(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Pinkie, ya ya.. Dr Chan very strict abt wt gain but also gd for you mah. For your info, I only put on total of 8kg for both my kids and managed to lose all on the 3rd day after I gave birth.

pinkie: my baby around same range as you.. but hor I think among all of us wif small babies, my tummy is the biggest lor.. my tummy had a sudden growth spurt this week but I think its due to weight gain..

autumn: the KKH also got package or is visit by visit? how much u pay? I was impressed by the facilities at KKH so think my next one maybe want to go there.
autumn...dats good at least he din put up any fight or get too cranky to be pacified...sumtime it's amazing hw kids can adapt so fast...guess alot of time it's the parents who always thought they cant...
Giggler, that's great man! Ya, Dr Chan has good reasons for wanting us to keep our weight down. Do you feel like you HAVE to watch your weight when you were under Dr Chan? I feel the pressure le... hahaha! Now you are with another gynae is your weight gain the same?
giggler...dats cool man...im wondering wat will happen to mine after delivery...looking at the 'trends' set in the family as wat happen to all my cousins.....tough luck to slim down so quickly...
Pinkie, I didnt feel the pressure cos my wt gain was never above 2kg every mth lah. But my col felt the pressure cos she had wt gain of 3kg... hahaha.... This preg I ate alot more and wt gain alr 6kg now leh. Dun think I can maintain my record of 8kg in total, just praying hard that I put on less than 10kg
Giggler, I tell you hor, I purposely try to schedule apptment in the morning cos weight increases throughout the day. Got one time I weigh at home in the morning and then I weigh again in the afternoon at Dr Chan's place, I was heavier by about 1.5 kg! So that day kena scolding ! Hahahaha! So now I prefer to go in the morning.
giggler: oh how come? most weight loss is due to water is it? I have a lot of friends whole pregnancy only put on 7-8 kg.. amazing.. Im already at 6 kg so its probably not possible for me..
Autumn, Piyobaby, ya actually knowing the gender means the fun starts earlier - hubby and I have a lot of fun buying clothes for the bb. Next one, hope it will be a girl, shopping will be even more fun!
giggler...the tummy can be due to the expansion of the womb so take a longer while to get back in shape...

pinkie...the fun sure come equate wif the spending too....cant imagine hw much more we will buy shd it be a girl...hw to resist the cute little things a bb girl can have..haha
Piyobaby, from what I read, seems like you managed to control your baby expenses very well - normally don't hear of you buying many clothes la. Think you will be quite ok even if girl.
sus: They do have a package, which I took up last time with my first, but as this time I am actually going to give birth overseas, I didnt sign up for the package. I am paying about $60+ dollars per visit, which includes normal 2d scan. But it does not include vitamins. I will be leaving November end to where hubby is working =) Wished to give birth here though..as already comforable with my gynae!
pinkie...if not bcos i was jobless for the past 2 mths...cant imagine hw bad the spending will be man (partially controlled by hubby too)...yet still buying clothes for bb....wouldn't dare to say so for girl...haha
piyobaby : haha. im always the one who control my hubby not to buy clothes for my daughter! now, i still control him not to buy clothes for my 2nd one.
my hubby is a big spender in spending money for his childrens.
im always the one who say NO to toys, NO to this and tat.
today too busy to come in after lunch, busy fighting fire... hehe... kena ticked off by client, but fault lies with our ops team... haiz... bo bian... one ear in one ear out...
Oh, 2 kg/month. Yay,, I don't feel so bad after all. I gained 2 kg last month. Previous months around 1 kg each only. OK. Back to my control diet so that I don't over-gain

Aiyoh, you ordering already! I'm so not ready! Just managed to repair my boy's cot so that it can be passed down to this baby. Next task, tidying up the 'guest' room and refurnishing for 2 boys.

You should get some mattress protector for cots. Usually some sort of vinyl. But gotta check the size. Try Robinsons. But maybe you can first try the usual cheaper kid's shops - Kiddy Palace, Baby's Kingdom, Toys R' Us. I've been using one bought from the US since I was there 5 yrs ago. It completely encases the mattress and zips up. Fortunately, I bought 2, and still have one to spare for this baby. The present one is torn already. Bbs do pee and poo out of their diaper (leakages) and having a protector is great - just wipe down with dettol. Most of the protectors sold here are just placed over the mattress and secured round the corners like a fitted sheet. Must try to get those not so noisy types, and not so hot.
You'll need a few sets of bedsheets. Cotton is best cos it's easy to wash and breathable and least likely to cause allergies.

Autumn Leaf, sus,
Actually, KKH has changed their package recently. They no longer have the antenatal package where you pay a lump sum for 10 visits. That was quite a good scheme. Now they just have a pre-pay scheme where you can save time after your gynae visit by not having to wait for the billing and appointment queue. Can just go home right after seeing the Dr. Not really worth it, so I didn't sign up this time since the appointments are fixed for you and if you want to change, gotta ring up after that. The only perk is a $100 voucher for the KKH pharmacy AFTER you deliver. I pay around $70 per visit including urine test, for my gynae who's a Senior Consultant.

