(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

gelato: since u wana buy can make a trip there to take a look....i've already got mine so my hubby wun drive me there see anymore

Actually i rather gove give more hard cash then to give us more leave.......cash is more useful to use esp PDs are not cheap u noe n we wun hv to scare later ML go back will lose job etc etc....

sperzz : like that i worst sia... my co is merging with another... so there's a possibility that i 'll be retrenched next year.... how to find a job if employers sooooo bias?
babystarlet: ya i apply medicated oil on my temples, but no use, need to go with panadol than only effective.

i agree that they shld review the employment act to protect more women, regardless preggie or not preggie.
suika : provided my 'driver' agree...hehe...

For me, i prefer to hv more ML - it makes breastfeeding much easier...
gelato: this ur 1st child? if no then u'll be the safest in the company liao....coz ladies with a few kids liao are the 1s that r less likely to hv more....standard of living very high here so not many will hv more then 3 kids

samval: i agreed with u...all along i thought that when we preg our employers cannot sack us for being preg....but seems like i'm so so wrong...it's oni at the 3rd tri den cannot...like that got protect like no protect ley....once found out preg liao no other companies would wana take us in

i was actually offered another job but due to pregnancy, i was dropped out lor.....so sad rite
fiona: i tried to call parentcraft to register, but the lady so busy, ask me to call back in the afternoon...in oct means we about 7 mths pregnant already isnt it...
suika : tis my 3rd. It's true that propective employers dun hv to worry abt giving pple like us 4 mths of ML. Some may actually worry we cannot perform bcos of our family commitments. 1 of my fren hv 1 todd & 1 baby - some employers already mind... Next year, i hv 1 sch going kid, 1 todd & 1 baby - i think maybe they (employers) scared oso... aiya... but think so much oso no use lah.... juz take a day at a time... =)
gelato: that's at most anything u take ur own AL mah....not extras other then the childcare leave.... all ladies hv to go thru that stage provided all companies decided to go for all men oni la....heehee
mercsboy...parentcraft is super busy de lor...Oct lessons will be the most suitable for us cos otherwise the next lessons starts from nov which will be to raxing for us when we are approaching our EDD....im going for sat nite classes....=)

gelato & suika...from the way the discussion goes on 4 mths ML maks mi worried....how will I be able to find a job then after delivery...but I'm sure they could not totally employ only males and not females ma....
hai... i was already discriminated at a job interview that i had just before getting married... dun say now lah.. quite sad to see that SAHMs dun get anything in return for sacrificing their careers. So much so for following the Swedish policy!!
my HR already grumbling already...said more things to do...Govt only think of themselves never think of employers...nobody want to employ younger ladies liao...
my senior told me my boss last time deducted her bonus coz she always on leave..
I guess thats why PM Lee advised before he starts talking about the new measures that companies who are family friendly will be recognized by the government. I think we should not worry too much about the new measures. Ultimately, they still need a certain amount of people to work in the work force.
looks like life's unfair....have learnt it the hard way....we win some we lose some....it is quite near to impossible of having a balance lifestyle and pro-family companies belong to that just a small handful only...
mercsboy: bonus deducted coz always on leave? not fair wad...provided she takes unpaid leave then it's rightfully boss deduct bonus but if AL then it's our own leave to take mah

Ashley: i think gov wana cover their ASSES in case employers starts knocking at their doors too...maybe later on will give them more tax rebates too? who knows.... i only know if gov gives u something, he'll take back twice to cover their lost....gov when got give u $ liao n no increase another? NEVER ONCE LOR!!!
suika..isnt dat the usual so wats new....guess for most of us can only gladly take wat is avail / given beta than nothing....
Samval, the antibiotic i am taking is Amoxycilin.
I am still slowly recovering now. I now choose now to sleep in air-conditioned room, cos air-con seems to make the sore throat and running nose worse. Luckily the weather is not too hot recently.
Priviledged, my hubby and I had a brief talk about the stroller and your advice. We probably will buy the baby carrier first. Stroller may not be needed in the early stage.

Thanks ya!
we all book the same timing want? this friday den i go n book on the spot.. u all going for night classes or afternoon classes?

Time (subject to change)
Weekday Classes 7pm to 9pm
Weekend Classes Saturday
2pm to 4pm 4.30pm to 6.30pm 7pm to 9pm
10am to 12pm 12.30pm to 2.30pm
3.30pm to 5.30pm
De_luxe, I share your sentiments too. I am also a SAHM, and don't get anything... what to do? government wants to increase labour force and gets everyone to go out to work. They won't encourage SAHM.
NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87), you are refering to the prenatal class at TMC right? I called the other day, and they said that the class will be conducted at the parent craft centre at AMK. It this still under Ms Wong?

