(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng: i bought avent one sided one...coz can manual (if go outside can use) and also can use electric (use when electricity is available).

DaddyToBe > was ur price on breast pump at the baby fair?

Samval >better not to do rebonding as there is chemical.i understand that so long got chemical
is not good.

sperzz > is hard to accept.u can console to ur fren that there are patients who lasted
more than what e doc says,jus like my FIL.he was ill since last yr, e doc says he only gt few mths to live
but he also tahan till now.but these few days he quite unwell.

cjteng > i was considering bet avent and medela.medela is good but too expensive and i heard tht the valve and membrane cannot last for long.likely i will drop that as dunno how's my supply in the end and i dun wish to spend so much 1st,jus in case cannot make full use of the pump
samval / mercsboy, sleep more also no use leh...

rachel, is it? i find that when i lie on my back, the headache is at the back, but when sleep on side, headache is at side but will recover faster... goes off by the time i'm stepping out of the house, only to return in the late afternoon...
mercsboy...actualli sleep too much will cause headache too...for sure for others but it does for mi...

think the avent manual is worth investing since not too pricey and could be switch to electric pump...mayb take a look at the philips fair tis weekend....anybody planning to make a trip there?
babystarlet: The prices on the breast pumps were from kiddy palace. I believe the prices are nett unless there's some special sale somewhere. For eg, Philips Carnival like what piyobaby mentioned.
dazed: i can understand the pain..basically like what my GP said, there is nothing tat can be done except to wait for it to go away...haiz...

piyo: i bought single one...at that time the staff sale at $170+ after discount ah...what i regretted is i bought the sterilizer also...should have bought pigeon one...seems more worthwhile
mercs: no use leh. the more i sleep the more headache i get
from what i know of, there are many factors tat contribute to migraine/headache. could be tense neck muscle, could be blocked or narrowing of blood vessel around our neck area, could be straining of eye etc

re: Rebonding
did ask my hairstylish on doing rebonding, she say can do after 3 mths pregnant but not advisible. they even practice getting the customer to sign an agreement letter stating that they will not hold any responsibility if there is anything wrong with the bb. after heading that i dropped the idea of doing rebond liao. just let my hair go hay wire for the next 5 mths bah.
Samval,Mercsboy - me too have this headache/shoulder/neckache problem..but for my case it started off at the shoulder area (like strain feeling or sumting)den leads to the head..n now worst i m gettin the flubug i think..sore throat..loads of yellow phlegm..i gotten the virus like overnight,dun noe wat triggered it..so all MTBs pls take care..drink lots of water and rest plenty plus the weather is so unpredictable lately.:)
i oso dying to do rebonding... cos' my hair make me look like "Lion King" (okie, a bit exaggerated... but ugly lah...)... but i dare not do leh... scared chemical no good for baby...
haha... gelato you r funi.

Im thinking to perming the ends of my hair coz find my hair abit flat and boring. But duno how to tell the hair stylist and duno which salon is really good.
mercsboy (mercsboy) hw much you brought it?

Babystarlet (babystarlet) thanx for the info.. GUess will go and see hw much as I saw bb fair got sell for avent brand.
gelato, rachel & Miaiko: not advisable to do anything to our hair now except for cutting.....if really need to do reboning, mayb u can get those straighteners n clip ownself from home.....though not perm but better then nothing.....that's wad i've been doing
suika:eek:rh. Okie. which clip should i get to curl my hair? I noe nuts abt it. haha. duno how to do also.

any mtbs deciding to crop ur hair short near delivery date? Think I will look like a pretty boy if my hair goes real short. *lol*
showy: i believed there's a certain risk factor there that's y even hair stylist oso dare not do it for us.....that's y now we must resort in doing it ourself
Miaiko: i've already chop off my hair in Jan....now still short...still a bit more to touch shoulder....that's where the hair starts to go all directions *faint*

i know watsons got sell those clips u can go see see.....if u intend to cut ur hair now mayb u can like me cut now den later during delivery the length juz nice....not too long n not too short....don't forget during confinement cannot wash hair
suika : ya lor, i oso scared, that's why think will tahan until aft CNY. that time baby's out, & prices back to normal. but i dun think i've the patient to do clipping & blowing...hehe... will remain as a 'xiao za bor' for a few mths then...

