(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

today i use the finger brush to clean kyler's mouth...he seems to enjoy it and bite it real hard....think he must be feeling got massage function for his gums...

ya lor kamy, just hopefully he will get better. but for now really cant see cause he looks like a normal healthy boy! but today the doc says we cant bring him to public pools until at least his condition is stabilise! sigh still thought he can go swimming at 6mths coz he loves water!

ya lor serene, at least now i feel a bit better after speaking with the specialist. but the specialist is a cancer professor so when we went to see him today at the NUH children cancer centre... see so many of the chemotherapy kids running around feel so sad for them coz they behave just like any other kids their age!

ashley, my sis in law too, though breastfeeding still have menses but very irregular, sometimes dun have also might skip... so i guess depends on individuals
ophe....any clue on why Caleb has neutropenia (if i get it right)? is he more prone to infection thus the need for catious hygiene practises? no symptoms till when he's admitted for fever right.
Hey any mummies noticed that all e instant cereals state from 6months onwards? I thought nestle stage 1 used to be from 4 months onwards leh? Just curious only, as I had a quick squizz at e baby food section tonight....
i remember last time was stage 1 from 4 months, stage 2 from 6 or 8 months n 3 for 9 or 12 months leh......hmmmm wonder why like that.... *scratch head*.
Well, I still gonna put off feeding till 6 months as it will mean more work in my household =p
hi all

just drop by for a while, m v busy that's why no posting, n just occassional reading So am not really up to date w wats happening here.

re menses during bfg... will be delayed longer if u maintain nite feeds or pumps during 2-4am cuz that's when the production of prolactin is highest. It's prolactin that causes the delay.

count me in for gymboree, habourfront is gd for me.

autumn leaf currently based on latest research (and this seems to be changing every second), WHO recommends weaning from 6 mo and baby led weaning. http://babyledweaning.com/

M also hoping to tbf till 6 months but getting worried now cuz Johann's weight has been stagnant at 6.6kg for the past 2 wks... gotta call PD tmrw liao.. very bu fang xin

We'll be travelling in June too... i'm v reluctant to be weaning him while travelling - just way too much work and too messy...

Sex and #2?? If i ever have the energy then i'll think abt it.. hb seems ok not having it.. only just hope he's not getting it elsewhere *oops*
hey any mummies here on full total breast feeding. which means never pump out at all just fully latch on?

Serene the specialist just said its genetic leh... he says that some babies do have it but are asymptomatic meaning they dun show the symptoms unless go for blood check... dunnoe how true...
Novakido: Hihi, my friend's baby oso got the same condition. She oso only found out when her gal turns 4 years old when her gal took her blood test, no symptoms too. so maybe the specialist is right.
Samantha, hope your friend's baby gal ok? if she doesnt mind, hehe maybe can link us... hehe.
btw, i'm using heniz organic cereal for caleb...bought from kiddy palace, so far ok, we are in the practising mode where i give him 1-2 tsp a day to experiment with the texture and food in the mouth...
Novakido: Hi, unfortunately her baby not too good. was disgnosed with cancer and now undergoing treatment. When it was disgnosed, it was already stage 3. no symptoms only complain of stomache pain and no appetitize. They took her to see lot of doc but couldn't find anything. they even bought her to see chinese doc. then later, the doc took blood test and found out her condition. veri sad but luckily she's recovering and at home now.

She told me the most impt thing now is to protect ur baby's gut. There's where the immune cells are.
With regards to the cereal, I realise Heinz normal rice cereal is gluten free but Heinz organic rice cereal did not state the gluten content.
autumn...accordingly to my pd...he mentioned that there have been a few revision in terms of recommendation of weaning in accordance to the 'research' they do thus they have been switching back and forth between 4th mth and 6th mth....understand from him dat recently switch back to 4th mth but perhaps not all bb food manufacturers can respond in time to change their pkg...
ophe....dat sound scary since I assume it's not a mandatory test from birth....blessing in disguise for u since Caleb was tested bcos of fever + travel history..at least u are aware of this cond and can manage him wif the nec precautions...
Sam:the parents must be very sad at the initial news.think now that i am a mother, i get worried whenever baby fall sick.. haiz.

kelly:ya,dr wong told me the same thing.haha..his parting words was .. 'see u 2 years later.'

toyrus is having mid-year sale!!! =)
Should I start cleaning my baby's gums even before his teeth come in?

Yes. Even before your baby sports his first tooth, it's a good idea to get into the habit of wiping his gums with gauze or a wet washcloth at least twice a day. You don't need to use any toothpaste yet. Simply wrap the cloth or gauze around your index finger and rub it gently over the gums as you would a toothbrush. Bacteria in the mouth cannot harm the gums before the teeth emerge, but it can be hard to tell when the teeth are starting to push through, so you'll want to start early. It's also good to get your baby used to having his mouth wiped as part of his daily routine, so that it's easier to transition into tooth brushing later on.

What's the best way to brush my baby's teeth after they start coming in?

