(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercsboy: i attended 430pm wan.. waited qte a while for 2pm class to come out.. saw one whole stream of mothers coming out.. haha! got wonder which is u.. but think stil cant recognise!

if not wrong, got mothers attendin 7pm wan too

just came back from causeway pt.. resisted buying another cot bedding set.. gotta restrain myself.. next mth den buy.. saw that they have the yellow bedding set *suitable for boys*..

went for my antenatal lessons (7pm) yesterday, quite fun and interesting.. trying to recognise the faces, cos thot there's someone here in the same class as i am...

i still go for mani/pedi leh.. in fact, planning to do it at least once a mth till dec bah..
Probably your gynae is following the american style. When I had my #1 in the States, there was no routine scan at each visit. Every visit, the midwife just press press and measured my tummy and listened to the hearbeat and declared me good to go. It was OK with me. I had just one scan and that was the detailed scan at 20 wks. So don't worry. But then again, maybe in Sg you'd expect more since it's routine here to scan at every visit.

Donation of cord blood is absolutely free, except you 'pay' with about 3 vials of blood just before delivery. You can register with SCBB at KKH.
any mummies still interested to order fitti NB and S size diaper @ $10 each?
Collection at Bedok or during my monthly gynae visit @ lucky plaza next month 19th.
blessedmum....ya cos 1st lesson abit kan cheong so arrive earlier lor....im oso trying to spot familiar faces among the ending 4.30 class but failed...haha

mercsboy...good for u...my hubby still blur blur amid the lesson for massaging....goner...haha but he's more receptive on alot more things realted to pregnancy now....his fav statement is now "Mrs Wong say...." keke

sel....i went aussino just now and saw a yellow based bedding set too (promo at $69.90 nett) but a pity i cant buy cos my bb cot size differ quite alot from the 'std size'...im oso in the 7pm class...surprising even 7pm class oso rather large...
morning... bb was notti again last night... keep moving and wouldn't let me sleep until past midnight... then this morning start again at 5! haiz... sleep on left, he kick left, sleep on right, he kick right, sleep on back then now headache at back of head!
mercs: morning. thanks i will go to the pharmacy to check out the cream.

morning ladies, its Monday. hb travelling again tmrw. sian sian sian...
hello morning ladies. its monday again! OMG!
another 5 days countdown to weekend!

yah i agree with sperzz, we should discuss about the bbq food le. the headcount is almost confirmed right? the last time i counted was 15 adults (include spouses, and 7 children)...

oh ya, i bought the drapolene nappy cream, from a "old school" pharmacy already. cheap $4.50 only!
Gd Morning all mtbs...

was sad yesterday when I reach my mum place..and reliase that my lovely dog was giving away by my mum without inform me......but after all i understand her problem...but I still cant control my tears..keep droping from my eyes while I drink my bird nest at my mum place..
when I go back to my hb car as he is waitnig downstair..he saw I crying..he say izzt my dog died..I say not..he is no longer at my home.. my mum give it to someone..haiz..sob sob..I keep thinking whether the man will treat my dog well.. will my dog can adapt their place..haiz..
.... after we go makan as it is my father bday.. my sis-law was v bad to my mum..as my mum wan to carry her granddaughter..she dun wan to let her carry..and keep petting her dauhter to sleep..feel pity to my mum as until now she still have not carry her granddaughter yet..so I told my mum.. next time u can carry jovan more ok..
Gd Morning gals.

Samval : at least ur hb coming back on Fri, so you're not alone on weekend. Cheer up. =)

sperzz & ni : i'm neutral with the food, anything is fine. Portion wise, me & my kids are not big eaters. =)

ni : rem u were looking for a baby's jacket, i happen to see tis - http://www.littletoez.com/qt-pg-3-9.html
morning all,
played mj till 2.30am yest.....heehee heartburn issue back again n i vomitted alot more blood this time....can see it's really blood....how how? i'm getting scared
gelato: no lor..anyway is a long story..before there is a inaccident..my brohter and her quarrel without caling his mother-law..and sis-law..cal my mum.. and scold my mum..say hw u teach your son..etc..after all this my mum told me..that's y she refuse to let her carry her granddaughter..then got one time..my mum go her place..she say my mum show bad face.. wow lau.. yet she yesterday show bad face can.. my mum cant..she really too much lor..my sis-law mother give in too much and spoil her daughter..so now she no big no small and treat my mum leh..we cant do anything..and just dun bother her..cos she is only dauther in her family..dame angry sia!!
suika : sounds very scary leh... got call ur gynae & ask? if not, see a GP? sometimes i find GP more kan chiong than gynae...

cjteng : i see, this kinda issues very sensitive, best is dun take it too hard. Younger generations shld oso give the elderly some due respect lor... ea person give in a bit, then everyone hv more peace... ur bro muz be feeling very sandwiched oso...

BTW, dun feel too sad abt ur dog, i believe the new owner will treat him well. If they dun like him, won't adopt him in the 1st place lor... Actually i m not a dog lover (in fact, scared of dogs), but when my bro's dog went missing, i actually felt very sad (like a family member missing like that)... so i understand the dog owner will be even more sad... anw, take care lor, dun think too much abt it, at least u know he's in good hands. =)
i agree suika, call ur gynae and ask lar. vomit blood can be quite serious leh. and i think u should rest more. 2.30am a little too late leh.. thou i can understand the temptation of mj... but for ur lil fello, but endure the temptation =)
gelato:thanx. ya mum told me..the man adort him want is working in the market..if my dog cant use to it..will take back from him..cos mum really cant handle anymore..haiz.. about my SIL.. i feel that she really too much.. think yesterday when she say my dad and mum..also dun cal them..during my wedding time..she refuse to sit at our table to take family photo..dame angry lor..
cjteng : oh, like that u can fang xin liao... at least there's an option of taking back the dog.

