(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Went back to nap after breakfast, reason being I'm never someone who wakes up so early to have breakfast at 10am, today is a rare occasion, so must sleep back the hours after that hahaha. once baby out, got no more such privilege liaos

ow_mummy: one thing about my hubby is he never knows what are my new clothes/accessories/watches/shoes because i have too many many of all these. so he seldom will ask me 'did you just buy that?'. and somemore he doesn't know the market value one. so i anyhow say a price he also will believe me..that is one of his 'good' virtues = can't be bothered haha...

JamGal: Good leh gt a hubby like tt....lol..mine hor..abitabit den he will ask is tt new? when its like long time ago buy one...lolx...my hubby knw e market value more than me..so i cannot hide frm him...=X
hahaha. jam .. your hubby so funny. dun even know the market value of GUCCI. hee hee.. May be because u have too much thing liao... so he cant bothered. heheehe
cannot see the difference as well..
hi agn, i just woke up frm my morning nap haha. tdy hb has to work poor thing. wah JamGal, I was just thinking of ordering mac when i read ur post (wanna drink green tea but lazy to go n buy haha). As for the tummy, i also always see lopsided tummy, i think its cos we sleep on tt side, so if bb follow, then just "shift" to tt side lor hehe. eh u poke dun poke so hard leh. dunno if bb can feel or not. Hehe my hb is in b/w urs n Ow_mummy's, he will know its new but he wun know mkt value haha.

Ow_mummy, i just read the huggies website, says 32 wks shd b 2 - 2.2kg!! aiyo...dun tell me my gynae anyhow say =( who's going to gynae next? can chk wats the "preferred" weight? My tummy also not obvious but everyone says its cos its my 1st. I just hope she wun b too big for natural delivery lor.. u so sweet leh, wake up at 10am just to get surprise present for ur hb. his bday tdy??

Yvonne - maybe urs bb is the correct weight lor..according to Huggies website haha. But nvm la, to each baby's own. As long as she'/he's healthy & come out easily hehe =)
Powerball, I can make it on Thurs for the gathering...still prefer Vivo cos there no jam! haha..town area always jam one leh and must pay erp summore..
Im reading something wrt pain relief on the Huggies website. Sounds like epi is preferable to other pain relieving drugs injected into muscle (like Pethidine) leh... these drugs cross the placenta to the baby and make it drowsy and depress its breathing after it is born. If this happens, an "antidote" can be given to your baby to reverse these side effects. as for epi, The local anaesthetics has the tendency to numb your legs but has minimal effect on your baby.I think next visit must discuss w gynae already.
marie, jamgal,
im stayin in sk too, next to CP, mayb we can meet some afternoon for tea. Im so bored wif my #1, my maid goes home for 2mths, faint.
my tummy grew so much dat ppl who dun c me for 1 wk, ask if im gonna give birth liaoz. im nw oreadi 50kg, last time i gave birth to #1 at 47kg. heavy, heavy.
i can only make it on wed as thurs i got a sec sch gatherin n fri, our family gg for a short holiday
Hi mummies,

The following items are for sale:

1) full set of the Medela Harmony pump (used only once) + Brand new (opened) membane valve (1pc) & Brand new membranes (3 pcs) all selling at $50


2) Brand new valve & membrane set selling at $28 (retail price ~$30)


3) NUK standard neck bottles without teats (Used only once)
- 4pcs x 125ml + 2pcs x 250ml selling at $40


Self collection at AMK or SengKang train station.

Interested please pm me.
Hi Tktotts, I think I only saw the small ones 4oz at robinsons, not the big bottles...so if you're looking for big ones, i guess can get it from the spree. else 4oz can buy from robinsons
LovJ: Good that my hubby is ignorant about such things haha, spare me alot of trouble spending how much are my purchases. For you also good lah, at least your hubby don't know the market value, better than nothing.They just won't understand why we spend hundreds on bags or shoes. To them, these are not important at all.

Now our little ones are really working hard at stretching and kicking hor? Sometimes the jerk can be really dramatic! Scare me also. Mine is a gal, yet so violent. Maybe because I also very 'chor lor' one.

Wah Kris, we are all so near hor. Actually got quite a number of SK and Punggol mummies. Next time during the ML, we should just come out and meet and gossip loe! During my previous entries, I mentioned I cannot take any leave/medical leave from now till I go ML le. Stupid boss want me to go flexi work if I take any of those. Sucks big time! Hate them all!

Pat: Thanks for the iron pills! They really look so cute to be eaten. So colorful leh
pat: no triple pain la... can ask ur gynae to at the same time squeeze the pimple for u after e whole thing lo..
wahhaa.... :p:p

pat & LovJ: ya.. happening neh neh... :p:p:p or maybe "powermilkful neh neh"?? haaa....

eunice: tollyjoy's breastpad also have sticker to stick onto your nursing bras..

guess most breastpads shd have...

