(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs


no choice lor... i've already emptied my bladder totally before sleeping, and yet still wake up at night.. at least i can take a nap to recharge over the weekend, but weekdays are a torture. by friday i'm usually quite dead... :p

i don wake up for toilet.. BUT i cant sleep..always..NIGHTOWL... esp my baby..she is super active whenever i try to get some rest in e night...but if i try to rest during the day she wont disturb me also...guess my daytime is her nighttime....hahax...
My sleeping hours : 3plus4 Am - 7am,den wake up all e way till noon 12plus1 den slp till 2plus3pm...haix.. which means one day i rest for mayb 6 hrs?
Ida, I've been busy with work lately so will hopefully can collect fm you next wk, sorry to hv to let you keep the stuff at hm for so long.

Nursing Bra
I bought a few but end up not using at all cos was too lazy to wear bra, so only stick the breast pad on my clothes to prevent leak and I went braless for almost 1 yr after my first delivery.

Breast Size
Think size doesn't determine milk supply, I know of ppl who are 2 cup size bigger than me also no supply...It's the determination to overcome the initial hurddle that gets the milk coming. Some pple hv loads fm start, so will struggle like me and the supply grows only after 1mth. It was full of tears and sweat that I managed to BF my gal.

Me 31wk but waist already 39" was 25" b4 preg...Starting to hv water retention, legs a little swollen now and arms growing bigger too. Seeing gynae tonite and hope all is fine with bb.

All MTBs, stay happy!
haha! Jamgal guess currently is sleeping problems...

Tingting, Ow_mummy,
Me too everytime i wake up for pee den later cannot go back to sleep liao... Have to wait for bout an hour, tossing turing... Den can sleep. Den later hubby wakes up for work, i wake up again... hai... My mummy keep saying i slept too much in the noon.. Tats why cant sleep at nite.
indulgence_queen: ya tts wad they say..they say i sleep too much during day... but its like u see jus no i posting my slping hrs... alot meh? day time i onli slp at 12 nn for 2-3hrs (when i wake up at 7am leh) ...
Thanks indulgence_queen! Wah lao, my whole department only me in office, don't know where the rest 'siam' to? Anyway, better also, I don't have to keep ALT-TAB my screen so much.

I have difficult falling asleep cos always can't find the perfect position, must 'giap' the pillow properly between my knees. But once asleep liao, then i really drop dead until peeing sensation comes.

Hey..Taka having SALE leh, but don't know whether it's big SALE or what. Anyone knows?
yah! And not counting the waking ups in between the night... Tats why i kept saying u don understand to my mum! Haha!

Oh btw u guys can go read up on e Jan09 mummies posting, they are quite informative on BF cus they are going thru it now... Sounds really tough... So we have to be prepared...
ow_mummy: I'm going to ask my gynae about the EDD next Tuesday visit loe, because so far he did not mention anything about it at all. Want to ask how accurate it is, if not, plus minus how many days/weeks.
ow_mummy: Me also 32 weeks, 2 more days to 33. Doc won't say we might be 1-2 weeks later than EDD one hor? Why huh?
<font color="0000ff">Morning, I in the thread liao.. Hee Hee.. Reach office at 10 am .. Hahahaha

Pat, U really so busy, put us in your last priority.. Arrange liao, see can make it then come.. Hahaha...

Powerball, Thanks for the table.. Hee Hee..

How about Thursday(26 Feb- 7 pm)? </font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi KP, I received your email.. So if I want to order water proof pad, I should send back the email right. or wat?</font>
Good morning ladies ^_^
I'm exactly 34 weeks today.Start to panic. Bag not packed,still got things havent buy,all bb clothes &amp; cloth items havent wash.I heard that it's possible to have early labour at 37 weeks.This means I might only have 3 weeks to go.
Hey, anyone free for lunch outing instead?:p Dinner time need to accompany hubby leh, suggest lunch at Vivocity weekdays...anyone?

