(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

ow_mummy,I think it is very hard to establish why your doc says that?
I've come to realise that every doc,expecting mother & baby is different!My doc says Edd won't change one,cuz edd is an estimate in the first place.the actual delivery date might or might not be different from the Edd,so there is no way to gauge when exactly you'll pop

LovJ, collection at either sengkang or depot road

Yvonne, u're not working? Come and learn how to play lah..haha
ow_mummy, i think paternity leave is only 3 days not weeks hor but again it depend on company, my hubby is the worst, he is a teacher, only entitle to 1 day, don't know y, government civil servant lei, still like tat..
raspberrytea, when i went shopping for cloth at spotlight,we already knew we wanted a sky/clouds/airplane theme for the nursery,so when i saw the cloth,i just bought it ^_^
I was about to sew a playmat with the same cloth for the baby too,but after my MIL says cannot sew during pregnancy (pantang) so I'm putting my project on hold and continue sewing when the baby's out.
Wow,so lucky you got to keep the wrong decals too,you should sell them off then your decal will be free hee hee
Do post your pics when your nursery's done,I'll love to view them ^_^
Wah.. so many posts..

hi Ow_mummy .. i suppose our hubby will get 6days of child care leave.. http://www.mom.gov.sg/publish/momportal/en/communities/workplace_standards/employment_standards/the_employment_act/Childcare_Leave.html.. u can read more.. =)

OMG.. now i m in 31weeks .. my bb onli 1.436kg..alot of my frenz n colleagues said that its small... afraid that hE will be weak..BUT my agynae said its ok.. common..not to worry.. i m so worry.. what am i to do..any mummies here,bb weight abt the same as mine????
eh kp, i not working, no income still wan me to donate money to entertain u gals ah..dun like tat lei, if it's a free MJ lesson i dun mind ha hah..
my baby was 1.7kg at 32 weeks.I also think he's small and a bit worried too even though doc says his weight is normal

Friends say to eat beef ,will increase bb's weight,so I've been taking beef and hope to up his weight.seeing doc again next week ,will see whether the beef intake has worked or not
Yvonne: 3 days only?????

Paternity leave so little meh??? i tot at least a week....zZzZzzZzzZz..wa sad man...

n Yvonne... aiya...play play onli ma...we play small small de..haha
yah yvonne, we play very small one..only 10 cents/20 cents:p We are also not working ...haha..so also no income!
hmm, dun worry abt bb's weight lah.. so long as he/she is carried to full term, i.e. at least 36 weeks, he's very capable of surviving liao. too big later need c-section how? bb's weight varies a lot, big may not be always better.

re: paternity leave
paternity leave is not mandatory, i.e. employer can choose not to give at all. Same for annual childcare leave. only mummy's maternity leave is compulsory.
wah wah...i only missed half day...and so much have been discussed.

tingting, i agree with u. to go thru labour pain then surgery pain.

JamGal, gd reminder to ask dr adrian. so far he hasnt even asked me abt the hospital admission stuff. I think my EDD quite accurate cos we've been trying for like 9mths before i concieve. so i actually keep track of the dates. :p

Mummies, do not be worried abt your bb being too small. each bb size is unique to each mama, so mummies can deliver with ease. just eat a balance diet.

When is the game? wkday is difficult.

RE:Baby Fair.
I'm on half day leave next fri, planning to go to the baby fair at expo. anyone interested? I'm gg town later to check out on the OG/Robinsons Sale. and prob check out wat sale is on at Taka.

RE:Maternity Leave
Dun really have to apply before u deliver. Just inform HR the expected date. cos it can be anytime. 37wks is the safest and earliest be should out cos the lung development is complete and the remaining 3wks is to boost up his size. :p
ow_mummy & kp, no la, i really know nuts abt MJ, if u gals can find another kaki, i dun mind to be the ah-sham, help make coffee tea n whoever win the most just give me a little tip for my service lo..ha hah..

tingting, u r rite, paternity leave is not mandatory in s'pore, my previous company give 3 days tho but my hubby's only 1 day..
The 6 days of childcare leave is mandatory right?
And it applies to both father and mother right ?
So father can take 6 days and mother take 6 days?
my hb's office doesnt have any, so he'll totally have to take his own leave. but i suppose they'll be able to use their childcare leave entitlement instead right?
yvonne, i'm taking pm half. cos i work at loyang so go there on cab faster n cheaper. :p glad to have someone gg with me. My sis still cant confirm got she still got class up till 4plus.
those who expressed interest in the waterproof mattress sheet and desitin creamy 4oz, pls PM me soon, cos orders filling up to hit amt to close..
<font color="0000ff">O.. KP. then is ok. Then I ask my friend going to buy for me.. Lazy to collect at the 2 area. Thanks</font>
Marie: I just came back from Taka. No much sale really. Medela having 15% off. Pigeon don’t have leh. Bought myself a Gucci bag instead haha!!