As your child's teeth start to appear (generally around 6 months), you can continue to use a washcloth or gauze to wipe out his mouth. (If your child still hasn't sprouted his first tooth by the end of his first year, don't worry -- some children don't start getting them until 15 to 18 months.) Or you can switch to a soft nylon-bristle children's toothbrush if you want to. As long as you're cleaning your child's teeth regularly, you don't need to use any toothpaste yet. Just gently brush the teeth on both the outside and inside surfaces twice a day. Brush his tongue as well (if he'll let you) to dislodge the bacteria that can cause bad breath. Replace the toothbrush as soon as the bristles start to look worn or splayed out.

When does my baby need fluoride and how can I tell if he's getting the right amount?

Your baby's developing teeth can benefit from a little fluoride. This mineral prevents tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel and making it more resistant to acids and harmful bacteria. Most municipal water supplies are fortified with fluoride (you can call your local water authority to find out about yours). If it isn't, or if you get your water from a well, consider buying a test kit from a hardware store to determine the natural fluoride level in your water supply. If it's less than .3 parts per million, ask your pediatrician whether you should give your child a supplement (the amount recommended for children under 3 is .25 milligrams per day). She can prescribe it in the form of drops that you can add to your baby's bottle or cereal once a day. The American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't recommend fluoride supplements for babies under 6 months old.

A little fluoride is a good thing for your baby's teeth, but swallowing too much of it can lead to a condition called fluorosis that causes white spots to show up on your child's adult teeth. If you live in an area with fluoridated water, your child will get fluoride from your breast milk or from the water you use to make his formula. Bottled water and fruit juices may also contain fluoride, although the amount is rarely listed on the label. There's usually no need to use fluoridated toothpaste until your child's back teeth come in (usually around 18 months), and even then you should let him use only a tiny amount each time. This is because young children tend to swallow their toothpaste rather than spitting it out. Swallowing too much toothpaste over time can lead to fluorosis.

When should I start taking my child to the dentist?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies have their mouth and gums checked by their primary care doctor before they turn 6 months old. If your baby shows signs of cavities or tooth decay or if he's at risk for developing these problems, the doctor will recommend a follow up visit to a dentist. (Risk factors include a family history of cavities and poor dental health while you were pregnant.) The doctor should also check to see if your child's teeth are coming in normally and ask you questions about how you're caring for your baby's teeth.

The AAP and most pediatric dentists say it's a good idea to bring your child to a dentist around the time he turns 1, just in case there's a problem that your family doctor missed or couldn't diagnose.

What should I do if my child won't let me brush his teeth?

If your child fusses every time you brush his teeth, it might help to buy him a special cartoon character toothbrush or toothpaste. According to Liz Birka White, a mother of three in Diablo, California, this worked well for all of her children: "Adam, my firstborn, really hated brushing until I bought him an Elmo toothbrush. From that day on, he couldn't get enough. It was just the ticket I needed to interest him in brushing."

You can also let your child have several brushes in different colors so he can choose the one he wants when it's time to brush. Let him brush his own teeth first while you're brushing your own, and then "check" each other's teeth to see if they're clean, and finish the job for him if he "missed a spot."
saw the above in a newsletter from huggies. just sharing with you gals since we recently touched on topic of toothpaste and brushing...

finally cleared my lump after bb marathon latching yesterday... maybe he knows mama pain pain and decided to help me! haha... but when latching also very very pain lor... now still a bit sore but much much better liao...

thanks sus / missycandy!
Hi Mummies

I was just sharing with Daze on the hot stone that Mdm Rokia's team use during the massage. Ms Candy, i suppose Mdm Rokie is from Malay Heritage right? I bought the stone from them too and it's really very useful and can do hot compress on my own. Perhpas my lump is not that serious so manage to clear. It's really a relieve since my girl dun latch now and no way to clear it. I only experience lump once in a blue moon. choy choy.

Perphas Sus or those mummies that experience lump easily can get this stone to stand by. I hope it work for all of you. Feel very lousy whenever experience tat!!!

I will order 1 for daze, any mummies interested?? I have sms Mdm Suriya and waiting for her to advice if she has extra stocks. As i order 1 for my friend and she will deliver to me by next week.The price range from $12 on wards.
dazed: i tot they r only sizing down? now closed down?

thanks for sharing the article on tooth caring

Novakido: so sorry to hear abt ur bb.. it mus be v stressful and tiring for u n ur hubby. glad ur bb is recovering.. no lah u r not scaring us, just let us know more..

sperzz/willting/piyo/suika: im not sure if i have asked u gals b4.. but r u gals going back for checkup w dr A? theres a one 6 mths later right? ehhe
nova: Your baby will be fine, don't worry too much k. Its really thank god that you discover it earlier. Just wondering, your baby didn't get any fever when he goes for his vaccination?
de_luxe (de_luxe)

I read the site

My bb is now 5 mths, by 6 mths.

I am excited to just give my bb a banana or something so that she can start to just bite it on her own.. Kekeke!

