(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

the food for the gathering had not catered. I will order 1wk b4 the gathering and with the final confirmation of the venue and no of pple.

yday my boy also seems to be gums pain...he seldom cry until so ke lian one...so cheekygal recommend the desintox to me...yday i apply abit abit only on his lower gums, then awhile later he can smile liao...
pluf, actually try not to apply the gel too often. So how its still medicine unless the BB is in great pain. My gal got slight fever and swollen gum and of course alot of drooling
Fluffy: If I dun remember wrongly, it's about $105 +/- a month. There's also registration fee for the 1st time.
sperzz: i also heard the teething gel dont apply too much rite...what is the reason huh...
but i really apply abit abit only leh...better than i see him cry until so pain...

My condo function room space sure big enough for all and more to come. Car park space no problem at all too.

But the usage of aircon is chargeable at $86.50 for use from 10am to 3.30pm.

Are you all ok with the time and sharing the cost?
oh.. got to add... the function room (multi-pupose hall) got no table and chairs.

there are maybe 2-3 tables with some chairs outside the hall which we can bring in. But that's all.

I juz called to check the hall still available and I've re-booked. In case u all decide to have it at my plc
mmm... my condo has a very big swimming pool with baby pool.. if we r holding gathering there, u all can bring ur bb to swim. got shower room to change also.
Hi Pluf,
I hope you get to see your PD soon. Could it be flu? My baby started off with dry cough for one day and the next day got fever already due to flu. But unlike your baby, never cough until want to choke like that.

Hi Fluffy, sus, mersboy, gelato and pluf,
thanks for your concern on my previous posting.
But my fever went off yesterday, the multiple block ducts also suddenly cleared after a series of 'marathon' breastfeeding (worse than a cow). But baby's fontanel has since popped out higher, not as sunken as before. I am so relieved! Thanks for all your wonderful encouragement!

Fluffy, wow, didn't know that you went through alot with the HFMD. Did that cause your pain from tongue to ear? WHy did it last 2 years?

Hi Pluf,
thanks for your breastmilk. Yesterday, my baby is finally receptive to sucking a bit of the teat you recommended! You are my life-saver! I am starting her on Isomil twice a day. Still a challenge to get her to suck, but at least she has sucked 2 - 3 suckles from the teat. I am overjoyed!!!
Hi Dazed,
sorry to hear that you are having lumps. I know how depressing it is. Hang on there. OK? I am sure your LC will be able to rid of it today.

Hugz Hugz!
Dazed: How big is your function room? I think mine is about 80sq m? I called the mgt office. They say it's about the size of 2 bedrooms. They will not restrict the number of pp inside, the number is just a guide for comfort. Also, the manager says if not all stay inside at the same time, should be ok ba...
It is such a pity that First Teeth is out of production! I used to use it for my kiddos!

I guess the alternative is the swipes that some of you are ordering in this thread. May be just as good.
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (depending on time & location too)
11. ni
12. Miyuki1
Let's take a vote:

EmQ (West Coast, $20, 40bb)

Miaiko (Bt Timah, $86.50, no limit?)

Shann (Lindam Drive, foc, ?)

Dazed (Jurong West, $?, ?)
can I join the gymboree trial class too? but my bb is born late jan - 24th, so may not reach 6 months like the rest. If there's a limit for the trial class, then it's okie.
blessedmum & bbstarlet: u going? thought will be fun to have class together.

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (depending on time & location too)
11. ni
12. Miyuki1
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
Gymboree ~ I think we have enough for a class already. If I dun remember wrongly, they cap at around 15 kids per session. But I guess if we have more, we can always get them to conduct 2 sessions, back to back... those of us who are in the other session can just hang around at the waiting area to chat? Or we can have it at 2 venue & we chose whichever is convenient for us... I can call the HF franchisee to find out how much they would charge if we are all in the same group.
Miaiko: Great... but what do the other mums think?