Re ur SIL, not so nice to do these things ley... she blamed ur mum for not teaching ur bro properly, then she herself oso dun reflect that her parents teach her properly lor... ask ur mum to take it easy, no point getting upset with her, hope she come to her senses 1 day. =)
morning ladies.

gelato > u noe of any baby sitters at our area?tink i need to engage 1,instead of asking my mum to take care.tink is she were to take care,will have more conflicts with my hubby.

she occassionally say out some bad words and that day my hubby ask,if ur mum next time teaches e baby such things,den how?me really dunno how to ans him sia.
Morning gers!

I agree, Suika, blood sounds serious and none of us have that issue.. better go see ur GP or gynae and get it checked!

cjteng: wow ur SIL is pretty bold.. so tough this kind of issues and once sour is very hard to become good again.. u can sayang and care for ur mum more..

gelato: sorries din go by ur place this weekend.. was quite busy and we din go swim.. maybe next weekend? keep u updated and thanks!

sperzz: u know when the capella at kiddy palace discount will last until?
Babystarlet : i do not know of any, but i can ask my MIL if she knows.

Ur mum & ur hb not on good terms? is ur mum wkg? will she feel upset if u dun let her take care of bb?
sus: I am not sure lei, mayb u can call n ask them. But I think this 20% not only in Kiddy palace, I think is island wide...btw u got ask abt the Avent pump, KKH still got abt 10sets when I went there to buy if u wan must get it fast. They also had promo for the pump with the the thermal bag, only at 100.90 instead of 159.
cjteng, gelato, ni & samval: i think i'll go see woody tonite see what he says ba....he not the kanjong type i rush dwn see him now oso no use....think i'll keep my mc for better use later ba

cjteng: wad happen to ur dog? u let out for adoption?
Hi Mummies,

i'm selling away my Medela PIS-Shoulder Bag that purchased on 1/7/08 from First Few Year (paragon) at $530. Warranty till 1/10/09. Reason to sell, and when the babies arrived in end Sept 08, decided to stop breast feeding completely after a few days.

For more info, please email me at [email protected] or sms 93664880

I will also be giving away my - :
-breast milk storage bags (75pcs)
-a pair of 30mm medela breast pump funnels
-disposable breast pads 6 boxes
Morning everyone,

I have used a pair of scissors on my bed yesterday, forgot about it, after three cuts, then remember cannot used scissors on bed. Oh dear, how? will affect anything to my bb...

suika: i think you better go and see GP, since our gynac doesn't bother much on this issue. at least can consult GP and see what they said then decide whether still need to see woody or not...
gelato: ya lor..sometime I wonder y my bro wan this type of gal to be wife..she really too much..haiz..

sus: i will.I told my bb..next time must sayang her alot as my mum will be taking care of him..

suika: ya.My mum pass it to someone adort him..without inform me..
but i understand her reason..as I also cant be selfish as she is the one taking care my dog..
good morning ladies...

notti bb was kicking all the way last nite.. v big movements.. from after dinner till past midnite... she's getting stronger liao.. can see v obviously that the tummy was moving.. my younger sister was pretty amazed when she saw the moving tumm...

vomiting blood sounds scary leh.. better seek professional help asap... hmm... maybe shld stop the late nite MJ sessions..

think i know which is you liao.. u were wearing a pink halter top right.. hehe.. look familiar but dun dare to call out to u... looks like Mrs Wong's words affect the men alot.. my hubbie also v funny, started talking to bb and tuning in to 92.4 in the car instead of the usual class95..
suika, must take care!

I went for check up last Sat. Baby weight at 992g @ 26w3d. it's in average range.

by the way, i went popular last week, saw a very interesting book (put at toddler shelf) call my baby first book. In fact it's a record book for baby from birth till age 8.. created for us to record baby birth date, baby size at birth, baby's first family photo... first day eating porridge... etc etc... it's really a good memorial for BB... for those who are lazy to create blog like me, can consider buying, it sells at $9.90 only
cjteng: passed to someone u noe? if yes can be like mi got time go visit lor

sel: not the first time liao....den woody says it's normal n after taking his med better liao so i no bother but now no more med like that again....haizzzz
ladies, got 1 question, any1 bought Zojirushi thermal flask b4? if we getting for JL or Robinson got discount or nett price item?
swan: thanks for the concern.... i thinking of getting an album to detail all these down but i think i'm those lazy type....heehee
cjteng : love is blind, there's no logic to it. =) there're many out there who stick to their spouses who are drug addicts, rapists, robbers, etc. Some still want their spouse back even tho they hv been unfaithful... so ur SIL's case is consider 'mild' in comparison. Who knows, she may change for the better, as she experiences motherhood herself. =)

willting : these are juz old wives tales, take it easy lah... =)

Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Willting: Don't think about it anymore. My friend forgot about it too and she sewed a button on her bed. Her baby girl came out healthy and pretty.
