(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercsboy: yes its $18! hehehe. so your ah boy will be a little bee? mine is a little tigger! hahahah. sure will be so cuteeeee!!!

ctjeng: i clever leh, i take his car, go orchard shop shop. bought a pair of zara pumps, go makan with colls, nice food. make myself happy. den i sms him, i going home, he say fetch hime also. haha. so i picked him up at 10plus loh. everything is alright! "JIE DA HUAN XI"

piyobaby : i mean they selling at BHG, but i didn't chk the prices, cos' got no intention to get... hehe...

me lagi worse - only hv 1 & only set of mattress cover, which comes with the cot. I juz wash & put it back... no extra set... =P anw, baby sleep on the bed with me most of the time... =)
merc: selling where?? got doremon or not?that time i saw a lady buy..one suit wan..look so cute..if got, I want to buy..
hi ladies...

i am compiling the mum & bb list of things to prepare and come across this under misc cat.

anyone has any idea what's it for?
"sterile thermoplastic tray with swabs & swabsticks"
cjteng: sorry, this year is 30 for you right...30 years old need to change ic...ICA send a letter to me informing me to change ic photo, they send in sep which is my birthday month...I apply leave on Tue and go down to apply...
willting: me also turning 30 in 2 weeks time leh...when u receive the form?? coz i haven receive mine ma..

ni: ya ya..i bought the bee one..the ladybird one also so cute, but i think suit girl more.

cjteng: no doreamon leh...only animals...bees, ladybird etc...
ni: really nice planning sia..hahah what a gd choice that u drive his car out & enjoy..happy for you.
actually sometime I also do that with hb..he work then i go doing my thing..then after that he come and fetch me..at least wil not waste time and also make each other happy..
willt:i dun get the letter leh & dun dun whether they gg to send me or not..cos mine already is a new vision wan..heheh..

merc: oh..then where u saw it?at the MRT station below?? maybe later drop by and see see..
sperzz: ya but i have some info to update so make a trip down..

mercs: i received somewhere sep which my birthday month...if you didn't receive, don worry, wait for a period, if by this year never receive, better call them...
cjteng: no, its at a kiosk at this hitachi tower...

willting: ya...u know i was trying to dig for
slimmer pic ma...end up i cant find, so went to take another 2 mths back, but still look so chubby. heng that day while packing my stuff, i managed to find an old pic still slim one...hehehe
ni: i saw those dresses for girls even more cute and pretty leh...u hor, boy already buy and buy, if yours girl, lagi jialat, confirm will buy more hor...
cheekygal, i cannot help u buy leh. cos they sell at booth (push-cart) kind one. The last time i bought mine is at a push cart at level 1 amara hotel. now no more liao. if i see them in amara again i will notify you ok?
gelato...i was in fact considering the latex matt...Babysafe...now u make mi reconsider the choice...beta to get another set cos my laundry area not much sun so take longer time to dry...

ni...mine is a boy too...but likely not getting the comforter set as it seem to hot for our weather...gota find out if they do carry onli matt cover...
mercs: ya la. i was thinking. luckily mine is boy ah. if girl huh, wardrobe sure burst one. the girly clothes is damn damn cute one loh! Yesterday i nearly end up buying one Baby Gap jacket with hood, but no size! hahaha. i wanted 9-12 months, left 18-24 months, a bit too big la, wait too long to wear...
sperzz: go down personally, wait for 30 mins, can collect the new ic immediately.

mercs: haha..me too, go and dig don know how many years ago photo..

cjteng: 2 yrs back..why don you call them to check out...
giggler: u also noticed alot of pregnant ladies? my office got me & another colleague. but i noticed i see alot of pregnant ladies leh...then somemore majiam around our gestation one...then scully our period is peak period...
mercs: yah lor.. I see and know lotsa preggies around.. esp my age one.. among my friends already got 4..

