(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sperzz: thank u for checking
Shann: we're thinking of taking trial lessons @ Gymboree when our babies turn 6 months. Nothing firmed up yet as to date and venue.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies! Wanna order HT baby food again? I can collate as I'll be SAHM from next week on :)
This time round I've added Stage 2 baby jar :)

15% DISCOUNT if we hit above $250</font>

Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash

Cabana Banana

Country Apples

Fresh Carrots

Golden Pears

Sweet Peas

Sweet Potatoes

Stage 2 Baby Jar (6months &amp; up)$2.30
Sweet Potato with Apple

Island Fruit Jumble

Orchard Fruit Peekaboo

Tropical Fruit Medley

Sun-Sweet Strawberry Kiwi

Peach Banana Muesli

Pumpkin Pie

Little Vegetable Stew

Harvest Time Vegetable Dinner

Farmhouse Country Vegetables

Aloha Mango Chicken

Grandma’s Turkey Dinner

Little Bear’s Chicken Stew

Jasmine Chicken Luau

Raspberry Glazed Turkey

Baby Cereal (4 months &amp; up) $6.90
Brown Rice
miaiko x1

Baby Cereal (6months &amp; up) $6.90
Barley Cereal

Oatmeal Cereal

Multigrain Cereal

Teether Biscuits - $5.60
Maple Biscuits

Vanilla Biscuits

<font color="0000ff">I've just called up HT, most of the baby jars not enough stocks. Fresh Shipment coming in end June. Therefore, mummies here can place order first, and I will make finalised order with HT end June. okiez?</font>
sperzz / Pinkie : i m not sure... i was a weekend parent for the 1st 2 kids, so no idea at all... hehe... but i m buying for my 3yo boy to use... bb's usage shld be very small... perhaps we take cheekygal's post as it is? 2-3 mths per tube.
Gymboree - if u gals want, I can ask them this weekend - cos I will be at Tanglin Mall for kindermusik. Can ask them to set up a session for level 2 trial. How many interested - can start a list?
Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash

Cabana Banana

Country Apples

Fresh Carrots

Golden Pears

Sweet Peas

Sweet Potatoes
ashley x2

Stage 2 Baby Jar (6months &amp; up)$2.30
Sweet Potato with Apple
ashley x2

Island Fruit Jumble

Orchard Fruit Peekaboo

Tropical Fruit Medley

Sun-Sweet Strawberry Kiwi

Peach Banana Muesli

Pumpkin Pie

Little Vegetable Stew

Harvest Time Vegetable Dinner

Farmhouse Country Vegetables

Aloha Mango Chicken

Grandma’s Turkey Dinner

Little Bear’s Chicken Stew

Jasmine Chicken Luau

Raspberry Glazed Turkey

Baby Cereal (4 months &amp; up) $6.90
Brown Rice
miaiko x1
ashley x1

Baby Cereal (6months &amp; up) $6.90
Barley Cereal

Oatmeal Cereal

Multigrain Cereal

Teether Biscuits - $5.60
Maple Biscuits

Vanilla Biscuits
Oops, just saw bbstarlet's post on gymboree.. Ok never mind then, lemme know if u need help cos I did have a long chat with them last week on their program and their packages.
Mercsboy, come la!

Earlness, come la!

Er... In view of the hot response to our MASS Gathering, is there a bigger venue option? EmQ- any bigger room?
thanks pinkie pirate. everything has been planned so pls don't make any changes le. i'm fine. i will probably just say hi and collect the items from sperzz. it's ok cos anyway i usually go back to my mum's place on sat.
pinkie: think its too packed...i shall forgo this round of gathering...see u next time

cheekygal: huh...this walker sooo ex...baby stuff so ex
pluf: haha.. u so funnie leh. u can buy lah, since you all print money at home. hehehe. I also intend to rent the jumperoo to try out.

