(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Also, last couple of nights I read that some were looking for the avent manual pump that was on promo for $59.90? Its still on in 'First few years' shop in KKH. Donno till when but its quite a good buy! It was the Avent packaging and not the Avent/philips one!
gelato...im concerned that he will get too used to it so when he's back home refused to sleep in the cot..must make it a point to remind her that just place him in sarong enuff...not the constant rocking motion...my cousin's daughter got so used to it that the moment the motion stop, she wake up and cry....can faint!
piyobaby : yes, that's very true - my MIL told me too. She says juz rock the baby to sleep, then STOP rocking... dun spoil them. So, we only bought those manual ones, not the electronic types.
piyo: I also used sarong for my boy from about 3 wks old till 18 months!

Had to use the electric motor too, but it was my mistake coz in the begining kept on rocking him in it, though he still never slept! Kept being busy body! Anyway, I actually sold the whole stand n motor 2 months ago! Decided gonna try teach next baby to fall asleep by her self! For my sanity at least =) Keeping fingers crossed I will succeed!
gelato, haven talk to my maid yet but I intend to extend her for another yr. That's why I trying to tell you to 'ren' lah. You may get along with your maid as time goes by.

blessedmum, must ask my hb to go there for dinner one of these days.

piyo, I only tried their teppanyaki and it expensive.
gelato....the story of my cousin's child realli give me a phobia on the sarong...imagine my poor aunty have to stay up all night rocking the bb to sleep...perhaps they feel much secure like enveloped within the sarong thus can sleep longer....supposed to be much cooling too wif the holes in the sarong...
autumn...it's gonna be tough when ur boy have been so used to it...so far hw's ur attempt to wean him off the sarong...

giggler...ya expensive but nice lor..
piyobaby: Hahaha, are you the petite type? Was told by some aunties that perhaps due to my height, I am able to hide tummy? Not sure how true this is though! Yr bb around that weight range too?
cjteng: thank u for checking...means i should be receiving mine soon..

ni: i dont have walk in wardrobe...but i also have alot of clothes...and i tell u i am a shoe freak lor...i think now i have around 70-80 pairs of shoes??
autumn....neber close to the petite type la...more like the reverse...haha guess my pre preggy tummy oreadi bigger than ur current...=P my bb est to be ard 750g oso...
Sperzz: Do u know when is the offer ending? Ive been seeing it at KKH shop for the last 2 months already.

Autumn: U at KKH? Do you have a fixed gynae? Glad ur bb is all well =)
Giggler : Thanks, hopefully that materialise. =) & hopefully you get ur maid to stay too, at least confinement time got someone u trust to look aft the older kids. =)

piyobaby : yes, they're very secure in it, juz like an adult holding them in arms.... but not so advisable to let bb sleep in the sarong thru the nite... may not be so good for the bones, i guess... & hopefully, we dun hv to go thru the same 'ordeal' as ur aunt... =)
gelato....there have been some objection to the use of sarong as they believe that it's unhealthy for the proper growth of bb's spine but come to think of it...hw many of us doesnt grew up sleeping in sarong...
mercsboy: me also a shoe freak leh *high 5* the last time i did a count, i have 100 pairs of shoes, but after being preggie, added on more pumps and sandals, at least 10 more pairs. wahahaha. i know i spend $$$ like water. must control!
piyobaby : Honestly, I was quite uncomfortable abt the idea initially too - read all the whatever findings by the professionals lor... hehe... then, like u, i oso thot most of us grew up in it mah... so what's the big deal? hehe... but we do take safety precautions, like placing a mattress below the sarong, not rocking too vigourously, only limit sarongs to afternoon naps (never let them sleep thru the nite in it) etc etc.
ni: i already throw away alot while packing my shoe cupboard tat day...u jialat lor, shoes freak, clothes freak, babies clothes freak....ur money neverending one ah...
so much money to spend one
sus: Yeah I am going to the TPS in KKH. Same gynae for each visit. Dr Wee Horng Yen. Quite an entertaining gynae as compared to others I experienced =)
ni/mercsboy....im known to be a shoe freak as well....every company trip overseas....the 1st time they ask by end of the trip will be 'hw many pairs of shoes did u buy'....neber fail to be less than 8 pairs so far....hee
gelato....dats always the case as science & technology progress...more and more things that we used to do become not so healthy afterall....guess gota take everything wif a pinch of salt otherwise make life difficult for ourselves...think the mattress blow the sarong is impt even though they are supposed to be very sturdy..
autumn, my bb measuring 670g only... which also probably explains my small tummy. But gynae said from now on, bb will concentrate on putting on fat, since all the organs developed already. Eh, anyone here bb around my bb's range ar... seems like most are at least 700-800g plus.
My friend just delivered a bb boy today! She is very happy and relieved cos this is their third child and they already have two girls and hubby wants a boy. They didn't find out the gender until bb is delivered so can imagine how excited and happy they are now!
hello, for the tmc antenatal class, anyone of you know if it will start of with the exercise first? my hubby has something on at 4pm so i'm wondering if i can get him to join me for at least the 1st part of the class tmr..
mercsboy....as i have very broad feet thus most of my shoes are open toes...being vain..bite oso continue to wear...when they are abit more seasoned then much beta....
I actually dont mind a smaller baby again! Easier to carry and birth! Just praying she will be a healthy one =)

Pinkie: You also experiencing small tummy? I am still wearing my usual clothes... havent grown out yet
piyo: when bite hor...i will never touch tat pair again leh...my last clearance, i gave my shoes to my friend's maid...some still so new one
gelato, hopefully my maid agree to extend another yr. At least I dun need to worry abt my cf.

ni, wow!!! You have more than 100pairs of shoes? Kow-tow to you leh. Must try to save money cos economy really bad with current mkt situation. Sigh….

Pinkie, congrats to your fren on having bb boy as they wish!!!
piyobaby, actually i wanted to avoid knowing the gender too, but hubby was quite keen to know, so i do it his way. Maybe next one can try, since already bought all the basic baby stuff.
I dont think I could ever resist finding out bb's gender! Just too much suspence for me =p
Think even if I try for a 3rd, despite already having one of each...I'd still want to know e sex asap! BUT.....probably wouldnt let hubby know! I very cruel huh!
hi pinkie, im not going for the bbq. You received the items already? Maybe you can send them by post if it's not too inconvenient for you? Else i can collect from you... hmm where's your work place?
piyo: didnt realised you asked me about how I weaned son off the sarong!

I actually weaned him at 18 coming to 19 months when I went to australia for 1 month. It was like no choice for him coz didn't have one there! Had no problems, infact, when we returned and I tried to put him in it again, he was terrified!

He is now 3 + years, but still needing me to be in the room with him to fall asleep!
mercsboy...i have bad habit la...dun like to throw away shoes de...my hubby say i machiam garang guni like dat....neber wear yet keep...haha

pinkie...but being kept in suspense is no joke lor..my hubby even more anxious to noe abt gender than i do...hee
Autumn, actually I wish I had a bigger tummy le. Already 6 months pregnant, still look like normal. Yesterday went for facial, the therapists also cannot notice. How often get the chance to look preggie right? Don't understand those people always talking about how they can still hide their baby - feel like they don't really want to be preggie, hahaha! I want to look preggie!

Sekali third trimester balloon up very fast, higher chance to get stretchmarks and look like fishball on a stick! hahaha! Hoping to be more gradual la. I prefer to look like nicely pregnant - not too small, not too big. But my gynae is strict about weight gain, and I'm quite 'scared' of him in this aspect. hahaha!