Girls: Is it better for bb to sleep in air-con or fan ah?
merc, ya ya... theres once one lady gave up her seat to me in mrt but once I sat down I saw another preg infront of me. Hahaha.......
mercs: hahaha. no lar. i stop buying clothes le. just will like to get one more jacket, in case go cold places mah, eg, shopping centre, or clinics, etc???

and hor, peak period is good. when the beds that your requested for is full, the hospital will do a free upgrade for u ma... isnt that gd???
piyobaby : if you're taking care of the baby yourself, then it's ok, u get to make ur own decision. For me, i hv to respect what my MIL tells me... =)

ni : i find some baby GAP sizes are quite big wor... my boy boy 2.5 years old still wearing their 18mths jacket. I'm wondering how many wardrobes u hv at hm, for yourself? hehehe...
willt: nvm la.hehe they dun bother.. I also dun wan la.. wait hor they ask me to redo again..:p somemore this IC i pay $50..hehe
hahaha. Gelato: i have a walk in wardrobe, 3 cupboards, i take 2. but not enough. i use the other wardrobe in the guest room.. hahaha. my hubby always say i have alot of clothes. BUT, every morning i look at my wardrobe, i still feel that i got NOTHING to wear! HELP!
mercsboy: no nid to noticed coz my ofc itself already got alot of girls preg...hahaha
including myself total got 5...2 juz give birth another this mth den mi n may the last 1
ni : hahaha... me oso everytime complain no clothes to wear, then hb will say : "what are those in the wardrobes????"

Now that i m preggy, i really got not enough clothes to wear....
gelato, that's the prob of having grand-parents taking care of our kids hor? With maid, we still can tell them off if they dun do exactly the way we want.
ni, you really have lots of clothings leh.

suika, is our BBQ gathering still on? If it's on, I'll get the shampoo from you during the gathering.
Giggler : ya, that's true. But lucky for me, i get along with my MIL well (better than with the maid).... hehehe... most of baby stuffs, I'll listen to her... only those that i feel very strongly agst, then i'll voice out. So far, we hv mutual respect lor. =)
willt: the line is v hot..I cal lioa..she say if past 10yrs at your age of 30..if u dun renew before,they will send you the letter before bday..if u have do it before your age of 30,then they will not gg to issue to you anymore.
gelato, then thats good lah
Think you need time to get used to your maid. I took more than 6mths to get used to my maid leh. Then now her contract ending soon, I start to panic liao. Hahaha.....

suika, ok then I pay you the shampoo during the gathering hor?
hi all back from work! today went jurong hill top for jap food! Yummy and cheap!! ha!
wats today's topics?

no clothes to wear? same here gelato! always recycle after 1 week... kids see me also sian.. i see myself even more sian...
blessedmum, jurong hill top's jap food is cheap? Me too mah also recycle my clothings and some so 'retro' till my col said that it looked funny. Sian
gelato...my mum have made it very clear that for sure she will use sarong...cant object...but at home will use cot...gota remind her beta not spoil the child wif the sarong otherwise he wun sleep at home in the cot i faint...
Giggler : more than 6 mths? ok lah, better than suffering for 2 full years! hahaha... r u renewing the contract with the current maid?

blessedmum : wow! hill top -long time never go liao... now i m thinking of sashimi.... *drooling*

sama sama - machiam mon to fri uniform...hehe... but for you - can get a few more, since this is only ur 1st kid. =) dun tell me u wanna stop at 1? =P
giggler: OK lah.. bento set can get for 14 bucks and qte sumptious.. food taste wise OK too

problem is v inaccessible until got car
piyobaby : haha.. that was sth which i gave in eventually. MIL proved to me that baby sleep longer & better in sarongs, so i use that at my own place too - but only for afternoon naps lah, at nite, still sleep on the bed with me. =)

Hi ladies!
Finally went down for gynae check up today. BB is healthy and kicking. She is weighing approximately 700-800g @ 24.5 wks

Doctor said most probably will be in the 2 + kg range...so I am expecting another petite baby! Probably explains my rather flat preggie tummy!
Went to the pharmacy to look at some baby things, and the service lady thought I am buying for a friend! She didn't even notice I am pregnant! But she was friendly =)

Although the bb is expected to small, doc says she is still in range so everything ok =)

Finally had gained more weight myself too. Since pre-preg till now I gained 3.5kg.....meaning this last month I had gained 1.5 kg! The most in a 1 month period so far. Bet its gonna start getting easier and faster to gain from here on though =p