Where is your hb? So exciting! You're relocating?
priviledged....thanks for the info..din noe they even have protectors for cot mattress....wouldn't it be very warm to have the vinyl protector...how to identify if it will not be so hot...will look around for bedsheets...=)
wow.. all mummys still awake ah.. cos not working so come in and chat ah??hahaha I log in cos..hb still working so i dame boring lor..haiz..
piyo: I forget leh.. I not alone lor..cos I got my jovan bb with me..hahah in my tummy lor.. alway follow me here and there..hahahah
piyo: alway talk to him la..hahah alway reminder him not to sit on my bladder lor...just now wan to shop for my working bag..and he keep on sit on it..so cant concentrate to shop..end up come back.. and even kick and kick..haha
piyo: ya lor..that time..I dun feel he kick..so I talk to bb..can you kick mummy..let mummy know u there... then he kick..hahaha..somtime really so suprize me lor.. as bb know and response.
Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude into your thread. I have a Medela PIS advance for sale. Use 1 week only and now letting go at $530. There is still a year warranty. I will be throwing in 3 boxes of milk storage bags and 2 X 30mm funnels. Interested, please contact me at 93664880 or pm me. Thank you.
ohhh hohoho......
sent my 2 boys & maid to PIL's place!! a night of peace and good sleep... tmr hope to wake up late... unless HB disturbs me... horray!!
hope every mtbs anjoy their weekend!!
samval & cheekygal: the cream that i bought from my gynae for the back pain is named "BENGAY Pain relieving cream" its green in colour with white cap.

its not bad i think, relieve my pain
today just had the 1st anenatal class...well, the exercise part i really feel very comfortable and mrs wong is good...and after attending the lesson, i find that my hubby actually understand more how i feel and take care of me even more!!
so remember to drag hubby along man!!
<font color="ff0000">Babymallonline items are here, I need to pick up from the post office. Will let you all know when I have sorted the items out.</font>
do PM me when you're collecting payment. Cos sometimes, i might be busy and not check the thread often.. thanks for all the effort..
Noticed that my tummy felt bigger since last night. I had run out of multi vitamins for 1 week plus, then just got some on friday and after i popped 1.....in the night like bb grew! Hahaha think its a mental thing....or perhaps? Tummy really seems to have grown though =o
babystarlet...i went for the 7-9pm class la...next lesson must learn to be smart liaoz....dun arrive so early...we waited for close to 30mins lor...hee
samval / privileged

almost a week has passed since the last visit. hai... and i'm still unhappy abt not being able to see my baby on the scan. wonder how is she doing now, how heavy, whats her size etc. the suspense is killing me... i hear all of you talking abt ur checkups i lagi more heart pain that i don't know anything abt my baby at all

discussed with hubby liao. gonna give him another chance. tmr will call up and ask if the machine is ready for scan then go down. if he dare to give me attitude problem again, then i'm gg to make a huge fuss and leave the clinic. not gg to give hubby face liao. so what if he's his fren. cannot like that de ma, right?

cheekygal- cord blood can donate de meh? how to go abt it? do we have to pay for the procedure?
piyo: i agree too! waited for close to 30 min .. mrs wong said the class would usu take 2.5 hours

was trying to recognise mums from 2pm clock class and 7 pm class leh.. haha! but dunno who was who wor!
morning girls... bb was notti last night... keep moving and wouldn't let me sleep until past midnight... then this morning start again close to 6... haiz... been up since then... can feel headache coming...
yest morning went to "The first Few Years" at KKH to buy the avent manual pump. Left the Phlips Avent type and only abt 10sets. Those who r interested need to go n buy soon. The offer is while stock last
just back from tangs. used my vouchers to purchase baby items... most items having 20% off. bought avent nipple cream $20.40, avent breast shield $30.10 and pigeon powder detergent $8.90, all before less. And also pigeon breast pad $8.90 and pigeon wipes 3pc $10.50, both nett..

btw, those who bought the nursing pillow at taka bb fair got a good bargain... me got the pillow for my sil today, cost $40+ wor...

babystarlet: ya lor..i left quite fast coz rushing off to orchard to meet my japanese friend ma...i see u next week huh...

piyobaby: i also cannot remember, but my hubby remember leh. but i think drag him along the class is good...he seems to understand pregnant woman more lor, and extra take taken towards me. hehe...oh our class i think is the 1st class (2pm), so it started quite punctually, we waited for 10 minutes only becoz alot of them were late.

blessedmum: u attending the 2pm class or 7pm class? coz i only know babystarlet same with me
