(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

pei, sure

Eviangal: Added my order below..

Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Refer to cloth book link for clearer pictures of the books.

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 titles for $14 for Group Set (11 titles to choose from) and 5 titles for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Expression - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. CHristmas PACK- Ow_mummy
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea)
5. Expression, nature, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Christmas Gift Pack (powerball)
7.Christmas Pack - bonbon
8. Christmas Pack - sunshinebaby
9. cHRISTMAS Pack - lovj
10. Christmas Pack - Eunice
11. Expression, nature, children's song, nursery rhyme - Rose
12. Christmas pack -Rose
13. Christmas Pack, Gift of 4: Visual training, Expression, Sports, Nature - Pravina

Big Cloth Books and Blocks. $10 per title or set of blocks

For every 5 titles (blocks or big cloth books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Cloth Books (Left Brain Development,Right Brain Development,Do It Myself,I Love the Kindergarten), Big Bag Books (Four seasons,Animal's home, The diary of baby bear) - Tan (free bath book)
7. Big Bag Cloth Book - Three Little Pigs, Left Brain Development, Right Brain Development - Powerball
8. FB03 Left Brain Development, FB04 Right Brain Development, FB08 Do It Myself - bonbon
9.(1.Do it myself, 2.I love Kindergarten, 3. Left brain development, 4. Right brain development, 5. Four seasons, 6. Animal's home, 7. The diary of baby bear) - (Baby_Mummy)
10. FB03 Left Brain Development, FB04 Right Brain Development - Eunice
10. FB03 Left Brain Development, FB04 Right Brain Development - KP
11.Big cloth books:1.Do it myself, 2.I love Kindergarten, 3. Left brain development, 4. Right brain development,5. The diary of baby bear. 6. Free Bath Book
12.FB03 Left Brain Development, FB04 Right Brain Development, FB08 Do It Myself - lovj
13. FB03 Left Brain Development, FB04 Right Brain Development - Kittybride
14. Left Brain development, Right brain development, Visual training, Number Blocks, Color blocks - Pravina
15. Cognitive Abilities, Left Brain Development, Right Brain Development - Jean
Tingting: Noted on your cancellation

Pravina: Since Ting Ting cancel her order, you can secure the Nature title. Can you advise me another title to replace expression?

Mummies who have not make payment. No hurry. Cos the MOQ for this BP is quite high. In the event we cant meet the order, this BP have to be cancelled. You can meanwhile hold payment till Mon.

Jean: Got your PM

LovJ: If can, try to transfer, easier for me to trace.

Will wait for Pravina to come back and update table again.

<font size="+1">Mummies meeting for lunch tomorrow. Cya!</font>
Tomorrow lunch onz
see u, k! Text me if any changes, tomorrow morning may not able to login

See ya!

Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
6. KP
7. Andrea
8. Baby_Mummy
Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
6. KP
7. Andrea
8. Baby_Mummy
9. Ow_mummy (KIV)
Next week u free till when huh?

Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
6. KP
7. Andrea
8. Baby_Mummy
9. Ow_mummy (KIV)
re: Bellamy's product
I agreed that the price very cheap in AU, those fly to AU buy back can save a lot
I tot of online purchase directly from them, vpost no service in AU, after calculate the shipment cost, almost the same or maybe more!
T&amp;C - Minimum order : $200 and above. Here's the link - http://www.kemena.com.sg/order.html

Anymore? Another $96.40 to hit $200!

Baby Rice, 150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. lovj, 2 boxes
3. Baby_mummy 1 box
4. eviangal 1 box

Baby Porridge,150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. eviangal - 1 box

Baby Macaroni, 200g, $7.20 ea
1. Leereiner, 1box
2. lovj - 1 box
3. Ow_mummy - 1box

Pasta Stars ,200g, $7.00 ea
1. Leereiner, 1 box
2.lovj - 1 box
3. ow_mummy - 1 box
4. eviangal - 1 box
Allo Mummies,
Planning for Xmas party in Dec.
Available dates are
5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
any other dates suggestions, most welcome.
Venues - Please suggest!!

Thanks for coming out with something different! Let's make this event happen!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Christmas Party</font></font>
Date: 5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
Venue: ??

1. Pravina
2. Eviangal
3. Oshgosh baby (provided she's in Singapore)
4. Catherine
5. Audrey
6. LovJ
Any mummy can answer below question?
1) Who works or have friends work in the United Square Office in order to get the 10% discount at VitaKids store?
2) How much does a box of bb rice cereal selling at vitakids? How much discount can we get using vitakids membership?

Leereiner &amp; baby_mummy
Yes, I am consolidating the list of purchase!

T&amp;C - Minimum order : $200 and above. Here's the link - http://www.kemena.com.sg/order.html

Anymore? Another $96.40 to hit $200! :)

Baby Rice, 150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. lovj, 2 boxes
3. Baby_mummy 1 box
4. eviangal 1 box

Baby Porridge,150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. eviangal - 1 box

Baby Macaroni, 200g, $7.20 ea
1. Leereiner, 1box
2. lovj - 1 box
3. Ow_mummy - 1box

Pasta Stars ,200g, $7.00 ea
1. Leereiner, 1 box
2.lovj - 1 box
3. ow_mummy - 1 box
4. eviangal - 1 box
<font color="ff0000">Kant slp</font> coz both kidz were unable 2 slp til midnight dan I was so stress trying 2 put them 2 bed dat now I also kant slp... My slp's been interrupted quite a lot past few nites so end up ovrslp &amp; veri tired in day... Think 2mr u guys wl mt a panda me... Bt Sebastian shd b fresh as a daisy
thanks for collating the orders for the cloth books! i'm interested but haven't had time to look at the link.. will update once I've chosen my books, thanks thanks!
hi audrey, I've added in my orders below. Please let me know when to pay you.