Dazed: Yup... then hor, I wonder what's the implication for us... cos we may need to cut down on large group gathering... sigh... or what? Take temperature before entering room???? Sigh...
emq, i dunno how big exactly but i think is approx the same size as my condo unit... approx 110 sqm. has pantry area so washing of bottles, boil water etc no problem. think got several huge tables and 30 chairs and a sofa set. i did my full month there and no problem on capacity, if can sit on flr. booking cost is $20. if want karaoke room, also can book, also $20, then there can play some cartoons for kids and more couches lah... also can swim if you want... but i haven't call to check availablity yet... will do so during lunch.
Hi mummies here, im frm the Sep thread...I hv an equiry here..can i ask for those mummies who hv been thr C-sect, how long does it take for the wound to recover? I might need to go thr C-sect during Sept but tinkin of gg for a holiday during end Nov. But i wonder by then if my wound wld hv totally heal...
oh forgot to mention, function room and k room on same level opps each other...

emq, i suppose since we all know each other should be fine as long as those sick or have those suspect travel history zi dong lor... but i agree to maintain list of who attended lah
Hi Jeslyn :

my gynea told me 2 months after csect then can do sit up. So i guess from doc point of view is about 2 months to recover provided no complications.

For me, i also think around 2-3 months.
jeslyn lee (leejeslyn) ,

Heal is heal, completely heal as Ashley said 2 mths but u still get the soreness at the cit like swollen like that but not pain.. I had my c section end dec.. now no pain just little tender when I press on the cut.. like underneath still healing..

I am so glad your bb start drinking from teat... Yea that pigeon teat damn soft.. Hahhhahaha KT and my teat are Piegon teats!!! ( KT Mummy dnt be offended k.) Call your teats piegeon teats!

that teething gel works.. ok I just buy to stock up
Hi Jeslyn,

It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to recover (no pain while getting up, able to walk with ease, pass motion with ease etc). But I guess the healing progress varies from person to person. The nurses kept asking me to walk as much as I can after 1 day of bed rest. So by the second week, I recovered quite well.
dazed: sorry i just saw ur msg: Doris Fok 96387660.
Just give her a call see if she free to see u today.. hope it clears quickly!! sayang
thanks for the info... maybe will call up to check... if price is reasonable maybe will put #1 to learn kekke...

hmmm the pain started 2 yrs ago when i preggy with #1 same thing preggy cant take x-ray, no medication etc... so endure pain... after birth the pain is on and off... so never go see doc as i'm the main caretaker for my gal... need to pack hse(tat time no maid yet) then when #1 reaching 1 yo, i preggy again.. no need to see specialist liao.. dragged till now.. actually i scare it's cancerous... avoiding to see .... =(

my #2 only 2mth old when infected with hfmd... i'm super shag... as she is too young... need to hospitalized...glad that she is the fastest to recover at only 3 days... it's me who took 2 weeks plus to recover ...sigh...
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (depending on time & location too)
11. ni
12. Miyuki1
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (depending on time & location too)
11. ni
12. Miyuki1
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy
15. Moonbay (tentative depends on date and location)
fluffy: I'm slightly diff from your perspective... at one point, I suspected I had stomache cancer too... I tahan, cos dun want to spend unnec $ on dr...but I decided on going for scope - cos I wanted to know exactly what problem it was. I told myself, at least if it's really cancer, I know exactly how much time I have left & what I need to do in my remaining days... hahaha... of course thank God everything turned out well... I still need to be with my kids! Now considering to skip my review... cos since scope turned out only severe gastritis & nothing more, maybe no need waste $ for dr to say, 'u r ok now'... hee hee...
jeslyn lee (leejeslyn) ,

I msaage 1 week later after c sect.. My lady massage chinese is very good... she knows where not to touch..

jeslyn lee (leejeslyn)

Can Lah go for your holiday, you not rowing boat, horse riding, sking , mountain climbing right???
