(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika, do go see yr gynae asap.
blood in vomit sounds serious. *pats pats u*
take care.

sperzz, me too. still thinking whether to get the flask or not.
dunno whether to get small or big one.

anyone here who is under 12.30 slot of Mrs Wong's class every sunday? i went for my 1st class yesterday. really enjoyable.
suika: is a uncle working at my mum near by market.I will.

gelato:ya you are right.hope the day can come faster..
thanx for the advise..feeling better now.
gelato > can help me ask ur MIL.

my mum very extreme 1,always like to complain.very long story,i also
dunno how to say.is jus tht tension always very high and i really dunno how
long i can tahan.jus like yest,my mum was joking with my hubby and den my hubby
joked back,suddenly he say "why u not happy ah",den my mum kana offended.
nt that i side my hubby,but my mum is those extreme 1,everything she see,also not happy,i also dunno how.
cheekygal: saw him last few wks ago n he says it's normal wor.....haizzzzzz

cjteng: if he loved him den it shd b fine la
cheekygal: I wan the 0.35L but my hb wan the 0.5L lei. I got 1 0.5L at home already. 1 to bring out another 1 will put at home use
sperzz & sus: I also plan o get a bottle to fill my bb hot water..u gals getting from the web?

suika:ya. mum say he like dog.anyway yes or not we dun know..let wait for a week and see how my mum feedback to me lor..
good morning ladies....

i started work today so stealing some time to come in and say hello...=p

din had a good night sleep yest as well....toss & turn untill about 4+am then sleep...morning wake up 7am...

suika..u notti ar..play mj untill so 'early'...means u are at work now? shd go see him in the morning and rest at home ma....hope u are feeling beta...=)
piyo: so u at the stat board or ur ex ex company? yup at work now lor....supposed to hv company dinner today but they postpone to tml...if i noe i'll take MC today liao
suika, if u plan to see GP. remember to tell GP to give u meds that are safe for pregnancy, under category A or B is fine. Category C and D are no-no.

the flask i am aiming is SM-AE50.
dunno if it is worth getting it. or shd i get SV-GF50(aqua blue), more cheaper.
cheekygal: that 1 is mug.....if u open n pour water, heat will b lost liao.... i thought of getting that in the first plc too
gelato....abit stoned lor cos din sleep much last night...not sure if it's due to anxiety...haha

ni....thanks...went back to my ex ex company...very far away from town...

suika...ex ex company...u shd rest at home la...


ange...so far so good cos used to the enviroment and colleagues...
piyobaby : You'll slowly get used to it. =) Anw, i believe you won't be loaded with work on the 1st day, ya? Try to rest early tonite. =)
gelato...will get on fine...catching up & interacting wif colleagues so far,,

suika...work place in yishun....email to which account? hotmail ar?
suika...ya lor...dats part of my consideration....cut down on travelling time too which is abt 15mins drive onli...cos travelling to town is taxing...
Thanks for info on baby's first book. I received one for a gift for my older gal's birth, and another one was free from NLB for my boy, started off OK, but after a while, I got so busy, I never updated. Now the books are just gathering dust. Hehehe. I'm so lousy, I can't even keep up the info
. You may be able to get the NLB free one still by just going to the NLB counter and asking.

You could go see a GP first cos it doesn't sound like it's pregnancy related. If you're having gastric reflux, maybe the acid or the abrasion of the food has scratched your oesophagus causing some blood. It's not that you actually vomitted blood right? It's blood-streaks? Must do something about the reflux cos it could cause ulcers etc.
Priviledged: i think this time it's blood...coz its red last time it's maroon color....i see wad he says ba....if he gives mi normal med again den i'll consult GP

piyo: ya lor....coz our tummy gets bigger we'll hv hard time in travelling esp when ppl no let us hv seats
suika...ur situation does sound scary...think consult him beta than GP...

at least wif my current job, can drive to work, hubby oso not as worried...

yest went to cloud9 again just in time b4 they closed down...bought another few pcs of tops esp nursing wear to mix & match in my pathetic maternity wardrobe...not much choices & size left but they are realli going at a steal man...very worthwhile buying...if not reaching 3rd tri le...would have bought more....
Hi ladies!

Went for the Stemcord talk on Saturday, quite informative. Shall compare with Cordlife before deciding.

Also went around buying really cheap bb clothes - went to the wholesale shops at Lavender/Crawford Lane and at Waterloo. Had to buy some items in bulk altho some items can buy loose - bb cotton tops (button in front) selling at $20 for 12 and cotton shorts also bought in bulk at $15 for 12. Long pant can get 3 for $10. Mittens and booties can get 6 sets (mittens plus booties set) for $7 or better quality ones at 3 sets (mittens plus booties set) for $7.
Sperzz, actually they sell more or less the same stuff. I didn't compare the prices la, after I bought already from one shop, I just look at other stuff when I go to the next shop. Anyway already so cheap, just go to the one that is more convenient I guess. The one at Waterloo is opposite the Kwan Yin temple, but you can't see from the temple cos its at the corner ground floor and blocked by a staircase.