Btw, anyone going to buy the cooler bag + ice packs soon or this is not an urgent need?
Jamgal, NTUC having 20% for tollyjoy and pigeon..

Wow, got a gucci bag instead...to reward urself for carrying baby??:p haha...

Lovj, join us for the spree lah, then can hit min quantity fast
JamGal, thanks for the update. Gucci bag..dat's an indulgence!!!

I'm planning to buy the fridge to go bag. my sis is using it and it's gd.
better than the avent ones.
KP: I wanted to use it as a baby bag haha (an excuse for myself to spend only haha).

Oohh...NTUC got 20%. Hmm..I want to get more clothes detergent and baby wipes maybe. Thanks for the tip!

Marie: What is fridge to go bag? So should we be buying now? Or later ah?
wah JamGal.. Gucci woh.. :p

the cooler bag, ice packs come in useful only if you're expressing milk outside and bringing back for your bb later. or bringing chilled milk out and intending to warm up later. Else, no hurry.
Marie, all ntuc branches i think, the baby fair just started so its till early march if i din see wrongly..all diapers on sale also...but for mamy poko newborn size not on sale leh:p so i bought small size to keep first:p haha..
tingting: the Gucci bag i got is one of the cheapest item in the shop liao. actually i tink few months liao, buy or don't buy, buy or don't buy...now i buay tahan..must BUY! haha.

i thought if i bring baby out right, i don't want to bf in public, so must bring a few packs of expressed milk just in case she hungry woh.
pravina, i ordered a Balboa Baby Adjustable Sling thru Etoile Bb, she posted a sling spree here not long ago..
Pthots, thanks! I ordered my diapers thru my cousin who just deliver Jan09. I bought 1 carton. 3 packs NB &amp; 3 packs Small. each pack at $11. minimum order 1 carton and deliver to home.
wah..marie, yor diaper lobang quite cheap lei, can share? wat brand ar?? 1 pack how many pcs?? i heard taiwan's diaper cheap wor, may ask my fren who work there to get when he come back to s'pore..
Fitti brand, not sure where my cousin order from. NB 1 pack 52 pcs. Small size 1 pack 48pcs.

My cousin used it and said not bad. so offered to help me order.
from the numbers my cousin gave me. her bb boy uses abt 8-9 diapers a day.

1 wk= 9 X 7 = 63diapers.

1 mth = 63 X 4 = 252diapers.

NB up to 4kg. so if u bb is bigger will have to use small size. which explains y i bought both sizes.
JamGal show the bag ley. Gucci got bag suitable as bb bag? I also thinking of getting a Gucci for myself but see nothing nice. Bring express milk out to feed very troublesome. Direct feed easier.
dodos: I bought this one. Not exactly a baby bag, but it's quite big and roomy, so I can dump everything inside and use it either as baby bag or normal day bag.

There's another diaper bag. But more expensive and I don't really like the look.
dodos: i paiseh to direct feed, somemore must excuse myself go nursery changing room. if bring express milk, can still feed baby in restaurant (haha..i say until machiam i will keep bringing baby out during first few months like that haha)
I havent prepared any disposable diapers at all.Only have some cloth diapers.
Anyone planning to use nepia diapers? Maybe we could share 1 order so that we can try it out.
60 pieces for only $15.Min order for free delivery is 4 X 60 pieces
If my bb latches on alright. I'll just feed direct. no hassle to bring bottles everywhere. my fren boy was fed latched on for the first 5mths..after which bb pai seh. dun want, so my fren had to express to feed him.

No discount my dears..I also wish have. Damage $560. Someone organised a spree for Gucci in UK, at first I was so excited cos thought overseas should be cheaper. But I calculate, item + shipping, overseas is even more ex. $30 more than in Singapore.