cheekygal: u very good leh, even rem the price. I have a similar walker, a full month gift. but my mum not in favour of such walker, say it's dangerous cos baby got nothing to lean against...
currently I have that item in my storeroom..was giving by my hb brother..and now i have 2 friend and my bro bb gal is gg 1yr old..so i dun know to keep it or to give either one..by the way, I also might not able to gg for the gathering..cos one of my gf just give birth..and next month will be her bb full month..scare she will invit on that day..if not,i will still gg for the gathering..this month gg to spent alot of money to buy so many gift leh..
cjteng: i kept some gifts that was given by others during my son full month that i dont use one, coz i know of 3 going to give birth, so might as well keep and then give them...hehe...stingy me..

blessedmum: i got go the pinkie gathering and another at suika house leh...u both also didnt go ma...
mercs:at least u can give leh.i do keep some..but hor..my gift is boy want lor..and now there are 4 bb gal i gg to buy for them leh.haiz..no money liao lor..
Hahaha Kamy...

In life mus feel happy!and have fun talk = my rubbish talk. Muaahhaahhahaha Must dream of legalise printing machine mah....

If not get wrinkles fast!!
cjteng: vouchers leh? my company tat time gave me $200 eu ren sheng voucher, i also keep and give friend that got bb girls...
i still have a few gift sets.
kamy: i studied too much on toys. lol
had to do so to give good justification and convince hubby.
i like fishe price and leapfrog toys.

cjteng: the walker u posted here has alot of good reviews, keep it if u can.
mercs:wow..your company so gd..give u vouchers..i dun have lor..nvm.maybe this sat gg to shop and see any item to buy for them.
Pinkie/ Babystarlet:
I want to send for the Gymboree too! Though it's not so much of a trial for me la... cos both my older girls went... but now no time to sign up for regular class, good to just go for ad-hoc sessions... esp with friends... hee hee.. best still if all our own group... hee hee..

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
cjteng: i learnt something. not all exp toys are fantastic. like the $35 toy giraffe teether i bought.
brayden prefers to chew and play with the hankie than the giraffe.
mercsboy: I agree with Pinkie le... think there are more mummies asking to join us... I'd really love to meet everyone...

Mummies: Perhaps we should consider moving to a bigger venue. Calling for big bungalow owner (sorry, offhand, can't remember who it is)... hee hee... can accomodate bo? Or any one's workplace has a huge meeting room for use?
cheekgal:ya lor.sometime even we buy so exp end up our bb dun really appreciate it..haha excuse for me..no choice..me no work so no money to buy for him..:p
cheekygal: your boy brayden is very lucky to have a mummy who is into toys leh! hope my boy won't feel deprived next time cos i didn't buy much for him. I'm too practical already. and hb doesn't care about this.
gelato > paiseh jus nw rushing for meeting,no time to check all the posts.
me letting go,but since sperzz is consolidating for u guys,so is okie.
If in future,u find not enough, den let me noe.
if not,i jus keep and let my hubby brush teeth with it,haha

sperzz > actually i tink same function,jus cartoon different.haha

pluf > i tink u can inform the moderator.

pinkie > no issues.i just call them to ask see if they give special rates.

gymboree >

they told me for trial,they dun give,bec mummies might not sign up after the trial,so not profitable for them.
but if we can confirm signn up the classes,they can work out something for us.
currently their promo is 12sessions + 2 sessions = $399
Pinkie/ Babystarlet:

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
Disappointed. Some logistic problem. Supplier might not b able to sell the toothpaste to me.

Pls on hold the order first. Will get back to u ladies tomorrow.

Very sorry.
change my order..coz silly mummy here forget that I want to change the brush after using a while..

Biotene First teeth Toothpaste(w/o brush):$9.50
(expiry date: 31 Oct 2011)
Order list:
cherryale - 4
blessedmum - 2
daymoon - 1
A-n-g-e - 1
Earlness - 3

Biotene First teeth Toothpaste (w/brush)no choosing of colour.:$15
(expiry date: 01 Apr 2011)
Order list
A-n-g-e - 1
ni -1
Very interested too and the Kindermusik class as well!
Pinkie/ Babystarlet:

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
wah.. the thread moving so fast.. no time read.. i oso wan to attend gymboree trial class.... count me in.. keke

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh

If there's kindermusik trial class.. count me in as well.. hee!
