(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Hi Jeslyn,
If talking about recover without pain when getting up, able to walk & pass motion with ease, it took me less than a week to recover.

This was my 2nd c-section and my progress of healing is the same for both.

For massage, you can do it 1 week after your review with gynae.

with all the teething topics in the forum , i decided to do a gum check n realized that her molar is coming out..

i feel so bad now that i koe all her crying, fussing was coz she was in pain... i think i mention b4 that my gal behaves like a model , never drinking more than 50ml since 2 1/2 mths thats y i latch her and has been drooling heaps, changing bibs as much as 3-4 a day...

cant imagine she has been in pain for the last 1 1/2 mths, n mummy dear here only realize that she is teething today, exactly 4 months old...

haiz.. my gal is growing up so fast... i still can remb her so small, (sorry emotional here)
flo: sometimes when i see kyler younger pics, i also got emotional...so small (was only 2.7kg during birth), discharge 2.5kg...and now 7.8kg liao...
sometimes i think we deserve a pat...good job done..hahaha
mercs/flo/miaiko: mi too....was carrying my friend's bb oni 6wks n it reminded me of my boy when he's still so small
yah time flies.. my boy is 6 mths old. At birth so tiny, only 2.49kg. Now he can kick so hard, pulls my hair, punch his daddy's face

Oops, I shd check my son's gums too
Hi flo,

Ohhh... this is such an endearing scenario. Finally found out the reason why baby is fussy ya. So her molar is out? You mean her back tooth (the chewing tooth)? I thought it's usually the front bottom tooth that came out first. Haaa.
HI Cheekygal,
like what Pluf has mentioned, it is a latex pigeon teat. Is your baby OK with bottles ?

Hi Flo, are you sure molars coming out? Those are usually the last teeth to come out leh..... Usu it is the lower or upper front teeth first.

Hi Fluffy,
Think you should see a doc. Aren't you worried? Could be a referred pain from somewhere else? Did you say it started from the tongue?

By the way, HFMD - how did it affect you physically? Was it very very bad for you?
I still remember during this time..gynae told me that I m preg and bb is about 6 wks after me and hb back from our aust trip. :p
KT(ktan) my baby don't like to drink milk nowadays. always have balance of 30-40ml. very difficult to coax him drink when he play with teats, hit the bottle, scream and struggles.
SINGAPORE: A 22-year-old Singaporean woman who returned from New York has tested positive for swine flu, in the city-state's first confirmed case,
the Ministry of Health said Wednesday.

"Singapore has confirmed its first case of influenza A(H1N1)," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the patient was being treated at a communicable disease centre and was in a stable condition. The woman was in New York from May 14-24, returning on a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday, during which she developed a cough.

The ministry said all her "close contacts" will be quarantined and provided with antiviral medication.
cheekygal: yday my boy also refused to drink milk...struggle and struggle...then got to keep changing position..think almost 50ml is drips out one...
Various kids different signs... But mostly are fevers, nappy area and ard thigh area with red spots... Need to check mouth.. To see any ulcer... Can start with one ulcer and spread to alot....!! Ulcers can be on lips,gum,tongue as long inside mouth...
FYI, adults and elderly will be infected or might be the one spreading to the young...

For those bbies in ifc or have elder toddlers siblings attending school one also have to take note..

Sorry ar... If the way I put is making everyone worry ... But these are based on experience

Ya... Tongue... Finally seen a specialist, they given me medicine, but... I stubborn, dun want to give up and stop bfging...

Hfmd- can u imagine my whole lips full of ulcers... Machiam like sausagedog!!! Gum and mouth also have... The pain!!!!! Yet I need to eat healthily as I'm still bfging ... Yet I can't drink and eat properly becos will trigger the pain...and there is no medicine to cure... Only given painkiller... I also try not toconsume ...
Plus my nerve pain... Piangz... Really feel like banging my head
against the wall or jump out of the window
My #1 also haven't recover, crying in pain can't drink can't eat... Keep crying.. Need to make sure she not too close with #2