I wonder if she will choke on pieces that she bite too big... Touch wood

HOw ah?
blessedmum, I was not asked to go back to see in 6mth time but I think willting was told to see him. I was told to do pap smear in another 1yr time. I wonder y, mayb bec this is my 2nd C-sect so no worries for me?
mercs, I went to KP in J8 to get the Bumbo tray, got 20% discount. But hor the tray dun look very new leh. But I go ahead to buy. Mayb I know y Compass pt KP said no discount liao, the price tag stated is special offer but then in their sys is catergoise in normal price. So mayb the sales saw is special offer so tell u no discount.
Hey any one still needs to buy a JUmperoo.. Got a mother want to sell her jumperoo for 150?? Less than a year!Good Cond!

I am getting mine already this Sat!
KP MS - just called for enquiry last fri and now they are gone?

blessedmum....I have not even went back to him for my pap smear as yet....

ashley....is there any co-relation issues to note of when bb develop post vaccination fever...
wats the status for the 6th mth gathering....it's only abt 2 weeks away...

Friso talk / demo...can I go ahead and reject them since confirmation has been done wif Nestle?
ladies : in case anyone is getting a thermomether, TFFY is selling the Braun ear thermomether at $123. I bought mine at abt $145, so this px is good. BTW, i gave up on the petit terraillon...
dunno leh, i wanted to go kp ms yesterday but my colleagues told me all boarded up liao, so i din go, maybe i drop by to check out later... they say space will be taken up by mothercare... wanted to get the bumbo tray too... managed to "book" a bumbo seat at $35... haven't collect...
sperzz: really ah? maybe tomorrow after i pick kyler from IFC, go back put bags liao then bring him go KP at causeway point...
thanks for the info...

gelato: tat time i bought braun one also this price at guardian...then got rebate if use UOB ya..i think braun is a more reputable brand...but then i tell u the battery very fast low one dunno why
sperzz: i just called KP...they still said its nett price...maybe i should just go counter and ask them to scan the price again? your side the sticker also put nett price ah??
mercsboy : u got at $123? 1 memory or 8 memories?UP for 1 memory is $12+ & 8 memories is $14+. Last week, my boy had high fever, so $14+ i oso grab... (1 memory 1 no stock). Yes, Braun is very good & accurate... the auntie at Unity told me it can last for 10 years, but my 1st Braun died aft 6+ years... anw, what's more impt is - it's accurate. =) your batt die fast? AA batteries?

just wondering as nova's baby condition is due to low number of neutrophils in the blood. As white blood cells are our bodies major defense line against virus and bacterias, thus was just wondering whether symptoms such as fever will show after vaccination.

I guess its pretty common that after a vaccination baby tend to get fever. Based on my understanding, we constantly have diligent guards running around in our body to see if there are any invaders. Once spotted, the 'guards' will try to destroy them and at this time the brain will be alert of the invader. The brain will then raise the temperature of our body in attempt to kill the invader. Thats why we have fever.

I guess some babies are really strong, before the brain activate the rise in temperature, they have already ko the invader.

For my baby, the first 6 in 1 jab, his temperature went up to 37.8 highest, i gave paracetamol as doc says anything higher than 37.5 is consider a fever when using digital thermometer under the arm. Second jab, his temperature went up to 37.6, i waited and it went down shortly. NO paracetamol give. Was hoping that next one he will not have any fever again.
hmm im using cad thermometer, so far so good leh..

piyo: u didnt go bhack for pap smear!? Y not? tot its good to jus check make sure everything is ok

dazed: u want to let jiahe try on my bumbo seat first? cos now when i try to get him out, his legs will get bit stuck in between leh... so u may want to let him try on first, if not wont be able to use the seat for long..
sperzz: oh really he didnt ask u to go back.. hmm.. maybe lor 2nd time ...

saw some of u talkin abt having 2nd one!? sO FAST!! anyway, i think i will wait for rabiit year, if really want... tho abit not willing, i hate the issues that come along with bb..(external factors)
blessedmum: i no go back for the PAP smear test....so happened i've a free body checkup which hv PAP smear test inclusive....u no ask y nid to go back?
mercsboy:maybe u try calling other KP?i called 3 of them and all 3 said got discount leh.

blessedmum:ya,when carrying zonghan out of the bumbo,his thighs will get stuck a bit.but still got a bit of room to wriggle ard. =)
gelato: i bought less than $120, think about $110+, i bought 1 memory one...i dont think need 8 memories leh...i want simple and easy to use one..haha...
i find the battery use very fast leh...ya aa batteries
mercs, ya J8 the price tag is stick is at Special Offer but the lady told me is normal item in the sys liao so got 20% discount. Mayb u call KP n asked them to scan n tell u the price and tell them how come other KP got 20%.
mercsboy : ya, actually 1 memory is good enough, but i needed to get 1 urgently & they hv no stock, so i grabbed the 8 memories 1. Anw, so glad i bought the Braun 1, my boy's temp went up to 40.5 degrees last Fri, quickly sponged him.... batteries wise, i dunno yet.. cos mine is new. My old Braun was using those round flat battery for watches kind....
sperzz: ya...i shall do that tomorrow when i go KP...coz i want to go buy the spiffies also..

daymoon: have to see nearby KP...i shall check 2mr...u called which KP??

ear thermometer can be used on our infants? Will it be accurate? Haha i still using the traditional under the arm way with a digital thermometer.