Also, yah, we're short of 1 khaki for weekday MJ...who's interested?
Jamgal, every person is different.I heard that labour can be as early as 37 weeks,or later than EDD by 1 week.So there is this window period of 5 weeks!
hee hee,thanks jamgal. hubby spent a lot of effort on it,painting the room all by himself!!!
The bb better like it,if he dun like,we will change room with him to sleep.I dont mind ,hee hee ^_^
Yah,that's why I'm not intending to go off early for ML, I will work all the way until I feel the contractions! If take early,also dunno will take too early or not.Dun wanna waste the leave
Raspberrytea77 ,thank you so much for posting the link to buy the rainbow decal! I've been to so many places looking for this design but no success! And the link you gave me is totally perfect! I will wait to see if anyone gives me feedback if they've seen it in singapore (save $ from shipping).If not,i will go ahead to order online
<font color="0000ff">Ya me too .. Dun want to waste my leave as well..

I will go on leave on 1 April, then 2nd april guai guai go hospital liao at 7 am. Hai.. Time is fast... never prepare anything </font>
<font color="0000ff">Ya. is C-section.. Hee Hee.. Think I need to reach hospital at 7 am.. Dunno can wake up or not..
By 9 plus, I should be able to see my baby liao .. Hee hee</font>
LovJ, yup, just reply me via email after funds are transferred...
wats the reason for csect? Low placenta? Mine was also low but gynae says now not blocking baby's head so can try natural.

was abt to choose 1st apr if csect cos its my dad's birthday too:p

1 Apr is april fool's day mah.. :p


your hb so hardworking to decorate the room! my boy slept in a half storeroom cos we just placed his cot in the spare room that we never cleared up... :p
<font color="0000ff">Aiyo..April fool ok lah.. No will will laugh one..

Hi KP, I choose C-section cause I scared of natural process.. Hee Hee. Due to my medical condition, my doctor also advise me to go for C-section.. Hee Hee. So I just follow..

So i Transfer the money to you. then how the items to delivered to me?? </font>
tingting,yeah it was a back breaking job for him. Before painting and decorating the room,the room was a storeroom FULL of junk,clothes,shoes,winter wear,luggages,my aibi exercise machine,etc etc. He had to clear/clean up everything then start to paint!

Lovj,I'm the dont see coffin don't shed tears kind.Even though many ppl tell me how painful it is,I still want to try the natural way.After this one,maybe the next child,I'll opt for c-sect too ,hee
ow_mummy, maybe your bb measure bigger is it? The more i count down the more i feel like my bb don't want to come out like that. Only 50+ days but like still so long....
Im not so worried about breasfeeding this time cos already know what to expect. Just afraid that if need c-sect then i have problem liao. With the c-sect pain might be more difficult to bf.

Remember not to give bottle. Once given headache liao.

i'm opposite of you.. would rather go thru the pain of labour rather than live with the pain of surgery.. hehe.. there's always the good ol' epidural!
ow_mummy, is yor menstrual cycle regular?? mine is very irregular, like 2 to 3 mths once, so gynae can't calculate my edd based on my last menstrual cycle, she calculate based on measurement of bb size, so far quite ok, my edd is within the range from 9 to 18 april..

re: sleeping pattern
i tried to go to bed by 11pm but usually will toss n turn til 12 plus then fall asleep, wake up at 1 plus to pee and at 3 plus wake up again to pee, at 5 plus when my hubby wake up to get ready to go to work i will wake up again and usually stay up til 8 plus then go back to sleep, will wake up at 10 to 11am, really miss those days when i can fall asleep fast and can sleep thru out the night..
dodos: my bb is 32 weeks weighing 1.9kg...normal leh....

Yvonne: my menstrual cycle normal leh.. but dunno y my gynae like tt say..mayb due to his exp?
hi hi Rose,
Glad to help with the decal. Their service is quite good. I bought some decals too, they sent it wrongly. So i feedbacked and they sent me my order, asking me to keep the wrong order as well. Haha..When i do up the nursery, I'll post the pics.

BTW, your baby's room is so pretty. It's so cozy

The room matches your fabric book too..hee.

Our baby could arrive anytime after 37th week-1week after EDD. So how to apply for Maternity Leave?? Everyone here applied yet??

re: gathering
i m ok with lunch or dinner but a bit relunctant to go CBD area, ERP n parking fees r good enuf to kill me, parking oso difficult to find plus don't wan to caught in the jam..and sorry gals, i don't know how to play MJ lei..