Oh ya... havent suan JamGal.... eh jam... buy bb stuff end up buying bag for bb's stuff.. :p:p
GUCCI somemore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm........
Sorry mummies to interupt:

Selling a rarely used lucky baby warmer bought at $35.90 selling at $25.00

and Avent niplette bought at $70+ selling at $60 (used once)

Self collect at sembawang.
lov j - oh too far for u arr - -maybe if sk mummies gather - i can go - town is like a big no ah - now very hard to walk and i work east side - that's y when whom arrr -suggested east coast!! i tot it was great
<font color="ff6000">Powerball, I am ok on 27th Vivocity but if there’s only 4 of us, how huh? Kekek KP, JamGal, bbmum, ciarie, cyan, lovJ, Eunice, Yvonne, marie you guys better be able to make it hor.

Eunice, I passed hubby the admission letter from the hospital and some pamphlets, then told him to help me list down the things I should pack in my hospital bag lor. After he listed them down, I asked if he could help me prepare them. Keek So he just dumped everything inside his own bag keke. Anyway, he’ll be the one carrying also haha.

Actually your hubby is right that ppl will give lah but still have to prepare some basics just in case ppl give angbao instead? Or maybe ppl give mummy birds nest and chicken essence instead.

Oh 1.9kg is considered heavy meh? How come my gynae said that 1.75kg is considered light? That’s weird. 10kg is still within the ideal range leh. Books actually said that bb is healthier when normal-weight mummies gain an ideal weight of about 12-13kg throughout the pregnancy. Even overweight mummies must gain at least 6kg for bb to be healthy.

Ya Yvonne, I also think that 3.5kg sounds ideal but it is considered quite ‘big’. My friend and her husband are both quite big-sized and their babies are around the 3.5kg-3.7kg region. Her first bb was 3.7kg and the gynae told her that bb is in the top 5% band when it came to heavyweight bb championship leh. Considering your built, I think 3.5kg a bit big for you haha. But it’s good for bb.

Hahha Jamgal, your hubby very mountain-tortoise leh. You anyhow say a price he also believe arh. Sigh, I think you conned him into the marriage lah. He trusts you too much.

I’ll be seeing the gynae this coming Tuesday 24/02, two days ahead of my actual appt coz I want to be the first patient and they don’t have this slot on Thurs 26/02, so I pushed the appt forward. I will ask gynae about the normal weight range and I’ll see what she says.</font>
Wah lao, my hubby say wanna paparazzi us during the outing and take pictures of us walking in one straight line, all tummies protruding out!

Now whoever ask me what can they buy for the bb as gifts during first month, I just tell them vouchers/red packets. Most practical!

Just went to Compasspoint to buy the Da Feng Cao. Wah quite advance packaging leh, each is sealed in aluminimum package one. I was still expecting those individual light pink paper packaging. Anyway, to avoid disappointment, remember to call first before going down to buy. Cos I think I took the last 30 packs.

Pat: My hubby is only interested in guys stuff like cameras/computer stuff/etc..Hehehe...and he knows even if he nags at me, scolds me for buying branded stuff, I will one ear in one ear out, so now he can't be bothered, since I'm using my own $$$ keke...
JamGal, you are using your own money so of cos man shut up. Try spending his money to buy and see if he will nag. Haha...sure nag till u siao. Im a sahm i use my hb money...little bit only also nag.

Today super boring.. Staying at home. SIAN!
<font color="0000ff">Kris</font> - Tues and Wed are already out as most mummies cannot make it leh. Unless u can pontan your Thurs appt.

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">RE: GATHERING</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Pat n Ow_mummy</font> - 26 Feb thurs can or cannot? KP replied and chose 26 Feb. Based on current selection, is 7"ok" for 26 Feb and only 6"ok" for 27 Feb.

If u both can go on 26 Feb, then we will have a fantastic turnout as means nearly all going.

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Dinner Outing @ VivoCity</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Restaurant Preference </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD>27-Feb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Thurs</TD><TD>Fri</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>LovJ</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Powerball</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>Modesto - pizza &amp; pasta </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Pat</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Ow_mummy</TD><TD>??</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Rose Ling</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Marie</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>ok*</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Baby mummy</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>??</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>KP</TD><TD>ok</TD><TD>??</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Kris</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Can make it</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>6</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Question Marks</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cannot</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font size="+1">Any more mummies coming for the gathering or did i miss out any names?

