked around and that seems to be the current rate. CL is a must for me coz its just husband and me and he travels quite a bit.

Haha...my dog wants to go poo pee now, keeps pawing at me for attention = )

morning ladies..

i having this idea.. not sure if is fesiable or not.

i thinking to get Part time cleaner and maybe get them to come twice a week to clean up the house during confinement period. then get MIL and my parents to help out on taking care of baby. probably can save more??

CL for $1.9 really pretty costly. Plus need to consider gorcery expenses (around $500 to $800) during confinement period.

Jo Lyn,

We cant take chinese herbs now? Cos i normally would have headache, so thinking that if i cant take westner med, maybe can try chinese herbs (which should be more mild) to curb the suitation...

Hello.. anyone has this prob? I am only 2 mths but my tummy is so bloated. It looks so big as if i am 3-4 months! I have problems buying clothes! Every dress seems so fitting now.. Sometimes when i take the train, ppl seem to be wondering whether am i pregnant or am i just fat. haha.

Ann, I feel exactly like you. I can sleep 4 hours in the afternoon and yet wake up so tired, as if i have not slept at all.

No choice, just rest as much as possible and pray the first trimester finishes as soon as possible.

re CL, is it too early to book? My gf told me some of her colleagues said dun book too early esp during 1st tri as sometimes not stable. dunno lei but its so ex these days. Lucky our babies are July babies otherwise during CNY its even more ex!

sweetkiss: i feel the same way too! altho i'm not eating alot, but i feel so bloated and fat, and i have yet to put on weight.

Hi sun_tan, i was advise by my gynae not to take chinese herbs. He mentioned that for the first 3 mth, dont let any of these stuff affect the baby as its the most critical moment for the baby to grow. I believe some of the chinese herbs shld be able to take. But what are the yes and what are the no i am not sure. So is better to play safe not to take any. Maybe u get some headache pills from ur gynae to keep. So in case u have headache, just take it.

Re CL, i wont be getting one. I heard negative stories of it and i also dont feel comfortable with a stranger in my hse. Rabbit, I am using part time cleaner now too as i cant do hsework. As long u find someone able to keep ur hse clean and ur mum or mil able to help you, hopefully it does help u to save alot more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sun_tan, my gynae also told me no chinese herb now, till end of 1st trim. those herbs might mess up hormones which is not good for baby, especially 1st trim we using hormones to support babies growth.

sweetkiss, same here.. very bloat! my gynae told me to drink coke. helps to burp and feels better. i also ate much lesser but yet gets hungry pretty fast. now eating small meals, biscuits is my best friend now. And i lost abit of weight.

Jo_lyn, i also scare of negative stories. haiz.. i still doing housework now.. i feels better to do some work haha.. actually that makes be feels better, although i dont like housework. but sitting around makes me feels more restless and tired.

For stretch mark cream.. i going to use it now..

Rabbit, true. I was so restless till i cant walk for the past 2 weeks. Now is slightly better and I can at least go out for dinner. Still nauseas all the time. Hate it. I lost 2kg till now. Hope to gain back soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] What brand of stretch mark cream u using?

Hi Sun_tan,

I tried to pm you but you don't accept pm.

Dr Yam's antenatal package is $530 and $700 for normal vaginal delivery.

after the cramp and spotting scare yesterday evening, i went to 24h women's clinic at a hospital. doc did a ultrascan.. said couldnt see anything so he also did a vaginal scan... he proceed to say that i have a miscarriage cos cant detech heartbeat and fetus is small. i told him that my dating scan on 9 nov showed that the fetus was flickering with hearbeat though can't hear.. he said fetus probably stopped growing for awhile after the pregnancy was detected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got admitted and had a DnC done at 11pm last nite.. now at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sniff sniff..

Cin Cin: Sorry to hear about your loss, hope you will be able to get some rest over the next few days. Take care of yourself.

Everyone: Will have to ask Ecym to take me off the list - I had an anembryonic pregnancy and there was no baby after all. Opted to have a medicine-induced bleed and it was painless and not traumatic. All the best to everyone, wishing you happy and healthy pregnancies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Picotin. Sorry to hear about your loss too. yes, we both must take care ya. Ecym do take me off the list too please. Safe, healthy and happy pregnancy to all mommies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Picotin and Cin Cin, sorry to hear that. You girls take good care of yourself ya.

Springleaf, thanks for the infor, think me and hubby will pop by his clinic tmr morning and get a thorough check. Hopefully everything is all right...hmm, will check on my PM.

Actually is it too early to use anti-stretch mark cream? Are we allowed to apply any cream ard the stomach area at this stage? Wont it affect the growth since the first trim is the most critical part?

Thanks Jo Lyn and Rabbit for the infor. Will check with Dr Yam tmr...if i get to see him that is. Not sure if he takes walk-in.

minibean: me too! I tot i put on weight cos even my mum said i look fatter now.. but during my checkup my weight is still the same..

Rabbit: Does drinking coke helps? I am not a fan of soft drinks but i will try if it helps.. My fren told me not to take cold drinks throughout pregnancy but i cannot control, everyday must drink something cold.

Jo_Lyn: I'm interested in getting stretch mark cream too... Read about someone using Avent stretch mark cream but i cant find it at KKH pharmacy.

Picotin and Cin Cin: Please take care of yourselves..

Sweetkiss, should say gassy drinks.. my gynae recommand coke.. i been drinking cold drinks almost everyday.. i told my gynae that i dont fancy drinking water anymore, it makes my taste bud even more blend.. he said is ok.. can take more other drinks like juices..


picotin and cin cin, i'm so sorry to hear abt this... pls rest well.

now i'm worried abt my own brown discharge...

