(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

yes, 4mth ML and 6 day care care leave. But nvr mention when take into effect!!! BB bonus still have to wait for WOng Gan Seng talk in this week. Who mention 4mth ML b4 the rally?

sperzz...ppl who work in the stat board but cant rem who mention it here....still have 1 week infant care leave for kids > 2yrs old....
the BB bonus is more for the first time mummy. When I had my son the bonus take effect Aug but my son born in Mar so no bonus and now 2nd BB still no more bonus for 2nd BB...haiz....hope the mwasure take into effect immediately, but siad nxt yr Jan...then I faint...bec some of us here might give birth in the late Dec.....sianz...and I think I will give birth in the late Dec...
sperzz...mi left my job so not entitled ML oreadi...so heart bleeding...nearly go bang wall le

zill...may have to wait till further announcement by Wong Kan Seng cos din mention when will take effect...
ya. yeah yeah yeah for the 16 weeks maternity leave. but no increase in paternity leh...

but not bad lah, got days child care leave, and one week infant care leave...

i was hoping for more subsidy for maid levy... but no have leh, only subsidy for child care center.. but still very exp one lar...

i think wong kah seng will announce the details within this week, i think we surely can enjoy the benefits one right? they wun wait till like 2 years den implement lar. hope frm immediate effect
piyobaby: ya...dun bang wall first dun bang wall first... scarly next year after CNY then take effect leh??? then we all bang together!
last time the new measurement effected in Oct. So this time, i think roughly should be about the same period... think most likely we would enjoy the benefits...
childcare leave is for both parents, but the infant leave I think is unpaid for 1wk...I think the company cannot penalise for taking unpaid leave..
i think it should base on the citizenship of BB as last time... if the BB not a S'porean i think most likely it would not benefit from these...b'coz all these are to increase S'pore population...
NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87):
You can still sign up now. Just need to call up TMC parent craft and say you want to sign up for the class. You can get the tel no from the website..
I am signing up for oct classes, under Mrs Wong (the supposedly famous tr around)

yes heard its 4 mths maternity leave! haa hopefully its taken effect at END OF THIS YEAR.. so all of us can benefit..
piyobaby: ya lor...I am going to employ a maid and my elder son also going to childcare....if got more sub for maid will b better....
sperzz..agree that maid levy adjustments beta than child care cos not all kids go to child care mah...

swan...wats the current tax rebate relating to children like?
arrrggghhh! please have the policies implemented asap! Or else I have to coax baby to stay 'indoors' till actual EDD 03 January and not pop anytime earlier! *faint* what if he pops out 31 Dec 2359 and the policies only effect 01 January!!!! ARRRRGGHHHH!
blessedmum (newmum11): u signing up for Oct but why this saturday need to go lei? i'm so sad.. the baby bonus i think i cannot get.. haiz..
is it bcos single mom???? the gahmen quite against single mom one leh...

even for maternity leave, they can only take the 8 weeks given by employer, not the full 12 or now 16 weeks...
divorce liao still can get meh? i think cannot ar.. 6000 dollars lo.. i can put inside the deposit for them to study next time.. gov still got top up some more.. the second one, my ex husband spend finish all the money.. den never put inside the saving tat gov top up for us de.. now headache liao lo..
heng i'm working at home.. got maternity leave or no maternity leave also stay at home.. lolx.. so never go n think about that.. is only the bb bonus i am heart pain..
oic fiona...u mean for the bb bonus oso not entitled? too much disclaimers le lor...they shd think as a whole for all mums instead of differentiating the many groups / category...
sumhow i dun really understand the statement - "Parents will get one week of unpaid infant-care leave a year, until the child turns two. It can be claimed by either parent"

if it's unpaid then why the word claimed?
piyobaby: ya, if i use Avent manual i cld empty my breasts. If empty, can produce more milk oso. If i use the electric ones, i never seems to clear up the milk in the breasts, & i had difficulties achieving letdowns.

As for the ML, dun feel too sad abt it. If you still in ur job, but not happy, oso no good for ur baby mah. So take it as an exchange for ur baby's well being. Anw, tis' ur 1st kid rt? Can always enjoy 4mths ML for ur subsequent kid(s).
gelato...thanks for the consoling words...just feeling realli sore abt it lor...not sure abt subsuquent kid....hubby only intend to have one at this moment of time...can only hope for better bb bonus now..

So long as they implement these measures before 2009, we'll all benefit. No problem if baby decides to come out earlier. I remember when they first introduced the baby bonus thingy, takes effect Aug, but my colleague's baby due 2 Aug was born on 16 July. She could appeal with letter from gynae & still get the baby bonus. So shouldn't be a problem for us... also not likely to implement next Feb.... by which time, they will be making plans for 2009 Budget... so doesn't make sense... but let's all take it in good faith... whatever is given, is still extra 'bonus' what... when I had #1, had nothing of these man... cos the 2001 baby bonus was only for #2 onwards... and when my parents had #3, #4 & #5, absolutely nothing hor... now #6 & subsequent ones also get le... anyone gunning for #6? Maybe with all these can ask hubby to reconsider... hee hee.. then I'll have my wish of 4 princesses, 2 princes... hee hee...