T&amp;C - Minimum order : $200 and above. Here's the link - http://www.kemena.com.sg/order.html

Anymore? Another $96.40 to hit $200! :)

Baby Rice, 150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. lovj, 2 boxes
3. Baby_mummy 1 box
4. eviangal 1 box
<font color="0000ff">5. Eunice 2 boxes</font>

Baby Porridge,150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
2. eviangal - 1 box
<font color="0000ff">3. Eunice - 1 box</font>

Baby Macaroni, 200g, $7.20 ea
1. Leereiner, 1box
2. lovj - 1 box
3. Ow_mummy - 1box

Pasta Stars ,200g, $7.00 ea
1. Leereiner, 1 box
2.lovj - 1 box
3. ow_mummy - 1 box
4. eviangal - 1 box
Eviangal, I've made transfer of $37.50. Tx ref: 2513913240 . Will PM u my mailing address. Thanks for arranging this for us =)
oh urs all fabric in stock rite? i also rec'd mine...not as nice as on website leh but it seems a little tight (as in the rubber is not that stretchable). but glad u like urs =))
Allo Mummies,
Planning for Xmas party in Dec.
Available dates are
5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
any other dates suggestions, most welcome.
Venues - Please suggest!!

Thanks for coming out with something different! Let's make this event happen!

<font color="ff0000">Christmas Party </font>
Date: 5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
Venue: ??

1. Pravina
2. Eviangal
3. Oshgosh baby (provided she's in Singapore)
4. Catherine
5. Audrey
6. LovJ
7. Idaarshad
i have not beeen sleeping like for abt 3 weeks now.. my boy's been waking up like every hour to latch on .. and gulps down BM like he's very very hungry..
i actually feed him baby cereal, BM and sometimes FM before putting him to bed.. but he still wakes up!!
affecting me badly ... drinking kopi and chicken essence to keep alert... sighs

i'll take the nature and will look for one more title...Thanx!!

included you in the xmas list...=D
u calculate the shipping direct from the bellamy au site?
yes, agree the shipping cost adds up to the cost of the products quite a bit, else would have bought direct many moons ago!!

re: diaper pants
any1 using diaper pants for baby/tot? was thking of switching coz disposable diapers cost for 2 kids are killing me!!! argh...
My boy hasn't been sleeping thru the nite too! and i tot i was the onli one.. heehee, coz i'm still fully BF him.. only occasional rice cereal during the day. My colleague says he wakes up coz he's hungry - is tat true?? Urs still wake up even when given FM le..

Btw i'm keen on the Xmas Party! =p
i thot he was hungry so i started solids but no change leh ... he still wakes up .. and its BAD!!! he has abt 3 baby cereal feeds a day and he still wakes up ... but loves to sleep with us.. mebbe he wants company.. not sure...

Awesome, please add on your name onto the Xmas list...

<table border=1><tr><td>Item/Name</TD><TD>Rice</TD><TD>Porridge</TD><TD>Macaroni</TD><TD>Pasta Stars</TD><TD>Total packs </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cost/pack, S$</TD><TD> $6.00 </TD><TD> $6.00 </TD><TD> $7.20 </TD><TD> $7.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrey</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovj</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby_mummy</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>eviangal</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>eunice</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>leereiner</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ow_mummy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>4</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> $48.00 </TD><TD> $24.00 </TD><TD> $21.60 </TD><TD> $28.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Total</TD><TD> $121.60 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bal to hit 200 bucks</TD><TD> $78.40 </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>
Hi Audrey and all mummies, regarding Bellamy order. But this is taken off shelves (the 6+mths range) of NTUC. Is it safe ah to order now? Anyone heard anything abt this?

Just want to find out more - I want to order the rice cereal and toothie pegs...
kittybride, nono, I mean the 4+mths cereals, and 6+mth range. I still see 12+mths range on the shelves.

I went running around a few NTUCs, and all the same.
maybe out of stock or they wana re-price coz NTUC selling cheaper than Cold Storage, i think.
anyway, organic products should be safe leh... no meh??
Hi Leereiner, they took out the 'price tag' labels from the shelves, so I guess its pulled out from shelf. But I'll still go ahead and want to buy still.... =p I went AVA site to check lei, didn't find anything.
clipart{kao_scared}<font face="trebuchet MS"> huh? pray hard not another brand DOWN hor. how come organics products also has problem yah?</font>
Reiner, i was thinking the exact same thing lor. heinz gone, HT got problem. if bellamy gone also, really siao liao. mabbe we can all pay bb_mummy to make chor bee gor n sell us. hahahaha
<font face="arial black"> ya lor... hmmmm... gotta get some chor bee gor from my sil to let my boy trial lor... aiyo ve 3pkts of rice and porridge @ home... headache leh....</font>
<font color="0000ff">RE: FLASHCARDS</font>
Seller has reverted that she will give us $21 each for order of 5 pcs &amp; $20 each for order of 10 pcs. I'm negotiating with her for free postage to individual addresses. The thickness per card is abt 1mm, overall length is abt 13.8cm and width is 7cm. I attach the pictures below.


hi popipi,

your price is on high side... <font face="trebuchet ms">in another bp, for the knitted beanie cost 8.50bucks, and the plain is 7 bucks, incl postage. unsure of the mfr/ country made lah but using same phots leh</font> just my comments... hope you wont mind...
haha u r always so supportive =)
there r many flashcards so got to let me know which ones u want... she says cannot give free postage to indv addresses so mabbe if we hv enuf, we can hv 2 pick-up locations.