I am thinking of going for weekday classes, cheaper.
Kim & Deluxe....dats wat i think it's not fair for SAHM or mums working P/T...they shd assess the situation and perhaps allocate beta benefits to them...
Kim...which time slots are u refering to or all classes? I understand not all classes conducted by Mrs Wong...some by her nurses...
Piyobaby, I am not sure. I just called and ask for Oct weekday classes. They said i can book at TMC but the classess will be at AMK. Never specifically ask for Mrs Wong.

Do you know which one is confirmed conducted by her?
ashley: guess you're rite that PM lee did emphasize before he made the announcement. but hor, i think those companies that will get recognition are those big big ones, like HP, Siemens, ST Spore, all these which are already pro-family. as for those small small companies, even though they follow & abide by the rules to allow employees to go on 16 weeks ML, unlikely they will be recognize.

unless gov say they will give special incentive for employers, then i think alot of companies will participate and agree to this change of 16 weeks ML.
merczboy: me too gone thru what yr senior went thru lor... bonus kena deducted despite having good performance review... so questioned my boss asking if is it due to me taking mc & maternity during pregnancy.. but she said no.... & after that she said cos my col get more cos they cover for me when I am away.... it's really unfair...
suika: ya lor...coz her rate of taking leave was quite frequent...but i am around to take over her work ma...hw can the boss so unfair hor...
i also believe govt gives u something, will in turn take back lor, maybe increase in conservancy, pub bills etc la... end up its the same
Kim...it has been confirmed dat all lessons are conducted at AMK Hub now but not all are by Mrs Wong...may have to check wif them on the days u are keen to check if Mrs Wong is conducting the lessons....=)
ya.. wan to go for Mrs wong class.. but need to go there n book.. the class with be at AMK ar.. i didn't know tat.. u all going for the weekend or weekday class? weekday cheaper..
mercsboy....take a look at the ERPs...they give 15% rebate on road tax which translate to mayb less than $100 but over a year how much would one be charged paying for ERP...dats why ERP earnings double for last year considering dat it did not include this yr extras gantries...
piyobaby they still claim that the overall cost of owning a car is less now leh.. just blah blah??!!

kim are u SAHM too? I'm on contract job till Oct or Dec so the new benefits are of no use to me, except the increased bb bonus for 1st kids - assuming that it takes effect b4 i deliver lah. I know they want more women to go back to the workforce but still need to recognize that kids fare better if they are taken care of by a parent in their younger years. If there's some help for those who stay home for their child's 1-3rd yrs, it will already help and also to help those who did so to return to the workforce lor. I find it's no-win situation for SAHM, no benefits for staying home, no help when want to return to work force. After all, employers still discriminate against them.

Is anyone going for or has gone for the pre-natal classes at Mt A? Thinking of delivering there, so will be cheaper than TMC's classes. Dunno if they're good. Also thinking of going for the breastfeeding workshops by BMSG.
deluxe i am also going for the prenatal classes at Mt A. Mt A had sent me a brouchure by mail recently, but i left it at home, if not can try calling to book.
I also interested in the shampoo. Was looking at some organic shampoo but dont know which one is good.

During my confinement, i think i will definately bath and wash my hair, now i already wash twice a day, i cannot imagine not washing my hair for a month!
I juz called up "The First Few Years", they hvg promo for Avent manual pump @ $59.90 - while stock last or when their office call to inform them to stop the promo. So whoever interested, betta buy fast, or call to chk b4 making a trip there...

KKH #01-05 Tel: 62968280
Paragon #05-42 Tel: 68363693
Classes conducted by Mrs Wong are on Tue, Thu and Sat (all sessions).

Im going for the 2pm class on Sat, commencing 18 Oct.

Fiona, you can sign up over the phone first. Payment can be made later (when u are there to see your gynae if he/she's based there)
Hi mummies-to-be, im oso due end Jan'09 but hardly pop in here. This pregnancy is my #2.
This time, my appetite for bfast and lunch are ok but when it comes to dinner, i hate it. So different from the 1st pregnancy.

dazed, i oso tahan for 10days w/o washing my hair. as long as u dun hv oily scalp and dun scratch it then u sure can tahan all the way. Best is to endure for the whole mth. Old myths sometimes still comes true. I am a v yim jim mummy so insisted to clean my boy's milk bottles during confinement...end up my wrist hurts after the confinement cos my hands are alys in contact wif the cold running tap water.
u gals shld attend Mrs Wong's class before delivery. Even those not delivering in TMC oso can attend...its v enriching and interesting. Nvr see such a devoting lactation consultant before.
ladies: those who is attending the lesson can I borrow ur note n photocopy...I dun think I will attend as had some $$ issue.
Ashley, get the Avent Manual Breast Pump as its patent to enhance the let-down effect. As for electric breast pump, i used the Medela and the expressing is definitely faster. But personally, i will prefer to use the Avent Manual Breast Pump.