Ya... That's y I ask my hb to get me super high premium
insurance... Before I go see doc... Cos I super scare that it's cancerous ...
dazed - for lumps blocked ducts, u might wan to consider calling Mdm rokiah. she is an expert is blocked ducts! the mummies in my march thread all use her.. she charges $58/ visit... she will help u massage ur boob... and if need be, will use a stone to massage as well... many of the mummies have said that when she does it for them, they see fountains of milk squirting out and all ovr the plc... but she is mainly for blocked ducts de.... if u wan cn pm me for her number... =)
miaiko - i wld also like to order the HT food... but u mentioned end of June right? then il give u my list then? i wan to see if the motherhood fair will have any booth or promo as well. hee. TIA!
fluffy:thanx for sharing the info.ohno!!..that's must be dame painful leh..mouth full of ulcers!!!sorry to heard that u are in pain.*pat *pat.hope ting get well soon for your kid and u.Take care.
mummies, update on caleb's neutropenia status. Apparently his white blood cell count has improved a little but still need monitoring. will need to do a rechk in 2weeks time... in the meantime must keep ourselves hygienic, handwashing, avoid crowded places, etc...

sus: think will still go ahead with the gymboree trial class even without discount. want to check it out as well!
btw, how much is the trial class?

just wondering, any mummies here starting to try for another baby already?
novakido:thats good news. =) must be a relief for u. we will only start when our boy reach 1yo..need to rest. haha

Haiz,with the confirmed case, dun noe if need to start taking temperature again daily.
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus
2. Ashley
3. Samantha
4. EmQ
5. Dazed (tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido
7. cheryl83
8. Kelly Koh
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (depending on time & location too)
11. ni
12. Miyuki1
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy
15. Moonbay (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (depending on time & location)
Hi mummies, an alternative to First teeth toothpaste. Can be bought at Kiddy Palace, it's flouride free.

Pureen Toothpaste:
- Comes in 2 sizes (40g and 70g (I think))
- $1.50 and $2+ (forgot is $2.35 or $2.50)
- 3 flavours : Strawberry, Orange, Mint

Miyuki1: Is there one in Marine Parade? Ok, me not so updated. I thought the one in the East has closed down liao... anyway, both Tanglin Mall & Harbour Front are fine for me, not Marine Parade though...
Oh, btw, considering that the car park is cheaper at HarbourFront & it is easily accessible by train, perhaps we should have one at HarbourFront & maybe another at Marine Parade for the Eastern mummies?
Sigh... I'm feeling so sianz... just found out that I need to work on a Sunday in Aug... can't believe them man... says family oriented, yet organise event on a Sun! Whole day some more! & I doubt there's anyway to siam it... plus I doubt it's 'compensated' one lol...

Since getting back to work, been bombarded with lots of shit news... before my gears are even warmed up, now feeling like leaving man... considering options.. may consider a transfer... hmmm...
nova: glad ur boy is better, sounds scary...

like daymoon will try wen bb is 1 yr old... somehow having sex is not on my mind now haha..it has taken a back seat
Miyuki1: There was one at Tanglin Mall, then another at Hougang, then Marine Parade, then Hougang closed down (think Marine Parade too), then HarbourFront open... hmm... but I'm not sure of subsequent developments liao...
Nova: If HB & I finally decide on a #4, we'll start soon... cos getting old... hahaha... but we haven't come to an agreement on that, so for now, leaving things in God's hands... hee hee... latest target is Jan 2011 for #4... after which, no more means no more...
flo: sometimes i find myself very ke lian...even dont enjoy sex anymore...still got to satisfy him as a wife...haiz...

emq: trying for a birdie???

novakido: good tat he is okie liao...
i think i will try again next yr then close shop
hey, talking about trying for another bb. for mummies who had c-section, do you all know how long we have to wait b4 we can have the next one?

anyway, next year is tiger year. don really want to have tiger baby, esp I'm hoping for a girl..hehe. the next one rabbit, so ok. if wait longer, can have dragon! haha...
ya lor daymoon, the prof says dat 95% babies who gets it should improve with age... crossing fingers otherwise next time caleb goes to school i will faint. haha...

flo, the first time i recieved the phonecall, i was so sad i kept crying, my poor MIL have to tend to the baby.... hehe now better liao... it can be life threatening if he catches a serious bacteria infection lo.