Mummies - Suggestions for places to eat at Vivocity????</font>
Some suggestions:
Jap - can choose Sushi Tei or Shin Kushiya
Western - can choose Modesto's. They have nice thin pizzas and pastas.
Indonesian - Garuda Padang
dodos: Raining today leh, stay at home most shiok right? Hide under the blanket and sleep..hehe..tomorrow is back to reality work again, SO NOT looking forward
Powerball: Friday will be best for me...! as my MIL is gg for op tml...hafta take care of her for at least 3 days in Hospital ma...let me know wad date pat choose...haha=)

Pat: "Books actually said that bb is healthier when normal-weight mummies gain an ideal weight of about 12-13kg throughout the pregnancy. Even overweight mummies must gain at least 6kg for bb to be healthy.????" Reali ah den how ah/?? I tt day 32 weeks onli gained 5kg in total leh while bb weighing at 1.9kg! how ar m i gaining nt enuff....=X
Pat chose Fri as her hubby also going to Vivo that day.

KP - u can change to Fri?

Baby_mummy - i marked your Fri as ?? as u were not sure abt ur yoga lession right? U can or cannot now for fri?

Rose Ling - Fri can?

Went for checkup on last fri. They detected the cord round my bb's neck. Now have to monitor the movements carefully
HI ladies, I'm ok for gathering on Friday=) I prefer Jap food cos nowadays, I can't stomach alot for dinner..eat a bit will be full..but if majority wants the western food, I'm fine too..just dun reali like Indonesian...hee..

Regarding bb weight ar, I tink don't need to be too concerned cos the ultrascan not very accurate wan..that time doc told my sis-in-law a week b4 she gave birth that bb around 3.8kg liao but when give birth was 3.6kg..it's only an estimation..but it'll be good to just cut down on sugar and carbo in the last trimester cos bb grow a lot and if too big, might be difficult to deliver naturally..

Marie: Next wk I'll be going for the 11am class for MRs Wong lei cos she got talk..what time you attending? BTW, your class ended late ytd isit? Yours is the 4pm class ar...

Ytd I went to SK metro shop shop..they are having 20%+7% for bb stuff too..but I din buy any la..cos that time buy at kaki bukit le..realise now cheaper..hmm..anyway, I bought more bras..haha..decided to wear non-wired bras finally cos afraid wired ones reali will block milk ducts..anyway, I found that Sorella got this seamless and no underwire bra very comfy..now buy 2 get 1 free some more..quite worth it...
pat, as my menstrual cycle was never regular before, gynae actually based on fetal size to determine how many wks i m pregnant during my first consultation, my edd was established then..

to mummies staying at SK/punggol, if u can't get Da Feng Ai for bath during confinement, u may try hockhua at hougang mall or kovan city, i bought mine at hougang mall, saw tat they still got some stock..
<font color="ff6000">JamGal arh, don't spend too much on branded goods already. You need to save more for your little one and also try to grow yr wealth instead of spending like no tomorrow leh. I realized you've got a lot of branded bags arh. Everytime see you, everytime also carry different one. If I'm yr hubby, I will freeze your bank account already.

Ow_mummy, if your bb's weight is healthy and you are not controlling yr diet, I think you don't have to worry lah hahaha. 12-13kg ideal weight is the ideal lor but it doesn't mean that it applies to everyone.

Powerball, for now, I can only make it on Friday leh. Wed/Thurs I need to go back to MIL's and mum's place for dinner. If the majority can make it Thurs, then I think you guys go ahead, we can always meet up next round. </font>
<font color="ff6000">There can't be anything more coincidental leh. My hubby's having dinner at Modestos too wor. Why like that?? hahahah Powerball, you helping me to spy on hubby is it?

JamGal, your hubby wants to be the paparazzi huh? I don't mind leh but make sure he airbrush the pictures and use photoshop so that we all look nice nice hor.. No fat face and flabby arms ok? If not, I will really sue him this time. I showed my sister the facebook picture you posted and she confirm that it is damn pai kua lor!!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">ooh Yvonne, so this may mean that you are later in yr pregnancy right? But no worries coz bb is of good weight.

Very scared that confinement nanny won't be available when I deliver. So I called her up again to confirm. She says it's confirmed. Heard of all the horror stories about confinement ladies not turning up last minute and I a bit paranoid.

Hubby's cousin actually offered to help us babysit when we go back to work. It's such a nice offer coz she's staying at SK and she has got 2 really well-behaved kids herself. Plus, she's a good cook too. so I know my kid will be in good hands. Only haven't really spoken to her and agree on how much she'll be charging.</font>
hopefully i m actually in my 34th wk already lor, if like tt bb will come out earlier n i dun hv to suffer for too long..
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hi Mommies!</font></font> It's been a while since I last posted. Been caught up with work and trying to ensure that B1 didn't get neglected... especially as her b'day was in the past week. Still hoping that I'm able to take some days off to clean up cot, sterilizer, bedlinen and clothings to get ready for B2 arrival... But currently my workload is not letting up and I'm worried that I can't finish the projects assigned to me on time...

