(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Jamgal: Hw much u buy tt bag? haha... i notice many mummies buy tt as baby bag... but hor i think its jus an excuse lor.....i bought one burberry's blue label one..lolx..

Jamgal, how come u din wait for taka sale?? Whenever there's a sale at taka, gucci will also have sale leh! Btw, which model is this? Is it as big as never full?
Last Dec got SALE, I went to check the price. This item is not included in the SALE list. I also don't know what model leh.
rose ling,

i'm planning to use nepia.. think it's slightly cheaper than Goon. but where u stay? i'm at telok kurau. if can mix sizes then dunnid to share delivery, cos we're almost certain to use 4 packs by the time they're at S size, especially if u're like me who's paranoid abt diaper rash!
Yeah dodos: I saw a bigger one, but not this colour (only dark green/red stripe w beige lining, or black). But for gals abit too big I think. And the bigger one comes with a zip.

My height is around 1.68cm. Carry this one already seem kinda big for me.
tingting,I'm staying in bishan.Where is telok kurau har? Actually can mix sizes. Can buy 2 packs nb,2 packs s size to keep,something like that. but are you a first time mommy,how you know that your bb will definitely suit nepia?
Hi JamGal, nice bag you've got..560 sounds very reasonable.. quite cheap..i like gucci bags too..looking for one ot dump my bb stuff in too...what's the size roughly..i haven't been to the shop for a while...

Ladies, AMK hub NTUC has a lot of bb stuff.you might want to check that out if you plan to buy from NTUC
haha..jamgal..yalo..always buy with excuses....lolx...My hubby say me: " he know woman love branded but nv knew tt Baby will use branded too!!" lolx...
4va: Yah, it's considered quite reasonable for Gucci bag. This one doesn't have any leather, that is why it's cheaper than the other ranges. The size is roughly 45cm (vertical) x 35 cm (horizontal).

ow_mummy: Yah my hubby also keep asking me to stop buying branded clothes for bb
JamGal: Buying branded stuff/clothes for baby my hubby agrees becuz he himself love branded more than i do...but hor when wan to buy sth for myself den he will nag..lol...
4eva, thanks. then i shall check out NTUC Xtra tml when I'm there for class. No branded bags for me.. cos too many bags from sisters n frens as baby bags.

Nevermind save $ lor.
Let's see who's most active in here now.....
Myself, Marie, dodos, ow_mummy

Who is not WORKING today ah???!!!! I am, for sure...
rose ling,

this is my #2. i used nepia for my #1 previously, when it was first brought in fr Japan. quite impressed with their softness n quality, and that it's cheaper than pampers. willing to spend a bit more on diapers during the first few months, cos quite mah fan to have diaper rash. when bb grew older, i switched to cheaper alternatives cos even if he develops diaper rash, can easily flip him over to air his bum bum.
JamGal: tts wad i say to my hubby lo....want bb don wan mummy..haha

Dodos: Man weird one la... esp mine.. he spent alot on branded... i can say all his clothes/accs all branded.. den me don dare to spend on myself...onli spend on bb...haha...haix..very cham... tts the price i nid to pay for being at hm n nt working..lolx...

Marie: i m stayin at Jln Kayu!!!!
Dodos: Your hubby likes branded, he sure will want you to be in branded one right? How can hubby look good, then wife look so-so? Must compliment each other + bb too
Haha..me also bored like hell in office. FB and blogs I see until I don't wanna see liao. Don't know what else to do. Keep going toilet also not so much pee...
Marie: Sengkang nothing to eat leh. You stay which side btw? I remembered you say you live near TPE side right? What street and block ah? Me Compassvales Cres, also beside TPE. Blk 295B
Wah lao, marie, if i am at home, i sure meet you go Compasspoint jalan jalan.

If we have a movie theatre there, lagi best hor?

Btw, have you been to the new stadium? Heard that the swimming pool area is quite nice. Next time can bring bb there and play water
Haha. sure!! ya my cousin in law told me the pool is great cos it's indoors.. i'm sure to bring bb there after confinement. My bb already got his swimwear ready. handme down from my sister.
Marie: this kinda weather u feel like walkin outside meh? i think of it also sian...i walk out if the room i can feel e heat...*faint*

JamGal : i think u refering to my hubby nt Dodos' haha..... anyway my hubby is one selfish pig...he onli love bb n himself..=X
Are you staying just beside the LRT or right inside one? Wahh..maybe we bumped into each other before we also don't know. I always go to the clinic at your side to see the doctor one keke
<font color="0000ff">So good.. U all live so near each other leh.. can meet often.. Only separated by a school. hee hee...</font>
JamGal, I stay right inside. blk directly facing the other MSC. like that prob we can arrange for MJ too.
i used to go to that clinic too but not anymore cos not under my company list of clinics.
Ahahah...I used to get hooked on MJ too. But every single time I play, must go through the rules again cos I always forget. You know huh, from my house I can walk through the back of the school field (beside the TPE) then less than 5 min reach your place ahaha...

I'm not gg to place my daughter into that school leh, the uniform looks like table cloth.
JamGal, Me not pro at MJ. just play to pass time n work the brain. my hubby just learnt the game 1-2 yrs ago. if not, our hubbies can gather to do something too.
i bet guys when they meet sure got topics to talk abt.

Marie: Not so sure about our hubbies having something to talk about? Pat's hubby and mine see each so shy, also never talk. Just leave me and her to yak yak yak all the way haha