talking about sex right, are you ladies ok while doing it? i can still feel some discomfort... ask my gynae and he says nobody tells you but sex is never the same anymore after you have a vaginal birth! you need to relearn the process again!

wow EMQ! number 4!!! way to go!!! hubby and i are thinking of 3... dunnoe wat is a good time to start...now breastfeeding also no menses so dunno the cycle as well...

kamy i also thinking of rabbit leh!!! but then now that my current baby is having this blood condition wonder if i shld have another to save my next baby's cord blood? although the doc never say anything about cord blood transplant also...
kamy:my gynae told me the gap shld be about 2 years of birth-date. =)

dragon babies sure very stressed i think..especially for pri 1 registration.

is there any special tax savings if have 2 kids before age 30 ar?Thought i heard from someone before.. hmmm
mercsboy: No, we want another girl! I dun like sons... HB loves girls too... hee hee... then again, like what I said when we had #3, we want another girl, but if God grants a boy, we are fine since we had 2 (then) & 3 now... hee hee..
Miyuki1: I haven't been to the Tanglin one since #1's time (long ago), I think the staff has changed totally... it was the only branch in those days, so nothing to compare, but I liked the staff then... for #2, we have been going to HarbourFront... generally fine with the place & staff... but find the air con kind of cold for the little ones. The franchisee is a friend of my friend... she super sweet talk... I'm so afraid to talk to her cos the last time, she talked me into getting the membership, which I did not utilise lol... cos no time, could only send #2 on & off.
nova: glad to know that your boy's condition will improve with age. since you now know more about the condition, you will be able to take care of your baby. I can empathise cos when my boy was hospitalised, I also cried a lot.

u mean u intend to have a baby earlier so you can get the cord blood? hmm.. u ask doc whether it's an option first lah.

daymoon: 2 years of birth-date gap is just nice! hehe.. actually our babies are born at the beginning of the year. if we want them to be 2 years age gap, we can still wait a little longer. hehe.. i also think it's better to be pregnant when our baby is older than 18 months or older. cos they will know how to walk. don have to carry so much... now just want to give baby lots of love and attention.
daymoon: That was pre-baby bonus scheme... nothing beats last year's bb bonus scheme... best for 1st time parents... cos they trying to encourage those who haven't given birth to start & then a little more for those who already have kids to have more...

BTW, if it's a 2nd or 3rd child, does not matter if dragon child, cos already priority scheme to join older sibling in the same school... so not an issue for us la..
kamy: Actually at 2-3, they still wnat to be carried alot... esp if we are out & they are tired... & at that age, they are super heavy lol.. but then again, we have HB to carry them mah...

I like my 18mths gap.. cos can really see my #2 relate with her bb sister. While it took #1 a long time to reconcile with the fact that she has a sibling!
daymoon: haha! dr wong told me the same thing. He asked me to plan and use protection. He told me that he would want to see me in two years time NOT four months.. =)

emq: I agree! Although my girl is considered difficult as compared to the rest of the baby girls such as sperzz's delia, flo's victoria, mint's jewel and carol's ashley, I won't mind having another girl.

mercs/cheekygirl: We have been fighting with my girl with the bottle for two weeks now, especially the last 30ml. She just refuses to drink.. She will be satisfied with just 100ml or 120ml the most. Sigh. A few months ago, she was a bottomless pit. She drinks only 5 feeds with an average of 110ml per feed. Hope it's sufficient.

Any of your babies "move" when they are sleeping? LeAnn sleeps on her tummy at night, then she will move from one end to the other. Sometimes still can U turn. However if she's trying to fall asleep, she gets frustrated when she hits the side of the cot though there's cot bumper.
Kelly: my boy sleeps in yaolan n he can flip inside to tummy n slp 1 lor....most of the time he wana turn back cannot den will start to wail waiting for help, that's where i hv to keep waking up to help him turn n turn

kelly: yes...kyler too! when morning check on him, he usually sleep sideways liao...i call him snake now...sure can wriggle lo!
he also sometimes left 30-50ml...i just leave it and give balance to my dogs...he also one period drink milk very fast...now i guess coz he is teething so uncomfortable...