<font color="aa00aa">Btw, any mommy bought Babysafe Latex Cot Mattress?</font> Can anyone advise me what's a good price to get it at and from where? I definitely need to get a new cot mattress coz we've kept the cot in storage and the mattress is likely to have mildew on it already...

<font color="ff0000">Baby Care Fair @ Expo 27 Feb-1 Mar)</font> Anyone going?
Morning mummies,

Start of a new week again! Looking forward to tomorrow’s visit.

Marie: I’m gonna try to leave office early around 4.45pm, so can reach clinic earlier. What time will you be there ah?

Pat: Hehe…you very observant hor? Can focus on me, me and just me and not on my bags keke. Reason for so many bags: Used to fly around so buy bags from overseas cheaper mah (excuses again ahaha)

Wah lao, airbrush liao, then we will look like pre-preggy days. Must airbrush the tummy portion also? When he puts the pictures up on flickr and name it as Beautiful Mums-to-BE, people will scratch their heads and wonder ‘Beautiful, yes lah, preggy, where???
morning mummies,

Monday is here again.. haha.. *yawn* feeling sleepy early morning already after my Big Breakfast with hubby. woke up early at 630am so we could enjoy together cos in few weeks time.. 1 more lil person coming lol

so nice u all meeting on Fri, i wanna go along too but already having a sec school girl friend outing.

jamgal, my hubby also into photography and he also mentioned before if got mothers outing must snap all the tummies haha. maybe ur hubby can photoshop all prettier and photoshop those absentees into the picture as well.. haha

have a nice day ahead mummies..
Pravina: Da Feng Cao is the herbs used for bathing during our confinement. You can get 30 packs, 1 pack/day. 1 pack around $1-2.
Powerball, I can't meet up with the rest of you if your gathering's on Friday,Enjoy yourselves and I'll try to join in the next time round

I have to go to the baby fair on Fri,cuz sat and sun hubby and I will be staying at Sentosa for a short weekend getaway before the bb arrives.
morning mummies! oh I'll miss ur gathering, I'm going to the bb fair on friday as my weekends are committed already. Have fun!!
yday we went to Bugis area to get those herbs and da feng cao from the shop directly opposite the Guan Yin temple. dunno if we were overcharged cos the da feng cao was about $3 a pack, then the lady boss told my MIL $2.50 after discount. it was a green and silver aluminium packet, with 8 small sachets inside. she said if bathing, use 4, if just wiping the body can just use boiling water and infuse 2 satchets and wipe when the water become warm. we just bought 6 packets cos the lady boss told my MIL not to let me bath too much

then she also said cordeceps very exp now, close to $700 for a small bundle, so she advise using ginseng to boil chicken soup instead, the effect also the same, to nourish the body and qi..
morning mummies... having headache.. my miljus went in for op.. gonna take 5-7hrs... so i come back my mum's place to rest first..haha..

babyfair: wa i scare i go dere den buy alot of stuffs agn! lolx..
bonbon: Mine is also green and silver aluminium foil package leh. 10 sachets in one big pack - 1 sachet per bath. How come the instructions so different *scratch head*? I go back and take a picture and we compare?

They seem to overprice even the cordyceps. I went with my mum and we bought a small bundle for $300+. Urs is $700!! *faint few times*

Anyway, nevermind lah, other herbs also can be used to help bu qi..
bon bon, i think the 1 u got is different from mine, i got mine from hockhua, is call da feng ai, each pack cost $2, oso a green n silver aluminium packet with 1 80g sachet inside, to use brews with 18 litres of water or put the sachet into boiling water for 10-15 mins, the person at hockhua oso said not to bath but use it to wipe body is better..
Cordyceps: It is reali expensive now, my mum say theres different grade so maybe bonbon de more high standard lolx...BUT my mum say $700 for how much? cuz my mum workin in medical hall..so can ask her on e pricing...

hi mummies, so tired...most of my weekend was burnt coz of staff retreat and i was part of the organising committee. luckily today my timetable is not that jialat. but still have to bring a bunch of kids to the museum until abt 6pm. and then after that, go home n do more marking.

Koi, u also a fellow slave to the ministry? haha...jia you jia you...i cannot not bring work home leh. taking graduating class. and im teaching a humanities subject so there's tonnes of marking. oredi have backlog...

wah u all seem bery well-prepared for confinement oredi. i haven't bought any herbs for bathing or what not yet. so far only got the cot. feel so bochup with this pregnancy hahahah. also too busy to do much shopping. prob will do the last minute preps when i go on ML.

but have oredi booked a doula, to help with the birth. going for natural drug free birth. hopefully can do it!