Miaiko : i know what you mean - the perm. I did that in 2005 - perm fm ear down (if i rem correctly) & had the top part rebonded. I went to Kimage then, but the sylist has since left the salon. BTW, my stylist told me the chemical used for perming is the same as rebonding, so better to avoid now oso...
Dear all : I manage to call KKH - the price for Avent manual breast pump is $91.60 leh... i think it's same as outisde retail price?
gelato: KK says they selling at $90+? my colleague says manual pump oni selling $50+ wor....hmm i not too sure coz i no see it myself
suika: oh yes.. chinese say cant wash hair during confinement. But hw does it go actually? For the whole 28days?!! *faint* Hw can anyone tolerate this?
miaiko: aiyo...me also cannot stand dun wash even 1 day leh, how to tahan 28 days!! think i will have many many kutu (fleece) by then!
gelato (gelato) ya me also want to know the info hw much take bb fair sell.. if know let me know.. plan to buy pump too.thanx
gelato: i was still thinking heartpain if really $50+ oni....let me check with my colleague when she's back tml....maybe it's those stores at KK selling not the hospital itself

Miaiko: my godmum says min 12days cannot bath n wash hair....after that wan wash oso must boil herbs to bath n wash....thank god it's oni 12days for me...so if think i'll go crazy if it's full 1 whole mth
oh yes, the Philips Avent has 2 types, one is with Avent ISIS, the other is ISIS with VIA. The VIA uses stackable containers for easy storage. IIRC, the $91.60 is the VIA one
DaddyToBe & Miaiko : Thanks for the info, then looks like Taka has the best deal so far... maybe i shld head there this weekend. =)
DaddyToBe : So the VIA 1 is more expensive? Actually i prefer to use the normal 1, cos' VIA bottles can only be reused for 4 times - not so economical in the long run...
suika: 12days???!! *double faint* OMG. by then, my hb and BB will stay away from me coz mummy nt clean.. *sob sob*
Miaiko : at 1st i thot i cld tahan not washing my hair - cos' i seldom perspire, & my hair & scalp are dry types 1.... BUT when the real confinement came, i realised I perspire ALOT bcos of all the nourishing confinement food... then i resorted to SECRETLY washing my hair when MIL is not at home...hehe... *shhhhhhhhhhh!*
suika, my mom also said that at least the 1st twelve days cant bathe and wash hair. But it's very diff to do in Spore leh.
DaddyToBe,gelato: Yup the VIA is more expensive. Almost bought that too. But after understanding that the containers can only be used for max 6 times and gota dispose off, i got the other one with the milk bttle.

MTBs who is getting Avent breast pumps, do remember to get the warranty card from the sales staff. It does not come together in the box. I din noe and got back to the fair 1wk later to ask for it.
gelato: VIA bottles can only be reused 4 times? I wasn't aware of that. If that's the case, I also won't get that. Wife was considering that because of the storage capability.

BTW mtbs, won't the warranty start running if u get the pumps now? By the time bb is out, the warranty would be past 5mths. My worry is warranty issue.
the one I got is without via cups, that why so cheap ba.

gelato, haaha.... I secretly bathe and wash hair too. No choice lah iwth spore weather and I bfg
mercsboy...doesnt matter lor since oreadi bought it so dun think abt it....

Miaiko...dun think will follow the 'no washing of hair' rules including bathing....at most buy tose herbal stuff to boil b4 bathing / washing....dun wash hair for 1 day oreadi can fainted le....=p

Avent pump....perhaps can drop by the Philips carnival over the weekend to take a look 1st b4 deciding cos taka bb fair ending on sun so shd b able to make it on time...
gelatoHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! U r so so funi. Yah, maybe i shld attempt this also. Ahaha..

But on a serious note, anyone knws hw to overcome this "no bathing, no showering, no washing hair" during early confinement period?? Im desperate to know. coz S'pore weather is juz to warm & humid!
And YAH, with the confinement food we are suppose to 'sweat it out'. but not showering?? eeeeeeeeeekkk....
Ideally we are not supposed to wash hair, but who can tahan this? So unhygenic and itchy. I washed my hair every other day, and to compromise, I used a ginger shampoo that is supposed to be warming.
DaddyToBe : that's what I read fm the box 2 years ago - maybe u can double check? in case my info is outdated...

As for warranty, i dunno abt Avent. But for Medela, I've heard fm pple that you can tell them you got the pump as a gift aft ur delivery, & hv no receipt. They'll assume the warranty starts fm your delivery date.

I think this is a point, maybe we shld chk with Avent b4 buying.
Miaiko: Thanks for the info too. Then I don't want to get the VIA liao. Now considering between medela mini electric plus or avent iq duo.
DaddyToBe: Warranty card given is not dated nor with any dealer stamp on it. My hb suggest mailing in only when the date draws nearer, hoping that the warranty will be effective only late Dec or early Jan.
miaiko: haha ya its in malay lah... ya me too cant stand no washing hair...will be very oily. i think still can bathe provided we use those herbs rite? dunno leh...

Priviledged: where did u get ur ginger shampoo frm? thanks for the webbie.. going to check it out now. I love my Avent Manual pump too! *grin*
